408 research outputs found

    Robust Conceptual Design of Transonic Airfoils

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    This paper describes an integrated, multi-fidelity analysis and heuristic design approach that can be used to derive initial airfoil designs for transonic flight. If successful, the final result is a geometry that can be expected to produce reasonable aerodynamic performance when used with higher order analysis methods. A key aspect of the methodology is the use of a sonic-plateau pressure distribution as the target distribution for inverse design. The sonic- plateau distribution is easily parameterized and has the advantage of automatically resulting in a smooth airfoil shape without any discontinuities built into the surface due to the presence of a shock in the target pressure distribution. Inverse design is performed on each airfoil using a parametrically defined pressure distribution at a reduced lift coefficient and Mach number from the design condition. The methodology is demonstrated by designing an airfoil at 38% of the wing semispan for a 737-200-like aircraft. The demonstration problem shows that the methodology is able to achieve rapid and robust convergence to the solution. The calculated designed airfoil was found to be sufficiently higher than Mach number, and the maximum thickness was close to the targeted value

    Semi-Empirical Prediction of Aircraft Low-Speed Aerodynamic Characteristics

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    This paper lays out a comprehensive methodology for computing a low-speed, high-lift polar, without requiring additional details about the aircraft design beyond what is typically available at the conceptual design stage. Introducing low-order, physics-based aerodynamic analyses allows the methodology to be more applicable to unconventional aircraft concepts than traditional, fully-empirical methods. The methodology uses empirical relationships for flap lift effectiveness, chord extension, drag-coefficient increment and maximum lift coefficient of various types of flap systems as a function of flap deflection, and combines these increments with the characteristics of the unflapped airfoils. Once the aerodynamic characteristics of the flapped sections are known, a vortex-lattice analysis calculates the three-dimensional lift, drag and moment coefficients of the whole aircraft configuration. This paper details the results of two validation cases: a supercritical airfoil model with several types of flaps; and a 12-foot, full-span aircraft model with slats and double-slotted flaps

    Three-Dimensional Piecewise-Continuous Class-Shape Transformation of Wings

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    Class-Shape Transformation (CST) is a popular method for creating analytical representations of the surface coordinates of various components of aerospace vehicles. A wide variety of two- and three-dimensional shapes can be represented analytically using only a modest number of parameters, and the surface representation is smooth and continuous to as fine a degree as desired. This paper expands upon the original two-dimensional representation of airfoils to develop a generalized three-dimensional CST parametrization scheme that is suitable for a wider range of aircraft wings than previous formulations, including wings with significant non-planar shapes such as blended winglets and box wings. The method uses individual functions for the spanwise variation of airfoil shape, chord, thickness, twist, and reference axis coordinates to build up the complete wing shape. An alternative formulation parameterizes the slopes of the reference axis coordinates in order to relate the spanwise variation to the tangents of the sweep and dihedral angles. Also discussed are methods for fitting existing wing surface coordinates, including the use of piecewise equations to handle discontinuities, and mathematical formulations of geometric continuity constraints. A subsonic transport wing model is used as an example problem to illustrate the application of the methodology and to quantify the effects of piecewise representation and curvature constraints

    Three-Dimensional Modeling of Aircraft High-Lift Components with Vehicle Sketch Pad

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    Vehicle Sketch Pad (OpenVSP) is a parametric geometry modeler that has been used extensively for conceptual design studies of aircraft, including studies using higher-order analysis. OpenVSP can model flap and slat surfaces using simple shearing of the airfoil coordinates, which is an appropriate level of complexity for lower-order aerodynamic analysis methods. For three-dimensional analysis, however, there is not a built-in method for defining the high-lift components in OpenVSP in a realistic manner, or for controlling their complex motions in a parametric manner that is intuitive to the designer. This paper seeks instead to utilize OpenVSP's existing capabilities, and establish a set of best practices for modeling high-lift components at a level of complexity suitable for higher-order analysis methods. Techniques are described for modeling the flap and slat components as separate three-dimensional surfaces, and for controlling their motion using simple parameters defined in the local hinge-axis frame of reference. To demonstrate the methodology, an OpenVSP model for the Energy-Efficient Transport (EET) AR12 wind-tunnel model has been created, taking advantage of OpenVSP's Advanced Parameter Linking capability to translate the motions of the high-lift components from the hinge-axis coordinate system to a set of transformations in OpenVSP's frame of reference

    Hybrid Wing Body Planform Design with Vehicle Sketch Pad

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    The objective of this paper was to provide an update on NASA s current tools for design and analysis of hybrid wing body (HWB) aircraft with an emphasis on Vehicle Sketch Pad (VSP). NASA started HWB analysis using the Flight Optimization System (FLOPS). That capability is enhanced using Phoenix Integration's ModelCenter(Registered TradeMark). Model Center enables multifidelity analysis tools to be linked as an integrated structure. Two major components are linked to FLOPS as an example; a planform discretization tool and VSP. The planform discretization tool ensures the planform is smooth and continuous. VSP is used to display the output geometry. This example shows that a smooth & continuous HWB planform can be displayed as a three-dimensional model and rapidly sized and analyzed

