40 research outputs found

    Cloning and characterisation of heat shock and wound-induced genes in pea (pisum sativum L.)

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    Plant productivity in many regions of the world is limited primarily as a result of environmental stresses. High temperature and wounding caused by pest and pathogen infection are among the main factors accounting for unpredictable and often severe yield losses worldwide. These stresses, force the plants to alter then gene expression in order to adapt to the changed environment. Attempts were made in the study to isolate and characterise the differentially expressed heat shocked and wound-induced genes to understand the underlying molecular mechanism of heat shock and wounding response. The isolation of the promoters and their use to derive the tissue-specific and high expression of the linked coding sequences will be proved practically more significant. A cDNA clone designated LP 19 was isolated from a differential screening of a cDNA library prepared from lignifying pods of pea line L59. Sequence homology analysis showed that LP19 belongs to the hsp70 gene family. Northern analysis of RNA from pods from pea lines of different genotypes, showing the presence or absence of pod lignification, showed that LP 19 expression was specifically associated with lignification. Several cDNA species derived from transcripts of the LP 19 gene were subsequently isolated, which showed varying positions of poly (A) addition to the 3' untranslated region. Southern blotting of genomic DNA indicated the presence of single gene corresponding to LP 19.The pea hsp70 gene corresponding to LP 19 was isolated from a pea genomic library using LP 19 as a probe. The pea hsp70(LP19) gene predicts an open reading frame encoding a polypeptide of 648 amino acid residues. This sequence is similar to other plant hsp70 proteins. However, unlike most other plant hsp70 genes, the pea hsp70(LP19) gene lacks an intron. 1.8 kb of 5' flanking sequence of hsp70(LP19) gene was also sequenced. The promoter region contains 6 putative consensus heat shock elements (HSEs) as well as 4 A-T rich sites upstream from TATA box. Induction of gene expression of the pea hsp70(LP19) was observed in all organs of the plant after heat shock; the highest level of expression was observed in root, followed by stem and least in leaves. A similar expression pattern for a corresponding gene was observed in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Other stress conditions such as salt stress and wounding failed to induce the expression of hsp70LP(19) gene both in pea and chickpea. The pea hsp70(LP19) promoter region, including 1.8 kb 5'-flanking sequence, and the first 18 amino acids of the coding region, was fused with coding sequence for P- glucuronidase (GUS). Tobacco plants were transformed with this chimaeric gene in order to study tissue specific and developmental expression of the hsp70(LP19) promoter. Histological staining of GUS activity in transgenic tobacco plants showed that protein was present predominantly in the phloem tissue in stem, root and petioles In addition, developmental expression of the hsp70(LP19) gene promoter, without heat shock, was observed in petals, pollen grains, developing seeds as well as in germinating seeds and seedlings at different stages of growth. Quantitative assay of GUS activity by fluorometric assay was used to follow the time course of protein accumulation. Activity was detected within few minutes of the start of heat shock and increased to a maximum after 6 hrs. A high level of GUS activity was observed only in the heat shocked parts of the plant; no endogenous signal that spread systemically from the heat shocked areas to the rest of the plant was observed.Pea and chickpea plants showed a transient increase of polyphenol oxidase (PPO) with maximum level at 48 hrs after wounding. No systemic induction of PPO was observed in unwounded parts in response to both wounding and MeJA treatment. In order to isolate transcripts expressed differentially in response to wounding, a pea subtractive cDNA library was made. 21 subtracted cDNA clones were partially sequenced. Most of the subtracted cDNA clones showed homology with wound or pathogen induced sequences. Northern analysis of the genes corresponding to the subtracted cDNA clones (SC3, SC7, SC12, SC33, SC57 and SC58), indicated differential expression in response to wounding. Full length or nearly full length cDNAs corresponding to 4 subtracted cDNA clones, designated SC10, SC15, SC57 and SC58, were isolated and sequenced. These cDNA clones will be further studied and efforts will be made to isolate their promoters. The tissue-specific expression will be carried out by using promoter-reporter system. These isolated cDNA clones were partially characterised and will be available for further studies to isolate their respective promoters. The tissue specific expression will be carried out by using promoter-reporter system

    Unlocking the potential of nanoscale sulfur in sustainable agriculture

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    The global population is growing rapidly, which poses a significant challenge to food security. Innovation in agricultural technologies is necessary to achieve sustainable development in agriculture and combat food insecurity. Nanotechnology has emerged as a promising tool in agriculture; compared to conventional agricultural chemicals, demonstrated benefits include increased efficiency of delivery and utilization of both nutrients and pesticides, as well as nanoscale-specific stimulation of stress tolerance pathways. Among the many studied nanomaterials, nano-sulfur has demonstrated superior effects at enhancing plant resilience to pathogens and abiotic stresses, as well as improving plant growth and nutritional quality of edible tissues. A number of published studies have investigated the physiological effects (growth promotion, disease resistance) of single or several sulfur and sulfide compounds on crop species. However, there is no systematic analysis of this literature, including the effects and specific mechanisms of various sulfur forms in agricultural applications. In this review, we will discuss the effects of sulfur (including nano-sulfur) on crop species, the underlying mechanisms of action for their transport and transformation in the soil-plant system, and evaluate their suitability in sustainable agricultural development. Additionally, we discuss the current challenges and knowledge gaps for nanoscale sulfur use in agriculture, and describe future research directions to advance our understanding of the sustainable use of this material at the scale of individual fields

