212 research outputs found

    Microbial Changes during Pregnancy, Birth, and Infancy

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    Several healthy developmental processes such as pregnancy, fetal development and infant development include a multitude of physiological changes: weight gain, hormonal and metabolic changes, as well as immune changes. In this review we present an additional important factor which both influences and is affected by these physiological processes- the microbiome. We summarize the known changes in microbiota composition at a variety of body sites including gut, vagina, oral cavity and placenta, throughout pregnancy, fetal development and early childhood. There is still a lot to be discovered; yet several pieces of research point to the healthy desired microbial changes. Future research is likely to unravel precise roles and mechanisms of the microbiota in gestation; perhaps linking the metabolic, hormonal and immune changes together. Although some research has started to link microbial dysbiosis and specific microbial populations with unhealthy pregnancy complications, it is important to first understand the context of the natural healthy microbial changes occurring. Until recently the placenta and developing fetus were considered to be germ free, containing no apparent microbiome. We present multiple study results showing distinct microbiota compositions in the placenta and meconium, alluding to early microbial colonization. These results may change dogmas and our overall understanding of the importance and roles of microbiota from the beginning of life. We further review the main factors shaping the infant microbiome- modes of delivery, feeding, weaning, and exposure to antibiotics. Taken together, we are starting to build a broader understanding of healthy vs. abnormal microbial alterations throughout major developmental time-points

    Status Kesehatan Gigi dan Gingiva Siswa Sekolah Luar Biasa Yayasan Dharma Asih

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    Abstract: Dental Health Studies And Gingiva Student Outstanding Schools Dharma Asih Foundation. The importance of regular dental examination of the dentist is still lacking which can be caused by economic problems. Patients with disability disorders such as patients with nephrotic syndrome have a bad of oral hygiene and there is a mucosal lesion or aphthae, this is because respondents do not routinely perform the examination and oral care regularly. The aim of the study was to analyze dental and gingival stages in SLB/B and SLB/C. Type of research using survey method, conducted at Dharma Asih Foundation in Pontianak Municipality, September to November 2017. The research population is the respondents of Special School students (SLB/B and SLB/C) and the sample of research is 120 respondents. Sampling technique with purposive nonrandom sampling. The conclusions obtained were OHIS students of SLB/B and SLB/C were in the most moderate group. Based on the OHIS index that the education level of kindergarten, male gender, age group ≤ 5 years, 6-10 years and 11-15 years most experienced a bad OHIS index. Based on the DMF-T / deft index the students of SLB/B and SLB/C are in the lowest group at most. level of education, that the level of primary education, male gender and age group 6-10 years highest. It is recommended that dental and oral health care get more attention, so as not to have an adverse effect on the health of organs.Abstrak: Status Kesehatan Gigi Dan Gingiva Siswa Sekolah Luar Biasa  Yayasan Dharma Asih.  Pentingnya memeriksakan gigi secara teratur kedokter gigi masih kurang yang dapat diakibatkan karena masalah ekonomi. Penderita yang mengalami gangguan dis-abilitas seperti penderita neprotik syndrome mengalami keberihan mulut buruk dan terdapat lesi mukosa atau sariawan, hal ini dikarenakan responden tidak rutin melakukan pemeriksaan dan perawatan gigi mulut secara berkala. Tujuan Penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis stautus gigi dan gingiva di SLB/B dan SLB/C. Jenis penelitian menggunakan metode survei yang dilakukan pada Yayasan Dharma Asih di Kotamadya Pontianak pada bulan september sampai nopember 2017. Populasi  penelitian adalah responden siswa Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB/B dan  SLB/C) dan sampel penelitian berjumlah 120 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan purposive non random sampling. Simpulan yang diperoleh berupa indeks OHIS siswa SLB/B dan SLB/C sama berada pada kelompok sedang paling banyak. Berdasarkan indeks OHIS bahwa jenjang pendidikan TK, jenis kelamin laki-laki, kelompok umur ≤ 5 tahun, 6–10 tahun dan 11–15 tahun paling banyak mengalami indeks OHIS yang buruk.  Berdasarkan indeks DMF-T/def-t siswa SLB/B dan SLB/C sama berada pada kelompok rendah paling banyak. jenjang pendidikan, bahwa jenjang pendidikan SD, jenis kelamin laki-laki dan kelompok umur 6–10 tahun paling tinggi. Disarankan bahwa penanganan kesehatan gigi dan mulut lebih mendapatkan perhatian, agar tidak mempunyai efek buruk terhadap kesehatan organ tubuh

    Validation of genetic and phenotypic markers and the difference between the sexes on nematode infection in Scottish blackface lambs

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    Sheep farming plays an important role in the economies in many countries, and is considered an important source of meat, milk, and wool for humans. Livestock are threatened by gastrointestinal parasites, especially nematode infection, which are one of the greatest causes of disease and lost productivity. Nematodes are traditionally controlled by anthelmintic compounds, but with reports of complete multi-drug resistance, other modalities of prevention and treatment are urgently needed. One of the additional methods for controlling nematode infection in domestic sheep is deliberate selection for parasite resistance. Hence, this thesis has investigated, firstly, the general distribution of faecal egg counts among and between Scottish Blackface lamb populations, which provides a better understanding of host parasite relationship. Secondly, it has identified the genetic markers that have significant association with resistance to nematode infection. This provides more through understanding of the genetic mechanism underlying nematode resistance. These results facilitate the selection of resistant animals. A longitudinal study of the mean and distribution of faecal egg counts was made in Scottish Blackface lambs following natural infection with gastrointestinal nematodes over three years at monthly intervals between August to October. This study has shown that there was no discernible pattern to faecal egg counts within each year and mean faecal egg counts in October were lower than mean faecal egg counts in September in each year, in addition faecal egg counts in male lambs were consistently higher than female lambs at 6-months of age. Mean egg counts vary among different populations and among the same population sampled at different time, and high means are not necessarily due to high intensities of infection but probably due to the contribution of species other than T. circumcincta. Older lambs showed significant association between faecal egg counts and polymorphisms in the IFN-gamma gene. Two genotypes at this microsatellite appear to be responsible for moderate and high faecal egg output, while the other genotype was associated with low faecal egg counts. Older male lambs showed significant association with the IFN-gamma loci, while female lambs did not


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    The Covid-19 pandemic is a virus that has spread and shocked the world. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused significant literacy and numeracy learning losses. Indonesian human resources are expected to be able to compete with other countries in the 21st century education era. Development of student literacy is very urgent and urgent which aims to encourage students to have skills that support responsiveness to changing times, including during the current Covid-19 pandemic. The characteristics of scientific literacy are very closely related to learning chemistry, namely understanding the nature of matter particles, chemical reactions, chemical laws and theories, and chemical applications in everyday life. Based on initial observations through empirical fact studies, students' literacy skills are still relatively low, while chemical literacy skills must be based on an understanding of the basic concepts of science/chemistry. In addition, the low ability of scientific literacy is due to the fact that the questions developed in schools are still not able to identify students' abilities. This study aims to determine differences in chemical literacy of prospective teacher students. The urgency of this research is to find out students' chemical literacy skills as a basic reference in developing appropriate chemistry learning tools. This type of research is descriptive research. The research subjects were prospective teacher students at Palangka Raya University. The research instruments used were 27 multiple choice questions and interview guide sheets based on the 2015 PISA scientific literacy framework on the dimensions of context, knowledge and competence. The results of the study show that in each dimension, two dimensions are in the low category and only literacy in the context aspect is in the medium category. The lowest literacy dimension is the ability to explain material/content knowledge (P.1)
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