251 research outputs found

    Clinical standards for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of TB infection

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    BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis (TB) preventive therapy (TPT) decreases the risk of developing TB disease and its associated morbidity and mortality. The aim of these clinical standards is to guide the assessment, management of TB infection (TBI) and implementation of TPT.METHODS: A panel of global experts in the field of TB care was identified; 41 participated in a Delphi process. A 5-point Likert scale was used to score the initial standards. After rounds of revision, the document was approved with 100% agreement.RESULTS: Eight clinical standards were defined: Standard 1, all individuals belonging to at-risk groups for TB should undergo testing for TBI; Standard 2, all individual candidates for TPT (including caregivers of children) should undergo a counselling/health education session; Standard 3, testing for TBI: timing and test of choice should be optimised; Standard 4, TB disease should be excluded prior to initiation of TPT; Standard 5, all candidates for TPT should undergo a set of baseline examinations; Standard 6, all individuals initiating TPT should receive one of the recommended regimens; Standard 7, all individuals who have started TPT should be monitored; Standard 8, a TBI screening and testing register should be kept to inform the cascade of care.CONCLUSION: This is the first consensus-based set of Clinical Standards for TBI. This document guides clinicians, programme managers and public health officers in planning and implementing adequate measures to assess and manage TBI.CONTEXTE : L’objectif de ces normes cliniques est d’orienter l’évaluation et la prise en charge de l’infection tuberculeuse (TBI), ainsi que la mise en place du traitement prĂ©ventif antituberculeux (TPT). Le TPT rĂ©duit le risque de TB active et de morbiditĂ© et mortalitĂ© associĂ©es. MÉTHODES : Un panel d’experts internationaux en matiĂšre de soins antituberculeux a Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ© ; 41 experts ont participĂ© Ă  un processus Delphi. Une Ă©chelle de Likert Ă  5 points a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e pour noter les normes initiales. AprĂšs plusieurs rĂ©visions, le document a Ă©tĂ© approuvĂ© par tous les experts (100%). RÉSULTATS : Huit normes cliniques ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©finies : Norme 1, tous les individus des groupes Ă  risque de TB doivent subir un test de dĂ©pistage de la TBI ; Norme 2, tous les candidats au TPT doivent prendre part Ă  une consultation de santĂ© informative/Ă©ducative (y compris les aidants d’enfants) ; Norme 3, test de dĂ©pistage de la TBI : le moment et le test de rĂ©fĂ©rence choisi doivent ĂȘtre optimisĂ©s; Norme 4, une TB active doit ĂȘtre Ă©cartĂ©e avant d’instaurer un TPT ; Norme 5, tous les candidats au TPT doivent subir diffĂ©rents examens initiaux ; Norme 6, tous les individus dĂ©marrant un TPT doivent recevoir l’un des protocoles recommandĂ©s ; Norme 7, tous les individus ayant dĂ©marrĂ© un TPT doivent subir des examens de contrĂŽle ; Norme 8, un dĂ©pistage de la TBI doit ĂȘtre rĂ©alisĂ© et un registre des tests doit ĂȘtre tenu pour orienter la cascade de soins. CONCLUSION : Il s’agit du premier ensemble de normes cliniques pour la TBI fondĂ©es sur un consensus. Notre objectif est d’amĂ©liorer les soins et la qualitĂ© de vie des patients en orientant les cliniciens, responsables de programme et agents de santĂ© publique en matiĂšre de planification et de mise en place de mesures adĂ©quates d’évaluation et de prise en charge de la TBI

    Age at menarche associated with subsequent educational attainment and risk-taking behaviours: the Pelotas 1982 Birth Cohort.

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    Background: Earlier age at menarche (AAM), a marker of puberty timing in females, has been associated with a higher likelihood of adolescent risk-taking behaviours and variably associated with educational attainment.Aim: To examine the association between AAM and educational attainment in the Pelotas, Brazil, 1982 Birth Cohort.Subjects and methods: AAM was categorised as Early (7-11 years), Average (12-13 years), or Late (14+ years). Primary outcome: years of education (age 30). Secondary outcomes: risk-taking behaviours, adult income and school grade failure.Results: In adjusted models, compared to Average AAM, Late AAM was associated with 0.64 fewer years of education (95% CI: -1.15, -0.13). Early AAM was associated with earlier age at first sexual intercourse (-0.25 years; 95% CI: -0.39, -0.12), whereas Late AAM was associated with 17% lower adult income (0.83; 95% CI: 0.71, 0.95) and 0.31 years older age at first alcohol consumption (95% CI: 0.10, 0.52).Conclusions: Our findings confirm the association between earlier puberty timing in females and a greater likelihood of risk-taking behaviours in this setting of recent secular changes towards earlier puberty. However, the association between Late AAM and lower education was surprising and may support a psychosocial rather than biological link between puberty timing and educational outcomes

