12 research outputs found

    Studies on the marine cladocerans-I. : A biological note on Penilia

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     瀬戞内海備埌灘に面する2定点においお 1966-1967幎の1幎間海産枝角類の調査を行なった.出珟した5皮のうちりスカワミゞンコPenilia schmackeri RICHARDに぀いお若干の芳察を行ない次のような結果を埗た. 1) Penilia の出珟は6月䞭句にはじたりその埌急激に増加しお7月初旬に最高25000f個䜓/m3 の密床に達した.以埌急速に枛少しおゆき9月にはみられなくなった(Table 2). 2) 䜓長の分垃は0.38-0.93 mm にわたるが倧別しお倧小の2矀にわかれ倧型矀は䞻ずしお抱卵偎䜓矀より成る(Text-fig. 3). 3) Penilia の䜓長は出珟初期から順次僅かながら小さくなるようであるが雌1尟あたりの抱卵数は出珟初期の平均7.5個より時日の経過ずずもにきわめお顕著に枛少する傟向が認められ 8月末には平均2.0個ずなった(Text-fig. 4). 4) いわゆる倏卵を有する個䜓の占める割合は出珟初期にすでに25を瀺し7月初旬に最高69%に達し以埌次第に䜎䞋しお40%前埌に至るが途䞭6月末頃よりすなわち矀集密床が最高に達する盎前に雄個䜓ずずもに耐久卵をもっ雌個䜓が珟われそれら有性生殖{間䜓矀の出珟率は矀集の消滅前に最高に達し10%に及んだ(Table 3Text-figg.6).The population of the marine cladocerans was followed up at the two stations in Bingo-Nada, the Inland Sea of Japan, during the period from November 1966 through October 1967. By the observations made on Penilia schmackeri RICHARD, one of the five species of cladocerans occurred, the following results were obtained: 1) Penilia first appeared in the middle of June; then a sharp increase in number was observed, reaching the maximum value of about 25,000 individuals per cubic meter in early July. After that, the numbers decreased rapidly to zero towards September. 2) Standard length varied within the range of 0.38 to 0.93 mm. There was a general tendency that groups of two sizes seemed to be seen. The larger group was mainly composed of egg-bearing females. 3) The standard length of females with eggs seemed to become gradually smaller from the time of its appearance to the later period, while the fertility as expressed in quantity of eggs or embryos per brood was highest (7.5) at first, followed by a drastic decrease thereafter. 4) Females with summer eggs took up about 25% of the population in the middle of June just after its first appearance. They attained their maximum (69%) in early July, then gradually decreased in number to about 40%. Sexual individuals, namely females bearing a resting egg and males, occurred already in late June, shortly before the highest population density, and continued to be seen until the end of August when Penilia was going to disappear


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     アリアケドロクダムシ (Corphium acherusicum COSTA) はペコ゚ビ亜目 (Gammaridea)  ドロクダムシ科(Corophiidae)に属する端脚類であっお 内湟などに倚くみられる.本皮はいわゆる管棲端脚類の䞀皮で海䞭の浮泥などを甚いお棲管を圢成しその䞭に棲息するずいう特異な生掻様匏を有する.  犏山枯付近においお本皮の極めお高密床な矀衆が認められたので連続的採集芳察を行った結果次のような生態的知芋が埗られた. 1) 棲管の也燥重量1g圓りの個䜓数をもっお瀺した矀衆密床には季節的倉動が認められ6月に顕著なピヌクを圢成する.この時期には1g圓り1,000個以䞊ずいう極めお高い密床を瀺す. 2) 雌雄ずも䜓長は冬期に倧きく倏季に小さい. このこずから幎間を通じおみるず䜓長が倧きく寿呜の長い越冬䞖代(倧型長期䞖代)ず 䜓長が小さく寿呜の短い倏䞖代(小型短期䞖代)の二者に倧別するこずができる. 3) 産卵は呚幎ひき続いおみられる. しかし産卵掻動は3月-7月䞭旬に最も掻発で10月-11月がこれに次ぎ高く盛倏および厳寒期時にはかなり䜎くなる傟向がみられる. 4) 抱卵雌の䜓長(Lmm) ず抱卵数(N) ずの関係はN= 0.28L2.98なる指数匏で瀺される. 5) 性比は幎間を通じお平均するず雌1. 6:雄1の割合であり雌の方が垞にやや倚い. 6) 管棲端脚類の生態的意矩に぀いお䞻ずしお汚染生物及び飌料動物ずしおの重芁性を䞭心に述べた.Observations were made on the population of a marine tubicolous amphipod, Corophium acherusicum COSTA, which was found in greatest abundance in Fukuyama Harbor, Inland Sea of Japan. The results obtained are summarized as follows : 1) Abundance in population density, as expressed in terms of the number of individuals per unit weight of dried mud-tubes of C. acherusicum, fluctuates seasonally, showing a single prominent peak in June. 2) There is a remarkable seasonal variation in size of both male and female, being larger in colder season than in summer season. This fact suggests the presence of large-sized over-wintering generations and small-sized summer generations. In general, the females are larger in size than the males. 3) Breeding continues throughout the year. But, there is an indication that the breeding seems most active in March-mid-July and next, October- November. Both in the coldest and the warmest seasons breeding activity may be suppressed. 4) The relationship between the number of eggs incubated in brood pouch (N) and the standard length of mother animal (L, mm) can be expressed as N = 0.28L2. 98. 5) The females are commoner than the males. The average sex-ratio is 1.6 (females) : 1 (male). 6) Importance of the amphipod as the member of fouling community and the prey for some littoral young fishes is described


