7 research outputs found

    Nutritional value of mango (Mangifera indica) seeds and peels

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    The nutritional value of peels and' ~eds' 9f Mango, Mangifera indica was studied by analyzing collected samples of these non conventional feedstuffs for their proximate composition. The result of the analysis shows that moisture ranged from 9.70 to 10.48% (peels) and 9.50 to 10.48% (seeds). Protein ranged from 4.08 to 4.49% (peels) and 5.38 to 8.10% (seeds). Carbohydrate was 49.35 to 62.45% (peels) and 53.64 to 70.58%' (seeds). Fat ranged from 3.98 to 6.30% (peels) and 8.30 to 12.80% (seeds. Ash content ranged from 2.20 to 4.98% (peels) and 2.00 to 3.70% (seeds). The values for the proximate parameters of the peels and seeds were comparable to values reported for other non convectional feedstuffs. The seeds of ti1'ango had higher values than peels

    Effects of Na2Cr2O7 Inhibitor on the Corrosion Potential Response of Steel Reinforced Concrete in Saline Medium

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    Electrochemical monitoring method of the open circuit potential was used to investigate the effect of the concentrations of Na2Cr2O7 on the corrosion potential response of steel reinforced concrete in sodium chloride medium. In the study, five different concentrations of Na2Cr2O7 admixtures were employed in a system of replicated samples of steel-reinforced concrete specimens partially immersed in 3.5% NaCl to simulate marine and saline environments. Forty days measured responses from these were subjected to the statistical analyses of the Normal and the Weibull distribution functions and tested using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness of fit criteria. Results obtained from the analyses identified 4 g Na2Cr2O7 with optimal averaged potential response inhibition performance by the Normal model which showed better agreements in its models of Na2Cr2O7 potential test data than that obtained from the Weibull model of the same data. These bear pertinent implications on the need for suitability studies of appropriate statistical distribution for studying performance of corrosion inhibitors even as suggestions were proffered for addressing results conflicts among replicates of steel reinforced concrete samples employed


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    In this paper, applications of the methods of ASTM G16 for addressing inherent conflicts in laboratory measurements of corrosion test data were studied, using the inhibiting effect of NaNO2 on the corrosion of concrete steel-rebar for the case study. For this, electrochemical monitoring techniques were employed for studying effectiveness of different concentrations of NaNO2 admixture in replicated concrete samples immersed in NaCl and in H2SO4 media for an experimental period of sixty-eight days. The corrosion test data from this experimental setup were subjected to the probability density fittings of the Normal and the Weibull functions as well as to significance testing methods of ASTM G16-99 R04 specifications. Results identified 10g (0.1208M) NaNO2 admixture with optimal inhibition efficiency model, η = 88.38±4.62%, in the saline/marine simulating environment and the 8 g (0.0966M) NaNO2 admixture with optimum effectiveness, η = 13.51±83.48%, in the acidic environment. The techniques of ASTM G16 adequately identified and addressed conflicting effectiveness from the test data of NaNO2 admixtures in the studied test environments

    Effect of forages on performance, carcass cuts and haematological profile of weaner rabbits

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    Twenty weaned rabbits with initial weight range of 667.49-678.80 g were randomly allotted to five treatments (diets A, B, C, D and E) in a completely randomized design with four replications (one rabbit per replicate). Diet A served as control (concentrate), diets B and C were fresh elephant grass and fresh tridax respectively, while diet D was a mixture of tridax:pueraria (60:40) and E a mixture of elephant grass:pueraria (60:40). The crude fibre values recorded for tridax (12.42 %), elephant grass (33.59 %) and pueraria (39.75 %) were higher than that of concentrate (5.89 %). Ether extract of the concentrate (4.13 %) is comparable to than of the tridax (6.14 %) and elephant grass (2.35 %), although lower than 11.10 % reported for Pueuraria. The ash content of the concentrate (6.12 %) is comparable to those of the forages except for tridax (2.02 %). The average initial weights of the rabbits were similar. The total weight gain in the control is comparable to treatment D but higher significantly than that of treatments B, C and E. This trend also continues with weekly and daily weight gain. The dry matter intake of the control is similar to that of group D but higher significantly than the values reported in other treatments. The values for feed conversion rate in treatments B (4.55) and C (4.61) were significantly higher than 3.66, 3.73 and 3.62 recorded in treatment A, D and E respectively. The liver, lung, heart and bile weight is similar in the entire group. The kidney weight of the control is similar to all other treatments. The hind leg, breast and rib weights in the control (diet A) is similar to that of diet D but significantly higher than that of other groups. Foreleg, loin and abdominal wall weight in the control is significantly 39.75 % higher than that of the other treatments. In all blood parameters consi- dered, the values are similar in all groups, except for PCV where the control value is higher than other treatments, except treatment D. It was concluded that rabbits fed with a mixture of non leguminous and legume forages supplemented with 30 g concentrate have similar performance that those fed solely with concentrate.Veinte conejos destetados, de peso inicial entre 667,49 y 678,80 g, fueron aleatoria- mente asignados a cinco tratamientos (A, B, C, D, y E) en un diseño completamente al azar con cuatro repeticiones de un conejo. La dieta A (concentrado) sirvió como dieta control. Las dietas B y C se compusieron de forraje fresco de pasto elefante y de Tridax respectiva- mente; la dieta D fue una mezcla de forraje Tridax:Pueraria (60:40) y la E una mezcla de pasto elefante:Pueraria (60:40). El nivel de fibra bruta en Tridax (12,42 %), pasto elefante (33,59 %) y Pueraria (39,75 %) fue mayor que el del concentrado (5,89 %). El extracto etéreo en el concentrado (4,13 %) es comparable al de Tridax (6,14 %) y pasto elefante (2,35 %)e inferior al de Pueraria (11,10 %). El contenido de cenizas en el concentrado (6,12 %) es comparable al de los forrajes excepto Tridax (2,02 %). La ingestión de la dieta A es comparable a la de la D pero significativamente mayor que la de las otras dietas, tendencia que continúa semanalmente en lo relativo a la ganancia diaria y total de peso. La ingestión de materia seca de la dieta A es similar a la de la dieta D pero significativamente menor que en los restantes tratamientos. Los índices de conversión de las dietas A (3,66), D (3,73) y E (3,62) son significativamente menores (p<0,05) que los de las dietas B (4,55) y C (4,61). El peso de hígado, pulmones, corazón y bilis fue similar en todos los grupos. El peso del riñón en la dieta control es similar al resto de tratamientos pero hay diferencias de los tratamientos B y C con los tratamientos D y E. El peso de la pata trasera, y el pecho en la dieta control son similares al de la dieta D pero menores que en el resto de los grupos. El peso de lomos y pared abdominal es menor en la dieta A. Los parámetros hematológicos fueron similares en todos los grupos. El volumen celular es significativamente mayor en la dieta A que en las restantes salvo la D. En conclusión los conejos alimentados con una combi- nación de forraje suplementada con concentrados puede proporcionar un buen rendimiento, comparable al de concejos alimentados solo con concentrados