4,651 research outputs found

    Analisa Strategi Bersaing pada Bakery Donalson di Makassar

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    Bakery Donalson adalah Perusahaan yang menjual produk roti dan kue yang berdomisili di Makassar. Pada skripsi ini, peneliti membahas tentang strategi bersaing pada USAha Bakery Donalson di Makassar. Masalah yang sedang dihadapai Bakery Donalson saat ini yaitu penurun penjualan karena adanya pesaing-pesaing besar yang sudah memiliki nama sebagai bakery terbaik seperti seperti Bakery Holland dan Dapur Cokelat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif, dimana data diperoleh dari wawancara dengan penentuan narasumber purposive sampling dan uji keabsahan data yang digunakan triangulasi sumber. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Resource Based View, pendekatan Porter\u27s Five Forces Models dan Matriks SWOT. Hasil yang diperoleh dari analisa SWOT menunjukkan alternative yang bisa dirumuskan adalah mempertahankan kerjasama yang baik antara Donalson dan pemasok, meningkatkan kualitas produk Donalson (SO), melakukan promosi, membeli dan menjaga kualitas mesin (WO), melakukan inovasi produk (ST), melakukan promosi dan meningkatkan kualitas produk (WT)

    Penerapan Fēng Shuǐ dan Pandangan Fēng Shuǐ dari Anak yang Menyemayamkan Orang Tuanya di Pemakaman Puncak Nirwana 峰顶山庄风水运用及子女对父母墓葬峰顶山庄风水之看法

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana diterapkannya unsur fēng shuǐ pada pemakaman Puncak Nirwana serta pandangan anak yang memakamkan orang tuanya di pemakaman tersebut mengenai fēng shuǐ. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 11 informan. Teori yang digunakan yaitu aliran fēng shuǐ, simbol – simbol fēng shuǐ (pí xiū dan shi zi), simbol makna baik dalam kehidupan orang Tionghoa dan teori ajaran xiào Kǒng zi dalam upacara kematian. Hasil analisis ditemukan bahwa pemakaman Puncak Nirwana memiliki unsur fēng shuǐ yang bagus karena dilengkapi dengan seorang suhu yang merangkap sebagai arsitek yang membantu pelanggan mengatasi keadaan fēng shuǐ yang kurang bagus. Pandangan anak yang memakamkan orang tuanya merasa unsur fēng shuǐ disana sangat bagus

    Pandangan Etnis Tionghoa Surabaya terhadap Budaya Penggunaan Arak 泗水华裔对运用酒文化之观点

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    Oleh karena arak di Tiongkok selain memiliki sejarah budaya penggunaan yang panjang, jenis-jenisnya banyak, dan juga digunakan dalam proses pengobatan tradisional, penelitian ini ingin menganalisis bagaimana pandangan etnis Tionghoa Surabaya terhadap budaya penggunaan arak. Apakah masih seperti yang dikatakan dalam kajian pustaka yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, ataukah sudah ada Perubahan dalam budaya penggunaannya. Kajian pustaka yang digunakan meliputi: budaya minum arak bagi kaum perempuan; penggunaan arak dalam perayaan-perayaan tertentu; makna arak bagi kaum sastrawan; manfaat arak dalam kesehatan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ada budaya penggunaan arak yang masih sama seperti yang ditulis dalam kajian pustaka, ada yang sudah mengalami Perubahan

    Analisis Kepuasan Pelanggan Dengan Importance Performance Analysis Di Sbu Laboratory Cibitung PT Sucofindo (Persero)

