9 research outputs found

    Effect of Increasing Supplemental Rumen Undegradable Protein (RUP) on Performance of Calves Fed a Silage Growing Diet

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    A growing study evaluated the effects of increasing supplemental rumen undegradable protein (RUP) on performance of calves fed an 85% corn silage diet. Five levels of supplementation were evaluated with 12 individually fed steers per level of supplement. Supplement levels consisted of 0, 3.25, 6.5, 9.75 and 13% supplemental RUP (% of diet DM) fed as a blend of 60% Soypass and 40% Empyreal. Increasing supplemental RUP in the diet increased ending body weight and average daily gain linearly, and decreased F:G linearly while DMI remained constant among treatments. As cattle grew from 600 to 730 lb, F:G was improved 30% by supplying RUP. Th e same amount of RUP improved F:G by 11% as cattle grew beyond 730 lb. By meeting MP requirements, supplementing RUP linearly improved both ADG and F:G of growing calves, especially early in the growing period

    The Effect of Inoculants on Nutrient Losses of Corn Silage and High-moisture Corn Stored in Mini Silos

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    Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of inoculants (BONSILAGE CORN 200G and BONSILAGE HMC 200G) containing Lactobacillus buchneri, Lactobacillus plantarum and Pediococcus acidilactici on nutrient losses and aerobic stability of corn silage and high moisture corn. Corn silage and high moisture corn were inoculated and stored in mini silos with nutrient loss and spoilage characterizations at 30, 90, and 120 days with multiple inoculation levels. Longer ensiling times led to greater total acid production. The higher levels of inoculation led to lower total acid production and higher pH. Inoculating corn silage and high moisture corn also affected the fermentation process by decreasing lactic acid production and increasing acetic acid production. The increase in acetic acid production may be partially responsible for the increased aerobic stability observed for the inoculated feeds. Previous research would support our finding of greater stability and lower DM losses with L. buchneri inoculants

    Effect of Increasing Supplemental Rumen Undegradable Protein (RUP) on Performance of Calves Fed a Silage Growing Diet

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    A growing study evaluated the effects of increasing supplemental rumen undegradable protein (RUP) on performance of calves fed an 85% corn silage diet. Five levels of supplementation were evaluated with 12 individually fed steers per level of supplement. Supplement levels consisted of 0, 3.25, 6.5, 9.75 and 13% supplemental RUP (% of diet DM) fed as a blend of 60% Soypass and 40% Empyreal. Increasing supplemental RUP in the diet increased ending body weight and average daily gain linearly, and decreased F:G linearly while DMI remained constant among treatments. As cattle grew from 600 to 730 lb, F:G was improved 30% by supplying RUP. Th e same amount of RUP improved F:G by 11% as cattle grew beyond 730 lb. By meeting MP requirements, supplementing RUP linearly improved both ADG and F:G of growing calves, especially early in the growing period

    Effect of Three Initial Implant Programs with a Common Terminal Revalor®- 200 on Feedlot Performance and Carcass Traits of Weaned Steers

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    A commercial feedlot study utilizing 1,350 calf- fed steers (initial BW = 623 lb; ±23 lb) compared three initial implant strategies: Revalor®- IS (day 1), Revalor®- IS (day 1) and Revalor®- 200 (day 67), or Revalor®- XS (day 1). Each initial implant strategy was followed by a terminal Revalor®- 200 implant (day 133) to determine effects on performance and carcass traits. No differences in final body weight, intake, gain, or feed conversion were observed on either a live, or carcass adjusted basis. Th ere were also no differences in hot carcass weight, USDA quality grade, or USDA yield grade. Results from this study suggest initial implant strategy has minimal impact on feedlot and carcass performance when following with a terminal Revalor®- 200 implant


