89 research outputs found

    Financial Performance of Islamic Banks in Turkey and the United Kingdom: A Comparative Study

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    Islamic banks are financial institutions just like conventional banks. However, Islamic banks do not deal with interest and are based on participation. These institutions raise funds and employ them within the scope of Islamic (Shariah) principles where the bank and the depositor share the business, thus sharing the profits and losses. This paper focuses on making a comparative between three Islamic banks in Turkey and five Islamic banks in the United Kingdom in terms of financial performance. More so, it aims to investigate whether or not Islamic banks in Turkey are more profitable, less risky, liquid, operationally efficient, and have a good management quality compared to the Islamic banks in UK. The time span used in this study is one period. The period is four years from 2013 until 2016. Our study used time series data (pooled Least Squares) (PLS) as panel regression on nine financial ratios (CAMEL) to examine the financial performance of these banks according to their profitability, Capital adequacy, Asset quality (riskiness and solvency), Management quality, Earning diversification (operationally efficient), and Liquidity. However, our results are insignificant for UK and significant in Turkey in terms of asset quality and management quality

    Is it essential to perform preoperative diagnostic curettage in patients scheduled for uterine myoma surgery?

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    Objective: Uterine myoma, which arises from the myometrium of uterus, is among the most common benign tumors of women. Generally, it has an asymptomatic character, however, in symptomatic cases, it presents with abnormal uterine bleeding. The objective of this study is to determine whether preoperative diagnostic curettage is essential or not by comparing the preoperative and postoperative endometriums of patients that underwent surgery with uterine myoma diagnosis. Material and Method: In this study,260 patients that received surgery with uterine myoma diagnosis in the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department of Taksim Education and Research Hospital in Istanbul between January 2007 and January 2010, were included. The histopathologic analysis of specimens obtained by preoperative curettage and hysterectomy, was carried out in a retrospective fashion. Results: The mean age of patients was 48.3 ± 7.5 years. The distribution of preoperative curettage specimens with regard to endometrial status was as follows: phase compatible endometrium in 156 (60%), endometrial polyp in 74 (28.5%), atrophic endometrium in 20 (7.7%), and endometrial hyperplasia in 10 patients (3.8%). Among the phase compatible endometriums, 85 patients (54.5%) had proliferative endometrium, 39 patients (25%) had late secretory phase endometrium, and 32 patients (20.5%) had early secretory phase endometrium. The distribution of postoperative hysterectomy specimens with regard to endometrial status was as follows: Phase compatible endometrium in 160 patients (61.5%), endometrial polyp in 61 patients (22.5%), endometrial hyperplasia in 14 patients (5.4%), and atrophic endometrium in 25 patients (9.6%). Among the phase compatible endometriums; 96 patients (60%) had proliferative endometrium, 44 patients (27.5%) had late secretory endometrium, and 20 patients (12.5%) had early secretory endometrium. Conclusion: No difference was observed between the histopathologic results of diagnostic curettage and hysterectomy relative to malignancy or a pathology that would change the surgery plan. The result is very important because it shows that performing curettage before myoma surgery is not an essential procedure. In this study, since endometrial cancer may not have been detected due to limited number of patients, further studies including higher number of patients are required to confirm our results

    Density of Common Complex Ocular Traits in the Aging Eye: Analysis of Secondary Traits in Genome-Wide Association Studies

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    Genetic association studies are identifying genetic risks for common complex ocular traits such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The subjects used for discovery of these loci have been largely from clinic-based, case-control studies. Typically, only the primary phenotype (e.g., AMD) being studied is systematically documented and other complex traits (e.g., affecting the eye) are largely ignored. The purpose of this study was to characterize these other or secondary complex ocular traits present in the cases and controls of clinic-based studies being used for genetic study of AMD. The records of 100 consecutive new patients (of any diagnosis) age 60 or older for which all traits affecting the eye had been recorded systematically were reviewed. The average patient had 3.5 distinct diagnoses. A subset of 10 complex traits was selected for further study because they were common and could be reliably diagnosed. The density of these 10 complex ocular traits increased by 0.017 log-traits/year (P = 0.03), ranging from a predicted 2.74 at age 60 to 4.45 at age 90. Trait-trait association was observed only between AMD and primary vitreomacular traction (P = 0.0009). Only 1% of subjects age 60 or older had no common complex traits affecting the eye. Extrapolations suggested that a study of 2000 similar subjects would have sufficient power to detect genetic association with an odds ratio of 2.0 or less for 4 of these 10 traits. In conclusion, the high prevalence of complex traits affecting the aging eye and the inherent biases in referral patterns leads to the potential for confounding by undocumented secondary traits within case-control studies. In addition to the primary trait, other common ocular phenotypes should be systematically documented in genetic association studies so that adjustments for potential trait-trait associations and other bias can be made and genetic risk variants identified in secondary analyses

