22 research outputs found

    Settlement Behaviour and Size of Mussel Larvae From the Family Mytilidae (Brachidontes Erosus (Lamarck, 1819), Brachidontes Rostratus (Dunker, 1857), Trichomya Hirsutus (Lamarck, 1819), and Mytilus Galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819

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    This study examines the settlement behaviour of the mytilids Mytilus galloprovincialis, Brachidontes erosus, Brachidontes rostratus, and Trichomya hirsutus larvae in response to different substrata: which were byssus threads of these four mussel species, coconut thread, and Polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The number of settlers on different substrata in the laboratory was analysed separately for each species using One-way ANOVA. A significant effect of substratum was found for all species tested. Larvae of T. hirsutus and B. erosus settled preferentially on conspecific byssus threads, while B. rostratus and M. galloprovincialis showed a similar trend. Settlement data from the field was analysed using two-way ANOVA with species and substrata as the main effect. Settlement was effected by species, but not by substrata. However, the overall settlement pattern indicated a conspecific preference with the lowest number of settlers on PVC substratum. Small size of settlement larvae of B erosus comparing to settlement larvae of T hirsutus, M galloprovinciallis, and B rostratus was observed

    Foraminifera On The Beach Of Malalayang Dua

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    Beach as one on the landform that reflects the work of hydro-oceanographic factors, generally in the form of loose sedimentary material. Loose sediment is a collection of organic and inorganic particles that accumulate widely and are irregular in shape. One example of organism in marine waters that contributes to the availability of organic particles in the beach landform is foraminifera. Foraminifera is a single-celled organism that has the ability to form shells from substances of CaCO3 which originate from itself or from the surrounding environment. This study was aimed to classify physical sediments on the Malalayang Dua beach according to the points of sediment sampling, and see how the composition of foraminifera in the beach area and analyze the presence of foraminifera in relation to the granulometry of beach sediments. From the result of the study, it is found that the composition of grain size of sediment on the beach of Malalayang Dua is different, in stasion 1A, 1B, 2A, and 2B the sediment were mostly composed by fine grains while in station 3A and 3B were of coarse-grained sediment. A number of a species of foraminifera (dead test) was found in the study, and the number of tests was highes in fine sediments compared to coarse sediment.Keywords : Beach Landform, Malalayang Dua Coast, Foraminifera ABSTRAKGisik sebagai salah satu bentuklahan yang merefleksikan kerja faktor-faktor hidro-oseanografi, umumnya berwujud material sedimen lepas. Sedimen lepas adalah kumpulan partikel organik dan anorganik yang terakumulasi secara luas dan bentuknya tidak beraturan. Salah satu organisme di perairan laut yang berkontribusi terhadap ketersediaan partikel organik di gisik adalah foraminifera. Foraminifera merupakan organisme bersel tunggal yang mempunyai kemampuan membentuk cangkang dari zat-zat CaCO3yang berasal dari dirinya sendiri atau dari lingkungan sekitarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengelompokkan sedimen gisik di pantai Malalayang Dua menurut titik-titik pengambilan sampel sedimen, dan melihat bagaimana komposisi foraminifera di kawasan gisik serta menganalisis keberadaan foraminifera dalam kaitannya dengan granulometri sedimen gisik. Dari hasil penelitian komposisi ukuran butir sedimen pada lahan gisik di pantai Malalayang Dua berbeda menurut stasiun yang ditetapkan, di ruang pantai ke arah Timur yaitu stasiun 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B komposisi sedimennya berukuran halus, sedangkan di ruang pantai ke arah Barat yaitu stasiun 3A dan 3B komposisi sedimennya berukuran kasar, komposisi sedimen di setiap stasiun gisik litoral dan sublitoral menampilkan adanya perbedaan tingkat kekasaran partikel sedimen. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan 9 cangkang foraminifera. Pada komposisi sedimen gisik yang berukuran halus ditemukan jumlah cangkang foraminifera yang lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan gisik yang komposisi sedimen berukuran kasar.Kata kunci : Lahan Gisik, Pantai Malalalayang Dua, Foraminifer