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    Three experiments evaluated the effect of implant strategies on feedlot performance and carcass characteristics of crossbred steers and Holstein steers. Final BW, ADG, and G:F were not different between implant strategies in Exp. 1 and 2. The utilization of more aggressive implant strategies has minimal impact on both feedlot and carcass performance of cross breed steers. Four experiments evaluated the effects of supplemental RUP in corn silage growing diets and RUP content and RUP digestibility of corn silage. Exp. 1, supplemented five concentrations of RUP to growing calves consuming a corn silage diet. As supplemental RUP increased ADG and ending BW increased. In Exp. 2, in vitro methods were used to determine RUP of 37 and 43% DM corn silage by correcting for microbial contamination using purines. As a % of CP, RUP averaged 22.7 and 23.9 for the 37 and 42% corn silages. In Exp. 3, in situ methods were used to determine RUP content and RUP digestibility of 37 and 42% DM corn silage. RUP digestibility without rinsing in neutral detergent fiber solution averaged 37.5 and RUP digestibility of corn silage rinsed in neutral detergent fiber solution averaged 32.3. In Exp. 4, DRC was reconstituted to determine protein values of grain in corn silage. As DM of corn decreased % RUP decreased and % DMD increased. Corn silage has low RUP and increased moisture further decreases RUP of corn silage. Two experiments evaluated the effects of inoculants on nutrient losses and aerobic stability of corn silage and HMC. In Exp. 1, corn silage was inoculated at either 0, 200,000, or 400,000 CFU/g and HMC was inoculated at either 0, 300,000 or 600,000 CFU/g then ensiled for 30 or 90 days. In Exp. 2, HMC was inoculated at either 0 or 600,000 CFU/g and ensiled for either 90 or 120 days. In both experiments pH increased linearly for both corn silage and HMC as level of inoculant increased. As inoculant level increased, the amount of lactic acid decreased and the amount of acetic acid increased. Advisor: Andrea K. Watso

    The Effect of Inoculants on Nutrient Losses of Corn Silage and High-moisture Corn Stored in Mini Silos

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    Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of inoculants (BONSILAGE CORN 200G and BONSILAGE HMC 200G) containing Lactobacillus buchneri, Lactobacillus plantarum and Pediococcus acidilactici on nutrient losses and aerobic stability of corn silage and high moisture corn. Corn silage and high moisture corn were inoculated and stored in mini silos with nutrient loss and spoilage characterizations at 30, 90, and 120 days with multiple inoculation levels. Longer ensiling times led to greater total acid production. The higher levels of inoculation led to lower total acid production and higher pH. Inoculating corn silage and high moisture corn also affected the fermentation process by decreasing lactic acid production and increasing acetic acid production. The increase in acetic acid production may be partially responsible for the increased aerobic stability observed for the inoculated feeds. Previous research would support our finding of greater stability and lower DM losses with L. buchneri inoculants

    Effect of Increasing Supplemental Rumen Undegradable Protein (RUP) on Performance of Calves Fed a Silage Growing Diet

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    A growing study evaluated the effects of increasing supplemental rumen undegradable protein (RUP) on performance of calves fed an 85% corn silage diet. Five levels of supplementation were evaluated with 12 individually fed steers per level of supplement. Supplement levels consisted of 0, 3.25, 6.5, 9.75 and 13% supplemental RUP (% of diet DM) fed as a blend of 60% Soypass and 40% Empyreal. Increasing supplemental RUP in the diet increased ending body weight and average daily gain linearly, and decreased F:G linearly while DMI remained constant among treatments. As cattle grew from 600 to 730 lb, F:G was improved 30% by supplying RUP. Th e same amount of RUP improved F:G by 11% as cattle grew beyond 730 lb. By meeting MP requirements, supplementing RUP linearly improved both ADG and F:G of growing calves, especially early in the growing period

    Rumen Undegradable Protein Content and Digestibility of Corn Silage and High-moisture Corn

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    Two studies were conducted to determine rumen undegradable protein (RUP) content and digestibility in corn silage. In Exp. 1, 37 and 42% DM corn silage were incubated in situ with two ruminally and one duodenally cannulated steer to calculate RUP content and RUP digestibility. In Exp. 2, dry rolled corn was reconstituted to 75, 70, 65, and 50% DM and ensiled in mini silos for 30, 90, 180, or 270 days. After ensiling, samples were ruminally incubated to determine RUP content of the grain. The grain within corn silage is less than 50% DM, as moisture content increases and time of ensiling increases, RUP content of this grain decreases. Results from these experiments suggest the RUP content of corn silage is 10% of the CP or the CP within corn silage is 90% rumen degradable protein

    Effect of Three Initial Implant Programs with a Common Terminal Revalor®- 200 on Feedlot Performance and Carcass Traits of Weaned Steers

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    A commercial feedlot study utilizing 1,350 calf- fed steers (initial BW = 623 lb; ±23 lb) compared three initial implant strategies: Revalor®- IS (day 1), Revalor®- IS (day 1) and Revalor®- 200 (day 67), or Revalor®- XS (day 1). Each initial implant strategy was followed by a terminal Revalor®- 200 implant (day 133) to determine effects on performance and carcass traits. No differences in final body weight, intake, gain, or feed conversion were observed on either a live, or carcass adjusted basis. Th ere were also no differences in hot carcass weight, USDA quality grade, or USDA yield grade. Results from this study suggest initial implant strategy has minimal impact on feedlot and carcass performance when following with a terminal Revalor®- 200 implant