14 research outputs found

    The Changing Image of Islam in Japan: The Role of Civil Society in Disseminating better Information about Islam

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    This research focuses on the changing of image on Islam in Japan and the efforts of Japan’s civil society to eradicate Islam’s negative image created by Japan’s mass media. In preparation for the coming 2020 Olympic Games, the government, the local NGO, and even individual are taking initiatives to create a Muslim-friendly atmosphere. We try to look into their efforts to disseminate information, as well as to counter demagogues about Islam and Muslim. We have conducted in-depth interviews with 10 Muslims residing in Japan added with 2 respondents taken from book, and compared their stories with Japanese articles, books, and academic journals. Our conclusion is that despite the success in making Japanese society more amicable to foreign Muslims, the human relations problems within the Muslim community must take prioritize to improve the response of Japanese society.[Tulisan ini fokus pada perubahan citra Islam di Jepang dan usaha lembaga swadaya masyarakat (NGO) untuk mengurangi citra negatif Islam yang dibentuk oleh media massa Jepang. Menjelang pekan olahraga Olimpiade 2020, pemerintah, NGO lokal dan sebagian individu mengambil inisiatif menciptakan suasana yang ramah bagi muslim. Kami mengamati usaha mereka dalam merespon informasi yang menyudutkan agama Islam dan pemeluknya. Kami melakukan wawancara mendalam dengan 10 penduduk muslim di Jepang serta 2 informan literer. Kemudian kami membandingkan cerita mereka dengan berita, jurnal dan buku yang terbit di Jepang yang terkait dengan Islam. Meskipun mereka cukup berhasil meyakinkan masyarakat Jepang, tetapi persoalan hubungan antar sesama kelompok muslim perlu menjadi prioritas dalam rangka meningkatkan respon positif masyarakat Jepang.

    Representasi Pekerja Wanita dalam Serial Drama Hope: Kitai Zero no Shinnyu Shain

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    Gender inequality has been an issue in Japanese employment. This issue is then being reflected by media in Japan through drama series such as Hope: Kitai Zero no Shinnyu Shain. Hope: Kitai Zero no Shinnyu Shain told about a rookie worker and his comerades whom tried so hard to work in trading company. This research aimed to identify and explain how female workers were represented in Hope: Kitai Zero no Shinnyu Shain drama series through the characterization of Kazuki Akane and Shiraishi Ryoko. This research is qualitative descriptive research. To analyze data, this research used semiotic approach by Roland Barthes. The result showed that female workers in the drama series were represented as 1) ones whose main role gender was in domestic sphere; 2) ones who supported male counterparts; 3) subordinates who had lower position than male counterparts. Therefore, this representation reflected gender inequality that occured between male workers and female workers

    Praktik Keamanan Manusia Soka Gakkai International di Indonesia, Filipina, Dan Singapura ketika Pandemi COVID-19

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    Indonesia, Philippines, and Singapore have the largest number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Southeast Asia. Soka Gakkai International is a Non-Governmental Organization of Nichiren Buddhists with 2 million members spread across 192 countries, including those three countries. They involved in global issues such as human rights and sustainable development. Then, how are the activities carried out by this organization to support human security in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Singapore during the COVID-19 pandemic? This article attempts to answer this question by using the concept of Non-Governmental Organization and human security. The results show various Soka Gakkai International activities in Indonesia, Philippines, and Singapore from March to July 2020 that support the efforts to protect people from the COVID-19 threat. Also, there is pro and contra among scholars regarding the human security practice of SGI during a pandemic. These can be lessons regarding human security practices amid pandemic.Indonesia, Filipina, dan Singapura mempunyai jumlah kasus COVID-19 terkonfirmasi terbesar di Asia Tenggara. Soka Gakkai International adalah Non-Governmental Organization umat Buddha Nichiren dengan 2 juta anggota yang tersebar di 192 negara, termasuk tiga negara tersebut. Mereka terlibat dalam isu-isu global seperti hak asasi manusia dan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Lalu, bagaimana aktivitas yang dilakukan organisasi ini untuk mendukung keamanan manusia di Indonesia, Filipina, dan Singapura ketika pandemi COVID-19? Artikel ini berupaya untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut dengan menggunakan konsep Non-Governmental Organization dan keamanan manusia. Hasil menunjukan berbagai aktivitas Soka Gakkai International di Indonesia, Filipina, dan Singapura dari bulan Maret hingga Juli 2020 yang mendukung upaya perlindungan manusia dari ancaman COVID-19. Kemudian, ada pro dan kontra di antara pakar mengenai praktik keamanan manusia dari SGI ketika pandemi. Ini dapat menjadi pembelajaran mengenai praktik keamanan manusia ketika pandemi berlangsung

    Shakai Kaizo Seratus Tahun Reformasi Jepang 1919-2019 dari Demokrasi ke Reformasi

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    xi+259 hlm.;21 c

    Seikatsu Kaizen : Reformasi Pola Hidup Jepang Panduan Menjadi Masyarakat Unggul dan Modern

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    vii+240 hlm.;21 c

    Shakai Kaizo: 100 Tahun Reformasi Jepang 1919-2019 ( Dari Demokrasi Ke Reformasi)

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    ix + 259 hl

    Seikatsu Kaizen Reformasi Pola Hidup Jepang Panduan Menjadi Masyarakat Unggul dan Modern

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    vii+240 hlm.;21 c


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    As more and more religious content appears in anime, the actual meaning of its use in anime may be different. This phenomenon is known as religious cosmetics introduced by Jolyon Baraka Thomas. Religious cosmetics introduces the term religious vocabulary and religious imagery. This study focuses on analyzing religious vocabulary, and aims to prove whether the Shinto religious vocabularies that appears in the anime Enen no Shouboutai season 1 (2019) are religious cosmetics. The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive. The use of words in the anime Enen no Shouboutaiseason 1 will be compared with the meaning of the vocabulary from the Shinto religious dictionary compiled by Brian Bocking. The results showed that there are eighteen data of religious vocabularies that appear in anime Enen no Shouboutai season 1, which can be divided into five categories, namely (1) ‘amaterasu’, (2) ‘kami’, (3) ‘matsuri’, (4) ‘oni’, and (5) ‘sake’. However, among those five categories appeared throughout the series, four were found as Shinto religious vocabularies which used as religious cosmetics while one category (3) ‘matsuri’ was not used as religious cosmetics. The reason is because the meaning and the use of the word is getting wider, not only used in Shinto related topics, but also in daily life generally