345 research outputs found

    Environmental safety as a priority factor of international relations under the conditions of globalization: parity basis and principles of formation

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    The article examines prerequisites for the formation of the global environmental safety as an integral part of international relations and politics against the background of the long-term ecological crisis. Features of the global environmental safety and levels of its operation on a territorial basis are singled out and grounded. Attention is focused on transboundary character of the manifestation of most environmental threats and hazards, making it impossible for countries to overcome the consequences on their own. Emphasized are global threats and hazards that will determine areas of cooperation in the global environmental safety in the near future. Parity basis and principles of formation of global ecologically safe space are outlined. Considering the world experience of the implementation of forms and methods of economical use of natural resources and observance of safety of existence, directions of strategic planning of national environmental safety are suggested.Розкриваються передумови становлення глобальної екологічної безпеки як невід’ємної частини міжнародних відносин та політики на фоні довготривалої екологічної кризи. Виділяються та обґрунтовуються характерні ознаки глобальної екологічної безпеки та рівні її функціонування за територіальним принципом. Акцентується увага на транскордонності прояву більшості екологічних загроз та небезпек, що унеможливлює подолання наслідків державами самостійно. Виділено глобальні загрози та небезпеки, що визначатимуть у найближчій перспективі напрями співпраці у світовій екологічній безпеці. Окреслюються паритетні засади та принципи формування глобального екологобезпечного простору. Виходячи із світового досвіду форм і методів ощадливого використання природних ресурсів та дотримання безпеки існування, запропоновано напрями стратегічного планування національної екологічної безпеки

    A ballistic laser gravimeter for a symmetrical measurement method with the inductive-dynamic catapult and auto-seismic vibration preventing

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    A ballistic laser gravimeter (BLG) with a symmetrical measurement method of the gravity acceleration (GA) is considered. Special treatment is given to the problem of eliminating the measurement error due throw of the catapult when it speeds up the test body (TB). It is possible to decrease the indicated errors thanks to the use of the induction and dynamic catapult. However, a short-term boost catapult generates vibrations of the basement (i.e. a pillar) and the mechanical elements of the gravimeter, what causes auto-seismic (i.e. recoil-related) component of the measurement error. To reduce them it is proposed to launch the TB with the help of a massive platform, installed on a light spring. It is shown, that the considered BLG can provide auto-seismic component of the measurement error of less than 1 μGal. With the reduction of the light spring constant the auto-seismic component of GA measurement uncertainty is reduced. The value of this measurement error can be reduced by the use of damping in the system of BG protection from auto-seismic fluctuations. A concept of BLG with induction-dynamic catapult for symmetric method of gravitational acceleration measuring is presented. The concept is based on using electromagnetic compensator of stiffness

    On scattering cross sections and durations near an isolated compound-resonance, distorted by the non-resonant background, in the center-of-mass and laboratory systems

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    During last 20 years there was revealed and published the phenomenon of the appearing of the time advance instead of the time delay at the region of a compound-nucleus resonance, distorted by the non-resonant background (in the center-of-mass (C-) system). This phenomenon is usually accompanied by a minimum in the cross section near the same energy. Here we analyze the cross section and the time delay of the nucleon-nucleus scattering in the laboratory (L-) system. In the L-system the delay-advance phenomenon does not appear. We use and concretize the non-standard analytical transformations of the cross section from the C-system to the L-system, obtained in our previous papers. They are illustrated by the calculations of energy dependences of cross sections in the L-system for several cases of nucleon elastic scattering by nuclei 12C, 16O, 28Si, 52Cr, 56Fe and 64Ni at the range of distorted resonances in comparison with the experimental data.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure