159 research outputs found

    IS Architecture Complexity Dynamics in M&A: Does Consolidation Reduce Complexity?

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    In this paper we aim to improve our understanding of the dynamics of IS architecture complexity (i.e, the change in this complexity over time) during the execution of a consolidation IS integration strategy (IIS). Based on two case studies, we find that unexpected levels of complexity emerge during IIS execution because of an underestimation of requisite complexity and an overestimation of the potential to reduce complexity. Our analysis shows that increased complexity is due to the fact that the intended consolidation IIS is only partially executed, and to increasingly emergent IIS execution. Additionally, we find that while complexity was reduced at the portfolio level, at more detailed levels of observation complexity was actually increased. Our paper contributes to knowledge in the field by providing a deeper insight into IS architecture complexity dynamics during the execution of a consolidation IIS, and the concept of IS architecture complexity in general

    IS Antagonism: Explaining Negative Value Creation from IS Integration in M&A

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    IS integration problems are often an important determinant of negative value creation in Mergers and Acquisitions. To date, these problems are commonly attributed to mis-aligned Business and IS Integration Strategies, flawed preparation or execution or negative synergies, but the role of IS itself is underemphasized. Based on a case study and expert interviews, we propose a theory addressing this issue. Our explanation focuses on the concept of IS Antagonism, referring to the destructive interaction between previously independent information systems, which occurs when these are operationally combined. This concept offers novel explanations beyond strategic misalignment and considers the nature of the information systems themselves in the integration phase. IS antagonism is omni present in M&A, which has the practical implication that we need to account for its value destructing characteristics in pre-merger synergy predictions and by securing necessary IS resources to mitigate during execution

    Periods of elevated air pollution concentrations. Estimations of the (traffic) contribution to pollution levels

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    Tijdens winterepisoden kunnen de locaal extra verhoogde niveaus van SO-2 en NO-2 significant worden verlaagd door emissiebeperking op stedelijk/industrieel- en straatniveau. Een reductie van de verkeersemissie zal de eveneens hoge niveaus van CO, BS en C-xH-x verlagen. Tijdens zomerepisoden kunnen de hoge NO-2 niveaus in drukke straten door verkeersreductie sterk worden verlaagd. Deze verlaging gaat echter gepaard met een verhoging van het lage ozonniveau tot maximaal het landelijk heersende oxidant niveau.Abstract not availableDGM/

    Modelonderzoek naar golfvoortplanting over een hellende bodem

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    De civieltechnische werken hebben de laatste jaren een zeer snelle ontwikkeling doorgemaakt. Om een technisch verantwoorde constructie te maken is een fundamentele kennis vereist omtrent de krachten op en het gedrag van een constructie. Bij het ontwerpen van maritieme construties spelen de oppervlaktegolven een belangrijke rol en het is van beiang te weten door welke oorzaak een bepaald golfpatroon veranderd en wat de verandering is in de golfparameters zoals golfhoogte, golflengte en watersnelheid. Het doel van deze studie is, om bij golfverschijnselen op ondiep water met een varierende diepte, de waterstanden en watersnelheden te berekenen om zodoende de verandering in de golfparameters te leren kennen. Hierbij wordt gedacht aan golven, die zich ontwikkeld hebben op zee, en vlakbij de kust ondiepe plaatsen (banken) passeren en daardoor steiler en hoger worden of gaan ,breken (het breken van de golven maakt geen deel uit van deze studie). De golven die in deze studie beschouwd worden, hebben een golflengte die relatief groot is ten opzichte van de waterdiepte en een golfcunplitude die relatief klein is ten opzichte van de waterdiepte. Men noemt dit type golven wel lage lange golven. De vergelijkingen die het golfverschijnsel beschrijven zijn opgesteld met behulp van de methode der asymptotische ontwikkeling. De vergelijkingen worden geïntegreerd met behulp van een differentiemethode en getoetst met behulp van een (fysisch) schaalmodel in het laboratorium. Het volgende probleem is centraal gesteld, namelijk de lage lange golven planten zich voort over een vaste bodem, die uit een hellend deel en horizontale delen bestaat.Hydraulic EngineeringCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Report on the measurement results of the National Air Pollution Monitoring System, April 1985 - April 1986. Region 5 Noord-Holland

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    In verband met moderniseringswerkzaamheden aan het meetnet voor luchtverontreiniging is het aantal operationele stations in de rapportageperiode beperkt. Uit de tabellen blijkt geen overschrijding van de (interim) grens- en richtwaarden voor SO2, NO2, CO en O3 gedurende de rapportageperiode. De richtwaarden voor SO2 worden op bijna alle stations in de zuidelijke helft van Nederland overschreden. Voor de richtwaarden van NO2 en O3 geldt dit voor respectievelijk bijna alle en alle stations in het gehele land.Abstract not availableDGM

    Design of a valveless organ-on-chip micropump: A new take on on-chip actuation for organ-on-chip devices

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    In the last few years organ-on-chip (OoC) has been emerging as a new method for more reliable research to screen the effects of new drugs on the body. This is a novel technology mimicking the in vivo environment of tissue cells, making it a more suitable candidate for experimentation than traditional 2D cell cultures. However, in order to ensure smooth and swift implementation of this technique, some issues must be addressed first. One of these issues concerns perfusion: most OoC devices require external equipment to provide the necessary dynamic flow that makes the OoC unique, so that cells experience continuous fluid shear and are perfused sufficiently. In this thesis a model of an on-chip electro-polymeric pump is designed for application on an OoC. From a background study the design aims are defined: a membrane actuated pump with a nozzle-diffuser channel providing pump action. The membrane is made from ionic polymer-metal composite (IPMC), a material that deforms under electric current which is produced at TU Delft with the intention to use it in OoC applications. Its low voltage operating range and its biocompatibility make it an excellent candidate for this. Furthermore, the nozzle-diffuser elements avoid the need for moving elements inside the channel, instead providing pump action based on a pressure gradient over the nozzle elements. Finally, three design aims are defined, being: high flowrate, high flow pulse and low flow rate and pulse applications, corresponding to various needs in the OoC field. A base model is designed using COMSOL Multiphysics software, using similar devices described in literature. The model consists of a combination of solid mechanics (for membrane movement), fluid mechanics (for flow movement) and a fluid-structure interaction module to combine the two. This model is then tested for a range of parameters, first independently and later in pairs. General conclusions drawn from these simulations include: - Between the membrane displacement and -frequency (which can both be varied after fabrication), the membrane displacement magnitude affects the output more significantly than actuation frequency - The membrane width is positively correlated with flow rate output and pulse amplitude - The channel depth is positively correlated with flow rate output, but only if the membrane displacement scales along with it - A long slender nozzle yields lower flow output than a short, squat nozzle - The results from this model are consistent with nozzle-diffuser theory, stating that nozzle resistance and membrane movement affect the flow most significantly. This leads to three designs according to the three application wishes expressed earlier. The pump is designed such that it can be manufactured on a silicon wafer using electronics cleanroom equipment. The combination with the process developed for IPMC provides a novel pumping mechanism that has the potential to fully integrate an important aspect of an OoC on-chip, greatly increasing user friendliness and allowing for wider implementation of this technology