    Phytoplankton Community Structure in Seagrass Beds in Tiwoho Village, North Minahasa Regency

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    This research was carried out from May to July 2022. A sampling at the study site included seawater for the needs of plankton identification as well as the measurement of water nitrate & phosphate levels and measurement of physical and chemical parameters such as temperature, pH, salinity and dissolved oxygen which were carried out on an ongoing basis In situ (in the field). The technique for determining plankton sampling was carried out purposively, namely with certain considerations to obtain samples that represent the research location area. Plankton sampling was carried out horizontally using a plankton net. Sample bottles containing seawater were identified at the Marine Biology Laboratory, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences. The composition of the phytoplankton found in the Tiwoho seagrass bed ecosystem consists of three classes, namely the Bacillariophyceae, Dynophyceae, and Cyanophyceae classes, with 28 genera. The results of chopped phytoplankton are expressed in Cells/l. The qualitative determination of plankton is made up to the genus level. The composition of the phytoplankton found in the Tiwoho seagrass bed ecosystem consists of three classes, namely the Bacillariophyceae, Dynophyceae, and Cyanophyceae classes, with 28 genera. The results of calculating the abundance of phytoplankton in the Tiwoho seagrass ecosystem are in the range of 29 - 66 cells/l. The highest abundance was found at station two, namely 66 cells/l with 21 genera, then station three (65 cells/l) with 24 genera, and station one (29 cells/l) with a total of 23 genera. The diversity index of seagrass beds in Tiwoho waters is in the range of 1.9330 - 2.4083, which means that community stability is categorized as moderate. The uniformity index is in the range of 0.4614 - 0.7154, this means that the uniformity between species is relatively the same, or the difference is not striking. While the domination index is in the range of 0.1494 - 0.2404, it means that the condition of the community structure is stable, and there is no ecological pressure (stress) on biota. Keywords: Phytoplankton, Biological Index, Abundance, Environmental parameters Abstrak Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei sampai bulan Juli 2022. Pengambilan sampel di lokasi penelitian meliputi air laut untuk kebutuhan identifikasi fitoplankton dan pengukuran kadar nitrat, fosfat perairan serta pengukuran parameter fisika kimia seperti suhu, pH, salinitas dan oksigen terlarut yang dilakukan secara In situ (di lapangan). Teknik penentuan pengambilan sampel plankton dilakukan secara purposif yaitu dengan pertimbangan tertentu untuk mendapatkan sampel yang mewakili area lokasi penelitian. Pengambilan sampel plankton dilakukan secara horisontal dengan menggunakan plankton net. Sampel plankton diberi pengawet formalin 4% dan  diidentifikasi di laboratorium Biologi Kelautan Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan. Komposisi fitoplankton yang dijumpai di ekosistem padang lamun Perairan Tiwoho terdiri dari tiga kelas yaitu kelas Bacillariophyceae, Dynophyceae, dan Cyanophyceae, dengan 28 genera. Hasil perhitungan kelimpahan fitoplankton di ekosistem padang lamun Perairan Tiwoho berada di kisaran 29 - 66 sel/l. Kelimpahan tertinggi ditemukan di stasiun dua (depan kampung) yaitu 66 sel/l dengan 21 genera, kemudian stasiun tiga (depan dermaga) yaitu 65 sel/l dengan 24 genera, dan stasiun satu (ujung kampung) sebanyak 29 sel/l dengan jumlah 23 genera. Indeks keanekaragaman ekosistem padang lamun Perairan Tiwoho berada pada kisaran 1,9330 - 2,4083, yang berarti stabilitas komunitas dikategorikan sedang. Indeks keseragaman yaitu pada kisaran 0,4614 - 0,7154, ini berarti keseragaman antar spesies relatif sama, atau perbedaannya tidak menyolok. Sedangkan indeks dominasi yaitu pada kisaran  0,1494 - 0,2404, berarti kondisi struktur komunitas dalam keadaan stabil, dan tidak terjadi tekanan ekologi (stress) terhadap biota. Kata kunci: Fitoplankton, Indeks Biologi, Kelimpahan, Parameter lingkunga

