32 research outputs found

    Diet of a restocked population of the European pond turtle Emys orbicularis in NW Italy

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    Recently several projects have been implemented for the conservation of the European turtle Emys orbicularis, but few aspects of the captive-bred animals released into the wild have been described. In this note we report about the trophic habits of a small restocked population of the endemic subspecies E. o. ingauna that is now reproducing in NW Italy. Faecal contents from 25 individuals (10 females, 11 males and 4 juveniles) were obtained in June 2016. Overall, 11 taxonomic categories of invertebrates were identified, together with seeds and plant remains. Plant material was present in 24 out of 25 turtle faecal contents, suggesting that ingestion was deliberate. There were no differences between the dietary habits of females and males, and the trophic strategy of adult individuals was characterised by a relatively high specialization on dragonfly nymphae. These findings suggest that captive bred turtles are adapting well to the wild and that restocked individuals assumed an omnivorous diet, a trophic behaviour typical of other wild turtle populations living in similar habitats

    Lagged influence of North Atlantic Oscillation on population dynamics of a Mediterranean terrestrial salamander

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    he North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is a large-scale climatic pattern that strongly influences the atmospheric circulation in the northern Hemisphere and by consequence the long-term variability of marine and terrestrial ecosystem over great part of northern Europe and western Mediterranean. In the Mediterranean, the effects of the NAO on vertebrates has been studied mainly on bird populations but was rarely analysed in ectothermic animals, and in particular in amphibians. In this study, we investigated the relationships between winter, spring and summer NAO indexes and the long-term population dynamics of the plethodontid salamander Speleomantes strinatii. This terrestrial salamander was monitored inside an artificial cave in NW Italy for 24 consecutive years. The relationships between seasonal NAO indexes and the salamander dynamics were assessed by cross-correlation function (CCF) analysis, after prewhitening the time series by autoregressive moving average statistical modelling. Results of CCF analyses indicated that the salamander abundance varied in relation to the one-year ahead winter NAO (P = 0.018), while no relationships were found with spring and summer indexes. These results strengthen some previous findings that suggested a high sensitivity of temperate terrestrial amphibians to wintertime climatic conditions

    Lo status di conservazione della testuggine palustre Emys trinacris negli ambienti umidi della Sicilia: un approccio integrato

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    The research turned to the Sicilian pond turtle, Emys trinacris, recently distinguished from the congener Emys orbicularis (FRITZ et al., 2005; 2006). It is an endemism of Sicily spread throughout the region in a fragmented way (DI CERBO, 2011), from sea level up to about 1000 m asl (MARRONE et al., 2016), which colonizes a good variety of environments (marshes and lagoons, ponds in agro-pastoral context, mountain ponds, artificial reservoirs) (TURRISI, 2008). With regard to the study of the trophism of this species, the analysis of trophic niches is particularly relevant in this specific case to determine the level of competition between species (BALZANI et al., 2016) and the effects on the target species. Studies on fecal contents are traditionally applied which, however, although easy to apply, do not provide information on the long term and on how the diet changes over time (BOECKLEN et al., 2011). On the contrary, the analysis of the stable isotopes (SIA) of carbon (\u3b413C) and nitrogen (\u3b415N) provides information on the trophic resources actually used as well as on trophic behavior (MIDDELBURG, 2014). The study was conducted in two areas identified on the Sicilian territory and characterized from an environmental point of view: 1. WWF Nature Reserve \u201cLago Preola - Gorghi Tondi\u201d (TP); 2. Wetlands in the Bosco della Ficuzza nature reserve, Rocca Busambra, Bosco del Cappelliere and Gorgo del Drago (PA). The research was carried out through periodic captures of terrapins operated in colonized habitats, using methodologies widely tested in other populations of E. orbicularis in mainland Italy (CANESSA et al., 2016) and on E. trinacris in Sicily (OTTONELLO et al. , 2016), and shared at ministerial level (LO VALVO et al., 2016). The individuals were therefore captured with the aid of primed pots and pots of the "bertovelli" type (without bait) depending on the type of environment. The same pots were also used to capture the alien species present in cohabitation with Emys (mainly fish, shrimp). The animals were temporarily housed for the collection of morphological parameters and tissue and sexing samples. Blood and horn samples are taken from all animals for subsequent dietary analysis. The overlap of isotopic niches has been studied by applying recent investigation methodologies that involve the use of stable isotopes of Nitrogen and Carbon, through blood and horny material samples (PEARSON et al., 2013; BALZANI et al., 2016) from marsh terrapins and potentially competing species. The analysis was carried out through a collaboration with the Department of Earth and Sea Sciences of the University of Palermo. All analyzes were carried out with the help of the packages available in the R4.04 software (R CORE TEAM 2021). Information on inter- and intraspecific variability in isotopic niche size and trophic diversity was obtained using the metrics proposed by LAYMAN et al. (2007) with the package R SIAR - Stable Isotope Analysis in R (Parnell et al. 2010) and SIBER (Stable Isotope Bayesian Ellipses in R). During the sessions held in 2018 (2) and 2019 (3), 109 terrapins were captured respectively in the Lago Preola Reserve - Gorghi Tondi and 42 terrapins in the Bosco Ficuzza Reserve. In the Lago Preola - Gorghi Tondi Reserve, 84 allochthonous fish were also caught: 44 Cyprinus carpio and 40 Gambusia holbrooki. As reported by OTTONELLO et al., (2021), also in this study the fishes appear to colonize exclusively the Gorgo Medio - Gorgo Alto system, while there are no fish in the Gorgo Basso. In the Gorgo Lungo pond, no fish or other species of alien terrapins have been found. The trophic strategy of the Sicilian terrapin populations in the investigated areas reflects what has already been indicated for Emys orbicularis (FICETOLA et al., 2006; OTTONELLO et al., 2021), following a substantially opportunistic and generalist scheme. The main preys are aquatic invertebrates, while terrestrial ones are rarer (OTTONELLO et al., 2021). In the case of the population of the Lago Preola and Gorghi Tondi Reserve, as already described by OTTONELLO et al., (2017), the individuals of terrapins captured in the 3 Gorghi present significant differences especially as regards the Body Condition Index (BCI), therefore it is possible to distinguish on the one hand the individuals coming from the Gorgo Basso and on the other hand those coming from the Gorgo Medio-Gorgo Alto system. By comparing the biometric data collected in the two study areas, considering BCI, SCL and weight, the individuals of the Gorgo Lungo are significantly different compared to the individuals of the Lago Preola and Gorghi Tondi Reserve for all the variables considered, with terrapins of the Gorgo Lungo on average larger than those from coastal sites. Analyzing the isotopic contents of the blood of males and females of Emys no significant differences were detected by comparing the sites and periods of capture. On the other hand, comparing the isotopic contents of the horny material of Emys, Gorgo Basso would differ from both Gorgo Alto and Gorgo Medio, while Alto and Medio would be similar. This would be valid above all for \u3b415N, while the variability for \u3b413C is less evident. OTTONELLO et al. (2016) hypothesize that the evident differences both biometric and in the productivity and growth of terrapins detectable between Gorgo Basso and the Gorgo Alto and Gorgo Medio systems can be traced back to the presence only in the Gorgo Alto and Gorgo Medio of fish species such as carp and gambusia , species that can have a significant impact on the macrobenthic component of colonized water bodies (CAGLE, 1946; GIBBONS, 1982; MACCULLOCH & SECOY, 1983; DUNHAM & GIBBONS, 1990, OTTONELLO et al., 2016). For this reason, the isotopic content of the fish species present was also tested, to evaluate their position in the trophic chain. Applying the metrics proposed by LAYMAN et al. (2007a), considering the isotopic traces of Emys nails, it is observed that the NR and CR values are substantially comparable in the terrapins coming from the single site. Comparing terrapins and fishes, the NR values would be slightly higher in Emys than in carp and allies with gambusia, indicating a similar ability to exploit resources at different trophic levels, also the CR values would be substantially similar between Emys and fish. The values of TA and CD in the terrapins of the Gorgo Medio e Alto are lower than especially in the Gorgo Alto indicating a greater amplitude, albeit slight, of the trophic niche in the fish. Comparing the data obtained between Gorgo Basso and Gorgo Medio / Alto, also in this case Gorgo Basso confirms that it has a different trend compared to the other two, with overall higher values attesting to trophic niches and availability of greater resources than Gorgo Alto and Medio. The corrected standard ellipse (SEAc), in the case of the isotopic traces of Emys nails, visually confirms what has been described, reporting a substantial overlap between the isotopic niches of the terrapins in the different sites, with a much wider niche for those coming from Gorgo Basso . These ellipses overlap only partially with those of the Gorgo Alto and Medio terrapins. Analyzing the isotopic niches and their overlap in males and females of the Gorgo Lungo, the values of the Layman metrics are substantially similar if we consider the samples derived from the nails, with a greater variability of basal sources in males (male CR> female CR) and on the contrary, a greater capacity of females to exploit the available resources (NR male

