201 research outputs found

    Rule based ETL (RETL) approach for GEO spatial data warehouse

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    This paper presents the use of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) for integrating multi source heterogeneous geospatial data in order to facilitate geospatial data warehouse. In this study, Real Based ETL (RETL) concept is adapted in order to extract, transform and load data from a variety of heterogeneous data sources. ETL will transform data to schematic format and loading data into the Geo spatial data warehouse.By using a rule-based technique, the distribution of parallel ETL pipeline will enhance and perform more efficient in large scale of data and overcome data bottleneck and performance overhead. This can ease the disaster management and enables planners to monitor disaster emergency response in an efficient manner

    The evolution of Geography Markup Language (GML) compression model

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    This paper will discuss about the evolution of Geography Markup Language (compression model.GML is a type of XML files normally used to store spatial data from database.However due to the huge size processing and transferring this type of file will cost performance and storage issue. Throughout the years several GML file compression model has been developed to help in addressing this problem.Four GML file compression model which are GPress, Delta Sp Compression and Extrapolation Model, GMill, and GPress++ has been selected to be discussed in this paper.In addition a comparison and the enhancement done in each model will be discussed in here.From the assessment GPress++ compression model h significant file compression rate on synthetic dataset with 77.10% improvement on gzip compressor

    Upper Euphrates Dialects between Arab Tribes’ Vernaculars and the Influence of Semitic Languages

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    لقد بات الاهتمام بدراسة اللهجات من أولويات علم اللغة الحديث، لما يقدمه هذا المجال من إسهامات كبيرة في فهم طبيعة اللغة وتتبع مراحلها التاريخية وبيان مدى تأثير البيئة والزمن في أصواتها وصرفها وبناء الجملة فيها، وما يعكسه ذلك على المستوى الدلالي، فيسلط هذا البحث الضوء على اللهجات العربية في منطقة أعالي الفرات. التي كانت عرضة لتغيرات جيوسياسية فرضت عليها أن تكون محطة لكثير من الأمم متعددة الثقافات واللغات. أثرت وتأثرت بلغات وثقافات سكانها الأصليين، فكان من الضرورة البحث والاستقصاء حول تلك المتغيرات التي تلعب دوراً في الوقوف على تأريخ اللهجات وأصالتها السائدة في هذه المنطقة قيد الدراسة، فاستعرض البحث الطبيعة الجغرافية للمنطقة ودورها في اختلاف اللهجات من قبيلة إلى أخرى، وكذلك تم استعراض الأقوام الأجنبية التي استوطنتها وتركت رواسب لغوية على عربية هذا الجزء من الأرض بشكل مختصر، ومما لا شك فيه كان التأثير متبادلاً، كما يكشف البحث عن الكثير من الألفاظ والسمات اللغوية الأصلية في اللغة العربية حولتها محاولات سرعة إيصال الفكرة والتسهيل إلى تغيير في شكل اللفظ صوتياً وصرفياً، ومن الجدير بالذكر إن من تلك الأمم الساميين التي تشترك لغاتهم بالعربية بالكثير من السمات اللغوية الناشئة من وحدة المصدر، وهو ما ركز عليه البحث في أغلب جوانبه.The interest in the study of dialects has become a priority for modern linguistics, as this area makes significant contributions to understanding the nature of the language, tracking its historical stages, demonstrating the impact of the environment and time on its voices, its disbursement and syntax, and what this reflects at the semantic level. This research highlights Arab dialects in the Upper Euphrates region which were subject to geopolitical changes that forced them to be a station for many multicultural and multilingual nations influenced and are affected by the languages and cultures of its indigenous population. Therefore, it was necessary to research and investigate those variables that play a role in determining the history and authenticity of the dialects prevailing in this area under study. The research reviewed the geographical nature of the region and its role in different dialects from one tribe to another, as well as briefly reviewed the foreign communities that settled it and left linguistic deposits on the Arabic of this part of the land and undoubtedly had a mutual impact. The research also reveals many of the original language and features in Arabic that have been transformed by attempts to quickly communicate the idea and facilitate a change in the form of the word vocally and purely, and it is worth noting that some of these nations are Sami, whose languages share in Arabic many of the language features arising from the source unit, which the research has focused on in most aspects. &nbsp


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    Background :  Providing data about the common causes of child death is essential to the development of national and local health policies for prevention and control of disease. Objective :  To determine the common causes of child mortality in Atbara Teaching Hospital, Sudan. Methods : In this retrospective study the records of children 0-15 years of age who died at Atbara Teaching Hospital within a 5 year period (Jan 2005 – Dec 2009) were reviewed for demographic data as well as the cause of death. Results : From a total of 14765 admissions to the pediatric ward in the five year period the total death was 344 (2.3%). Males were 215 (62.5%) and females 129 (37.5%). The under five were the majority ( 92.2%). Neonates constituted 25.8% of the total, older infants 42.9% and more than one year to five years 23.5%. The commonest causes of death were respiratory tract infections (18.2%) followed by malnutrition (16.6%), blood infections (15.4%), gastroenteritis and dehydration (15.4%), malaria (5.9%), scorpion sting (5.9%), heart failure (4.3%), meningitis (3.4%) and anemia (2.5%). At the bottom of the list were: tuberculosis (0.6%) and tetanus (0.3%). Conclusion : Causes of child mortality in Atbara are similar to those reported from other developing countries. Children under-five years of age are at the greatest risk of death from preventable and treatable diseases