    Genomic ancestry and education level independently influence abdominal fat distributions in a Brazilian admixed population.

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    We aimed to identify the independent associations of genomic ancestry and education level with abdominal fat distributions in the 1982 Pelotas birth cohort study, Brazil. In 2,890 participants (1,409 men and 1,481 women), genomic ancestry was assessed using genotype data on 370,539 genome-wide variants to quantify ancestral proportions in each individual. Years of completed education was used to indicate socio-economic position. Visceral fat depth and subcutaneous abdominal fat thickness were measured by ultrasound at age 29-31y; these measures were adjusted for BMI to indicate abdominal fat distributions. Linear regression models were performed, separately by sex. Admixture was observed between European (median proportion 85.3), African (6.6), and Native American (6.3) ancestries, with a strong inverse correlation between the African and European ancestry scores (ρ = -0.93; p<0.001). Independent of education level, African ancestry was inversely associated with both visceral and subcutaneous abdominal fat distributions in men (both P = 0.001), and inversely associated with subcutaneous abdominal fat distribution in women (p = 0.009). Independent of genomic ancestry, higher education level was associated with lower visceral fat, but higher subcutaneous fat, in both men and women (all p<0.001). Our findings, from an admixed population, indicate that both genomic ancestry and education level were independently associated with abdominal fat distribution in adults. African ancestry appeared to lower abdominal fat distributions, particularly in men

    Visceral and subcutaneous abdominal adiposity and pulmonary function in 30-year-old adults: a cross-sectional analysis nested in a birth cohort.

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    BACKGROUND: Several studies have verified body fat distribution in association with pulmonary function (PF), mainly waist circumference, but few have used measures able to distinguish abdominal fat compartments. The present study aims to verify the association of visceral adipose tissue (VAT) and subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) with PF measures. METHODS: In 1982, all hospital births occurring in Pelotas, Brazil, were identified and those livebirths have been followed. In 2012-13, the cohort participants were evaluated and VAT and SAT measured using ultrasound; forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1) or forced vital capacity (FVC) were patronized in z-scores stratified by sex. The associations were verified using crude and adjusted linear regressions. RESULTS: The present analyses comprised 3438 individuals (1721 women). VAT was inversely associated with spirometric parameters, in both crude and adjusted models. SAT showed inverse associations in the crude analyzes in males and a positive trend after adjustment, except for SAT and FVC in males. To each centimeter of VAT, mean adjusted FEV1 z-scores decreased 0.072 (95% CI -0.107; -0.036) in men and 0.127 (95% CI -0.164; -0.090) in women, and FVC z-scores decreased -0.075 (95% CI -0.111; -0.039) and 0.121 (95% CI -0.158; -0.083), in men and women, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: VAT has a consistent inverse association with FEV1 and FVC in both sexes. On the other hand, SAT showed inconsistent results with PF parameters

    Metaphoric drawing narrative career counselling: Teaching work value and career identity statuses via experiential learning method

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    Metaphoric cards as a tool in counselling sessions are getting more scholarly attention in the fields of career counselling and education. In general, metaphoric cards consist of visual image that depicted daily life events and human expressions which are used as an alternative form of expression other than verbal communication. This paper aims to introduce metaphorical drawing as the experiential learning method in teaching narrative career counselling course. This is a qualitative study consists of metaphorical drawing and written reflection with six participants by using thematic analysis research method. The metaphorical drawing results revealed that, two new themes had been emerged in the exploration of work value and identity status. The results showed that some but not all participants benefited from the metaphorical drawing session to fully express their identity statuses. However, the combination of written reflection and verbal explanation of the metaphorical drawing did help the participants to convey their identity concern. In conclusion, metaphorical drawing session could be adopted in counsellor education to promote more understanding of narrative counselling technique and also in teaching work value and career identity status. For future research, it is important to look into how metaphorical technique can be introduced to school students in understanding their career choices

