27 research outputs found

    A study of the deep structure of the energy landscape of glassy polystyrene: the exponential distribution of the energy-barriers revealed by high-field Electron Spin Resonance spectroscopy

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    The reorientation of one small paramagnetic molecule (spin probe) in glassy polystyrene (PS) is studied by high-field Electron Spin Resonance spectroscopy at two different Larmor frequencies (190 and 285 GHz). The exponential distribution of the energy-barriers for the rotational motion of the spin probe is unambigously evidenced at both 240K and 270K. The same shape for the distribution of the energy-barriers of PS was evidenced by the master curves provided by previous mechanical and light scattering studies. The breadth of the energy-barriers distribution of the spin probe is in the range of the estimates of the breadth of the PS energy-barriers distribution. The evidence that the deep structure of the energy landscape of PS exhibits the exponential shape of the energy-barriers distribution agrees with results from extreme-value statistics and the trap model by Bouchaud and coworkers.Comment: Final version in press as Letter to the Editor on J.Phys.:Condensed Matter. Changes in bol


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    Objective: a comparative analysis of risk factors for stroke in patients with stroke, depending on sex, analysis of the frequency of occurrence of risk factors in patients and healthy people Tuvan nationality. Materials and methods. A case-control study of major risk factors for ischemic stroke (hypertension, family history, cardiac pathology, diabetes, etc.) in the two groups. Results. The first place is in the frequency of hypertension, family history and then, at the last-myocardial infarction. Conclusions. Among the population of Tuva has been a clear upward trend in ischemic stroke associated primarily with a high prevalence of hypertension, inadequacy of its treatment, as well as alcohol abuse. Проведен сравнительный анализ факторов риска развития инсульта в группе больных инсультом в зависимости от пола, анализ частоты встречаемости факторов риска среди больных и здоровых людей тувинской национальности. Методом случай – контроль проведено исследование основных факторов риска развития ишемического инсульта (артериальная гипертония, наследственность, кардиальная патология, сахарный диабет и др.) в двух группах. На первом месте по частоте встречаемости находится артериальная гипертония, затем наследственная предрасположенность, на последнем – перенесенный инфаркт миокарда. Среди тувинского населения отмечается четкая тенденция к росту ишемического инсульта, связанная в первую очередь с высокой распространенностью артериальной гипертензии, неадекватностью ее лечения, а также со злоупотреблением алкоголем.

    Efficiency of Human Plague Vaccination in Tuvinian Natural Plague Focus

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    Background. Plague is an especially dangerous natural focal infectious disease belonging to a group of quarantine infections. There are eleven natural plague foci in Russian Federation. In Republic Tyva plague endemic territories include Ovyur, Mongun-Taigin and Tes-Hem areas where Y. pestis strains are intermittently isolated from Citellus undulates. Population living at the territory of the natural foci get immunoprophylaxis against plague at complication of epizootic and epidemic conditions.This paper presents the results of monitoring indicators of the immune status of people vaccinated with the plague vaccine living in the territory of the Tuva natural focus.Materials and methods. The study involved 76 volunteers who had not previously been vaccinated. The study included the determination of production IFN-γ, IL-4, TNF-α by blood cells, titers of specific IgG antibodies to the capsule F1 antigen of the Yersinia pestis, and concentrations of immunoglobulins in serum blood, as well as immunophenotyping of blood lymphocytes.Results. In the course of a comprehensive immunological study, features of the development of cellular and humoral reactions in people living in the territory of the Tuva natural plague focus were established in the first months after vaccination. Changes in the concentration dynamics of the main classes of immunoglobulins were accompanied by an increase in the level of specific IgGs to the F1 within 6 months after immunization. In the same period, a significant increase in the production of cytokines, as well as significant changes in terms of the subpopulation composition of the vaccinated blood.Conclusion. It is necessary to note the importance of studying of the human immune status in 1–3 months after plague vaccination as this period coincides with potentially dangerous season from epidemiological point of view. Nevertheless, much important role for improvement of tactics of the specific prevention measures plays the data received after the revaccination


