1,288 research outputs found

    Reaper is regulated by IAP-mediated ubiquitination

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    In most cases, apoptotic cell death culminates in the activation of the caspase family of cysteine proteases, leading to the orderly dismantling and elimination of the cell. The IAPs (inhibitors of apoptosis) comprise a family of proteins that oppose caspases and thus act to raise the apoptotic threshold. Disruption of IAP-mediated caspase inhibition has been shown to be an important activity for pro-apoptotic proteins in Drosophila (Reaper, HID, and Grim) and in mammalian cells (Smac/DIABLO and Omi/HtrA2). In addition, in the case of the fly, these proteins are able to stimulate the ubiquitination and degradation of IAPs by a mechanism involving the ubiquitin ligase activity of the IAP itself. In this report, we show that the Drosophila RHG proteins (Reaper, HID, and Grim) are themselves substrates for IAP-mediated ubiquitination. This ubiquitination of Reaper requires IAP ubiquitin-ligase activity and a stable interaction between Reaper and the IAP. Additionally, degradation of Reaper can be blocked by mutating its potential ubiquitination sites. Most importantly, we also show that regulation of Reaper by ubiquitination is a significant factor in determining its biological activity. These data demonstrate a novel function for IAPs and suggest that IAPs and Reaper-like proteins mutually control each other's abundance

    Multimodal Data at Signalized Intersections: Strategies for Archiving Existing and New Data Streams to Support Operations and Planning & Fusion and Integration of Arterial Performance Data

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    There is a growing interest in arterial system management due to the increasing amount of travel on arterials and a growing emphasis on multimodal transportation. The benefits of archiving arterial-related data are numerous. This research report describes our efforts to assemble and develop a multimodal archive for the Portland-Vancouver region. There is coverage of data sources from all modes in the metropolitan region; however, the preliminary nature of the archiving process means that some of the data are incomplete and samples. The arterial data sources available in the Portland-Vancouver region and that are covered in this report include data for various local agencies (City of Portland, Clark County, WA, TriMet and C-TRAN) covering vehicle, transit, pedestrian, and bicycle modes. We provide detailed descriptions of each data source and a spatial and temporal classification. The report describes the conceptual framework for an archive and the data collection and archival process, including the process for extracting the data from the agency systems and transferring these data to our multimodal database. Data can be made more useful though the use of improved visualization techniques. Thus as part of the project, a number of novel, online visualizations were created and implemented. These graphs and displays are summarized in this report and example visualizations are shown. As with any automated sensor system, data quality and completeness is an important issue and the challenge of automating data quality is large. Preliminary efforts to validate and monitor data quality and automate data quality processing are explored. Finally, the report presents efforts to combine transit and travel time data and signal timing and vehicle count data to generate some sample congestion measures

    Irradiated superficial femoral artery rupture after free flap: a case report and review of the literature.

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    Radical oncologic resection can result in large soft tissue defects with exposure of underlying vessels. Unless immediately covered with viable soft tissue, these vessels are vulnerable to desiccation from air exposure and mechanical trauma. Local radiation treatment also contributes to a decline in vessel wall strength. We present an index case of a patient with prolonged exposure of her femoral bone and superficial femoral artery after an initial failed reconstruction of a soft tissue sarcoma resection defect. We provided coverage using a free latissimus dorsi muscle flap. Two weeks after the initial free flap operation, the patient was readmitted to emergency service with profuse bleeding from beneath the free flap. Intraoperative inspection revealed a 2-cm defect of the irradiated superficial femoral artery. The defect was repaired with cryopreserved human arterial graft, and the flap was reset. This case highlights the importance of immediate coverage of soft tissue defects after oncologic resection. If any vessels are left exposed, they should be closely inspected before a delayed flap coverage to rule out future sources of bleeding that may jeopardize the outcomes of an otherwise successful free flap operation

    The key components of Schwann cell-like differentiation medium and their effects on gene expression pattern of adipose-derived stem cells.

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    BackgroundSchwann cell-like cells differentiated from adipose-derived stem cells may have an important role in peripheral nerve regeneration. Herein, we document the individual effects of growth factors in Schwann cell-like differentiation medium.MethodsThere were 6 groups in the study. In the control group, we supplemented the rat adipose-derived stem cells with normal cell culture medium. In group 1, we fed the cells with Schwann cell-like differentiation medium (normal cell culture medium supplemented with platelet-derived growth factor, basic fibroblast growth factor, forskolin, and glial growth factor). In the other groups, we removed the components of the medium one at a time from the differentiation medium so that group 2 lacked glial growth factor, group 3 lacked forskolin, group 4 lacked basic fibroblast growth factor, and group 5 lacked platelet-derived growth factor. We examined the expression of the Schwann cell-specific genes with quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and immunofluorescence staining in each group.ResultsGroups 3 and 4, lacking forskolin and basic fibroblast growth factor, respectively, had the highest expression levels of integrin-β4, and p75. Group 1 showed a 3.2-fold increase in the expression of S100, but the expressions of integrin-β4 and p75 were significantly lower compared to groups 3 and 4. Group 2 [glial growth factor (-)] did not express significant levels of Schwann cell-specific genes. The gene expression profile in group 4 most closely resembled Schwann cells. Immunofluorescence staining results were parallel with the quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction results.ConclusionsGlial growth factor is a key component of Schwann cell-like differentiation medium