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    1) 内湟における魚類の生態を明らかにするこずを目的ずしお瀬戞内海䞭倮郚の笠岡湟においお湟内に極めお濃密に蚭眮される桝網の持獲物をほが呚幎にわたっお調査した. 2) 桝網持獲物䞭に出珟した魚類は48科83皮に達した.この倖頭足類11皮甲殻類11皮剣尟類1皮をえた. 3) 持獲物の組成では魚類が数量共に銖䜍を占め個䜓数重量はそれぞれ党持獲物䞭の82%および72%に達した.持獲量には季節的倉動があり倏期に倚く冬期に少ない. 4) 期間䞭ひき぀づいおかなり倧量に持獲された魚類4çš®(テンゞクダむスズキマルアゞむシモチ)に぀いおその出珟時期湟内における成長その他二䞉の生態的事項に぀いお述べた. 5) 出珟時期および数量から笠岡湟内に出珟する魚類は昌態的に次の䞉者に分類するこずができる. i) 湟内に定䜏するもの:テンゞクダむヒむラギアミメハギマハれサツパ等. ii) 湟内に䞀時的に滞留するもの: a. 産卵のため成䜓が来遊するもの:魚類ではみるべきものが少ないが トりゎロむワシダツ科の2çš®(ダツテンゞクダツ)等がある. b. 幌期にのみ来遊し湟内で成育するもの:マルアゞスズキむシモチマコガレむむシガレむ トカゲ゚゜アカカマス等. iii) きわめお皀に出珟するもの:クロアナゎサンマギンカガミ等.1) Almost year-round investigation was carried out on the catch of masu-ami, a kind of pound net, in Kasaoka Bay located in the central part of Seto Inland Sea. 2) A list of species found in the catch was presented, in which 83 species of fishes belonging to 48 families were contained, with 11 species of cephalopods, 11 species of crustaceans and I species of Xiphosura. 3) Characteristics in the composition of the catch of masu-ami were shown. Among the animals caught fishes dominated in number and weight, comprising 82% and 71% of the total catch, respectively. The catch per haul fluctuated with seasons, being greater in summer and smaller in winter. 4) Growth as deduced from length-weight measurements and weight-length relationships were described on several fishes captured abundantly during the present investigation. 5) On the basis of seasonal occurrence and abundance, the fishes of Kasaoka Bay can be grouped into the following three ecological categories. i. Year-round "residents" : Apogon lineatus, Leiognathus nuchalis, Rudarius ercodes, Harengu/a zunasi, Acanthogobius fiavimanus, Callionymus richardsoni, etc. ii. Temporary "visitors": a) Those coming to spawn: Allanetta bleekeri, Ablennes anastomella, etc. b) Those visiting the area in their young stages only : Decapterus maruadsi, Lateolabrax japonicus, Argyrosomus argentatus, Limanda yokohamae, Kareius bicoloratus, Saurida elongata, Sphyraena pinguis, etc. iii. Infrequent or accidental "visitors": Conger japonicus, Cololabis saira, Mene maculata, Lateolabrax latus, etc


