147 research outputs found

    Physiological and psychosocial occupational exposures and intermediate health outcomes in the general population

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    In this large general working population-based thesis, we observed that pesticides is the most potent occupational exposure that may impair lung function and may increase the risk to develop respiratory symptoms and airway obstruction. Metals exposure may increase the prevalence of sickness absence among workers. Experiencing high job strain and high effort-reward imbalance in the workplace may increase blood pressure. Future studies should consider to include a detailed job history to detect the health effects of occupational exposures over the life course. In addition, future research should focus on the causal associations between occupational exposures and health effects through genetic and epigenetic analyses. The results of these future studies may point towards future preventive and therapeutic measures. Targeted preventive measures should be implemented to protect workers from exposure to pesticides and its components, metals, job strain, and effort-reward imbalance to ensure healthy working lives

    Lipolytic enzymes from the bovine rumen : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Biochemistry at Massey University

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    1.1. Lipid metabolism in the ruminants and significance of hydrolysis and hydrogenation in the rumen. The digestion pattern of ruminants differs from other mammals in that the food of ruminants is subjected to a microbial fermentation in the rumen before passing into the true stomach. Carbohydrates, proteins, organic acids and many other food constituents are attacked by the micro organisms in the rumen and as a result short-chain fatty acids (VFA), CO2 , CH4 , NH3 etc. are produced as the end product of microbial metabolism. This ruminal fermentation has a considerable effect on the metabolic processes of the animal and moreover the functions of the rumen microorganisms are intimately associated with certain metabolic disorders of the ruminant (Bryant, 1959) e.g. Ketosis, bloat etc. It is now generally believed that the organisms of functional significance in the rumen are protozoa and bacteria which are capable of growth under the anaerobic conditions prevailing. The rumen provides an ideal anaerobic environment for a large and diverse microbial population at a temperature of 39°-40°C. The pH of the ingesta is slightly acid and the bacteria are adapted to live between pH 5.5 and 7.0 (Hungate, 1966). It is apparent from earlier studies that the lipids of ruminants differ in several respects from those of non-ruminant herbivorous animals in particular. Occurrence of unusually high proportions of stearic acid and the presence of trans acids and isomeric forms of oleic, linoleic and linolenic acid in depot fats and tissue lipids are peculiar to ruminants. [From Introduction

    Trust-based Throughput in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) deal with opportunistic spectrum access in order to fully utilize the scarce of spectrum resources, with the development of cognitive radio technologies to greater utilization of the spectrum. Nowa- days Cognitive Radio (CR) is a promising concept for improving the utilization of limited radio spectrum resources for future wireless communications and mobile computing. In this paper, we propose two approaches. At first we propose a trust aware model to authenticate the secondary users (SUs) in CRNs which provides a reliable technique to establish trust for CRNs. Secondly, we propose trust throughput mechanism to measure throughput in CRNs

    Nature and Extent of Crime Victimization: A Study on Urban Area in Bangladesh

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    This study has mainly explored the current nature and extent of crime victimization in urban areas in Bangladesh. It was exploratory in nature. The samples were selected randomly using a clustered sampling technique from 14 particular areas and respondents who were selected as victimized person or their household heads in this study. A structured and standardized survey questionnaire were used for data collection techniques and using SPSS statistical tools for analyzing data. The findings of the study are that the total number of the respondents was 3,957, among them most of them are female about 53% within 31% of victimized people. Their age ranging from 20 to 40 years, they have completed the primary and secondary level of education, their income below 20,000 and most of them are married and housewife by their occupation among them 8.5% got repeatedly victimized. As per the study findings, theft constitutes the highest number for victimization, where 79% and other types offences including snatching, sexual harassment, domestic violence and also other property related crime, snatching of things or properties, cheating, forgery, or any kind of fraudulent activity, threatening, and damage to property, rape etc were also be found in urban area. Most importantly, Dhaka north city has a higher victimization rate than the other cities in Bangladesh. In this study, it has found that about 95% of the respondents became victimized while living within their current address and most of the victims shared that the incident took place at the town mostly and the places of occurrence were mostly closed to the residence of the victims. The average distance of the place of occurrences and residences was about 4.6 km, and the nearest police station from the place of occurrence was 3.3 km on an average. The study also showed that most of the crimes have occurred within the mid hour of day time to the first hour of the night time, which starts from noon and ends 9 at night, and it constitutes 50 % of the total crime. Finally, it is also revealed that from January to April and November to December of 2018 were more crime-prone than the other months

