4 research outputs found
Distribution of New World Noctilionoidea in Central and North America, South America, and the Antilles. Taxa were assigned to one or more of the three biogeographic regions based on their current distribution determined using the mammal distributions compiled by the IUCN (data downloaded on October 2013), and the literature since 2008. 1 = present, 0 = absent
R script to quantify the number and timing of speciation events between extant sister species for the Quaternary and pre-Quaternary (Neogene + Paleogene) periods on a posterior sample of time-calibrated phylogenies. The code can be modified to accommodate older periods if necessary. The file "my_trees.nex" is a generic example that refers to any file including a posterior distribution of trees
Descriptions of figures S1–S9. Descriptions of Tables S1, S2 and S5. Tables S3, S4, S6 and S7
Additional file 1: of Different adaptive strategies in E. coli populations evolving under macronutrient limitation and metal ion limitation
Table S1. Accession numbers for whole-genome fastq files for the different populations sequenced. (DOCX 14Â kb