2 research outputs found

    Is it necessary to motivate employees in the private sector in the same way as public sector?

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    Work motivation is one of basic methods of management, it is a specific scientific field containing many scientific theories. An Effective motivation must be focused on characteristics of both the subject and the target. The greatest economic subject is the national economy with two cooperating sectors -- private, based on private ownership, and public sector financed by public sources. People engaged in one of these sectors can have various ideas and claims. For all managers, it is essential to know these claims and interests in order to apply a convenient motivation method. The aim of the proposed diploma thesis is to contribute to a solution of the following question -- is it necessary to motivate employees in public sector differently than employees in private sector? For this purpose I designed and evaluated a questionnaire. In last chapter, I suggest what measures are most convenient in order to reach the most effective motivation of employees in a public sector as well as in a private sector

    Bank financial risks - credit risk

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    This is analysis of credit risks of bank i.e. risks between bank, as a creditor and it's debtor. Credit risk means uncertainty that the debtor will pay to the bank agreed installment and interest in time. In relationship between bank and debtor there is a lot of risks named in this study. The most dangerous risk is credit risk. The banks take some measures to prevent them: monitoring of the bonity of a client, credit procedure, reinsurance of a debt, managing of risk, capital adequacy, registry, rating etc. Credit risk of bank can cause financial losses but also bank crises with impact on global economy. JEL Classification: G210, E580, D810Tato práce analyzuje bankovní úvěrové riziko, tj. riziko ve vztahu mezi bankou, jako poskytovatelem prostředků, a klientem banky, jako příjemcem úvěru, který se stává dlužníkem. Ve vztahu věřitel dlužník existuje řada rizik zmiňovaných v této práci, z nichž nejzávažnějším je úvěrové riziko. Je to nejistota, zda dlužník bude splácet bance úvěr a úrok ve smlouvou stanovených částkách a termínech. Banky se proti riziku z poskytování úvěrů brání a využívají k tomuto účelu řadu nástrojů a preventivních opatření: sledování bonity klienta, úvěrový proces, zajištění úvěrů, řízení úvěrového rizika, kapitálovou přiměřenost, registry, rating a další. Bankovní riziko může vést k finančním ztrátám banky, ale také může zapříčinit bankovní krizi s odezvou v celé ekonomice. JEL klasifikace: G210, E580, D81