    Libellule di Liguria

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    Questo lavoro aggiorna le conoscenze sugli Odonati presenti all’interno del territorio della Regione Liguria (Italia nord-occidentale) a quasi 70 anni dall’ultimo contributo a scala regionale (Capra 1945). Lo studio è stato realizzato sia attraverso la consultazione della bibliografia a disposizione e di alcune collezioni museali sia attraverso la raccolta di nuovi dati. In totale sono state raccolte circa 3000 osservazioni con una copertura regionale media di circa un’osservazione ogni 2 Kmq. Tra questi dati circa 500 sono bibliografici e oltre 2500 inediti, questi ultimi raccolti in gran parte (88%) negli ultimi 7 anni. Nel complesso sono state radunate segnalazioni per 57 specie, 23 Zigotteri e 34 Anisotteri. Rispetto ai dati bibliografici sono state osservate 4 specie nuove per la Liguria: Coenagrion pulchellum, Ophiogomphus cecilia, Libellula fulva e Trithemis annulata. Non sono state invece ritrovate recentemente 5 specie segnalate storicamente: Coenagrion mercuriale, Erythromma najas, Sympetrum vulgatum, Somatochlora flavomaculata e Somatochlora meridionalis. Le aree di maggiore interesse o per motivi biogeografici o per numero totale di specie sono situate nell’Appennino Genovese (Val d’Aveto, Roccagrande e Valle dell’Orba), nel versante padano a cavallo tra le province di Genova e Savona (Valle Stura e Valle Erro), nella Valle Bormida e nel ponente (bacino del Fiume Centa, alta Valle Tanaro e Val Roja)


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    This short note describes the first advisory about the return upstream of a specimen of Alosa fallax (Lacépède, 1803) along the River Entella and the Lavagna Stream up to Ponte Vecchio locality (Municipality of Carasco, Liguria Region, North-Western Italy). The observation of twaite shad in the Entella River basin is a very important ichthyological event: it shows the great environmental potentiality of this Ligurian river basin

    Posthatching Parental Care in Salamanders Revealed by Infrared Video Surveillance

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    Post-hatching parental care is known in amphibians for frogs and caecilians but, so far, has never been reported for salamanders. Here, we describe the parental behavior of a female North-west Italian Cave Salamander \u201cSpeleomantes strinatii\u201d from egg deposition to nest site abandonment. The female was kept in semi-natural conditions and filmed in complete darkness by an infrared video camera. In November 2007, the female laid nine eggs in a small depression of the terrarium floor, displaced the clutch with hind limbs, and showed antipredator behaviors towards a conspecific female and an intruding roof rat (Rattus rattus). During egg brooding, the female remained in contact with the clutch for about 98% of the time. In September 2008, two young hatched and shared the nesting site for six weeks with the female, which attended the nesting site for 87% of the time. Hatchlings repeatedly climbed over the female\u2019s body, lying on her for hours. The female walked out of the nesting site with a young on its back twice. These prolonged skin contacts between parent and offspring should be considered as the first certain case of young attendance in salamanders. This behavior may be related to increased survival of hatchlings during their first weeks of life, when young are particularly vulnerable to predation, skin infection, and dehydration

    Comportamento difensivo e aggressivit\ue0 nel geotritone di Strinati Speleomantes strinatii (Aellen, 1958)

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    Comportamenti territoriali e aggressività verso conspecifici e individui di altre specie sono stati ampiamente descritti nei Pletodontidi nordamericani fin dagli anni ’70. Tali comportamenti sono essenzialmente legati alla spar- tizione degli habitat e delle risorse trofiche, ma sono state evidenziate anche cause riconducibili alla protezione del nido. Per quanto riguarda i pletodon- tidi europei, aspetti riguardanti la territorialità di Speleomantes strinatii sono stati presi in considerazione da salvidio et al. (2002), zanetti & salvidio (2006), senza tuttavia rilevare specifici comportamenti in questa specie. nel 2010 e 2014 oneto et al. hanno verificato l’esistenza di comportamenti difensivi e ipotetici atteggiamenti aggressivi da parte di femmine durante la cova e la sorveglianza dei neonati all’interno della stazione Biospelologica di Besolagno (genova, Italia nord occidentale). Tali comportamenti sono stati ricondotti a forme di cure parentali portate dalle femmine di S. stri- natii nei confronti della prole per proteggerli da intrusi. In questo studio, approntato come prosecuzione delle ricerche precedenti, è stato allestito all’interno della stazione Biospeleologica un terrario sorvegliato da una vi- deocamera FullHD Praktica iX - 8, massima risoluzione 1920x1080, dotata di Infrared night Vision con incorporato illuminatore Ir ad alta potenza. Il fine è stato quello di registrare con maggiore precisione i comportamenti di una femmina di S. strinatii in presenza si individui conspecifici, in questo caso maschi, nel sito di deposizione. l’ottimo funzionamento della vide- ocamera, ha permesso di registrare per 7 giorni le interazioni fra intrusi e femmina con i neonati, evidenziando chiaramente comportamenti difensivi da parte di quest’ultima, culminati con aggressioni verso gli intrusi, morsi intensi e sostenuti, tuttavia anche in assenza di un reale pericolo verso i neonati. I futuri sviluppi della ricerca, saranno volti a definire se l’aumento dell’aggressività in questa specie sia determinata da meccanismi legati alla tutela dell’investimento energetico prodotto dalla femmina per portare alla schiusa le uova e alla sopravvivenza dei neonati