    Unlocking the potential of nanoscale sulfur in sustainable agriculture

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    The global population is growing rapidly, which poses a significant challenge to food security. Innovation in agricultural technologies is necessary to achieve sustainable development in agriculture and combat food insecurity. Nanotechnology has emerged as a promising tool in agriculture; compared to conventional agricultural chemicals, demonstrated benefits include increased efficiency of delivery and utilization of both nutrients and pesticides, as well as nanoscale-specific stimulation of stress tolerance pathways. Among the many studied nanomaterials, nano-sulfur has demonstrated superior effects at enhancing plant resilience to pathogens and abiotic stresses, as well as improving plant growth and nutritional quality of edible tissues. A number of published studies have investigated the physiological effects (growth promotion, disease resistance) of single or several sulfur and sulfide compounds on crop species. However, there is no systematic analysis of this literature, including the effects and specific mechanisms of various sulfur forms in agricultural applications. In this review, we will discuss the effects of sulfur (including nano-sulfur) on crop species, the underlying mechanisms of action for their transport and transformation in the soil-plant system, and evaluate their suitability in sustainable agricultural development. Additionally, we discuss the current challenges and knowledge gaps for nanoscale sulfur use in agriculture, and describe future research directions to advance our understanding of the sustainable use of this material at the scale of individual fields

    Effect of stem structural characteristics and cell wall components related to stem lodging resistance in a newly identified mutant of hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    In wheat, lodging is affected by anatomical and chemical characteristics of the stem cell wall. Plant characteristics determining the stem strength were measured in lodging tolerant mutant (PMW-2016-1) developed through mutation breeding utilizing hexaploid wheat cultivar, DPW-621-50. Various anatomical features, chemical composition, and mechanical strength of the culms of newly developed lodging-tolerant mutant (PMW-2016-1) and parent (DPW-621-50), were examined by light microscopy, the Klason method, prostate tester coupled with a Universal Tensile Machine, and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Significant changes in the anatomical features, including the outer radius of the stem, stem wall thickness, and the proportions of various tissues, and vascular bundles were noticed. Chemical analysis revealed that the lignin level in the PMW-2016-1 mutant was higher and exhibited superiority in stem strength compared to the DPW-621-50 parent line. The force (N) required to break the internodes of mutant PMW 2016-1 was higher than that of DPW-621-50. The results suggested that the outer stem radius, stem wall thickness, the proportion of sclerenchyma tissues, the number of large vascular bundles, and lignin content are important factors that affect the mechanical strength of wheat stems, which can be the key parameters for the selection of varieties having higher lodging tolerance. Preliminary studies on the newly identified mutant PMW-2016-1 suggested that this mutant may possess higher lodging tolerance because it has a higher stem strength than DPW-621-50 and can be used as a donor parent for the development of lodging-tolerant wheat varieties

    A novel stress-associated protein 'AtSAP10' from Arabidopsis thaliana confers tolerance to nickel, manganese, zinc, and high temperature stress.

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    We describe here the functional characterization of a novel AtSAP10, a member of the Stress Associated Protein (SAP) gene family, from Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Columbia. AtSAP10 contains an A20 and AN1 zinc-finger domain at the N- and C-terminal, respectively. Arabidopsis SAP10 showed differential regulation by various abiotic stresses such as heavy metals and metalloids (Ni, Cd, Mn, Zn, and As), high and low temperatures, cold, and ABA. Overexpression of AtSAP10 in Arabidopsis conferred strong tolerance to heavy metals such as Ni, Mn, and Zn and to high temperature stress. AtSAP10 transgenic plants under these stress conditions grew green and healthy, attained several-fold more biomass, and had longer roots as compared to wild type plants. Further, while these transgenic plants accumulated significantly greater amounts of Ni and Mn in both shoots and root tissues, there was no significant difference in the accumulation of Zn. AtSAP10 promoter-GUS fusion studies revealed a root and floral organ-specific expression of AtSAP10. Overexpression of AtSAP10-GFP fusion protein showed the localization in both nucleus and cytoplasm. Taken together, these results showed that AtSAP10 is a potentially useful candidate gene for engineering tolerance to heavy metals and to abiotic stress in cultivated plants