    Shell Color Classification and Carotenoid Pigments on Littoraria Pallescens (Philippi, 1846) From Mangrove Ecosystem Area on Mokupa Village, Tombariri Sub District and Basaan Village, Ratatotok Sub District)

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    The purpose of this study was to classify the color of the shell and to know the carotenoid pigment content in Littoraria pallescens based on color classification and population distribution in the mangrove ecosystem area of Mokupa Village, Tombariri Sub district and Basaan Village, Ratatotok Sub district. Sampling directly on mangrove trees as water begins to recede. Identification of L. pallescens species is done by looking at the shape of the shell, the color of the shell, the color of the operculum and the shape of the genital organ. Shell color classification by inserting into the Color Explorer application. Analysis of carotenoid pigments by extraction process with acetone and petroleum ether, further separation of pigment by thin layer chromatography. The results obtained show that L. pallescence dominates life on mangrove trees. Sex was inversely proportional to the two research sites, 53.8% of the male L. pallescens species and 46.2% female in Mokupa waters while from Basaan waters there were 47.1% males and 52.9% females. Color classification based on the percentage of occurrences of constant color that is black (18.5), black orange (16.3) brown black spots (16,3), gray (10.7), angry (6,3), yellow pale (17.8), brown yellow spots (14,1). The detected pigment based on the color classification of the shell is located on the identical and identifiable Rf for all colors is the β-carotene pigment.Keyword : Littoraria pallescence, Carotenoid pigments Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengklasifikasikan warna cangkang dan mengetahui kandungan pigmen karotenoid pada Littoraria pallescens berdasarkan klasifikasi warna dan sebaran populasinya di wilayah ekosistem mangrove Desa Mokupa kecamatan Tombariri dan Desa Basaan Kecamatan Ratatotok. Pengambilan sampel secara langsung pada pohon mangrove saat air mulai surut. Identifikasi spesies L. pallescens dilakukan dengan melihat bentuk cangkang, warna cangkang, warna operculum dan bentuk organ genital. Pendataan untuk klasifikasi warna cangkang dengan memasukkan ke dalam aplikasi Color Explorer. Analisis pigmen karotenoid melalui proses ekstraksi dengan aseton dan petroleum eter, selanjutnya pemisahan awal pigmen dengan kromatografi lapis tipis. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukan bahwa L. pallescence mendominasi hidup pada pohon mangrove. Jenis kelamin berbanding terbalik pada dua lokasi penelitian, spesies L. pallescens jantan 53.8% dan betina 46.2% di perairan Mokupa sedangkan dari perairan Basaan terdapat 47.1% jantan dan 52.9% betina. Klasifikasi warna berdasarkan persentase kemunculan warna yang konstan yaitu warna hitam (18,5), hitam oranye (16,3) coklat bercak hitam (16,3), abu-abu (10,7), Marah (6,3), kuning pucat (17,8), kuning bercak coklat (14,1). Pigmen yang terdeteksi berdasarkan klasifikasi warna pada cangkang adalah berada pada Rf yang sama dan yang dapat diidentifikasi untuk semua warna adalah pigmen ß-karoten

    The Suitability Index of Mangrove Tourism in the Coastal Area around Budo Village, Wori Sub-District, North Minahasa Regency for Marine Ecotourism

