215 research outputs found

    Routing Diverse Crowds in Emergency with Dynamic Grouping

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    Evacuee routing algorithms in emergency typically adopt one single criterion to compute desired paths and ignore the specific requirements of users caused by different physical strength, mobility and level of resistance to hazard. In this paper, we present a quality of service (QoS) driven multi-path routing algorithm to provide diverse paths for different categories of evacuees. This algorithm borrows the concept of Cognitive Packet Network (CPN), which is a flexible protocol that can rapidly solve optimal solution for any user-defined goal function. Spatial information regarding the location and spread of hazards is taken into consideration to avoid that evacuees be directed towards hazardous zones. Furthermore, since previous emergency navigation algorithms are normally insensitive to sudden changes in the hazard environment such as abrupt congestion or injury of civilians, evacuees are dynamically assigned to several groups to adapt their course of action with regard to their on-going physical condition and environments. Simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm which is sensitive to the needs of evacuees produces better results than the use of a single metric. Simulations also show that the use of dynamic grouping to adjust the evacuees' category and routing algorithms with regard for their on-going health conditions and mobility, can achieve higher survival rates.Comment: Contains 6 pages, 5 pages. Accepted by PerNEM' 201

    Assessment of the Role of the Nigerian Police Force in the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in Nigeria

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    This article examines the role of the Nigerian Police Force in the promotion and protection of human rights in Nigeria. It discusses the concept of human rights under international and domestic law. It highlights the powers of the Nigerian Police Force under the Police Act and the Administration of Criminal Justice Act, 2015 and observes that although the police use discretion to support human rights, it is the abuse of the discretion and power that results in violation of human rights of citizens. This article identifies the rights most subjected to abuse by the police as the right to life, dignity of the human person, liberty, fair hearing, privacy and family life and analyzes some of the factors responsible for the ineffective performance of the police. As a result, the paper recommends a number of legal and institutional reforms to make the police force more effective in their duties and in the protection and promotion of the human rights of citizens. The article concludes, however, that the government should overhaul the entire police structure in Nigeria by implementing a community policing strategy across the country

    Dynamic Changes in Microvascular Density Can Predict Viable and Non-Viable Areas in High-Risk Neuroblastoma

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    Despite aggressive treatments, the prognosis of high-risk NB remains poor. Surgical oncology needs innovative intraoperative devices to help surgeons discriminate malignant tissue from necrotic and surrounding healthy tissues. Changes within the tumor vasculature could be used intraoperatively as a diagnostic tool to guide surgical resection. Here, we retrospectively analyzed the mean vascular density (MVD) of different NB subtypes at diagnosis and after induction chemotherapy using scanned histological samples. One patient was prospectively enrolled, and an ex vivo photoacoustic imaging (PAI) scan was performed on two representative sections to assess its capacity to discriminate different tumor regions. We found that post-chemotherapy, viable areas of differentiating NBs and ganglioneuroblastomas are associated with higher MVD compared to poorly differentiated NBs. Early necrotic regions showed higher MVD than late necrotic and viable regions. Finally, calcified areas showed significantly lower MVD than any other histological component. The acquired PAI images showed a good high-resolution ex vivo 3D delineation of NB margins. Overall, these results suggest that a high-definition preclinical imaging device such as PAI could potentially be exploited to guide surgical resection by identifying different vasculature signatures

    Dynamic Changes in Microvascular Density Can Predict Viable and Non-Viable Areas in High-Risk Neuroblastoma

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    Despite aggressive treatments, the prognosis of high-risk NB remains poor. Surgical oncology needs innovative intraoperative devices to help surgeons discriminate malignant tissue from necrotic and surrounding healthy tissues. Changes within the tumor vasculature could be used intraoperatively as a diagnostic tool to guide surgical resection. Here, we retrospectively analyzed the mean vascular density (MVD) of different NB subtypes at diagnosis and after induction chemotherapy using scanned histological samples. One patient was prospectively enrolled, and an ex vivo photoacoustic imaging (PAI) scan was performed on two representative sections to assess its capacity to discriminate different tumor regions. We found that post-chemotherapy, viable areas of differentiating NBs and ganglioneuroblastomas are associated with higher MVD compared to poorly differentiated NBs. Early necrotic regions showed higher MVD than late necrotic and viable regions. Finally, calcified areas showed significantly lower MVD than any other histological component. The acquired PAI images showed a good high-resolution ex vivo 3D delineation of NB margins. Overall, these results suggest that a high-definition preclinical imaging device such as PAI could potentially be exploited to guide surgical resection by identifying different vasculature signatures

