399 research outputs found

    Pathways to Employment

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    Background This project’s aims are twofold (1) to uncover and define the underlying theories of change guiding competing active labor market programs (ALMP) in Sweden, and (2) to assess the relative effectiveness of these competing programs in a theory-based non-randomized controlled trial. The purpose is to assess the extent to which competing ALMPs are effective in moving long-term unemployed individuals (i.e. unemployed for 6 months or more) closer to the labor-market. Methods/Design This project will engage ALMP program administrators and service providers in semi-structured interviews. The transcribed interview material will be used as a basis for program theory reconstruction. All specified program theories will be presented back to program stakeholders for validation. ALMP program effectiveness will be assessed quasi-experimentally with pre- (T1) and posttest (T2) collection of self-reported data. Additionally, official register data from the Longitudinal integrated database for health insurance and labor market studies (LISA) will be collected for all participants. In addition, a matched sample will be collected from LISA to be used as a non-treated control group on final policy outcomes (e.g., employment, salary/wage). This study also assesses program implementation and economic outcomes of the included ALMPs. Discussion Long-term unemployment has profound impact of the health and wellbeing of individuals, families, and communities. In addition, the effects of long-term unemployment have been found to impact subgroups differently. Today we have scant knowledge on the mechanisms that are influential in moving individuals from long-term unemployment closer to the labor market. This study is designed to answer six research questions using a variety of methods (mixed-methods) and outcome measures (self-report, official register). In addition, this study leverages official register data to construct an untreated control group. This study will assess the extent to which an emerging theory of becoming job ready holds under experimental scrutiny

    Stöd och belastning – förĂ€ldrars erfarenheter av personlig assistans till barn med autism och utvecklingsstörning

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    Denna artikel beskriver en kvalitativ intervjustudie av förÀldrars erfarenheter av stödinsatsen personlig assistans till barn. Deltagare Àr Ätta förÀldrar till sex barn med autism och/eller utvecklingsstörning i Sverige. Intervjuerna analyserades med tolkande fenomenologisk analys. Resultatet visar att förÀldrar ser personlig assistans som viktig men ocksÄ som förknippad med problem. Organisationen av personlig assistans Àr inte anpassad för den enskilda familjens förutsÀttningar, personliga assistenter uppfattas som okunniga och barnen har lite inflytande. Med hjÀlp av Bronfenbrenners (1979) ekologiska modell visas hur personlig assistans kan anpassas bÀttre til familjer. Studien tyder ocksÄ pÄ att det behövs ett större kunskapsutbyte mellan yrkesverksamma och familjer samt en ökad förstÄelse för förÀlderns ofta komplexa roll som assistent, expert, mÄlsÀttare och genomdrivare

    Up-Regulation of A1M/α1-Microglobulin in Skin by Heme and Reactive Oxygen Species Gives Protection from Oxidative Damage

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    During bleeding the skin is subjected to oxidative insults from free heme and radicals, generated from extracellular hemoglobin. The lipocalin α1-microglobulin (A1M) was recently shown to have reductase properties, reducing heme-proteins and other substrates, and to scavenge heme and radicals. We investigated the expression and localization of A1M in skin and the possible role of A1M in the protection of skin tissue from damage induced by heme and reactive oxygen species. Skin explants, keratinocyte cultures and purified collagen I were exposed to heme, reactive oxygen species, and/or A1M and investigated by biochemical methods and electron microscopy. The results demonstrate that A1M is localized ubiquitously in the dermal and epidermal layers, and that the A1M-gene is expressed in keratinocytes and up-regulated after exposure to heme and reactive oxygen species. A1M inhibited the heme- and reactive oxygen species-induced ultrastructural damage, up-regulation of antioxidation and cell cycle regulatory genes, and protein carbonyl formation in skin and keratinocytes. Finally, A1M bound to purified collagen I (Kd = 0.96×10−6 M) and could inhibit and repair the destruction of collagen fibrils by heme and reactive oxygen species. The results suggest that A1M may have a physiological role in protection of skin cells and matrix against oxidative damage following bleeding

    The Dividing Line Between Wildlife Research and Management-Implications for Animal Welfare

