851 research outputs found

    Characterization of pharyngeal hypocontractility patterns during deglutition: High Resolution Impedance Manometry findings

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    Introduction High resolution impedance manometry (HRIM) provides an objective measure of pharyngeal pressurization and bolus flow and can be analysed using pressure flow analysis (PFA). The aim of the study is to investigate different types of pharyngeal hypocontractility and their distribution in patients with pharyngeal dysphagia. Material and Methods A cohort study was conducted on patients with dysphagia referred for HRIM. Inclusion criteria were abnormal (<5th percentile) pharyngeal contractile integral (PhCI) or abnormal regional contractile integrals (velo- or meso- or hypo-pharyngeal integrals). PFA was performed on 10ml liquid swallows using the Swallow GatewayTM open access analysis portal. Patients were classified based on a proposed HRIM scheme. The distribution of PFA metrics was compared between patients with normal and abnormal PhCI using the chi-squared test. Results In total 38 patients were studied and 137 swallows were analysed. Absent pharyngeal contractility was found in 5.3% (2/38) of the patients, ineffective pharyngeal contractility in 68.4% (26/38), and fragmented pharyngeal contractility in 26.3% (10/38). Regional weakness was mainly observed in the mesopharynx (94.7% of the patients), followed by the hypopharynx (50%) and the velopharynx (15.8%). A combined disorder of pharyngeal propulsion and UES restriction was seen in 44.7% (17/38) of the patients. Patients with a normal PhCI (fragmented pharyngeal contractility) were more likely to present an abnormal integrated relaxation pressure at the level of the upper esophageal sphincter (\u3c72=14.56, p=0.001) Conclusion Based on the pharyngeal contractile integrals, two main types of pharyngeal hypocontractility are present in the clinical population of patients: ineffective and fragmented pharyngeal contractility. Totally absent peristalsis in uncommon. In almost half of the patients, pharyngeal propulsion disorders are combined to disorders of UES restriction

    Single-crystal growth and dependences on the hole concentration and magnetic field of the magnetic ground state in the edge-sharing CuO2_2 chain system Ca2+x_{2+x}Y2−x_{2-x}Cu5_5O10_{10}

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    We have succeeded in growing large-size single-crystals of Ca2+x_{2+x}Y2−x_{2-x}Cu5_5O10_{10} with 0≀x≀1.670 \le x \le 1.67 and measured the magnetic susceptibility, specific heat and magnetization curve, in order to study the magnetic ground state in the edge-sharing CuO2_2 chain as a function of hole concentration and magnetic field. In 0≀x≀1.30 \le x \le 1.3, it has been found that an antiferromagnetically ordered phase with the magnetic easy axis along the b-axis is stabilized and that a spin-flop transition occurs by the application of magnetic fields parallel to the b-axis. The antiferromagnetic transition temperature decreases with increasing xx and disappears around x=x = 1.4. Alternatively, a spin-glass phase appears around x=1.5x = 1.5. At x=1.67x = 1.67 where the hole concentration is ∌\sim 1/3 per Cu, it appears that a spin-gap state is formed owing to the formation of spin-singlet pairs. No sign of the coexistence of an antiferromagnetically ordered state and a spin-gap one suggested in Ca1−x_{1-x}CuO2_2 has been found in Ca2+x_{2+x}Y2−x_{2-x}Cu5_5O10_{10}.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, 1 tabl

    Croissance et capacité réproductive de Gymnogongrus patens (J. Agardh) (Rhodophyceae, Gigartinale) de la cÎte atlantique marocaine

