3 research outputs found


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    Bu çalışmada, ekzopolisakkarit üreten (EPS +) ile ekzopolisakkarit üretmeyen (EPS -) yarım yağlı ve EPS (-) tam yağlı Tulum peynirleri 90 gün süreyle olgunlaştırılmış ve depolama süresince serbest yağ asidi kompozisyonu incelenmiştir. ‹ncelenen 10 adet serbest yağ asidi arasında palmitik, oleik ve miristik asitler baskın serbest yağ asitleri olarak belirlenmiştir. Tam yağlı ve EPS (-) kültür ile üretilen tulum peynirinin en yüksek serbest yağ asidi içeriğine sahip olduğu belirlenirken, yarım yağlı EPS (+) ve starter kültür kombinasyonunda L. helveticus olan tulum peyniri en düşük serbest yağ asidi içeriği değeri göstermiştir. EPS (+) kültür kullanımı peynirlerin serbest yağ asidi kompozisyonunu etkilememiştir. Depolama süresine bağlı olarak peynirlerin serbest yağ asidi miktarı artmıştır.In this study, low fat Tulum cheeses made by EPS (+) and non EPS (-) and full-fat Tulum cheeses produced by EPS (-) cultures were ripened for 90 days and free fatty acid composition was analysed during ripening. Palmitic, oleic and myristic acids were the predominant free fatty acids in the 10 free fatty acid investigaded. While full-fat Tulum cheese produced by non-EPS culture had the highest free fatty acid level, low fat Tulum cheeses produced by EPS (+) which contained L. helveticus in starter culture combination showed lowest free fatty acid value. Use of exopolysaccaride producing cultures did not influence free fatty acid composition. The amount of free fatty acid increased during storage.

    Fruit quality and biochemical characterization of recently developed seedless lemon cultivars

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    Introduction - Seedlessness is an important characteristic demanded by consumers of citrus fruit and gamma irradiation is a common technique used to obtain seedless citrus fruits. The present study was conducted to investigate the fruit quality and nutritional bio-components of seedless lemons (Alatac 'Uzun' and 'Gulsen') recently developed by using gamma irradiation in comparison with the original seedy cultivar. Materials and methods - High-performance liquid chromatographic methods together with UV and refractive index detectors were employed to identify and quantify these compounds. Results and discussion - Fruit quality and bio-chemical properties were affected differently; some cultivars presented no changes compared to the control, while others exhibited significant differences. The seedless lemon fruits under study were characterized by high ascorbic acid contents (262.48 to 410.74 mg LA), high total soluble solids, and high fructose and glucose contents. Conclusion - Budwood irradiation is considered as a suitable technique to improve citrus cultivars, produce seedless cultivars and raise the content of health-promoting compounds. The present results revealed that irradiation technique affected the bioactive properties of lemon

    Some Quality Characteristics of Different Tomatoe Varieties

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    Erdemli Sarıkaya yöresinde (Mersin) yetiştirilen dokuz farklı domates (Lycopersicum esculentum) çeşidinin olgunluk döneminde toplam karotenoid, karotenoid bileşen, askorbik asit, toplam kuru madde ve renk özellikleri incelenmiştir. Toplam kurumadde değeri ve askorbik asit içeriği bakımından en yüksek değerler M10 salkım tipidomates çeşidinde belirlenmiş olup ve bu değerler sırasıyla 8.58 g/100g ile 397.74 mg/kg olarak tespit edilmiştir. Toplam karotenoid (72.77 mg/kg) ve likopen içeriğine (42.71 mg/kg) ait en yüksek değerler de M4 beef tipi'nde (F1) tespit edilmiştir. M7 beef tipi (F1) en yüksek CIE a* ve C* değeri sırasıyla 24.41 ve 29.14'tür. Yetiştiricilik bakımından öne çıkmayan çeşitlerde de kalite kriterleri bakımından ümit verici sonuçlar elde edilmiştirNine different tomatoe varieties (Lycopersicum esculentum) grown in Erdemli Sarikaya (Mersin, Turkey) were harvested at maturity, and some quality characteristics of the tomatoes such as total carotenoid compound, ascorbic acid, total soluble solids and color properties were determined. The total solids content (8.58 g/100g) and ascorbic acid content (397.74 mg/kg) of the tomato cultivar of the M10 cluster type were found the highest among the varieties studied. The M4 beef type (F1) had the highest total carotenoid (72.77 mg/kg) and lycopene contents (42.71 mg/kg). The M7 beef-type (F1) had the highest a* (24.41) and C* (29.14) values. In terms of quality criteria, promising results were obtained for the varieties with lesser importance for cultivatio