    Fisheries ecology of the brown crab (Cancer pagurus L.) in the Isle of Man

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    The brown crab or European edible crab Cancer pagurus is one of the most economically important crab species in European waters with landings of 49 263 t in 2013. C. pagurus is also one of the most important commercial species in the United Kingdom with landings of 28 778 t in 2013 worth approximately £33.5M at first sale. The global capture production of brown crab has increased markedly during the last two decades. Despite this, the crab fishery is relatively data poor in terms of the ecology and catch characteristics of this species, particularly in the Irish Sea. The aims of this study were to provide the information to fill science gaps needed to inform sustainable brown crab fisheries in the Isle of Man. This was done by studying the population structure, reproductive ecology and catch characteristics of the brown crab fishery, and by examining the impacts of scallop fisheries on brown crabs, as well as assessing the by-catch composition of the brown crab pot fishery. A combination of sampling techniques was used to collect data which included: baited pots between Spring 2012 and Summer 2013, dredge, trawl and shore surveys. The catch per unit effort (CPUE) of crabs caught in traps was strongly influenced by environmental (i.e., temperature, season, area) and fishery specific factors (i.e., pot volume). This study compared fishery dependent data (FDD) and fishery independent data (FID) to assess the CPUE estimates. Both of these data sources gave similar results which indicated that fisher-based surveys provide good quality information for future monitoring of the population provided that environmental and gear effects are accounted for. This study also determined the total exploitation rate of brown crab using both commercial and recreational fisheries data. The latter contributed only a small percentage of total mortality which is largely due to strict controls on total recreational fishing effort. Observations of the distribution of brown crabs around the Isle of Man indicated the presence of a reproductive migration. Ovigerous crabs were generally found in offshore areas. These egg carrying females varied in size from 134 to 215 mm CW and each individual carried an estimated 0.4-3.0 million eggs. However, examination of behavioural maturity indicated that the earliest presence of sperm plugs was at 110 mm CW while functional maturity was 134 mm CW. There appears to be a predictable trend across Europe in the minimum size of egg bearing which appears to be related to water temperature.Based on quantitative data collected throughout the dredge surveys the potential impact of scallop dredging on the brown crab population was estimated in terms of by-catch, damage and mortality estimates. This study indicated that female crabs were particularly vulnerable to scallop dredging around the North-West coast of the island in November when fishing effort was highest in this area. Estimates of the potential mortality associated with scallop dredging led to a lower and higher estimate of a potential annual crab by-catch mortality of between 11 t and 17 t respectively (assuming 45% mortality of the crab by-catch), which represented 2.2 - 3.4% of the commercial landings of brown crab for the Isle of Man. Thus at present levels of fishing (up until 2014) this would seem to contribute a relatively small proportion of total mortality to the crab population. Nevertheless, an extension of the scallop dredging closed season until the end of November in the area of the Targets fishing ground might be a useful conservation measure if scallop dredging activity were to increase in the future. By-catch in pot fisheries is poorly studied in general. A total of 43 by-catch species were found in crustacean pots lifted around the Isle of Man and the velvet swimming crab Necora puber was the most abundant by-catch species. This study identified significant spatial differences in the CPUE of by-catch species; the highest by-catch CPUE was recorded around the west coast of the Isle of Man. However, seasonal changes in by-catch were less important. There was a significant negative relationship between the two target species (brown crab and European common lobster). However, there was no significant relationship between by-catch composition and target species (a combination of crab and lobster) compositio