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    Customer satisfaction is comparison between customer's expected performance and actual performance. When actual performance is higher than customer expectation, customer will be satisfied and vice versa. Case at service companies, customer satisfaction is one of the important factor in creating good climate for business, in this case study, SBU Laboratory Cibitung PT Sucofindo (Persero) has not maximized in serving customer needs. Therefore, it needs to be analyzed the factors affecting that matter. From the quality service and the application of marketing mix, consist of Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, Tangible, Product Quality, and Price Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, Tangible, Product Quality, and Price variable at SBU Laboratory Cibitung PT Sucofindo (Persero) which have been analyzed by using Importance Performance Analysis from thirty five attributes which represent the seven variables show there are two things to be improved, they are cost of service attribute has to be adjusted to the quality and each price package has to be attainable. The gap analysis between actual performance and expectation shows that performance of SBU Laboratory Cibitung PT Sucofindo (Persero) has not surpassed customer expectations

    Perbandingan Tinggi Badan Dan Rentang Tangan Pada Anak Balita Usia 1-5 Tahun

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    Background Height measurement was very important to toddlers and preschool children. Deformity or certain abnormality in toddler and preschool children caused height measurement was not possible. Arm span was known to be an alternative anthropometric parameter to height. Ration between height and arm span varied in different race, age, and sex.Aim The study was aim to know the ratio between height and arm span in toddlers and preschool children.MethodsThis was a cross-sectional study with observational analysis. This research was held in March-May 2015. The subject was toddlers and preschool children age 1-5 years. Height and arm span data was acquired by doing measurement to subjects. Statistical test used linear regression test.ResultsThe number of subjects were 197children aged 1-5 years. Linear regression test showed the ratio for male toddlers and preschool children aged 13-24 months was Height=27,793+0,685 arm span, aged 25-36 months was Height=21,364+0,771 arm span, aged 37-48 months was Height=32,157+0,686 arm span, aged 49-60 months was Height=54,681+0,461 arm span. The ratio for female toddlers and preschool children aged 13-24 months was Height=49,398+0,367 arm span, aged 25-36 months was Height=20,185+0,796 arm span, aged 37-48 months was Height=32+0,674 arm span, and aged 49-60 months was Height=13,861+0,884 arm span.Conclusion Mean height for male toddlers and preschool children was 91,4±10 cm, while mean height for female toddlers and preschool children was 89,2±10,4 cm. Mean arm span fot male toddlers and preschool children was 89,6±11,6 cm, while mean arm span for female toddlers and preschool children was 87,2±11,2 cm. Equation based on divided age predicted height better than equation based on the whole age 1-5 years

    Analisa Pengaruh Experiential Marketing Terhadap Minat Beli Ulang Konsumen Konig Coffee & Bar

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    The purpose of this research is to figure out how customer repurchase intention is influenced by Experiential Marketing in Konig Coffee & Bar. The writers use Experiential Marketing as an independent variable that influences repurchase intention. Experiential Marketing variable consists of 5 points which are Sense Experience, Feel Experience, Think Experience, Act Experience, and Relate Experience. This research involves 130 respondends that are selected by purposive sampling method and using explanatory as a measure tool. The results indicate Think Experience, Act Experience, and Relate Experience are positive and significant while Sense Experience and Feel Experience has positive influence but not significant. The most dominant variable of Experiential Marketing impacting on consumer repurchase intention on this research is Relate Experience

    Sign Spotting using Hierarchical Sequential Patterns with Temporal Intervals

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    This paper tackles the problem of spotting a set of signs occuring in videos with sequences of signs. To achieve this, we propose to model the spatio-temporal signatures of a sign using an extension of sequential patterns that contain temporal intervals called Sequential Interval Patterns (SIP). We then propose a novel multi-class classifier that organises different sequential interval patterns in a hierarchical tree structure called a Hierarchical SIP Tree (HSP-Tree). This allows one to exploit any subsequence sharing that exists between different SIPs of different classes. Multiple trees are then combined together into a forest of HSP-Trees resulting in a strong classifier that can be used to spot signs. We then show how the HSP-Forest can be used to spot sequences of signs that occur in an input video. We have evaluated the method on both concatenated sequences of isolated signs and continuous sign sequences. We also show that the proposed method is superior in robustness and accuracy to a state of the art sign recogniser when applied to spotting a sequence of signs.This work was funded by the UK government