    Male Involvement in Birth Preparedness in Ogun State, Nigeria: A Rural/Urban Comparative Cross-sectional Study

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    Though male involvement is associated with improved maternal and child health outcomes, the practice is low in developing counties like Nigeria. This comparative cross-sectional study described and compared male involvement in birth preparedness between rural and urban areas of Ogun State, Nigeria. It was carried out among 440 fathers of under-fives each from rural and urban local governments using multistage sampling to select participants. Data were collected using an interviewer-administered questionnaire and Focused Group Discussions (FGDs) and analyzed using SPSS version 20. Thematic analysis of FGD was done. Relevant descriptive and inferential statistics were calculated and results presented in frequency tables. Male involvement was statistically significantly better in rural areas than in urban areas (P=<0.001). Tertiary education (AOR= 2.446, 95% C. I= 1.559-3.838) remained significant predictor of male involvement in birth preparedness in the urban area while predictors in rural area were young paternal age (AOR 0.465, 95% C.I= 0.223-0.967) and tertiary education (AOR= 6.241, 95% C.I=1.827-21.317). This implies that male involvement in birth preparedness was better among educated men in both urban and rural areas. Keywords: Male involvement, Birth preparedness, rural, urban, Ogun StateBien que la participation des hommes soit associée à de meilleurs résultats en matière de santé maternelle et infantile, la pratique est faible dans les pays en développement comme le Nigéria. Cette étude transversale comparative a décrit et comparé la participation des hommes à la préparation à la naissance entre les zones rurales et urbaines de l'État d'Ogun, au Nigéria. Elle a été réalisée auprès de 440 pères de moins de cinq ans issus de collectivités locales rurales et urbaines à l'aide d'un échantillonnage à plusieurs degrés pour sélectionner les participants. Les données ont été recueillies à l'aide d'un questionnaire administré par un intervieweur et de discussions de groupe ciblées (FGD) et analysées à l'aide de SPSS version 20. Une analyse thématique des FGD a été effectuée. Des statistiques descriptives et déductives pertinentes ont été calculées et les résultats présentés dans des tableaux de fréquences. La participation des hommes était statistiquement significativement meilleure dans les zones rurales que dans les zones urbaines (P = <0,001). L'enseignement supérieur (AOR = 2,446, 95% C.I = 1,559-3,838) est resté un indicateur important de la participation des hommes à la préparation à l'accouchement en zone urbaine tandis que les indicateurs en zone rurale étaient le jeune âge paternel (AOR 0,465, IC 95% = 0,223-0,967) et l'enseignement supérieur (AOR = 6,241, IC à 95% = 1,827-21,317). Cela implique que la participation des hommes à la préparation aux naissances était meilleure chez les hommes instruits dans les zones urbaines et rurales. Mots-clés: Participation des hommes, préparation à la naissance, rural, urbain, état d'Ogu

    Radiation Effects: Recommendations for Safe Plasma/Flame Cutting Operation

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    Plasma cutting has been a revolutionary method of processing metals as it provides precision cutting with a smooth finish. The Plasma Arc Cutting machine is an important machine used for producing fine cuts and creating shapes in materials. In addition to high energy radiation (ultraviolet and visible) which plasma arc cutting generates, the intense heat of the arc also generates substantial quantities of fumes and smoke from vaporizing metal in the kerf. With a reflection on a case study, this paper examines the working processes of the machine and the effect on the health of operators or any unsuspecting member of the public. With the safety regulations and recommendations from certified bodies, recommendations are made to ensure safety and limitations of health hazards during the use of the machine