    Monitoraggio a Lungo Termine Del Geotritone Speleomantes Strinatii Nella Stazione Biospeleologica DI San Bartolomeo DI Savignone (Ge)

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    The Biospelogical Station of San Bartolomeo di Savignone is located in the Scrivia Valley (north-western Italy). This horizontal tunnel, measuring about 40 m, was excavated in marlstones during World War II, when it was used as an air-raid shelter. This cavity was naturally colonized by a population of the cave salamander Speleomantes strinatii that shows a seasonal pattern of activity, with a summer peak in July. Since 1990, salamanders active on the cave walls are counted and from 1996 the absolute population size is estimated by means of a temporary removal experiment, in which salamanders are captured in three occasions, stored in terraria and released at the end of the experiment. A clear relationship between the estimated population size and the simple salamander count is observed; this latter could be considered an appropriate index of the salamander abundance. Overall, the population size remained constant over the study period, although it showed a certain degree of variability (coefficient of variation CV = 0.29). Moreover, a weak tendency to periodical fluctuations is observed. The demographic population structure (sex ratio and recruitment) appear constant, suggesting that the population is fluctuating near the environmental carrying capac

    Comportamento difensivo e aggressività nel geotritone di Strinati Speleomantes strinatii (Aellen, 1958)

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    Comportamenti territoriali e aggressività verso conspecifici e individui di altre specie sono stati ampiamente descritti nei Pletodontidi nordamericani fin dagli anni ’70. Tali comportamenti sono essenzialmente legati alla spar- tizione degli habitat e delle risorse trofiche, ma sono state evidenziate anche cause riconducibili alla protezione del nido. Per quanto riguarda i pletodon- tidi europei, aspetti riguardanti la territorialità di Speleomantes strinatii sono stati presi in considerazione da salvidio et al. (2002), zanetti & salvidio (2006), senza tuttavia rilevare specifici comportamenti in questa specie. nel 2010 e 2014 oneto et al. hanno verificato l’esistenza di comportamenti difensivi e ipotetici atteggiamenti aggressivi da parte di femmine durante la cova e la sorveglianza dei neonati all’interno della stazione Biospelologica di Besolagno (genova, Italia nord occidentale). Tali comportamenti sono stati ricondotti a forme di cure parentali portate dalle femmine di S. stri- natii nei confronti della prole per proteggerli da intrusi. In questo studio, approntato come prosecuzione delle ricerche precedenti, è stato allestito all’interno della stazione Biospeleologica un terrario sorvegliato da una vi- deocamera FullHD Praktica iX - 8, massima risoluzione 1920x1080, dotata di Infrared night Vision con incorporato illuminatore Ir ad alta potenza. Il fine è stato quello di registrare con maggiore precisione i comportamenti di una femmina di S. strinatii in presenza si individui conspecifici, in questo caso maschi, nel sito di deposizione. l’ottimo funzionamento della vide- ocamera, ha permesso di registrare per 7 giorni le interazioni fra intrusi e femmina con i neonati, evidenziando chiaramente comportamenti difensivi da parte di quest’ultima, culminati con aggressioni verso gli intrusi, morsi intensi e sostenuti, tuttavia anche in assenza di un reale pericolo verso i neonati. I futuri sviluppi della ricerca, saranno volti a definire se l’aumento dell’aggressività in questa specie sia determinata da meccanismi legati alla tutela dell’investimento energetico prodotto dalla femmina per portare alla schiusa le uova e alla sopravvivenza dei neonati

    Population structure and reproduction of red-eared slider Trachemys scripta elegans in Liguria (NW Italy)

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    In this study we provide data on the population structure, sex ratio and evi- dence for reproduction in the wild for two populations of the invasive fre- shwater chelonian trachemys scripta elegans, in liguria (nW Italy). During a lIFe nature project, aiming to preserve the endangered autoctonous pond turtle Emys orbicularis ingauna in the Centa river plane, 520 allochthonous turtles belonging to the genera graptemys, Mauremys, pseudemys and tra- chemys were caught and removed from the wild, in the province of savona (W liguria) and also of la spezia (e liguria). The majority of the removed turtles (n = 446) belonged to the subspecies t. scripta elegans, that formed reproductive populations in both areas. In the two areas, the sex ratio was balanced and the overall population structure, in which a great proportion of juveniles was present, did not differ, suggesting the existence of viable populations living in favorable environmental conditions. In the area of savona, where the native endemic Emys orbicularis ingauna is found, the population of t. scripta elegans is now almost completely eradicated, while in the la spezia river basin the invasive red-eared slider is so widespread and locally abundant, that it seems challenging to achieve a complete eradica- tion, at least in the short term