3 research outputs found

    Aplicación de técnicas sensoriales y físico-químicas para evaluar la influencia del sistema de cultivo o de conservación en productos vegetales

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    En los últimos años se ha producido, sobre todo a nivel Europeo, un gran incremento en la producción agrícola ecológica, situándose España en el primer puesto tanto en superficie como en productores y operadores, consolidando entre los años 2009-2011, dicha posición de liderazgo en el contexto de la producción ecológica de la UE. No obstante, los datos de consumo a nivel Nacional no son tan alentadores, manteniéndose la producción convencional como el sistema agroalimentario predominante a nivel de abastecimiento. A nivel de la calidad sensorial de los alimentos, los estudios de consumidores son una buena herramienta de trabajo ya que el éxito o el fracaso de un producto alimenticio en el mercado va estar condicionado, en gran medida, por las reacciones totalmente subjetivas del consumidor. Además si se complementa con el análisis sensorial objetivo (estudios con catadores) se pueden determinar las razones que están detrás de la elección del consumidor

    Evaluation of a modified atmosphere packaging system in pallets to extend the shelf-life of the stored tomato at cooling temperature

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    A modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) system in pallets was developed and its effect on physico-chemical and sensory characteristics and shelf-life of tomato was evaluated. Tomatoes were stored at 6 °C in cardboard boxes arranged on pallets wrapped in micro-perforated low-density polyethylene (LDPE) bags. Effects of the storage time and packaging were evaluated after 0, 7, 14, and 21 days of storage. The MAP system with pallets assessed, using a packaging atmosphere composition of 10% O2 - 10% CO2 and silica gel as an adsorbent, extended the shelf-life of the tomato stored at refrigeration temperature. MAP delayed color evolution and reduced the firmness loss, biosynthesis of lycopene, and decay rate of tomato. At the end of storage, 100% of the unpackaged samples showed spots while only 42.9% of MAP samples had them. In addition, the percentage of tomatoes with cracks and stretch marks was reduced from 42.9% (unpackaged tomatoes) to 14.3% (MAP tomatoes)This research was supported by the Autonomous Government of Galicia (Spain) project PGIDIT09TAL003ES

    Evaluation of a Packaging System in Pallets Under Modified Atmosphere to Extend the Shelf-life of ‘Padrón’ Peppers Stored at Refrigeration Temperature

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    A modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) system in pallets was developed for ‘Padrón’ peppers as a way to extend their shelf-life while maintaining good fruit quality. Peppers were stored at 6 °C in cardboard boxes arranged on pallets wrapped in micro-perforated low-density polyethylene (LDPE) bags. Physico-chemical (moisture, firmness, color, chlorophylls, carotenoids, ascorbic acid, and total phenolic content) and sensory analysis were carried out after 0, 7, 14, and 21 days of storage. An initial mixture of 11.8% O2–8.5% CO2 prevented anaerobic conditions and kept suitable CO2 levels throughout the entire storage period. Silica gel was tested as a moisture absorbent and considerably reduced water vapor condensation inside packaging bags. The MAP system developed maintained the shelf-life of peppers until the end of the 21-day storage period. The fruit always showed a good appearance and color. No rotting or other types of undesirable alterations were observed. MAP markedly reduced the fraction of peppers with water loss as evidenced by a minimum percentage of fruit with wrinkles (12.5%) as compared to unpackaged samples (75%). Good pigment stability was also observedOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This research was supported by the Autonomous Government of Galicia (Spain) project PGIDIT09TAL003ES