6 research outputs found

    Developments in Conditioning Procedures for the TTF-III Power Couplers

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    JACoW web site http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/e06/Despite extensive experience in many laboratories on power conditioning of couplers for RF superconducting accelerators, it is still not a well understood procedure and can produce many unpredictable phenomena. There remains considerable interest in reducing the power coupler conditioning time necessary for superconducting linear accelerators. This paper presents studies of optimisation of the conditioning procedure for the couplers intended for use on the European XFEL project

    Etude et experimentation d'un dispositif de transfert inductif sequentiel

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    SIGLECNRS T Bordereau / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Characterization of the Electron Beam Visualization Stations of the ThomX Accelerator

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    International audienceWe present an overview of the diagnostics screens stations - named SSTs - of the ThomX compact Compton source. ThomX is a compact light source based on Compton backscattering. It features a linac and a storage ring in which the electrons have an energy of 50 MeV. Each SST is composed of three screens, a YAG:Ce screen and an Optical Transition Radiation (OTR) screen for transverse measurements and a calibration target for magnification and resolution characterisation. The optical system is based on commercial lenses that have been reverse-engineered. An Arduino is used to control both the aperture and the focus remotely, while the magnification must be modified using an external motor. We report on the overall performance of the station as measured during the first steps of beam commissioning and on the optical system remote operations

    First Electron Beam of the ThomX Project

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    International audienceThe ThomX accelerator beam commissioning phase is now ongoing. The 50 MeV electron accelerator complex consists of a 50 MeV linear accelerator and a pulsed mode ring. It is dedicated to the production of X-rays by Compton backscattering. The performance of the beam at the interaction point is demanding in terms of emittance, charge, energy spread and transverse size. The choice of an undamped ring in pulsed mode also stresses the performance of the beam from the linear accelerator. Thus, commissioning includes a beam based alignment and a simulation/experimental matching procedure to reach the X-ray beam requirements. We will present the first 50 MeV electron beam obtained with ThomX and its characteristics

    TWAC : EIC Pathfinder Open European project on Novel dielectric acceleration

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    International audienceParticle accelerators are devices of primary importance in a large range of applications such as fundamental particle physics, nuclear physics, light sources, imaging, neutron sources, and transmutation of nuclear waste. They are also used every day for cargo inspection, medical diagnostics, and radiotherapy worldwide. Electron is the easiest particle to produce and manipulate, resulting in unequaled energy over cost ratio.However, there is an urgent and growing need to reduce the footprint of accelerators in order to lower their cost and environmental impact, from the future high-energy colliders to the portable relativistic electron source for industrial and societal applications. The radical new vision we propose will revolutionize the use of accelerators in terms of footprint, beam time delivery, and electron beam properties (stability, reproducibility, monochromaticity, femtosecond-scale bunch duration), which is today only a dream for a wide range of users. We propose developing a new structure sustaining the accelerating wave pushing up the particle energy, which will enable democratizing the access to femtosecond-scale electron bunch for ultrafast phenomena studies.This light and compact accelerator, for which we propose breaking through the current technological barriers, will open the way toward compact accelerators with an energy gain gradient of more than 100 MeV/m and enlarge time access in the medical environment (preclinical and clinical phase studies)

    The ThomX ICS source

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    International audienceThomX is a new generation Compact Compton Source. It is currently commissioned by and at the IJCLab (Laboratoire de physique des 2 infinis - Irène Joliot-Curie (UMR9012)) at Orsay. The first beam is expected at the begining of 2021. The aim of ThomX is to demonstrate the characteristics of an intense and Compact (lab-size) X-ray source based on Compton Scattering. The performances are mostly driven by the laser optical system which is above the state of the art of stored laser power. Proof of principle of various X-ray techniques will be performed thanks to the versatile ThomX beamline. Firstly, this article presents the machine description. Secondly, the issues and limits of the laser system are discussed. Then, the ThomX beamline is described and the machine status conclude the ThomX presentation. Finally, the expected performances for the next years and the possible experiments that can be made with this new machine are detailed