12 research outputs found

    Cheap books in medieval egypt: rotuli from the cairo geniza

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    Cheap books produced and read by medieval Jews in the East have been little studied so far. The main source for the study of Hebrew book culture in general and popular and cheap books in particular is the Cairo Geniza. Only a few documents contain explicit information about the books’ costs of production and prices. However, as it is argued in this paper, additional information can be deduced from the extant book fragments themselves. Taking as an example fragments of rotuli or bookrolls from the Cairo Geniza, this paper examines the ways of making cheaper books by reducing the cost of wriitng material and of the scribe’s working time. </p

    Dictionnaire hébreu-latin-français de la Bible hébraïque de l'abbaye de Ramsey (XIIIe siÚcle)

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    Particles produced in high energy collisions that are charged under one of the fundamental forces will radiate proportionally to their charge, such as photon radiation from electrons in quantum electrodynamics. At sufficiently high energies, this radiation pattern is enhanced collinear to the initiating particle, resulting in a complex, many-body quantum system. Classical Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation approaches work well to capture many of the salient features of the shower of radiation, but cannot capture all quantum effects. I will show how quantum algorithms are well-suited for describing the quantum properties of final state radiation. In particular, I will describe a polynomial time quantum final state shower that accurately models the effects of intermediate spin states similar to those present in high energy electroweak showers. The algorithm is explicitly demonstrated for a simplified quantum field theory on a quantum computer. One of the greatest challenges for current quantum computers is their significant noise. I will present new techniques for mitigating both readout noise and gate error noise. Readout errors are equivalent to detector effects in high energy physics (HEP) and I will show how building a bridge between fields can improve quantum computing in general, not only for HEP. For gate error mitigation, I have proposed a new technique that can achieve a better precision than existing methods with a significantly reduced quantum complexity. Finally, I will discuss future directions at the interface between quantum computing and high energy physics. See 1901.08148, 1904.03196, 1910.00129, and 2003.04941 for details

    Le patrimoine marocain : Figuig, une oasis au cƓur des cultures

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    International audienceRassemblant des recherches entreprises depuis 10 ans sur l'oasis de Figuig, l'ouvrage tente de cerner patrimoine matériel, immatériel et paysager pour rendre compte de la complexité des patrimoines et des mémoires du systÚme oasien. A travers l'inventaire des monuments et la classification des archives, il décrypte la palmeraie et les pratiques sociales autour de l'eau, du repas, des rites funéraires et se veut une contribution au classement de Figuig sur la liste du Patrimoine de l'Humanité

    Hebraism and Humanism

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    The article presents the relationship between Christian Hebraism and Humanism between the end of the 15th and the first half of the 16th century. The polemical origins of Humanism as an anti-scholastic movement, and of Hebraism from Christian-Jewish controversies in the Middle-Ages are studied from the vantage point of selected, significant cases. The initial success and the final demise of the Christian Hebraist project are explained in term of the "limits of Humanism", that is to say the challenge the discovery of extra-Christian or extra-Catholic sources posed for the formation of early modern Western identity. The reaction against the integration of Hebrew among the Humanistic canon of the educational languages represents a convenient vantage point to observe the ultimate failure of the Humanistic project, or, in a more optimistic bend, its permanent perfectibility