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    Abstract -Polymorphisms of the tuberculosis (TB) susceptibility genes SLC11A1, VDR, IL12B, IL1B , and IL1RN were studied, for the first time in Russia, in Tuvinians from the Tyva Republic and ethnic Russians from Tomsk. Compared with Russians, Tuvinians had significantly higher frequencies of potentially pathological alleles SLC11A1 *543N (0.139 vs. 0.043, P = 4.6 · 10 -5 ), IL12B *1188C (0.378 vs. 0.174, P = 1.1 · 10 -8 ), VDR *b (0.825 vs. 0.532, P = 3.2 · 10 -16 ), IL1B *(+3953A1) (0.865 vs. 0.806, P = 0.035), and IL1RN *A1 (0.849 vs. 0.786, P = 0.030). However, none of the alleles was associated with TB in Tuvinians. Compared with healthy subjects, Russian patients with TB had higher frequencies of alleles IL1RN *A2 (0.258 vs. 0.186, P = 0.024), SLC11A1 *274T (0.251 vs. 0.164, P = 0.009), IL12B *1188C (0.240 vs. 0.174, P = 0.044), and IL1B *(+3953A2) (0.259 vs. 0.194, P = 0.044). The structure of linkage disequilibrium in pairs of alleles differed between Tuvinians and Russians. In total, the results suggest ethnic specificity of the distribution and pathogenetic significance of the alleles of the TB susceptibility genes

    Ratio of elements in humic acids as a source of information on the environment of soil formation

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    This paper considers the informative importance of one of the main features that characterize humic acids of soils at the diagnosis of the natural environment of their formation in both the present and the past. It is shown that the ratio of elements in the humic acids clearly corresponds to the landscape conditions and quantitative characteristics of climatic parameters. They persist over time and can serve as one of the reliable indicators in assessing the environment of different periods of paleogeographic history. © 2012 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Efficiency of human plague vaccination in tuvinian natural plague focus. Message 2: dynamics of immune status indicators after revaccination

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    Relevance. In Russia, the live plague vaccine (LPV) is used for specific prophylaxis of plague. Immunological monitoring of humans vaccinated by LPV in order to search for informative diagnostic markers, as well as to improve the tactics of epidemiological surveillance of plague enzootic territories is an urgent area of research.The aim is to assess the parameters of cellular and humoral immunity in humans revaccinated by LPV who permanently reside on territory of the Tuvinian natural plague focus.Materials and methods. The study involved 76 volunteers from the Republic of Tuva, revaccinated by LPV. Blood sampling was performed before vaccination and 1, 3, and 6 months after revaccination. The study included the determination of cytokine production (IFN-γ, IL-4, TNF-α), specific antibodies, immunoglobulins (IgM, IgG, IgA and IgE) and lymphocyte subpopulation composition (CD3, CD4, CD8, CD16, CD19, immunoregulatory index).Results. A decrease in IgG and IgM and an increase in IgA were found after vaccination with LPV and their increase after revaccination. Correlation relationships were revealed between immunoglobulins, B cells and IL-4. Revaccination leads to an increase seroconversion. The activation of humoral immunity in humans vaccinated against plague is also evidenced by dynamics of changes in the subpopulation composition: an increase in B-lymphocytes and natural killer cells, a decrease in T-helpers and immunoregulatory index, and cellular immunity stimulation is an increase in spontaneous and induced production of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines.Conclusion. It has been shown that LPV is capable of causing the body’s immune restructuring and activating the cellular and humoral mechanisms of immunological protection. For a complete understanding of the development and preservation of  antiplague immunity, it is necessary to continue the annual immunological monitoring of the population living on the territory of the Tuvinian natural plague focus, using additional modern research methods