46 research outputs found

    Formação de população base para seleção recorrente em maracujazeiro‑amarelo com uso de índices de seleção

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar índices de seleção para a identificação de parentais, para uso na seleção recorrente de maracujazeiro‑amarelo. Foram avaliados 43 acessos quanto a 18 características agronômicas, entre as quais a produtividade, a massa de frutos, o teor de sólidos solúveis, o rendimento de polpa e a resistência a doenças foram consideradas as principais. A seleção direta, o índice de seleção distância genótipo‑ideótipo, Smith & Hazel e soma de postos de Mulamba & Mock foram as estratégias de seleção avaliadas. As médias da maioria das características principais e seus valores de herdabilidade e amplitude indicaram a possibilidade de se obterem ganhos genéticos pela seleção. Altos ganhos genéticos foram obtidos com a seleção direta, porém com perdas indesejáveis em outras características importantes. Foi possível obter ganhos preditos de forma equilibrada, para as 18 características, com uso da soma de postos e do desvio‑padrão genético como peso econômico. Os ganhos genéticos variaram de 2,47 a 10,33%, quanto ao rendimento de polpa e à produtividade, respectivamente, e houve redução da severidade da maioria das doenças avaliadas. A aplicação dos índices de seleção, para a escolha de parentais de ampla base genética, é uma alternativa viável mesmo com a presença de correlações indesejáveis.The objective of this work was to evaluate selection indexes to identify parents to be used in the recurrent selection of yellow passion fruit. Forty‑three germplasm accessions were evaluated for 18 agronomic traits, from which productivity, fruit mass, total soluble solids, pulp yield and resistance to diseases were considered as the primary ones. Direct selection, genotype‑ideotype distance index, Smith & Hazel index and the sum of ranks of Mulamba & Mock were the selection strategies evaluated. The means for most of the main traits, and their heritability and amplitude values indicated the possibility to obtain genetic gains by selection. High genetic gains were achieved by direct selection, but with undesirable losses in other important traits. Using the genetic standard deviation as economic weight, the sum of ranks selection index made possible balanced predicted gains for the 18 traits. The genetic gains ranged from 2.47 to 10.33%, for productivity and pulp yield, respectively, and there was a severity reduction in most of the evaluated diseases. The utilization of selection indexes for choosing parentals with wide genetic basis to be used in recurrent selection programs of yellow passion fruit is a viable alternative, even when undesirable correlations are present

    Variabilidade genética de populações naturais de caroá por meio de marcadores RAPD

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    The objective of this work was to quantify the genetic variability within and among populations of caroá (Neoglaziovia variegata) using (RAPD) markers. One hundred eighty caroá genotypes from Guanambi, Juazeiro and Valente counties in the state of Bahia, Brazil, were analyzed. A high polymorphism was observed among the caroá populations. The genetic dissimilarities among all genotypes ranged from 0.08 to 0.95 with an average of 0.44. The molecular variance showed that 56% of the total variation was explained by the differences among individuals within locations. The differences among counties explained 17% of the total variation, while the differences among places within counties explained 26% of the variation.O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar a variabilidade genética entre e dentro de populações de caroá (Neoglaziovia variegata), por meio de marcadores "random amplified polymorphic DNA" (RAPD). Foram analisados 180 genótipos de caroá, provenientes dos municípios de Guanambi, Juazeiro e Valente, no Estado da Bahia. Foi observado elevado polimorfismo entre as populações de caroá. As dissimilaridades genéticas entre os genótipos variaram de 0,08 a 0,95, com média de 0,44. A variância molecular mostrou que 56% da variação total foi explicada pelas diferenças entre indivíduos dentro de locais. As diferenças entre municípios explicaram 17% da variação total, enquanto as diferenças entre locais dentro dos municípios explicaram 26% da variação

    Genetic diversity and population structure of Musa accessions in ex situ conservation

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    Abstract\ud \ud \ud \ud Background\ud \ud Banana cultivars are mostly derived from hybridization between wild diploid subspecies of Musa acuminata (A genome) and M. balbisiana (B genome), and they exhibit various levels of ploidy and genomic constitution. The Embrapa ex situ Musa collection contains over 220 accessions, of which only a few have been genetically characterized. Knowledge regarding the genetic relationships and diversity between modern cultivars and wild relatives would assist in conservation and breeding strategies. Our objectives were to determine the genomic constitution based on Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) regions polymorphism and the ploidy of all accessions by flow cytometry and to investigate the population structure of the collection using Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) loci as co-dominant markers based on Structure software, not previously performed in Musa.\ud \ud \ud \ud Results\ud \ud From the 221 accessions analyzed by flow cytometry, the correct ploidy was confirmed or established for 212 (95.9%), whereas digestion of the ITS region confirmed the genomic constitution of 209 (94.6%). Neighbor-joining clustering analysis derived from SSR binary data allowed the detection of two major groups, essentially distinguished by the presence or absence of the B genome, while subgroups were formed according to the genomic composition and commercial classification. The co-dominant nature of SSR was explored to analyze the structure of the population based on a Bayesian approach, detecting 21 subpopulations. Most of the subpopulations were in agreement with the clustering analysis.\ud \ud \ud \ud Conclusions\ud \ud The data generated by flow cytometry, ITS and SSR supported the hypothesis about the occurrence of homeologue recombination between A and B genomes, leading to discrepancies in the number of sets or portions from each parental genome. These phenomenons have been largely disregarded in the evolution of banana, as the “single-step domestication” hypothesis had long predominated. These findings will have an impact in future breeding approaches. Structure analysis enabled the efficient detection of ancestry of recently developed tetraploid hybrids by breeding programs, and for some triploids. However, for the main commercial subgroups, Structure appeared to be less efficient to detect the ancestry in diploid groups, possibly due to sampling restrictions. The possibility of inferring the membership among accessions to correct the effects of genetic structure opens possibilities for its use in marker-assisted selection by association mapping.This work was funded by FAPESP [2008/03470-0] and CNPq. Technical assistance by Luis Eduardo Fonseca was greatly appreciated. The authors (ONJ, SSO, EP, AF) are grateful for the fellowships provided by CNPq and GGS to FAPESP [2010/01398-0]