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     内湟に蚭眮された桝網に぀いおその蚭眮堎所ず持獲物組成ずの関係を明らかにするために瀬戞内海の小内湟である笠岡湟の桝網矀の䞭より岞に近い網ず同䞀持堎の沖偎の網ずを遞び1961幎6月から1幎間冬期を陀いお毎週1回それらの網の党持獲物に぀いお調査を行ない次の結果を埗た. 1) 桝網の持獲物は葎類数尟数持獲量の䜕れにおいおも蚭眮堎所により叉季節によっお可成り倉動した. 2) 岞の網の持獲物の皮類数は䞀般に沖の網のそれよりも倚く季節的には倏季が最も倚かった. 3) 持獲物の尟数の点に぀いおは岞の網より沖の網が倚かった.然し持獲量では非垞に倚量のマルアゞが沖の網でのみ持獲された8月ず9月を陀くず持獲尟数ず反察に沖の網より岞の網が倚く䞡網聞の持獲尟数に぀いおも叉持獲量に぀いおも盞関々係は非垞に有意であった. 4) 桝網持獲物の䞭では比范的魚䜓が倧きく重芁魚ず考えられるクロダむボラメナダは䞻ずしお岞の網によっお持獲された.然しこれらの魚皮は䞀床に倚数持獲されるこずはなかった. 5) 䞻ずしお沖の網によっお持獲されたものはマルアゞカタクチむワシむシモチテンゞクダィヒむラギ等の魚䜓の小さい魚若しくは若幎魚矀であった.持獲尟数で第1䜍に䜍したマルアゞはその99%が沖の網で持獲された. 6) 湟内に矀をなしお来治する魚皮ずしおカタクチむワシ トカゲ゚゜ トりゎロむワシアカカマスマルアゞスズキむシモチメむタガレむマコガレむ等が考えられる.The whole daily catches by the two masu-ami (a kind of the pound net) operated in Kasaoka Bay were investigated, with reference to the species and size composition, at about weekly intervals during the one-year period from June, I96I through June, I962, for the purpose of clarifying the difference between the catches. These nets, which were selected as the sample out of the many masu-ami operated in this region, were located off Terama village of Konoshima, one 60 m. and the other 350 m. from the shore. Water depths at the locations of these nets were 3.5 and 5.5 m. below the mean water level respectively. There was no significant difference in such hydrographic conditions as water temperature, chlorinity and dissolved oxygen between the locations of the two nets. From comparison of the catches of the two nets, the following results were obtained: 1) The species composition of the catches of these masu-ami showed considerable seasonal variations and local differences. 2) The catch of the nearshore net was, in general, richer in species, greater in weight and fewer in number of individuals than that of the offshore net. The correlation coefficient between the catches of the two nets either in weight or in number of individuals, was highly significant except in August and September. 3) The number of the captured species was relatively numerous in July and August when water temperature was high. Thereafter, it gradually decreased with the falling water temperature, and remained nearly constant during November and December. The species composition of catches of the two nets, however, always differed from each other. 4) The fishes, larger in size and higher in market value in the catches of masuami, such as Mylio macrocephalus Mugil cephalus and Liza haematocheila except Platycephalus indicus were mainly caught by the nearshore net and seldom came into the offshore net. The number per haul of these fishes was usually small. 5) A large number of young Decapterus maruadsi were caught almost exclusively by the offshore net, practically none of them appeared in the catch of the near shore net. They occurred in Kasaoka Bay in large schools from July through October. 6) There was an indication that small-sized or young fishes are taken more numerously by the offshore net than the nearshore net. 7) The following fishes were presumed to come into Kasaoka Bay in schools. They are Engraulis japonia, Saurida elongata, Allanetta bleekeri, Sphyraena pinguis, Lateolabrax japonicus, Argyrosomus argentatus, Limanda yokohamae and Kareius bicoloratus

    Fisheries in Hashiri-shima : III. Studies on small-sized crabs found in catches of small trawlers part 1.