    Parametric Analysis of Aircraft WingWeight Using Low-Order Physics-Based Analysis

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    In the conceptual aircraft design phase, prediction of the empty weight typically relies on empirically-based regression equations which execute quickly and require little detailed information about the internal structural layout. Since they are based on existing aircraft, however, empirical methods can lose their validity for newer technologies and unconventional configurations. Designers can transition to higher-order, physics-based analysis methods to improve the accuracy of the weight prediction, but at the cost of complex model setup and increased computational time. This paper describes a methodology for low-order aero-structural analysis of conceptual aircraft configurations that increases the use of physics-based analysis in conceptual design, but is less complex and time-consuming than higher-order methods such as finite-element analysis. The methodology uses Vehicle Sketch Pad (OpenVSP) to model the aircraft geometry, and ASWING to perform the aero-structural analysis. The internal forces and moments from the ASWING analysis are post-processed to calculate the resulting direct and shear stresses in the structure, and the thickness distributions of the aircraft components are varied to match the maximum von Mises stress at each cross section to the material allowable. To offset the increased computational time relative to empirical weight equations, a process is studied which uses parametric variation to develop a regression equation relating the weight of the aircraft wing to major design variables. This new weight equation is similar to existing empirical equations, but is built using the more physics-based methodology; the new equation could be used to augment or replace portions of the empirical database to improve the validity of the wing weight prediction for unconventional configurations and advanced technologies

    Aircraft Conceptual Design and Risk Analysis Using Physics-Based Noise Prediction

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    An approach was developed which allows for design studies of commercial aircraft using physics-based noise analysis methods while retaining the ability to perform the rapid trade-off and risk analysis studies needed at the conceptual design stage. A prototype integrated analysis process was created for computing the total aircraft EPNL at the Federal Aviation Regulations Part 36 certification measurement locations using physics-based methods for fan rotor-stator interaction tones and jet mixing noise. The methodology was then used in combination with design of experiments to create response surface equations (RSEs) for the engine and aircraft performance metrics, geometric constraints and take-off and landing noise levels. In addition, Monte Carlo analysis was used to assess the expected variability of the metrics under the influence of uncertainty, and to determine how the variability is affected by the choice of engine cycle. Finally, the RSEs were used to conduct a series of proof-of-concept conceptual-level design studies demonstrating the utility of the approach. The study found that a key advantage to using physics-based analysis during conceptual design lies in the ability to assess the benefits of new technologies as a function of the design to which they are applied. The greatest difficulty in implementing physics-based analysis proved to be the generation of design geometry at a sufficient level of detail for high-fidelity analysis

    HIV-1 Primer Binding Site:Lysyl-tRNA Synthetase Interaction Affinity Diminishes Upon tRNA Primer Annealing and Extension

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    Biological Sciences: 3rd Place (The Ohio State University Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum)The retrovirus, human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), possesses a positive sense RNA genome (gRNA) that is reverse transcribed into proviral DNA upon infection. In order for reverse transcription to occur, HIV-1 co-opts cellular tRNALys3, whose 3 ́ 18 nucleotides are perfectly complimentary to a region with the gRNA, to serve as the primer. tRNALys3 is selectively packaged into virions through its interaction with the cellular enzyme lysyl-tRNA synthetase (LysRS), which in turn interacts with the viral protein responsible for orchestrating virus assembly, Gag. However, the mechanism of tRNALys3 transfer from the packaged LysRS to the primer-binding site (PBS) remains incompletely understood. The PBS is harbored in the 5 ́ untranslated region (5 ́UTR) of the gRNA, a highly conserved segment of the HIV-1 genome. We have recently found that a U-rich stem loop immediately upstream of the PBS mimics the anticodon loop nucleotides of tRNALys3, a critical LysRS recognition element. This tRNA-like element (TLE) specifically binds to LysRS, and can competitively displace tRNALys3 from the synthetase. Furthermore, small angle X-ray scattering analysis revealed that the whole PBS domain (PBS105) mimics the overall 3D shape of tRNA. Overall, these data suggest a mechanism where structural and functional tRNA mimicry by the TLE in the PBS domain facilitate primer release from LysRS and targeting to the 18 nucleotide PBS. An observation from the structural analysis was that both apoPBS and PBS annealed to a DNA oligonucleotide corresponding to the 18 complementary nucleotides in tRNALys3 (antiPBS18) mimicked the overall tRNA shape to a similar degree. In order to further investigate the function of the PBS/TLE domain, we performed a fluorescence anisotropy-based binding study examining LysRS interactions with the PBS domain in various functionally relevant states. We find LysRS has similar affinities for both the apoPBS105 and PBS105:antiPBS18 complex, confirming the SAXS structure indicating both complexes mimic tRNA shape. In order to investigate if the additional tRNA-gRNA contacts outside of the 18 nucleotides of complementarity affected the LysRS interaction, we tested PBS105:primer complexes containing full-length and 3 ́-half tRNAs, finding that PBS:tRNA primer complexes displayed reduced affinities for LysRS under certain conditions. Also, when progressively extended antiPBS18 primers were annealed to PBS105, mimicking the initial steps of reverse transcription, we observed a concomitant drop in LysRS affinity. These data further elucidate the role that LysRS plays in the evolution of the reverse transcription initiation complex.A five-year embargo was granted for this item