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the tourism suitability index and the carrying capacity of the mangrove ecotourism area in Budo Village, Wori District, North Minahasa Regency. The research method used was a cruising survey method using line transects and visual method which were carried out on three transects to obtain mangrove bio-ecological parameter values, namely thickness, species, density, biota objects associated with mangroves, and sea tides. The results showed that the mangrove thickness values ​​on transects 1-3 were 157 m, 138 m, and 135 m respectively, with an average value of 143.3 m; a number of mangrove species, namely 6 species (Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora apiculata, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Sonneratia alba, Avicennia marina, and Nypa fruticans); mangrove density values ​​on transects 1-3, respectively 10.2 ind/100 m2, 11.8 ind/100 m2 and 6.2 ind/100 m2, with an average value of 9.4 ind/100 m2; mangrove association biota objects in transects 1-3, including fishes, shrimps, crabs, mollusks, birds and reptiles; and the average tidal value is as high as 2 m. The average value of the tourism suitability index was 54.6% with the conditionally appropriate category on all transects; and the carrying capacity of the mangrove tourism area was 116 people/day, with an operational time of 14 hours/day. Further research requires a sustainability analysis to produce efficient and effective programs for the development of mangrove ecotourism in Budo Village. Keywords: Area carrying capacity, Budo Village, Ecotourism, Tourism suitability index, Mangrove Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis indeks kesesuaian wisata dan daya dukung kawasan ekowisata mangrove Desa Budo, Kecamatan Wori, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara.  Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei jelajah dengan menggunakan line transect dan metode visual pada tiga transek untuk memperoleh nilai-nilai parameter bio-ekologi mangrove, yaitu ketebalan, jenis, kerapatan jenis, objek biota asosiasi mangrove, dan pasang surut air laut. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa nilai ketebalan mangrove pada transek 1-3, masing-masing adalah 157 m, 138 m, dan 135 m, dengan nilai rata-ratanya 143,3 m; jumlah jenis mangrove 6 spesies (Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora apiculata, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Sonneratia alba, Avicennia marina dan Nypa fruticans); nilai kerapatan mangrove pada transek 1-3, masing-masing adalah 10,2 ind/100 m2, 11,8 ind/100 m2 dan 6,2 ind/100 m2, dengan nilai rata-ratanya 9,4 ind/100 m2; objek biota asosiasi mangrove pada  transek 1-3 meliputi ikan, udang, kepiting, moluska, burung, dan reptil; dan nilai rata-rata pasang surut air laut setinggi 2 m;  nilai rata-rata Indeks kesesuaian wisata sebesar 54,6 % dengan kategori “sesuai bersyarat” pada semua transek; dan daya dukung kawasan wisata mangrove Desa Budo adalah 116 orang/hari dengan waktu operasional 14 jam/hari. Penelitian selanjutnya diperlukan analisis keberlanjutan untuk menghasilkan program-program yang efisien dan efektif dalam rangka pengembangan ekowisata mangrove Desa Budo. Kata kunci: Daya dukung kawasan, Desa Budo, Ekowisata, Indeks kesesuaian wisata, Mangrov

    Morfologi Sargassum SP Di Kepulauan Raja Ampat, Papua Barat

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    Sargassum sp. merupakan salah satu sumberdaya alam pesisir yang memiliki fungsi ekologis dan ekonomis bagi masyarakat pesisir. Di Kepulauan Raja Ampat ini belum banyak alga Sargassum yang di eksplorasi. Alga Sargassum memiliki berbagai macam bentuk morfologi tallus, misalnya ada yang berbentuk seperti benang yang halus, bercabang banyak, berbentuk gelembung, daun yang lebar, bergerigi pada bagian daun dan bertalus lebar.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis dan mendeskripsikan morfologi Sargassum yang ditemukan di Kepulauan Raja Ampat, Papua Barat. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan ada 4 spesies di Pulau Yeftip Yefnawam (S. paniculatum, S. grevillei, S. cristaefolium), dan yang ditemukan di Pulau Salawati (S. polycystum)