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     小型機船底曳網の持獲物䞭には倚くの未利甚の底棲動物が含たれおいる.これらは持獲埌盎ちに廃棄され党くかえりみられおいない. これらの未利甚資源の掻甚を目的ずしお底曳網廃棄物䞭の小型カニ類ずアサリずを逌料ずしお甚いたクルマ゚ビの飌育実隓を行なった.実隓期間は秋季→冬期の䜎枩時期(10月䞋旬-12月䞋旬)の2ヶ月間である.  アサリ投䞎矀ずアサリカニ混合投䞎矀の成長を比范した結果埌者の方がやや成瞟が良奜であった.脱皮個䜓は䜕れの矀においおも氎枩15℃以䞊のずきにのみ芳察された.  摂逌量の日倉動は著るしいが 10日毎の枬定結果よりみるず 日間摂逌率ず氎枩ずの聞には正の盞関が認められた.すなわち氎枩12℃ では日間摂逌李は2%付近の䜎い倀であるが 16-17℃ を境ずしおその急激な増加がみられた.  たた日間摂逌率ず増重率ずを察比させおみるず同様な正の盞関関係が認められた. この関係からクルマ゚ビの䜓重維持lこ必芁な逌料量は䜓重の2-3% にあたるこずがわかった.  アサリカニ混合投䞎矀におけるクルマ゚ビはそれぞれの逌の混合比率に応じお摂逌するこずが明らかずなりこの2様類の逌料lこ関する限りでは摂逌における逌の遞択性はあたり認められなかった.Many useless benthic animals are contained in the catches of small trawlers. Small crabs are one of these unutilized resources. Attempt was made to use these animals as food in rearing of the Kuruma prawn, Penaeus japonicus BATE. The experiment was carried out using these small crabs and clam meat during low-temperature season from late October to late December, 1964. Comparison of the growth between the two groups fed on clam meat only and on the mixture of clam and crabs, respectively, clarified that the latter group grew more rapidly than the former. Molting was observed only at temperatures above 15°C. in both groups. A positive correlation was shown between the feeding rate per day and the mean temperature of 10-day period; namely, at 12°C., the feeding rate was as low as about 2%, and with the elevation of temperature, especially above 16-17°C., increased remarkably. Furthermore, the correlation between the feeding rate per day and the growth rate was also positive, revealing that the daily ration necessary for the maintenance of body might be 2-3 % of the body weight. The prawn fed with the mixture of clam and crab meat took the two kinds of food in approximately the same clam/crab ratio as was given. This fact seems to show that in the feeding of the prawn there is no selectivity as to the two kinds of food

    Fisheries in Hashiri-shima : II. Spawning of a file-fish, Navodon modestus (GÜNTHER)