    Associations between sleep disturbance, cognitive functioning and work disability in Bipolar Disorder

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    Bipolar Disorder (BD) is associated with impairment in a number of areas including poor work functioning, often despite the remission of mood symptoms. The present study aimed to examine the role of sleep disturbance and cognitive functioning in occupational impairment in BD. Twenty-four euthymic BD participants and 24 healthy control participants completed a week of prospective assessment of sleep disruption via self-report and actigraphy, a battery of neuropsychological tests of executive functioning, working memory, and verbal learning, and assessments of work functioning. BD participants experienced significantly poorer cognitive functioning as well as greater months of unemployment and greater incidence of being fired than controls. Moderation analyses revealed that both poor sleep and cognitive functioning were associated with poor work performance in BD participants, but not control participants. Sleep and cognitive functioning may be impaired in euthymic BD and are associated with poor work functioning in this population. More research should be conducted to better understand how sleep and cognitive functioning may interact in BD

    "I try and smile, I try and be cheery, I try not to be pushy. I try to say ‘I’m here for help’ but I leave feeling
 worried’’: A qualitative study of perceptions of interactions with health professionals by community-based older adults with chronic pain

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    Background: Over 50% of community-dwelling older adults experience chronic pain, which threatens their quality of life. Of importance to their pain management is older people’s interaction with health professionals that, if unsatisfactory, may impair the outcome. Aims: To add to the limited research specific to older people living with chronic pain in the community, we explored how they perceive their experiences of interacting with health professionals, seeking factors that might optimise these interactions. Methods: Purposive sampling was used to recruit men and women .65 years with self-reported musculoskeletal chronic pain. Qualitative individual interviews and one group interview were undertaken with 23 participants. Data were transcribed verbatim and underwent Framework Analysis. Results: Three themes were identified. Seeking help illustrates issues around why older people in the community may or may not seek help for chronic pain, and highlights the potential involvement of social comparison. Importance of diagnosis illustrates the desire for professional validation of their condition and an aversion to vague explanations based on the person’s age. Being listened to and being heard illustrates the importance of empathic communication and understanding expectations, with due respect for the person’s age. Conclusions: In common with people of all ages, an effective partnership between an older person in pain and health professionals is essential if pain is to be reported, appropriately assessed and managed, because of the subjective nature of pain and its treatment responses. For older people with pain, perception about their age, by both parties in the partnership, is an additional factor that can unnecessarily interfere with the effectiveness of this partnership. Health professionals should engage with older adults to clarify their expectations about pain and its management, which may be influenced by perceptions about age; and to encourage expression of their concerns, which may also be affected by perceptions about age

    The Potential Influence of Common Viral Infections Diagnosed during Hospitalization among Critically Ill Patients in the United States

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    Viruses are the most common source of infection among immunocompetent individuals, yet they are not considered a clinically meaningful risk factor among the critically ill. This work examines the association of viral infections diagnosed during the hospital stay or not documented as present on admission to the outcomes of ICU patients with no evidence of immunosuppression on admission. This is a population-based retrospective cohort study of University HealthSystem Consortium (UHC) academic centers in the U.S. from the years 2006 to 2009. The UHC is an alliance of over 90% of the non-profit academic medical centers in the U.S. A total of 209,695 critically ill patients were used in this analysis. Eight hospital complications were examined. Patients were grouped into four cohorts: absence of infection, bacterial infection only, viral infection only, and bacterial and viral infection during same hospital admission. Viral infections diagnosed during hospitalization significantly increased the risk of all complications. There was also a seasonal pattern for viral infections. Specific viruses associated with poor outcomes included influenza, RSV, CMV, and HSV. Patients who had both viral and bacterial infections during the same hospitalization had the greatest risk of mortality RR 6.58, 95% CI (5.47, 7.91); multi-organ failure RR 8.25, 95% CI (7.50, 9.07); and septic shock RR 271.2, 95% CI (188.0, 391.3). Viral infections may play a significant yet unrecognized role in the outcomes of ICU patients. They may serve as biological markers or play an active role in the development of certain adverse complications by interacting with coincident bacterial infection