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    L’algue carraghĂ©nophyte Gymnogongrus patens prĂ©sente une large distribution sur le littoral marocain, sa valorisation et son exploitation ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©cĂ©dĂ©es par l’étude de sa biologie en milieu naturel. Le site Ă©tudié est la plage de MĂ©hdia situĂ© au nord de la cĂŽte atlantique marocaine. L’influence des facteurs environnementaux (tempĂ©rature, salinitĂ©, nitrates et phosphates) sur l’évolution de la croissance a Ă©té étudiĂ©e par d’analyse en composantes principales (ACP). La croissance de l’espĂšce prĂ©sente une variation saisonniĂšre, ainsi deux pĂ©riodes de croissance ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©es : une pĂ©riode de forte croissance fin printemps et Ă©tĂ© et une pĂ©riode de faible croissance en automne et en hiver. L’ACP a confirmĂ© cette saisonnalitĂ© de la croissance, en prĂ©cisant que le gain en poids de thalles est principalement liĂ© à l’augmentation de nombre de ramification total. La pĂ©riode active de croissance est caractĂ©risĂ©e par l’élĂ©vation de la tempĂ©rature, de la salinitĂ© et de l’intensitĂ© lumineuse principalement. L’étude de la capacitĂ© reproductive de G. patens a permis de montrer que l’espĂšce est fertile toute l’annĂ©e avec une dominance de la gĂ©nĂ©ration tĂ©trasporophytiques. Le maximum de fertilitĂ© a Ă©tĂ© obtenu en Ă©tĂ©.Mots-clĂ©s : Gymnogongrus patens, croissance, reproduction, ACP, Maroc.Growth and reproductuive capacity of Gymnogongrus patens (Rhodophyceae, Gigartinale) on the Morccan Atlantic coastGymnogongrus patens represent an important biomass along the Atlantic coast of Morocco, the first step befor exploitation is gather information about the biology and growth of this species in naturel environment. The studied site is the beach of Mehdia located at the north of the Moroccan Atlantic Coast. The influence of environmental parametres (temperature, salinty, nitrates and phosphates) on growth has been studied using Principal Components Analysis (ACP). The monthly survey of its growth did sow seasonal variations. G. Patens has 2 periods of growth: period’s active growth at the ending of spring and summer and period’s weak growth in automn and winter. ACP showed a seaonal variation of the species growth. The active growth periods of G. Patens are characterized by important temperature and salinty and light intensities. The species was fertil almost all along the year and tetrasporophyte pahse predominated. The maximum of fertility was obtained in summer.Keywords : gymnogongrus patens, growth, reproduction, ACP, Morocco

    Analyse des pigments de la rhodophycée Gymnogongrus patens (J. Agardh) de la cÎte atlantique marocaine

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    Les pigments du carraghĂ©nophyte, Gymnogongrus patens ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s sur des Ă©chantillons d’algues rĂ©coltĂ©es mensuellement pendant un cycle annuel, d’avril 2002 Ă  mars 2003, sur la plage de MĂ©hdia (Nord-Ouest de la cĂŽte atlantique marocaine). Les analyses pigmentaires durant cette pĂ©riode d’étude, montrent que les pigments phycobiliprotĂ©iques prĂ©sentent des variations saisonniĂšres trĂšs marquĂ©es pour les R-phycocyanines (R-PE) et les Allophycocyanines (A-PC) et nettement moins importantes pour les R-phycoĂ©rytrines (R-PC), avec une dominance des R-PE sur les A-PC et les R-PC. Par contre les teneurs en Chlorophylle a (Chl.a) varient peu. Les taux les plus Ă©levĂ©s en R-PE sont obtenus en octobre (2,83mg/g de matiĂšre fraĂźche). L’influence des facteurs physico-chimiques (tempĂ©rature (T), salinitĂ© (S), nitrates (N) et phosphates (P)) sur l’évolution de la composition pigmentaire a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e par des analyses quantitatives en composantes principales (ACP). Cette analyse montre que l’algue est trĂšs riche en A-PC, R-PC et R-PE pendant la saison automnale et hivernale alors qu'elle s'attĂ©nue au printemps et en Ă©tĂ©.Mots-clĂ©s : gymnogongrus patens, pigments, facteurs physicochimiques, ACP, cĂŽte atlantique marocaine


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    Colours have much impact on users – either positively or negatively – when they are used for fashion objects. This paper is purposed to identify major ways in which fashion designers in tertiary institutions within Kumasi metropolis use colours for their fashion objects and the effects of the colours on their clients. Qualitative research approach was employed for this research. Specifically, the descriptive research method was adopted for the study. One hundred and fifty (150) respondents with fashion design and textiles background from three public tertiary institutions offering fashion design and textiles as programme of study in the Kumasi metropolis of Ashanti region, were purposively sampled for the study. Identification, beautification and communication, constituting 92.0%, 84.7% and 84.7% respectively of the 150 respondents, ranked as the top three purposes for which people use colours in fashion goods. Interior decoration, communication, designing textiles and enhancement of the aesthetic appeal of clothes, representing 100%, 92.7%, 92.7% and 92.7% respectively were found to be the highest positive impact of colour in fashion. In the study, 85.3% of the respondents stated that some colours cause people to have low self-esteem while 62.0% of them said some colours cause people to feel lazy. It is recommended that people should select colours wisely to enhance their images.  Article visualizations