    Underlying the Causes and Impact of Crime Victimization: A Study of Urban Area in Bangladesh

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    In Bangladesh, like all other countries of the world Crime victimization has become a frightening, threatening and unsettling experience for many people. This study tries to trace the causes of different kinds of crime victimization and also tries to find out its impact on victims in relation to urban environment. Based on literature relate to victimization and collecting primary data from urban area’s victim, this study will enable researchers to explore the prevalence of crime in urban area and to identify the causes and impact of crime victimization on victims by analysing the demographic status of victim-offender, measuring the causal variables and several cost likely financial, physical etc. The subject of this study was composed of 3957 respondent’s selected from 12th city corporations including Dhaka city followed by probability sampling method for collecting information from the general peoples who have victimized. The study revealed that two-third of the offenders was unknown to the victim. The most common cause of victimization includes self-blaming (lack of awareness or carelessness) remained at the top reason, which constitutes 31 percent of the victim. This victimization has affected victims psychologically, physically and financially including several losses. The perceptions gathered through this study will helps to take important measures and strategies to ensure safe livelihood as well as increase the performance of the law enforcement agencies

    Socio-Demographic Factors Associate with Fear of Crime in Bangladesh: A Study in Urban Area

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    Fear of crime is a concerning issue which led to a whole series of behavioral reactions which negatively affect the quality of life in the society. This study examines the public perceptions of the risks and fear of crime in Bangladesh in relation to urban environment. Drawing upon fear of crime literature and collecting primary data this study will enable researchers to explore the nature of the urban fear of crime in Bangladesh and will find association between socio demographic factor and fear of crime by identifying the possible vulnerable time and place of crime victimization; level of safety at the neighborhood and home and identifying factors affecting victim’s level of fear of crime. The subject of this study was composed of 3957 respondent’s selected from 12th city corporations followed by probability sampling method for collecting information from the general peoples who have victimized and have a fear of crime. The study found that fear of crime is found to be higher with the stranger; people seem to be feared while in the dark time after 6 pm. Many factors affect the fear of crime such as lengthy procedure of criminal justice system, news of crime at their locality, news of crossfire and poor neighborhood physical condition have impact on fear of crime. The perceptions gathered through this study will helps to take important measures and strategies to ensure safe livelihood as well as increase the performance of the law enforcement agencies

    Performance Evaluation of Private Commercial Banks of Bangladesh: A Trend Analysis

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    The study revealed the trend analysis of the private commercial banks and given an overview of the performance of private commercial banks of Bangladesh. Nowadays, the banking sector is the “lifeblood” of all economic activity. The study is empirical. To get the proper understanding about the trend of different variables such as, investment loan & advancement, total asset, total liability, total equity, profit after tax, return on investment, return on asset, and return on equity from 2013 to 2017 the sample was extracted from the scheduled commercial banks. The result shows that the banking system of Bangladesh is not running at a normal pace. The index of the various variable of PCBs has progressed in some years, but again it has been delayed for the next time. The ROI and the ROA result show the best output in 2014 and the worst in 2017. On the other side, the best return on equity shows in 2014, but it is in the lowest position in 2015 because of a sudden increase in an equity position. The trend of profit after tax is like a wave. In 2014 and 2016 it is increased than the last year. On the other hand, in 2013, 2015 & 2017 it is decreased in comparison to the previous year. The data shows that the PAT is rotated within 15,000 to 20000 million taka. It is studied that, the growth and development, as well as the performance trend, is not rhythmic. PCBs should get the proper rhythm of their development, and for the development of the state