24 research outputs found

    Textual and Visual Representation of Hijab in Internet Memes and GIFs

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    This study provides a preliminary report of veil/hijab representation in the modern social media tools of communication; internet memes and GIFs. It bridges a gap in visual communication research by conducting an integrative -textual and visual- framing analysis of 400 memes and GIFs that used the hashtag #Hijab, to unravel the frames and stereotypes of veiled women in such online visuals. Hijabi Muslim women have been visually represented in media in overgeneralized stereotyped ways, being shown as either oppressed and subservient to others with no individual opinions, or as liberated progressives who resist western hegemony (Khan & Zahra, 2015). The research timeframe comes right after the two terrorist attacks on Muslim mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, that occurred on 15 March 2019, where an extremist Australian gunman killed 50 people and injured another 50 in the first ever livestreamed shooting video on Facebook (BBC, 2019). Utilizing a visual analysis dual-modality technique, of both textual and visual elements, and through conducting a quantitative content analysis of the most popular, viral, and retweeted hijab memes and GIFs in March 2019, the study contributes to the growing literature of memes and GIFs, and their representation of Muslim women and their body coverage hijab . It, therefore, allows for a deeper understanding of internet memes and GIF\u27 usage, the frames they used in portraying hijab, and their stereotypical effects on the image of contemporary veil and veiled women on digital media, specifically social media platforms. The study codes a sample of 200 internet memes and 200 GIFs based on 9 coding variables to analyze both textual and visual elements. Findings highlight how veil/hijab is represented in modern digital communication tools and suggest that, opposite to negative stereotypes of Muslim women in traditional media, memes and GIFs support hijab and depict veiled Muslim women as happy and respected females. The study also shows that internet memes and GIFs are not the same thing and should be examined accordingly

    Left ventricle myocardial performance in Down Syndrome children with clinically and anatomically normal hearts: Relationship to oxidative stress

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    Oxidative stress is implicated in many organs pathophysiologies in Down syndrome. Scarce data exist concerning left ventricular (LV) performance in DS children with normal hearts. Tissue Doppler derived myocardial performance index (TDI-Tei index) is a reliable method for ventricular performance evaluation. Myeloperoxidase (MPO) enzyme plays a crucial role in oxidants production and is a marker of cardiovascular risk.Aim: To evaluate LV myocardial performance in DS children with normal hearts using TDI-Tei index and correlate it with plasma MPO as a marker of oxidative stress.Patients and methods: This cross-sectional study included 120 DS children recruited from Children s Hospital, Ain Shams University. Out patients clinic and echocardiography unit (mean age, 8.35 ± 4.25 years) who were subjected to: history taking, clinical examination, laboratory investigations (Complete blood count, serum Alanine Transaminase, serum creatinine, Thyroid profile, 12 lead Electrocardiogram and conventional Doppler echocardiography). DS children with congenital or acquired heart diseases, dysrhythmias, anaemia, pulmonary hypertension, thyroid, renal disease, diabetes were excluded. The remaining 50 DS children with normal hearts (group I) were compared to 50 age. Sex matched healthy children as control (group II) Studied groups were subjected to: plasma MPO using ELISA technique and TDI LV-Tei index assessment using Vivid E9 Echocardiography machine (GE, Horton, Norway).Results: LV TDI-Tei was significantly increased in group I compared to group II (0.46 ± 0.02 vs 0.32 ± 0.08, p < 0.001). Plasma MPO was increased in group I than group II (64.4831 ± 0.6 ng/ml vs 50.4 ± 30.2 nglml, p < 0.001). A significant positive correlation was found between plasma MPO and LV TDI-Tei (r = 0.877, p = 0.001) in group I.Conclusion: Subclinical Left ventricle dysfunction evidenced by increased TDI Tei index was detected in DS children with normal hearts. This dysfunction correlated with plasma MPO level which mandates antioxidants treatment and tissue Doppler myocardial performance regular evaluation for early identification, monitoring and early intervention.Keywords: Left ventricle, Tissue doppler, Tei index, Oxidants, DS with normal heart

    Corrected qt interval in normal egyptian neonates: Comparison to corrected qt interval of other ethnic groups

