1 research outputs found

    Fullerene-Attached Polymeric Homogeneous/Heterogeneous Photoactivators for Visible-Light-Induced CuAAC Click Reactions

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    In this work, a visible-light-induced copper­(I)-catalyzed azide–alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) click reaction via an electron transfer reaction employing fullerene (C<sub>60</sub>) containing linear polystyrene and network polymer as homogeneous and heterogeneous activators, PS-C<sub>60</sub> and Gel-C<sub>60</sub>, respectively, is described. Various low molar mass organic and polymeric azide and alkyne compounds are used to conduct the click reaction, and almost quantitative yields are attained. Compared to the bare C<sub>60</sub>, the polymers with C<sub>60</sub> units exhibited a much higher promoting effect to catalyze CuAAC reactions