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    Wild animals are used for research and management purposes in Sweden and throughout the world. Animals are often subjected to similar procedures and risks of compromised welfare from capture, anesthesia, handling, sampling, marking, and sometimes selective removal. The interpretation of the protection of animals used for scientific purposes in Sweden is based on the EU Directive 2010/63/EU. The purpose of animal use, irrespective if the animal is suffering or not, decides the classification as a research animal, according to Swedish legislation. In Sweden, like in several other European countries, the legislation differs between research and management. Whereas, animal research is generally well-defined and covered in the legislation, wildlife management is not. The protection of wild animals differs depending on the procedure they are subjected to, and how they are classified. In contrast to wildlife management activities, research projects have to implement the 3Rs and must undergo ethical reviews and official animal welfare controls. It is often difficult to define the dividing line between the two categories, e.g., when marking for identification purposes. This gray area creates uncertainty and problems beyond animal welfare, e.g., in Sweden, information that has been collected during management without ethical approval should not be published. The legislation therefore needs to be harmonized. To ensure consistent ethical and welfare assessments for wild animals at the hands of humans, and for the benefit of science and management, we suggest that both research and management procedures are assessed by one single Animal Ethics Committee with expertise in the 3Rs, animal welfare, wildlife population health and One Health. We emphasize the need for increased and improved official animal welfare control, facilitated by compatible legislation and a similar ethical authorization process for all wild animal procedures

    Granskning av pedagogisk skicklighet – utmaningar för sakkunniga

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    Bedömning av pedagogisk och vetenskaplig skicklighet ska göras med lika stor omsorg vid tjĂ€nstetillsĂ€ttningar. Trots att detta har varit lagstadgat i Sverige sedan 1960-talet visar forskning att det finns utmaningar förknippade med granskning av pedagogisk skicklighet. SvĂ„righeten att göra kvalificerade bedömningar gĂ€ller inte bara vid anstĂ€llning och befordran. De allt vanligare systemen för belöning av pedagogisk skicklighet vid svenska lĂ€rosĂ€ten har ytterligare satt fokus pĂ„ behovet av kompetenta bedömare. Behovet har bland annat bemötts genom en nationell utbildning i sakkunniggranskning av pedagogisk skicklighet som genomförts som ett samarbete mellan ett flertal svenska lĂ€rosĂ€ten. Under tre utbildningsomgĂ„ngar, mellan 2017 och 2020, fick deltagarna svara pĂ„ frĂ„gor om upplevda utmaningar vid granskning av pedagogisk skicklighet. Svaren analyserades med tematisk innehĂ„llsanalys som resulterade i fem teman med fokus pĂ„: organisatorisk legitimitet, reliabilitet, validitet, konstruktivitet och professionalitet. Resultaten ger underlag för utveckling av lĂ€rosĂ€tenas granskningsprocesser, kan ge stöd till sakkunniga och personer som ska fatta beslut om anstĂ€llning, befordran eller pedagogisk meritering och Ă€ven för de som arbetar med att sammanstĂ€lla en pedagogisk portfölj.  ENGLISH ABSTRACT Assessment of teaching portfolios – challenges for reviewers Assessment of teaching and scientific competence should be done with equal care at appointments. Despite the fact that this has been legislated in Sweden since the 1960s, research shows that there are challenges associated with reviewing teaching portfolios. The difficulty in making qualified judgments does not only apply to hiring and promotion. As systems for awarding pedagogical competence at Swedish higher education institutions have increased, an accentuated need for competent assessors have followed. The need has been met, among other things, through a national training in peer review of pedagogical competence conducted as a collaboration between several Swedish higher education institutions. During three cohorts of the course, between 2017 and 2020, participants were asked to answer questions about perceived challenges when reviewing teaching portfolios. The responses were analyzed using thematic content analysis which resulted in five themes focusing on: organizational legitimacy, reliability, validity, constructivity and professionalism. The results provide a basis for the development of the higher education institutions’ review processes, and can provide support to experts and people who have to make decisions about employment, promotion or educational qualification and also for those who work on compiling a teaching portfolio

    Cross-reactive EBNA1 immunity targets alpha-crystallin B and is associated with multiple sclerosis

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory disease of the central nervous system, for which and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection is a likely prerequisite. Due to the homology between Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen 1 (EBNA1) and alpha-crystallin B (CRYAB), we examined antibody reactivity to EBNA1 and CRYAB peptide libraries in 713 persons with MS (pwMS) and 722 matched controls (Con). Antibody response to CRYAB amino acids 7 to 16 was associated with MS (OR = 2.0), and combination of high EBNA1 responses with CRYAB positivity markedly increased disease risk (OR = 9.0). Blocking experiments revealed antibody cross-reactivity between the homologous EBNA1 and CRYAB epitopes. Evidence for T cell cross-reactivity was obtained in mice between EBNA1 and CRYAB, and increased CRYAB and EBNA1 CD4+^{+} T cell responses were detected in natalizumab-treated pwMS. This study provides evidence for antibody cross-reactivity between EBNA1 and CRYAB and points to a similar cross-reactivity in T cells, further demonstrating the role of EBV adaptive immune responses in MS development