    AMMI analysis of the adaptability and yield stability of yellow passion fruit varieties

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    High yield stability and adaptability of yellow passion fruit varieties (Passiflora edulis Sims. f. flavicarpa Deg.) are highly desirable attributes when exploring different environments. This study aimed to evaluate the adaptability and yield stability of yellow passion fruit varieties using AMMI (additive main effects and multiplicative interaction) and other ancillary statistics. Twelve varieties were evaluated in eight environments. Analysis of variance showed effects attributable to the varieties (G), environment (E) and their interaction (G × E). The first two multiplicative components of the interaction accounted for 69% of the sum of squares. The scores of the principal interaction components showed high variability for the environments relative to the variety effects. High varietal phenotypic stability was observed in three environments; which can be used in yellow passion fruit breeding programs for initial selection trials. A biplot-AMMI analysis and yield stability index incorporating the AMMI stability value and yield capacity in a single non-parametric index were useful for discriminating genotypes with superior and stable fruit yield. AMMI analysis also allowed for the identification of more productive varieties in specific environments, leading to significant increase in passion fruit productivity

    Molecular characterization of banana accessions from the Embrapa germplasm collection

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    Os marcadores microssatélites por serem de natureza codominante e multialélica tornam-se ideais para a caracterização, mapeamento e seleção assistida. Os locos microssatélites disponíveis têm sido utilizados efetivamente na caracterização de acessos de bananeira (Musa), porém muitos deles têm se mostrado com baixa eficiência de amplificação. Neste sentido, os objetivos deste trabalho foram: desenvolver novos locos de microssatélites, caracterizar 224 acessos de bananeira do banco de germoplasma da Embrapa em relação à ploidia e constituição genômica empregando abordagens moleculares e estabelecer relações genéticas entre eles. Foram desenvolvidos 50 novos locos de microssatélites dos quais 44 foram polimórficos entre os acessos analisados. Para a caracterização da ploidia dos acessos foi utilizado a citometria de fluxo, e para a definição da composição genômica foram empregados polimorfismo nos genes ribossomiais nucleares (rDNA) e 16 locos microssatélites, que também serviram para estabelecer as relações genéticas entre os acessos. Além disso, foram sequenciados regiões do rDNA de 17 acessos de bananeira para identificação de polimorfismo de base única (SNP) associados ao genoma A e B. A constituição genômica e/ou ploidia determinada por abordagens moleculares confirmou a classificação previamente estabelecida por descritores morfológicos, com exceção dos acessos Marmelo, Pitogo e Pisang Nangka. As regiões do rDNA sequenciadas permitiram identificar 17 SNPs específicos para M. balbisiana, que poderão ser utilizados para classificar acessos quanto a constituição genômica. A análise de agrupamento derivada da genotipagem dos acessos com 16 locos de microssatélites subdividiu os genótipos de acordo com a ploidia, constituição genômica e subgrupos de bananeira, enquanto que a abordagem empregando o modelo bayesiano corroborou de forma geral com essa categorização. Foi detectada uma ampla heterogeneidade nos acessos diplóides, onde poucos acessos triplóides tiveram sua ancestralidade definida nos grupos dos acessos diplóides.Microsatellite markers are co-dominant and multiallelic, and the method of choice for genetic characterization, mapping, and assisted selection breeeding. Microsatellite loci have been effectively used to characterize banana (Musa) accessions, but in some cases they have shown low amplification efficiency. Thus, the objectives of this work were to develop new microsatellite loci; to characterize 224 accessions from the Embrapa germplasm collection of banana for ploidy and genomic constitution, as well as to establish genetic relationships among the accessions. Fifty new microsatellite loci were developed, from which 44 were polimorphic. Flow citometry was employed to characterize ploidy, while genomic constitution was determined by polymorphism at the nuclear ribosomal gene (rDNA) and 16 microsatellite loci, also used to establish the genetic relationship among the accessions. Additionally, rDNA regions were sequenced from 17 banana accessions to identify specific single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) associated with the A or B genome. The genomic constitution and/or ploidy determined by various molecular approaches confirmed the previous classification established by morphological descriptors, except for Marmelo, Pitogo and Pisang Nangka. The sequenced rDNA regions allowed to identify 17 SNPs specific for M. balbisiana, which could be used to classify accessions according to genomic composition. Clustering analysis derived from accession genotyping using 16 microsatellite loci subdivided genotypes according to ploidy, genomic composition and banana subgroups, while the approach using a Bayesian model corroborated in general terms this categorization. A large heterogeneity of the diploid accessions was detected, which restrict the definition of ancestrality of triploid accessions in the diploid accession groups