    Fisheries ecology of the brown crab (Cancer pagurus L.) in the Isle of Man

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    The brown crab or European edible crab Cancer pagurus is one of the most economically important crab species in European waters with landings of 49 263 t in 2013. C. pagurus is also one of the most important commercial species in the United Kingdom with landings of 28 778 t in 2013 worth approximately £33.5M at first sale. The global capture production of brown crab has increased markedly during the last two decades. Despite this, the crab fishery is relatively data poor in terms of the ecology and catch characteristics of this species, particularly in the Irish Sea. The aims of this study were to provide the information to fill science gaps needed to inform sustainable brown crab fisheries in the Isle of Man. This was done by studying the population structure, reproductive ecology and catch characteristics of the brown crab fishery, and by examining the impacts of scallop fisheries on brown crabs, as well as assessing the by-catch composition of the brown crab pot fishery. A combination of sampling techniques was used to collect data which included: baited pots between Spring 2012 and Summer 2013, dredge, trawl and shore surveys. The catch per unit effort (CPUE) of crabs caught in traps was strongly influenced by environmental (i.e., temperature, season, area) and fishery specific factors (i.e., pot volume). This study compared fishery dependent data (FDD) and fishery independent data (FID) to assess the CPUE estimates. Both of these data sources gave similar results which indicated that fisher-based surveys provide good quality information for future monitoring of the population provided that environmental and gear effects are accounted for. This study also determined the total exploitation rate of brown crab using both commercial and recreational fisheries data. The latter contributed only a small percentage of total mortality which is largely due to strict controls on total recreational fishing effort. Observations of the distribution of brown crabs around the Isle of Man indicated the presence of a reproductive migration. Ovigerous crabs were generally found in offshore areas. These egg carrying females varied in size from 134 to 215 mm CW and each individual carried an estimated 0.4-3.0 million eggs. However, examination of behavioural maturity indicated that the earliest presence of sperm plugs was at 110 mm CW while functional maturity was 134 mm CW. There appears to be a predictable trend across Europe in the minimum size of egg bearing which appears to be related to water temperature.Based on quantitative data collected throughout the dredge surveys the potential impact of scallop dredging on the brown crab population was estimated in terms of by-catch, damage and mortality estimates. This study indicated that female crabs were particularly vulnerable to scallop dredging around the North-West coast of the island in November when fishing effort was highest in this area. Estimates of the potential mortality associated with scallop dredging led to a lower and higher estimate of a potential annual crab by-catch mortality of between 11 t and 17 t respectively (assuming 45% mortality of the crab by-catch), which represented 2.2 - 3.4% of the commercial landings of brown crab for the Isle of Man. Thus at present levels of fishing (up until 2014) this would seem to contribute a relatively small proportion of total mortality to the crab population. Nevertheless, an extension of the scallop dredging closed season until the end of November in the area of the Targets fishing ground might be a useful conservation measure if scallop dredging activity were to increase in the future. By-catch in pot fisheries is poorly studied in general. A total of 43 by-catch species were found in crustacean pots lifted around the Isle of Man and the velvet swimming crab Necora puber was the most abundant by-catch species. This study identified significant spatial differences in the CPUE of by-catch species; the highest by-catch CPUE was recorded around the west coast of the Isle of Man. However, seasonal changes in by-catch were less important. There was a significant negative relationship between the two target species (brown crab and European common lobster). However, there was no significant relationship between by-catch composition and target species (a combination of crab and lobster) compositio

    Décider de son propre niveau de protection. Quelles libertés et contraintes pour les Etats?

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    Communication à l'occasion d'une journée d'étude sur la pollution électromagnétiqu

    DNA Cleavage Properties and Synthesis of Metallophthalocyanines with 5-Methyl-[1, 2, 4] triazolo [1, 5-a] pyrimidin-7-oxy Substituents. Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry

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    The aim of the present study is to perform synthesis of novel metallophthalocyanines (pcs) with high solubility. The synthesis and characterization of 5-methyl-[1, 2, 4] triazolo [1, 5-a] pyrimidin-7-yloxy-substituted zinc, magnesium, and cobalt pcs are reported. These compounds have been characterized using electronic absorption, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, infrared, elemental analysis and mass spectra. The aggregation investigations carried out in different concentrations indicate that 5-methyl-[1, 2, 4] triazolo [1, 5-a] pyrimidin-7-yloxy-substituted pc complexes do not have any aggregation behavior for the concentration range of 1 × 10-5-1 × 10-6 M in THF. DPPH radical scavenging activity, metal chelating activity, and reducing power of the compounds were evaluated. The DNA gel electrophoresis studies revealed that new phthalonitrile and its metallophthalocyanine compounds cleavaged plasmid DNA (pBR322). Additionally, the ground-state geometries of the complexes were optimized using density functional theory methods at B3LYP/6-31G (d, p) level in order to obtain information about the 3D geometries and electronic structure

    Buvons chantons aimons : chanson / paroles de Camille Soubise ; musique de Jacques Roques ; créée par Vialla à l'Eldorado

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    Collection : Romances et chansons nouvellesCollection : Romances et chansons nouvelle
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