    Longitudinal study of the immune response and memory following natural bovine respiratory syncytial virus infections in cattle of different age

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    Human and bovine respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV and BRSV) are closely genetically related and cause respiratory disease in their respective host. Whereas HRSV vaccines are still under development, a multitude of BRSV vaccines are used to reduce clinical signs. To enable the design of vaccination protocols to entirely stop virus circulation, we aimed to investigate the duration, character and efficacy of the immune responses induced by natural infections. The systemic humoral immunity was monitored every two months during two years in 33 dairy cattle in different age cohorts following a natural BRSV outbreak, and again in selected individuals before and after a second outbreak, four years later. Local humoral and systemic cellular responses were also monitored, although less extensively. Based on clinical observations and economic losses linked to decreased milk production, the outbreaks were classified as moderate. Following the first outbreak, most but not all animals developed neutralising antibody responses, BRSV-specific IgG1, IgG2 and HRSV F- and HRSV N-reactive responses that lasted at least two years, and in some cases at least four years. In contrast, no systemic T cell responses were detected and only weak IgA responses were detected in some animals. Seronegative sentinels remained negative, inferring that no new infections occurred between the outbreaks. During the second outbreak, reinfections with clinical signs and virus shedding occurred, but the signs were milder, and the virus shedding was significantly lower than in naĂŻve animals. Whereas the primary infection induced similar antibody titres against the prefusion and the post fusion form of the BRSV F protein, memory responses were significantly stronger against prefusion F. In conclusion, even if natural infections induce a long-lasting immunity, it would probably be necessary to boost memory responses between outbreaks, to stop the circulation of the virus and limit the potential role of previously infected adult cattle in the chain of BRSV transmission

    The Dividing Line Between Wildlife Research and Management—Implications for Animal Welfare

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    Wild animals are used for research and management purposes in Sweden and throughout the world. Animals are often subjected to similar procedures and risks of compromised welfare from capture, anesthesia, handling, sampling, marking, and sometimes selective removal. The interpretation of the protection of animals used for scientific purposes in Sweden is based on the EU Directive 2010/63/EU. The purpose of animal use, irrespective if the animal is suffering or not, decides the classification as a research animal, according to Swedish legislation. In Sweden, like in several other European countries, the legislation differs between research and management. Whereas, animal research is generally well-defined and covered in the legislation, wildlife management is not. The protection of wild animals differs depending on the procedure they are subjected to, and how they are classified. In contrast to wildlife management activities, research projects have to implement the 3Rs and must undergo ethical reviews and official animal welfare controls. It is often difficult to define the dividing line between the two categories, e.g., when marking for identification purposes. This gray area creates uncertainty and problems beyond animal welfare, e.g., in Sweden, information that has been collected during management without ethical approval should not be published. The legislation therefore needs to be harmonized. To ensure consistent ethical and welfare assessments for wild animals at the hands of humans, and for the benefit of science and management, we suggest that both research and management procedures are assessed by one single Animal Ethics Committee with expertise in the 3Rs, animal welfare, wildlife population health and One Health. We emphasize the need for increased and improved official animal welfare control, facilitated by compatible legislation and a similar ethical authorization process for all wild animal procedures

    The European Chemicals Bureau: an Overview of 15 Years Experience in EU Chemicals Legislation

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    From its creation in 1993, the European Chemicals Bureau (ECB) has played a vital role in the conception, development, implementation and monitoring of European Union (EU) legislation on chemicals and in contributing to the European CommissionÂżs participation in international chemicals programmes. The ECB has housed much of the European CommissionÂżs experience, capacity and historical memory in chemical risk assessment and safe chemical management. The contribution of ECB to the drafting, development and implementation of the REACH regulation has been an important one. The provision of scientific/technical expertise to the start-up phase of the newly born European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has been essential for a swift and effective implementation of REACH. The ECB has contributed to that effort not only by selecting, recruiting and training ECHA staff but also by seconding part of its own key staff to the agency. And finally, during 2008 the ECB is completing the hand-over files and transmitting them to the ECHA, which is taking over responsibility for the operational implementation of EU legislation on chemicals.JRC.I-Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (Ispra