    Characterization of esophageal motility and esophagogastric junction in preterm infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia

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    Background: To characterize esophageal motility and function of the esophagogastric junction (EGJ) in preterm infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). Methods: High-resolution manometry with impedance was used to investigate esophageal motility and EGJ function in 28 tube-fed preterm infants with BPD. Patients with BPD were studied at term age during oral feeding. Thirteen healthy term-aged infants were included as controls. Esophageal analysis derived objective measures to evaluate esophageal contractile vigor, bolus distension pressure, EGJ relaxation, and EGJ barrier function (in rest and during respiration). In addition, we investigated the effect of BPD severity on these measures. Key results: A total of 140 nutritive swallows were analyzed (BPD, n = 92; controls, n = 48). Normal esophageal peristaltic wave patterns were observed in all infants. BPD patients had higher distal contractile esophageal strength compared with controls (Kruskal-Wallis (KW) P =.048), and their deglutitive EGJ relaxation was comparable to controls. Severe BPD patients showed higher bolus distension pressures, higher EGJ resting pressures, and increased EGJ contractile integrals compared with mild BPD patients (Mann-Whitney U P =.009, KW P =.012 and KW P =.028, respectively). Conclusions and Inferences: Preterm infants with BPD consistently present with normal peristaltic esophageal patterns following nutritive liquid swallows. The EGJ barrier tone and relaxation pressure appeared normal. In general, infants with BPD do not have altered esophageal motor function. There is however evidence for increased flow resistance at the EGJ in severe BPD patients possibly related to an increased contractility of the diaphragm

    Analyse de la croissance de Gymnogongrus patens Agardh de la cĂŽte atlantique marocaine

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    La croissance du carraghĂ©nophyte, Gymnogongrus patens J. Agardh (Rhodophyta, Phyllophoraceae) a Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©e sur des Ă©chantillons d’algues rĂ©coltĂ©s mensuellement pendant un cycle annuel, d’avril 2002 Ă  mars 2003, sur la plage de MĂ©hdia (Nord ouest de la cĂŽte atlantique marocaine). L’analyse des paramĂštres de croissance (longueur, poids et nombre total de ramifications) de l’algue a montrĂ© que sa croissance est plus liĂ©e Ă  la prolifĂ©ration des ramifications qu’à l’élongation des thalles.L’influence des facteurs environnementaux (tempĂ©rature, salinitĂ©, nitrates, et phosphates) sur l’évolution de la croissance a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e par des analyses en composantes principales (ACP). L’analyse quantitative en composantes principales a montrĂ© une variation saisonniĂšre des trois paramĂštres de croissance. Ainsi, les variables poids, ramifications totales,tempĂ©rature, salinitĂ© et concentration en nitrates sont corrĂ©lĂ©es positivement avec l’axe factoriel F1. L‘axe factoriel F2 est corrĂ©lĂ© positivement aux variables longueur du thalle et concentration en phosphates. Il est Ă  noter que les teneurs en phosphates sont corrĂ©lĂ©es nĂ©gativement avec l’axe F1.Mots-clĂ©s : Gymnogongrus patens, croissance, analyses statistiques, Maroc

    Conformational flexibility of the oncogenic protein LMO2 primes the formation of the multi-protein transcription complex

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    LMO2 was discovered via chromosomal translocations in T-cell leukaemia and shown normally to be essential for haematopoiesis. LMO2 is made up of two LIM only domains (thus it is a LIM-only protein) and forms a bridge in a multi-protein complex. We have studied the mechanism of formation of this complex using a single domain antibody fragment that inhibits LMO2 by sequestering it in a non-functional form. The crystal structure of LMO2 with this antibody fragment has been solved revealing a conformational difference in the positioning and angle between the two LIM domains compared with its normal binding. This contortion occurs by bending at a central helical region of LMO2. This is a unique mechanism for inhibiting an intracellular protein function and the structural contusion implies a model in which newly synthesized, intrinsically disordered LMO2 binds to a partner protein nucleating further interactions and suggests approaches for therapeutic targeting of LMO2