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    Long QT syndromes (LQTs) is a familial cardiovascular disorder characterized by abnormal cardiac repolarization and sudden death from ventricular fibrillation Possible acquisition of standardized neonatal screening method to identify children with (LQTs) has led to interest in establishing normal values for neonatal QT intervals.Aim of the workto compare corrected QT interval in normal Egyptian neonates to published values of other ethnic groups.Subjects and methodsThis cross sectional study was conducted on neonates following up in Children’s Hospital Ain Shams University, with post natal ages ranging from 8 to 28days (mean 13.91±3.97days). They were subjected to: history taking, clinical examination, Echocardiography and 12 lead ECG assessment of corrected QT interval using Bazetts formula Results: Cut off point of LQTc was >0.44s, while that of short QTc was< 0.29s significant increase in mean QTc values and LQTc %was found in upper Egypt than Delta (p 0.026, 0.01). Eighty five percent of neonates had normal QTc (0.300–0.450s), 9% had LQTc (>0.45s) and 6% had short QTc (<0.300s) significant increase in short QTc was found in PT than FT while significant increase in LQTc was found in FT (P=0.020, 0.019).ConclusionCut off point was >0.44s for LQTc and < 0.29s for short QTc in studied Egyptian neonates A higher percentage of patients with LQTc was found in Upper Egypt than Delta, and in FT than PT. Higher percentage of SQTc was found in PT than FT. Further studies are needed to confirm our results

    Responses of Satellite Chlorophyll-a to the Extreme Sea Surface Temperatures over the Arabian and Omani Gulf

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    peer reviewedExtreme events such as Marine Heat Waves (MHWs) and Low Chlorophyll-a (LChl-a) in the ocean have devastating impacts on the marine environment, particularly when they occur simultaneously (i.e., the compound of MHWs and LChl-a events). In this study, we investigate the spatiotemporal variability of MHWs and LChl-a events in the Arabian and Omani Gulf. For this purpose, we used satellite-based high-resolution observations of SST (0.05° × 0.05°; from 1982 to 2020) and chlorophyll-a concentration data (0.04° × 0.04°; from 1998 to 2020). Hourly air temperature, wind, and heat flux components from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalysis (ERA5) were used to explain the link between these extreme events and atmospheric forcings. Moreover, our results revealed that the annual frequency of MHW and LChl-a is related to the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). The results revealed an average SST warming trend of about 0.44 ± 0.06 °C/decade and 0.32 ± 0.04 °C/decade for the Arabian Gulf (AG) and the Gulf of Oman (OG), respectively. This warming rate was accompanied by MHW frequency and duration trends of 0.97 events/decade and 2.3 days/decade, respectively, for the entire study region from 1982 to 2020. The highest annual MHW frequencies were recorded in 2010 (6 events) and 2020 (5 events) associated with LChl-a frequency values of 4 and 2, respectively. La Niña events in 1999, 2010, 2011, and 2020 were associated with higher frequencies of MHW and LChl-a. The positive phase of IOD coincides with high MHW frequency in 2018 and 2019. The longest compound MHW and LChl-a event with a duration of 42 days was recorded in 2020 at OG. This extreme compound event was associated with wind stress reduction. Our results provide initial insights into the spatiotemporal variability of the compound MHW and LChl-a events that occurred in the AG and OG

    Three Dimensional (3D) Echocardiography as a Tool of Left Ventricular Assessment in Children with Dilated Cardiomyopathy: Comparison to Cardiac MRI

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    BACKGROUND: Left ventricular (LV) volumes and ejection fraction (EF) is Strong prognostic indicators for DCM. Cardiac MRI (CMRI) is a preferred technique for LV volumes and EF assessment due to high spatial resolution and complete volumetric datasets. Three-dimensional echocardiography is a promising new technique under investigations. AIM: Evaluate 3D echocardiography as a tool in LV assessment in DCM children about CMRI. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A group of 20 DCM children (LVdiastolic diameter &lt; 2 Z score, LVEF &lt; 35%) at Children s Hospital, Ain-Shams University (gp1) (mean age 6.6 years) were compared to 20 age and sex-matched children as controls (gp2). Patients were subjected to: clinical examination, conventional echocardiography, automated 3D LV quantification, 3D speckle tracking echocardiography (3D-STE) (VIVID E9 Vingmed, Norway) and CMRI (Philips Achieva Nova, 1.5 Tesla scanner) for LV end systolic volume (LVESV), LVend diastolic volume (LVEDV) that were indexed to body surface area, EF% and wall motion abnormalities assessment. RESUTS: No statistically significant difference was found between automated 3D LV quantification echocardiography, 3D-STE, and CMRI in ESV/BSA and EDV/BSA assessment (p = 1, 0.99 respectively), between automated LV quantification echocardiography and CMRI in EF% assessment (p = 0.99) and between CMRI and 3D-STE in LV Global hypokinesia detection (P = 0.255). As for segmental hypokinesia CMRI was more sensitive [45% of patients vs. 40%, (P = 0,036), basal septal hypokinesia 85% vs. 75%, (p = 0.045), mid septal hypokinesia 80% vs. 65%, (p = 0.012) and lateral wall hypokinesia 75% vs. 65%, (p = 0.028)]. CONCLUSION: Automated 3D LV quantification echocardiography and 3D-STE are reliable tools in LV volumetric and systolic function assessment about CMRIas a standard method. 3D speckle echocardiography is comparable to CMRI in global wall hypokinesia detection but less sensitive in segmental wall hypokinesia which mandates further studies

