364 research outputs found

    Interaktionsmöjligheterna och barriĂ€rerna inom Öresundsregionen - en studie av resonemang om fasta förbindelser mellan Sverige och Danmark i offentliga dokument

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    ”The debate that lasted for a century” is what the political intensive issue of the Öresundbridge been called. Next to issues such as nuclear plants and EU-membership the Öresundbridge been the most debated issue during this time. It was not until 1959 the matter became visualized in the Danish newspaper Politiken. In 1994 the matter was settled – the bridge were to be built and had full governmental support and economic guaranties. In this essay the matter of the bridge is studied through official documents in the form of official studies and political compilations. Through the usage of the classic Edward L. Ullmans theories of regional interaction the essay studies how the reasoning in the studies considers the barriers and possibilities of interaction within the Öresundregion

    "Det viktigaste Àr att fÄ ledarna inom organisationerna till att samverka"

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    Since the late 1970s, public administrative management has increasingly been in-spired by corporate-inspired governance-models to have an effective management. The reforms came to be called New Public Management. Today modern manage-ment is facing new challenges and perhaps the New Public Leadership model may be the proper answer to these new challenges? This study examines Eslöv municipal administrative management based on the two concepts to see which ideals is represented in the Swedish municipal admin-istration. I conduct some interviews with centrally located manager directors in some of the municipality’s various departments to determine which administrative management ideals are represented. The study is a descriptive case study where we get to see how an Swedish local administration perceive challenges, the pur-pose of the public administration and the role of a leader in the public sector

    Agroinfiltration och transient uttryck av CRISPR/Cas9

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    Den senast utvecklade tekniken för riktade förÀndringar av genom in-vivo Àr baserad pÄ CRISPR/Cas-systemet för vilket förutsÀttningarna i Nicotiana benthamiana och potatis, Solanum tuberosum, hÀr undersöktes. För att föra in genkonstruktioner i vÀxterna anvÀndes Agrobacterium tumefaciens som via vakuum kommer i kontakt med de inre delarna av bladen varefter de gener som finns pÄ en binÀr vektor uttrycks transient. Först undersöktes de optimala parametrarna för erhÄllandet av ett högt transient uttryck med hjÀlp av ett grönt fluorescerande protein, GFP. Dessa parametrar anvÀndes sedan för att infiltrera en CRISPR/Cas-konstruktion som designats för att introducera mutationer genom att klyva ett exon i genen för granulbundet stÀrkelsesyntas, GBSS. Det visade sig under första delen av arbetet att det ej gick att erhÄlla transient uttryck i potatis med denna metod. DÀrför infiltrerades endast N. benthamiana med CRISPR/Cas-konstruktionen.The latest technology for genome editing is based on the CRISPR/Cas-system. The purpose of this study was to examine the conditions for its use in Nicotiana benthamiana and potato, Solanum tuberosum. Agrobacterium tumefaciens was used to deliver the gene constructs via vacuum infiltration and, inside the leaves, produce a transient expression of a binary vector. The optimal parameters for a high transient expression was first examined using a green fluorescent protein, GFP. These parameters were then used for infiltration of a CRISPR/Casconstruct designed to introduce mutations by cleavage of an exon in the gene coding for granule bound starch synthase, GBSS. The CRISPR/Cas-construct was infiltrated only to N. benthamiana due to the failure of producing a transient expression of GFP in potato

    The mechanism of microalgal adhesion to fungal pellets and its applications

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    This work is concerned with the use of fungi to harvest microalgae. The ability of Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma harzianum to harvest cells of Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus ssp. was assessed in several experiments designed to elucidate the adhesion mechanism. While A. niger was able to form co-pellets with both C. vulgaris and Scenedesmus ssp. by addition of spores to the algal culture, T. harzianum only produced filamentous mats. When KCl was added to the medium, the supernatant of the co-culture with A. niger and C. vulgaris was opaque compared to the clear supernatant of the co-culture without KCl. This implies that the adhesion of microalgal cells to the fungal hyphae is influenced by electrostatic interactions. Cells of C. vulgaris adhered to the surface of pre-made pellets of both fungal species but the pellets A. niger collected more cells than those of T. harzianum. The capability of fungi to harvest microalgae can be an important aspect of the transition to a biobased society as microalgae is seen as a promising renewable source of both oil and fermentables for the bioenergy industries