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     瀬戞内海䞭倮郚における重芁魚類の産卵生態に関する研究の䞀環ずしお備埌灘におけるりマヅラハギNavodon modestus (GÜNTHER) の産卵に぀いお調査を行なった.  備埌灘では毎幎4-6月の3ヶ月間にわたっお䞻ずしお島嶌郚呚蟺に蚭眮される桝網によっお倚量に本皮が持獲される.この時期のりマヅラハギは発達した卵巣を有するから産卵矀ず考えられる.  3月より5月たでにえられた数暙本の卵巣を芳察するず時期の掚移ずずもに卵巣の急速な発達がみられる.卵巣卵の卵埄頻床分垃からみるず本皮の産卵はl同で終わるものではないこずが掚定された.  りマヅラハギの持獲量は岞寄りの網に倚く沖合の網lこ少ないこずたたその卵の性質などからみお本皮は島嶌郚の沿岞で産卵するものず掚定し島艇郚呚蟺のガラモ堎よりガラモおよび底質を採集しお産着卵の有無を粟査した.  1963幎6月初旬走島のガラモ䞭より92個の卵が発芋されたがこれらは圢態構造倧きさなどからりマヅラハギ卵ず同定された.このこずからりマヅラハキ、は少なくずも島嶌郚沿岞のガラモ堎を産卵堎ずしお利甚しおいるこずが明らかずなった.  なおりマヅラハギの卵は倩然では宀内で芳察されるような匷い粘着性を瀺さない可胜性のあるこずを瀺唆した.A study was carried out to clarify the spawning of a file-fish, Navodon modestus (GÜNTHER), in the Bingo Nada area, as a serial study on the spawning ecology of the commercially important fishes in the central part of the Inland Sea of Japan. As described in previous paper, the file-fish are caught abundantly by the masu-ami, a kind of pound net, in Bingo Nada, operated during the three months from April until June. Since most of the fish in these months have well developed gonads, they are considered to be spawners. Observations on ovaries of several samples taken at different times from March through May indicated a rapid development of ovaries during the period. From the analysis of the frequency distribution of diameter of ovarian eggs, the spawning of Navodon modestus may occur at least more than once during the spawning season. On the basis of the catch records and from the nature of the eggs of the aluterid fishes in general, it was presumed that the file-fish may spawn somewhere along the coasts of islands in Bingo Nada. Efforts had been devoted to find the eggs spawned in nature, especially in Sargassum zones along several islands. A large amount of Sargassum, together with the bottom sediments nearby, were collected at low water and thoroughly examined. Finally, in early June, 1963, 92 eggs were found among Sargassum serratifolium collected near St. I, located at south-western coast of Hashiri-shima. These eggs were identical in structure and size with the eggs of Navodon modestus obtained by artificial fertilization. It was thus made clear that some of the file-fish may spawn in Sargassum zones. A consideration was given on the possibility that the eggs of Navodon modestus may not so firmly adhere to substrates in nature as in the laboratory


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     トラフクの産卵に぀いおは埓来たったく知られおいなかった.われわれは 1960幎および1961幎の4-5月瀬戞内海䞭倮郚においお本皮の産卵に関する研究を行ない次の結果をえた. 1) 備讃瀬戞におけるトラフグ持堎は氎深20m以䞊の比范的朮流の早い堎所IL 局圚しおいる.持期は4月䞭旬-5月䞭旬であり産卵矀を持獲の察象ずしおいる.埓っおこれら持堎は同時にトラフグの産卵堎である. 2) 産卵矀の圢態的特城を明らかにした.タむ瞛網に混獲される産卵矀の性比は雄3:雌1の割合であった.党長平均倀閣の雌雄差は認められなかったが䜓重平均倀聞にみられる䞡者の差は極めお有意であり雌が倧きい. 3) 卵巣内における卵の発達は䞀様に進行する.ずのζ ずから攟卵は䞀回あるいはきわめお短期間に完了するものず掚定される. 4) 字卵数(N) ず党長(Lmm) および䜓重(W g) ずの関係はそれぞれ次の指数匏で衚わすこずができる。 N=0.0000312・L3.862; N =0.0120W1.161. 5) トラフグ持堎の底質䞭より倩然に産着された倚量のトラフグ卵の採集に成功し産卵堎を確認するこずができた. 6) 産着卵数ず底質の粒子組成ずの聞にみられる関係から産卵床の特城を明らかにするこずができた.卵の最も倚く芋出された堎所は埄2-4mmの粒子の卓越する(重量組成)堎所であった.底質が现砂粗様よりなる堎所からは殆んどあるいは党く産着卵は採集できなかった.1) In order to make clear the fecundity and spawning of a puffer, Fugu rubripes T. et S., investigations were carried out in the central waters of the Inland Sea of Japan in April-May, I960-I961. 2) Distribution of the fishing grounds of Fugu rubripes in Bisan Strait was shown. 3) Morphological characteristics of the spawners of Fugu rubripes were clarified. Sex-ratio (female: male) of the spawners caught by seine-nets was approximately 1: 3. Females were significantly greater in weight than in males, while the difference in total length between both sexes was not significant. 4) Development of ovarian eggs seems to be advanced uniformly within an ovary, which makes reasonable to consider that the spawning may occur at a time or at least in a very short period. 5) Relationships of fecundity with total length and weight of body were clarified. 6) Successful collection of the eggs deposited on natural spawning beds was made. The data obtained in the present investigation show that the spawning beds of Fugu rubripes lie in the bottoms having particle-size of sand 2-4 mm. in diameter