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    Field survey on ascidian community was conducted along the coastal area of Malalayang Dua in order to find out species of ascidia, species abundance, and ascidian substrates. A survey method and quadrant transects were applied. Pictures were taken, while species and their substrates were sampled.  Species identification was based on morphological characteristics, while substrate type identification was based on ascidian species attachment.  The results shows that 21 ascidian species were found in the the coastal of Malalayang Dua.  Didemnum molle was the highest abundant species in the area, followed by Polycarpa aurata, Polycarpa sp.4. and Polycarpa sp.2.. Dead coral algaes (DCA) were found to be the most preferred  substrates by ascidians in the area. Keywords : ascidia, species, substrate, distribution, and abundance Survei lapangan terhadap komunitas ascidia dilakukan  di pesisir Malalayang Dua untuk mendapatkan data jenis, kelimpahan, dan substrat ascidia.  Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode survei jelajah dan transek kuadran. Identifikasi jenis ascidia dilakukan berdasarkan karakteristik morfologi.  Hasil penelitian ditemukan ada 21 jenis ascidia.  Substrat jenis death coral algae (DCA) merupakan substrat yang paling banyak ditempati ascidia. Kelimpahan ascidia tertinggi adalah Didemnum molle di pesisir Malalayang Dua, diikuti oleh Polycarpa aurata,   Polycarpa sp.4. dan Polycarpa sp.2. Death coral alga (DCA) ditemukan sebagai substrat yang paling disukai oleh ascidia di daerah itu. Kata Kunci : ascidia, spesies, substrat, distribusi, dan kelimpahan 

    Shell Color Classification And Carotenoid Pigments On Littoraria pallescens (Philippi, 1846) From Mangrove Ecosystem Area On Mokupa Village, Tombariri Sub District and Basaan Village, Ratatotok Sub District)

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    The purpose of this study was to classify the color of the shell and to know the carotenoid pigment content in Littoraria pallescens based on color classification and population distribution in the mangrove ecosystem area of Mokupa Village, Tombariri Sub district and Basaan Village, Ratatotok Sub district. Sampling directly on mangrove trees as water begins to recede. Identification of L. pallescens species is done by looking at the shape of the shell, the color of the shell, the color of the operculum and the shape of the genital organ. Shell color classification by inserting into the Color Explorer application. Analysis of carotenoid pigments by extraction process with acetone and petroleum ether, further separation of pigment by thin layer chromatography. The results obtained show that L. pallescence dominates life on mangrove trees. Sex was inversely proportional to the two research sites, 53.8% of the male L. pallescens species and 46.2% female in Mokupa waters while from Basaan waters there were 47.1% males and 52.9% females. Color classification based on the percentage of occurrences of constant color that is black (18.5), black orange (16.3) brown black spots (16,3), gray (10.7), angry (6,3), yellow pale (17.8), brown yellow spots (14,1). The detected pigment based on the color classification of the shell is located on the identical and identifiable Rf for all colors is the β-carotene pigment.Keyword : Littoraria pallescence, Carotenoid pigments Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengklasifikasikan warna cangkang dan mengetahui kandungan pigmen karotenoid pada Littoraria pallescens berdasarkan klasifikasi warna dan sebaran populasinya di wilayah ekosistem mangrove Desa Mokupa kecamatan Tombariri dan Desa Basaan Kecamatan Ratatotok. Pengambilan sampel secara langsung pada pohon mangrove saat air mulai surut. Identifikasi spesies L. pallescens dilakukan dengan melihat bentuk cangkang, warna cangkang, warna operculum dan bentuk organ genital.  Pendataan untuk klasifikasi warna cangkang dengan memasukkan ke dalam aplikasi Color Explorer. Analisis pigmen karotenoid melalui proses ekstraksi dengan aseton dan petroleum eter, selanjutnya pemisahan awal pigmen dengan kromatografi lapis tipis. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukan bahwa L. pallescence mendominasi hidup pada pohon mangrove. Jenis kelamin berbanding terbalik pada dua lokasi penelitian, spesies L. pallescens jantan 53.8% dan betina 46.2% di perairan Mokupa sedangkan dari perairan Basaan terdapat 47.1% jantan dan 52.9% betina. Klasifikasi warna berdasarkan persentase kemunculan warna yang konstan yaitu warna hitam (18,5), hitam oranye (16,3) coklat bercak hitam (16,3), abu-abu (10,7), Marah (6,3), kuning pucat (17,8), kuning bercak coklat (14,1). Pigmen yang terdeteksi berdasarkan klasifikasi warna pada cangkang adalah berada pada Rf yang sama dan yang dapat diidentifikasi untuk semua warna adalah pigmen ß-karoten.Kata kunci : Littoraria pallescence, Pigmen Karotenoi