    The Prevalence and Risk Factors of Early Arrhythmias Following Pediatric Open Heart Surgery in Egyptian Children

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    AIM: This study aimed to assess the prevalence of early postoperative arrhythmias after cardiac operation in the pediatric population, and to analyse possible risk factors.MATERIAL AND METHODS: Cross-sectional study included 30 postoperative patients, with age range four up to 144 months. They were selected from those admitted to the Cardiology Unit in the Pediatric department of Ain Shams University hospitals, after undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) surgery for correction of congenital cardiac defects. All patients had preoperative sinus rhythm and normal preoperative electrolytes levels. All patients’ records about age, weight, type of surgery, intraoperative arrhythmias, cardiopulmonary bypass time, ischemic time and use of inotropic drugs were taken before they were admitted to the specialised pediatric post-surgery intensive care unit (ICU).RESULTS: Arrhythmia was documented in 15 out of 30 patients (50%). Statistically significant difference between the arrhythmic and non-arrhythmic group were recorded in relation to the age of operation (23 vs 33 months), weight (12 vs. 17 kg), ischemic time (74.5 vs. 54 min), cardiopulmonary bypass time (125.5 vs. 93.5min), inotrope use (1.6 vs. 1.16) and postoperative ICU stay (5.8 vs. 2.7 days), P&lt;0.05.CONCLUSION: Early postoperative arrhythmias following surgery for congenital heart disease are relatively frequent in children (50%).Younger age, lower body weight, longer ischemic time and bypass time, and more inotrope use are all risk factors for postoperative arrhythmias and lead to increase the hospital stay

    Divine Love in the Moroccan Sufi Tradition: Ibn ‘Ajība (d. 1224/1809) and His Oceanic Exegesis of the Qur’ān

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    Aḥmad Ibn ‘Ajība (d. 1224/1809) is one of the prominent Sufi mystics who lived in Morocco during the 13th/ 17th century. His importance in Sufi scholarship is a reflection of the fact that he is one of the original Sufi scholars who contributed immensely to elucidating ambiguous Sufi concepts that were, by their very nature, enigmatic and only accessible through Sufi adepts. He also stood out as an intellectual theoretician in the science of Qur’ānic esoteric hermeneutics because he was one of the few scholars who managed to convey theoretical concepts and esoteric theories of Qur’ānic interpretation in a language that could be accessed by those with an average level of intellect. One of these theories is the concept of divine love. In this thesis, I propose to address the concept of divine love in Aḥmad Ibn ‘Ajība’s famous exegesis of the Qurān al-Baḥr al-madīd fī tafsīr al-Qur’ān al-majīd (Oceanic Exegesis of the Qurān). Over the course of this thesis, I endeavor to show how Ibn ‘Ajība combined what has been extensively written on the subject of divine love by different Sufi saints and mystics with the mystical exegesis of the Qur’ān. Ibn ‘Ajība is one of the early Sufis who connected theoretical works on the concept of divine love and practically applied them to the Qur’ān’s verses on love. This unique combination was an important breakthrough in the Sufi literature which other Sufi scholars then built upon in offering an exegesis of the Qur’ān - Shaykh Aḥmad Ibn Muṣṭafā al-‘Alawī (d.1934) was particularly important in this respect. Explaining the concept of divine love through his mystical interpretation of the love verses in the Qur’ān ultimately aspire to connect the purpose of creation (which was due to the Creator’s love for His creation), to the turning point (the return of the creation to the Creator). This symphony of love that is an essential component of the story of creation is well-defined, clearly stated and deeply analyzed in Ibn ‘Ajība’s work. He also met the challenge of overcoming the elliptical mystical language of exposition that was used by earlier Sufis; accordingly, he successfully simplified the ambiguous style of writing and decoded their enigmatic mystical doctrines. I hope that an analysis of Ibn ‘Ajība’s concept of divine love will stimulate the appetite of academic researchers to investigate the scholarly works of this luminary, and thus highlight his significance in the wider Sufi tradition. Ibn ‘Ajība's works have in general not received sufficient attention and deserve deeper and more sustained analysis

