7 research outputs found


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    We present a description of the electrogenic system and the reproductive behavior of Gymnotiform electrical fishes focusing on sexual and seasonal variations of their electric displays, and the communicative value of their social electric signals produced during courtship, using histological techniques and electrophysiological recordings. The pacemaker nucleus organizes the discharge sequence whereas the rest of the system determines the electric organ discharge waveform, which is species specific. During mating, Gymnotiform fishes show electric discharge sexual dimorphism, and generate transient social signals during courtship and gametoposition. Males of Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus prolong duration of the late phase of the discharge and generate brief signals characterized by rate increase and amplitude decrease called “Chirps”. Females transiently stop their discharge. These courtship transient signals are always produced over a specially large nocturnal rate increase. Chirps and interruptions are repeated in bursts with a temporal association that suggests communication

    Vasotocin Actions on Electric Behavior: Interspecific, Seasonal, and Social Context-Dependent Differences

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    Social behavior diversity is correlated with distinctively distributed patterns of a conserved brain network, which depend on the action of neuroendocrine messengers that integrate extrinsic and intrinsic cues. Arginine vasotocin (AVT) is a key integrator underlying differences in behavior across vertebrate taxa. Weakly electric fish use their electric organ discharges (EODs) as social behavioral displays. We examined the effect of AVT on EOD rate in two species of Gymnotiformes with different social strategies: Gymnotus omarorum, territorial and highly aggressive, and Brachyhypopomus gauderio, gregarious and aggressive only between breeding males. AVT induced a long-lasting and progressive increase of EOD rate in isolated B. gauderio, partially blocked by the V1a AVT receptor antagonist (Manning compound, MC), and had no effects in G. omarorum. AVT also induced a long-lasting increase in the firing rate (prevented by MC) of the isolated medullary pacemaker nucleus (PN) of B. gauderio when tested in an in vitro preparation, indicating that the PN is the direct effector of AVT actions. AVT is involved in the seasonal, social context-dependent nocturnal increase of EOD rate that has been recently described in B. gauderio to play a role in mate selection. AVT produced the additional nocturnal increase of EOD rate in non-breeding males, whereas MC blocked it in breeding males. Also, AVT induced a larger EOD rate increase in reproductive dyads than in agonistic encounters. We demonstrated interspecific, seasonal, and context-dependent actions of AVT on the PN that contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms the brain uses to shape sociality


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    El Comité Editorial de Anales de la Facultad de Medicina, tiene la satisfacción de presentar el N° 1 del Volumen 4 de nuestra revista

    Comunicación eléctrica en peces sudamericanos del orden gymnotiformes

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    Se presenta la organización del sistema electrogénico y de la conducta reproductiva de los peces eléctricos Gymnnotiformes enfatizando las variaciones sexuales y estacionales de sus despliegues eléctricos mediante histología y registros electrofisiológicos de la forma de onda de la descarga y de la actividad de las células componentes. Identificamos un núcleo electro-motor bulbar que activa la descarga eléctrica del pez. En la reproducción, los Gymnotiformes exhiben dimorfismo sexual de la frecuencia de descarga y producen señales para el cortejo y la gametoposición. Los machos de Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus exhiben prolongación de la segunda fase de la Descarga del Órgano Eléctrico (DOE) y emiten señales breves con aumento brusco de la frecuencia y disminución de la amplitud (Chirps). Las hembras interrumpen su descarga de forma transitoria. Estas señales se sobreimponen a un aumento nocturno de la frecuencia basal. Chirps e interrupciones se producen en ráfagas con asociación temporal precisa que sugiere comunicación

    Editorial - Medicina, Salud e Investigación

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    La función de la medicina es mantener la salud de los individuos y la sociedad en su conjunto. Los servicios de salud son (o deberían ser) estructuras organizativas donde los equipos de salud gestionen de una manera eficiente los recursos para lograr el objetivo enunciado. En el ámbito de nuestra Facultad, junto a sus funciones dentro del Sistema hay un elemento capital que es el de la formación de recursos humanos, para integrar los equipos de salud. ¿Qué papel debe cumplir la investigación en todos estos aspectos? (...