    VÀlfÀrdsstat i förÀndring - En fallstudie av Schweiz och Danmarks vÀlfÀrdsreformer och flyktingmottagande

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    The positive relationship between welfare states benefit generosity and acceptance of refugees are often proved through cross-sectional studies. However, cross-sectional studies rarely give an answer to why welfare states differ from expected levels of each variable. This essay delves into two divergent cases: Switzerland and Denmark, to find out how the relationship between the welfare state benefit generosity and the refugees change over time. By studying the changes of the wel-fare states over time through both quantitative and qualitative dimensions the the-sis argues that the welfare state change affects the willingness of states to accept refugees. By studying welfare reforms of Switzerland and Denmark between 1990 and 2010, the essay claims that welfare states that make cuts and are declining in generosity and universalism becomes more inclined to limit the level of refugees. Welfare states that on the other hand have increasing or stabile level of welfare generosity are more inclined to have an increasing or stabilizing level of refugees. The thesis is a comparative-historical deviant case study of Switzerland and Denmark with theory developing ambitions

    Patterns of genetic structuring in the coral Pocillopora damicornis on reefs in East Africa

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    Studies of population genetic structures provide an indication of direction and magnitude of larval transport and hence are an important component in the assessment of the ability of reefs to recover from severe disturbance. This paper reports data on population genetic structures in the coral Pocillopora damicornis from 26 reefs in Kenya and Tanzania. Gene flow among reefs was found to be variable, with a significant overall genetic subdivision (FST = 0.023 +/- 0.004 SE; p < 0.001), however, only 34% of all pairwise population comparisons showed significant differentiation. Panmixia could not be rejected between reefs separated by as much as 697 km, while other sites, separated by only a single kilometre, were found to be significantly differentiated. An analysis of molecular variance indicated that population genetic differentiation was significant only at the smaller spatial scale (< 10 km), whereas panmixia could not be rejected between groups of samples separated by over 100 km. Estimates of contemporary gene flow showed similar results, with numbers of first generation migrants within each population ranging from 0 to 4 (~5% of the total number of colonies sampled) and likely dispersal distances ranging between 5 and 500 km. This study showed that population differentiation in P. damicornis varied over spatial scales and that this variability occurred at both evolutionary and ecological time scales. This paradox is discussed in light of stochastic recruitment and small scale population structures found in other species of coral. The study also identifies potential source reefs, such as those within Mnemba Conservation area near Zanzibar and genetically isolated reefs such as those within Malindi Marine National Park and Reserve in northern Kenya

    Vad driver effekt i kommunal revision?

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    Syftet med uppsatsen Àr att beskriva och analysera vad som driver den kommunala revisionens effekt utifrÄn granskarnas och de granskades perspektiv. Uppsatsen Àr en kvalitativ fallstudie av tre kommuner utifrÄn en deduktiv ansats. Fallstudien har genomförts via personliga intervjuer med förtroendevalda revisorer, sakkunnigt bitrÀde och nÀmndordförande frÄn samtliga kommuner. VÄr teori grundar sig frÀmst pÄ institutionalia och relevant teori inom omrÄdet kommunal revision. Utöver detta har vi anvÀnder vi oss av agentteorin och förvÀntansteori, som vÄra tvÄ analysteorier. VÄr empiri Àr inhÀmtad genom intervjuer med granskare och de granskade i Landskrona, Staffanstorp och Ystad kommun. Slutsatser: I vÄr studie har vi utgÄtt frÄn organisation, revisionsprocessen och verktyg för att finna vad som driver effekt inom kommunal revision i vÄra tre fallkommuner. Under organisation har vi funnit att frÀmst granskarnas nedlagda tid och antal revisorer driver effekt. Under revisionsprocessen har frÀmst anvÀndandet av en risk- och vÀsentlighetsanalys, specialisering mellan de förtroendevalda och sakkunniga, revisorernas nÀrvaro i den granskade verksamheten, resurser, erfarenhet och anvÀndandet av uppföljningsrapporter identifierats som det som driver effekt. Slutligen under verktyg har frÀmst utbildning och fortbildning, granskarnas professionella beteende, omnÀmnande i revisionsrapport, goda relationer mellan granskare och de granskade, kommunikation mellan granskare och de granskade, anvÀndandet av sakgranskning och granskarnas instÀllning till revisionen identifierats som drivande av effekt inom kommunal revision