    Educational approach of refactoring in facilitating reverse engineering

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    Refactoring improves software codes and design.This activity often neglected by software developers because they need time to decide tactically where and when to refactor codes.Although the concepts theoretically instilled in the developer’s mind, this activity is not easy to apply and visualize.This situation became more problematic when deals with inexperienced developers. Therefore, there is a need to develop an educational approach to comprehend refactoring activity.This activity was applied through reverse engineering tasks.The software engineering (SE) teams were required to apply reverse engineering activity in order to check the consistency between codes and design.The teams were encouraged to apply Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern architecture in order to facilitate the activities.Findings revealed that Extreme Programming (XP) teams managed to complete reverse engineering tasks earlier than Formal teams.This study found that the approach is important to increase understanding of refactoring activities in reverse engineering process.This approach will be furthered applied for others SE teams to gain more insight and perceptions towards improving SE course

    Product assembly sequence optimization based on genetic algorithm

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    Genetic algorithm (GA) is a search technique used in computing to find approximate solution to optimization and search problem based on the theory of natural selection. This study investigates the application of GA in optimizing product assembly sequences. The objective is to minimize the time taken for the parts to be assembled into a unit product. A single objective GA is used to obtain the optimal assembly sequence, exhibiting the minimum time taken. The assembly experiment is done using a case study product and results were compared with manual assembly sequences using the ‘Design for Assembly’(DFA) method. The results indicate that GA can be used to obtain a near optimal solution for minimizing the process time in sequence assembly. This shows that GA can be applied as a tool for assembly sequence planning that can be implemented at the design process to obtain faster result than the traditional methods

    Synthesis, Characterization and study biologicalactivity of several 1-cyclopentene-1,2-dicarboxylimidyl Containing oxadiazole and Benzothiazole

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    In this work involved prepared of several new 1-cyclopentene-1,2-dicarboxylimide linked to oxadiazole and benzothiazole moiety were synthesized by two steps: The first step 2-amino-substituted-1,3,4-oxadiazoles and substituted-2-aminobenzothiazole were reaction with 1-cyclopentene-1,2-dicarboxyl anhydride producing N-( 5- substituted-1,3,4-oxadiazole-2-yl)-1-cyclopentene-1,2-dicarboxyl amic acids and N-(Substitutedbenzothiazole-2-yl)-1-cyclopentene-1,2-dicarboxyl amic acids which in turn were dehydrated in the second step via fusion method to afford he desirable N-(5-substituted-1,3,4-oxadiazole-2-yl)-1-cyclopentene-1,2-dicarboxylimides and N-(Substituted benzothiazole-2-yl)1-cyclopentene-1,2-dicarboxylimides respectively. Structures of the prepared compounds were characterized by depending on FTIR, U.V spectral data which were in agreement with the proposed ones. Finally antibacterial activity of some of the prepared new cyclic imides were studied by two types of bacteria and the results showed that the most of the tested imides posses good biological activity against these bacteria

    The impact of agile methodologies and cost management success factors: an empirical study

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    Software cost management is a significant feature of project management. As such, it needs to be employed in a project or line of work. Software cost management is integral to software development failures, which, in turn, cause software failure. Thus, it is imperative that software development professionals develop their cost management skills to deliver successful software projects. The aim of this study is to examine the impact of cost management success factors with project management factors and three agile methodologies – Extreme Programming (XP), Scrum and Kanban methodologies which are used in the Pakistani software industry. To determine the results, the researchers applied quantitative approach through an extensive survey on 52 agile software development companies in Pakistan. Statistical techniques, such as Pearson’s correlation and mean and standard deviation were performed to examine the results. Following this analysis, we found that cost management has a positive effect on other project management factors, which are schedule, scope, risk, resources, and quality. Furthermore, it is determined that, in general, Kanban performed better than both, Scrum and XP in the context of project management factors

    Hermite-Hadamard inequality for product of (h1, h2, s)-convex and m-harmonically convex function

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    In this paper, a new definition of (m, h1 , h2 , s) -Harmonically convex function is introduced by combining m-convex, 1 2 (h , h ) -convex, s-convex, and harmonically convex function. Nowadays the approach of combining different convex functions is being used to extend the mathematical inequalities. In this paper, H-H inequality is considered to extend the fact that the combination of two or more convex functions combines their properties also. This innovative approach of combining convex functions leads to new applications in a variety of domains, including mathematics as well as other fields. These given inequalities can be considered as refinements and improvements to previously established result

    Designing story card in extreme programming using machine learning technique

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    Story card is one of the software development artifacts that can be used to gather requirements in extreme programming (XP).It can assists developers to translate and develop the system based on activities and rules stated in the story card.However, conventional XP story card framework or template is not well defined and only supports requirements in two or three sentences.It also does not states any information rather than system functionality.This may lead to conflicts, missing, and ambiguous requirements.In order to overcome this problem, Machine Learning is one of the techniques that can be used to extract the content from the list of requirements and produce the story cards based on the priority and rules of requirements.Thus, this study aims to to propose a new technique of designing story cards based on user requirements.The finding from the study is a conceptual model of designing story cards using machine learning technique.Future research will investigate how the technique adapt with the iterative changes of the requirements