    Sea Surface Temperature Variability and Marine Heatwaves in the Black Sea

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    Marine heatwaves (MHWs) have recently been at the forefront of climate research due to their devastating impacts on the marine environment. In this study, we have evaluated the spatiotemporal variability and trends of sea surface temperature (SST) and MHWs in the Black Sea. Furthermore, we investigated the relationship between the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and MHW frequency. This is the first attempt to investigate MHWs and their characteristics in the Black Sea using high-resolution remote-sensing daily satellite SST data (0.05° × 0.05°) from 1982 to 2020. The results showed that the spatial average of the SST warming rate over the entire basin was about 0.65 ± 0.07 °C/decade. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis revealed that SST in the Black Sea exhibited inter-annual spatiotemporal coherent variability. The maximum spatial SST variability was discovered in the central Black Sea, whereas the lowest variability was in the Batumi and Caucasus anti-cyclonic eddies in the eastern Black Sea. The highest SST temporal variability was found in 1994. More than two-thirds of all MHW events were recorded in the last decade (2010–2020). The highest annual MHW durations were reported in 1994 and 2020. The highest MHW frequency was detected in 2018 (7 waves). Over the whole study period (1982–2020), a statistically significant increase in annual MHW frequency and duration was detected, with trends of 1.4 ± 0.3 waves/decade and 2.8 ± 1.3 days/decade, respectively. A high number of MHW events coincided with El Niño (e.g., 1996, 1999, 2007, 2010, 2018, and 2020). A strong correlation (R = 0.90) was observed between the annual mean SST and the annual MHW frequency, indicating that more MHWs can be expected in the Black Sea, with serious consequences for the marine ecosystem

    Sea Surface Temperature Variability and Marine Heatwaves in the Black Sea

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    Marine heatwaves (MHWs) have recently been at the forefront of climate research due to their devastating impacts on the marine environment. In this study, we have evaluated the spatiotemporal variability and trends of sea surface temperature (SST) and MHWs in the Black Sea. Furthermore, we investigated the relationship between the El Ni&ntilde;o&ndash;Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and MHW frequency. This is the first attempt to investigate MHWs and their characteristics in the Black Sea using high-resolution remote-sensing daily satellite SST data (0.05&deg; &times; 0.05&deg;) from 1982 to 2020. The results showed that the spatial average of the SST warming rate over the entire basin was about 0.65 &plusmn; 0.07 &deg;C/decade. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis revealed that SST in the Black Sea exhibited inter-annual spatiotemporal coherent variability. The maximum spatial SST variability was discovered in the central Black Sea, whereas the lowest variability was in the Batumi and Caucasus anti-cyclonic eddies in the eastern Black Sea. The highest SST temporal variability was found in 1994. More than two-thirds of all MHW events were recorded in the last decade (2010&ndash;2020). The highest annual MHW durations were reported in 1994 and 2020. The highest MHW frequency was detected in 2018 (7 waves). Over the whole study period (1982&ndash;2020), a statistically significant increase in annual MHW frequency and duration was detected, with trends of 1.4 &plusmn; 0.3 waves/decade and 2.8 &plusmn; 1.3 days/decade, respectively. A high number of MHW events coincided with El Ni&ntilde;o (e.g., 1996, 1999, 2007, 2010, 2018, and 2020). A strong correlation (R = 0.90) was observed between the annual mean SST and the annual MHW frequency, indicating that more MHWs can be expected in the Black Sea, with serious consequences for the marine ecosystem

    Variability of Heat and Water Fluxes in the Red Sea Using ERA5 Data (1981–2020)

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    The study of heat and water fluxes is one of the most essential components for understanding the interactions and exchanges between the ocean and atmosphere. Heat transfer across the air–sea interface is an important process in ocean–atmosphere dynamics. In this study, a 40-year (1981–2020) high-resolution (0.25° × 0.25°) ERA-5 reanalysis dataset from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) is used to estimate the variability and trends of heat and water flux components in the Red Sea. The results show that the surface net heat flux is negative (loss) in the Northern Red Sea (NRS) and positive (gain) in the Southern Red Sea (SRS). The highest seasonal surface net heat flux is observed in the spring and early summer, while the lowest is reported in the winter. A significant linear trend is found in the surface net heat flux over the NRS and SRS, with values of about −0.12 ± 0.052 (W/m2)/yr and +0.20 ± 0.021 (W/m2)/yr, respectively. The annual mean surface net water flux loss to the atmosphere over the entire Red Sea is +1.46 ± 0.23 m/yr. The seasonal surface net water flux peak occurs in winter as a result of the northeast monsoon wind, which increases evaporation rate over the whole length of the Red Sea. The highest surface net water flux (+2.1 m/yr) is detected during 2020, while the lowest value (+1.3 m/yr) is observed during 1985