    Structural Analysis of Test Flight Vehicles for Application of Multifunctional Energy Storage System

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    Under the NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD) Convergent Aeronautical Solutions (CAS) project, NASA Glenn Research Center has been leading Multifunctional Structures for High Energy Lightweight Load-bearing Storage (M-SHELLS) research efforts. The technology of integrating load-carrying structures with electrical energy storage capacity has the potential to reduce the overall weight of future electric aircraft. The proposed project goals were to develop M-SHELLS in the form of honeycomb coupons and subcomponents, integrate them into the structure, and conduct low-risk flight-tests onboard a remotely piloted small aircraft. Experimental M-SHELLS energy-storing coupons were fabricated and tested in the laboratory for their electrical and mechanical properties. In this report, finite element model development and structural analyses of two small test aircraft candidates are presented. The finite element analysis of the initial two-spar wing is described for strain, deflection, and weight estimation. After a test aircraft Tempest was acquired, a load-deflection test of the wing was conducted. A finite element model of the Tempest was then developed based on the test aircraft dimensions and construction detail. The component weight analyses from the finite element model and test measurements were correlated. Structural analysis results with multifunctional energy storage panels in the fuselage of the test vehicle are presented. Although the flight test was cancelled because of programmatic reasons and time constraints, the structural analysis results indicate that the mid-fuselage floor composite panel could provide structural integrity with minimal weight penalty while supplying electrical energy. To explore potential future applications of the multifunctional structure, analyses of the NASA X-57 Maxwell electric aircraft and a NASA N+3 Technology Conventional Configuration (N3CC) fuselage are presented. Secondary aluminum structures in the fuselage sub-floor and cargo area were partially replaced with reinforced five-layer composite panels with M-SHELLS honeycomb core. The N3CC fuselage weight reduction associated with each design without risking structural integrity are described. The structural analysis and weight estimation with the application of composite M-SHELLS panels to the N3CC fuselage indicate a 3.2% reduction in the fuselage structural weight, prior to accounting for the additional weight of core material required to complete the energy storage functionality

    Structural Analysis of Test Flight Vehicles with Multifunctional Energy Storage

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    Under the NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD) Convergent Aeronautical Solutions (CAS) project, NASA Glenn Research Center has been leading Multifunctional Structures for High Energy Lightweight Load-bearing Storage (M-SHELLS) research efforts. The technology of integrating load-carrying structures with electrical energy storage capacity has the potential to reduce the overall weight of future electric aircraft. The proposed project goals were to develop M-SHELLS in the form of honeycomb coupons and subcomponents, integrate them into the structure, and conduct low-risk flight tests onboard a remotely piloted small aircraft. Experimental M-SHELLS energy-storing coupons were fabricated and tested in the laboratory for their electrical and mechanical properties. In this paper, finite element model development and structural analyses of two small test aircraft candidates are presented. The finite element analysis of the initial two-spar wing is described for strain, deflection, and weight estimation. After a test aircraft Tempest was acquired, a load- deflection test of the wing was conducted. A finite element model of the Tempest was then developed based on the test aircraft dimensions and construction detail. The component weight analysis from the finite element model and test measurements were correlated. Structural analysis results with multifunctional energy storage panels in the fuselage of the test vehicle are presented. Although the flight test was cancelled because of programmatic reasons and time constraints, the structural analysis results indicate that the mid-fuselage floor composite panel could provide structural integrity with minimal weight penalty while supplying electrical energy. To explore potential future applications of the multifunctional structure, analyses of the NASA X-57 Maxwell electric aircraft and a NASA N+3 Technology Conventional Configuration (N3CC) fuselage are presented. Secondary aluminum structure in the fuselage sub-floor and cargo area were partially replaced with reinforced five-layer composite panels with M-SHELLS honeycomb core. The N3CC fuselage weight reduction associated with each design without risking structural integrity are described. The structural analysis and weight estimation with the application of composite M-SHELLS panels to the N3CC fuselage indicate a 3.2% reduction in the fuselage structural weight, prior to accounting for the additional weight of core material required to complete the energy storage functionality