    SeaView : bringing together an ocean of data

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    Author Posting. © The Oceanography Society, 2018. This article is posted here by permission of The Oceanography Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Oceanography 31, no. 1 (2018): 71, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2018.111.The Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) supports a comprehensive information management system for data collected by OOI assets, providing access to a wealth of new information for scientists. But what of those wishing to access data from the region of an OOI research array that is not from OOI assets, perhaps to look at longer term trends from before the launch of OOI, or to build a larger regional context? Despite the excellent work of ocean data repositories, finding, accessing, understanding, and reformatting data for use in a desired visualization or analysis tool remains challenging, especially when data are held in multiple repositories

    A case of recurrent epilepsy-associated rosette-forming glioneuronal tumor with anaplastic transformation in the absence of therapy.

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    Rosette-forming glioneuronal tumor (RGNT) most commonly occurs adjacent to the fourth ventricle and therefore rarely presents with epilepsy. Recent reports describe RGNT occurrence in other anatomical locations with considerable morphologic and genetic overlap with the epilepsy-associated dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNET). Examples of RGNT or DNET with anaplastic change are rare, and typically occur in the setting of radiation treatment. We present the case of a 5-year-old girl with seizures, who underwent near total resection of a cystic temporal lobe lesion. Pathology showed morphologic and immunohistochemical features of RGNT, albeit with focally overlapping DNET-like patterns. Resections of residual or recurrent tumor were performed 1 year and 5 years after the initial resection, but no adjuvant radiation or chemotherapy was given. Ten years after the initial resection, surveillance imaging identified new and enhancing nodules, leading to another gross total resection. This specimen showed areas similar to the original tumor, but also high-grade foci with oligodendroglial morphology, increased cellularity, palisading necrosis, microvascular proliferation, and up to 13 mitotic figures per 10 high power fields. Ancillary studies the status by sequencing showed wild-type of the isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1), IDH2, and human histone 3.3 (H3F3A) genes, and BRAF studies were negative for mutation or rearrangement. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) showed codeletion of 1p and 19q limited to the high-grade regions. By immunohistochemistry there was loss of nuclear alpha-thalassemia mental retardation syndrome, X-linked (ATRX) expression only in the high-grade region. Next-generation sequencing showed an fibroblast growth factor receptor receptor 1 (FGFR1) kinase domain internal tandem duplication in three resection specimens. ATRX mutation in the high-grade tumor was confirmed by sequencing which showed a frameshift mutation (p.R1427fs), while the apparent 1p/19q-codeletion by FISH was due to loss of chromosome arm 1p and only partial loss of 19q. Exceptional features of this case include the temporal lobe location, 1p/19q loss by FISH without true whole-arm codeletion, and anaplastic transformation associated with ATRX mutation without radiation or chemotherapy

    Thermal Physiology and Developmental Plasticity of Pigmentation in the Harlequin Bug (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)

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    Traits that promote the maintenance of body temperatures within an optimal range provide advantages to ectothermic species. Pigmentation plasticity is found in many insects and enhances thermoregulatory potential as increased melanization can result in greater heat retention. The thermal melanism hypothesis predicts that species with developmental plasticity will have darker pigmentation in colder environments, which can be an important adaptation for temperate species experiencing seasonal variation in climate. The harlequin bug (Murgantia histrionica, Hemiptera: Pentatomidae, Hahn 1834) is a widespread invasive crop pest with variable patterning where developmental plasticity in melanization could affect performance. To investigate the impact of temperature and photoperiod on melanization and size, nymphs were reared under two temperatures and two photoperiods simulating summer and fall seasons. The size and degree of melanization of adults were quantified using digital imagery. To assess the effect of coloration on the amount of heat absorption, we monitored the temperature of adults in a heating experiment. Overall, our results supported the thermal melanism hypothesis and temperature had a comparatively larger effect on coloration and size than photoperiod. When heated, the body temperature of individuals with darker pigmentation increased more relative to the ambient air temperature than individuals with lighter pigmentation. These results suggest that colder temperatures experienced late in the season can induce developmental plasticity for a phenotype that improves thermoregulation in this species. Our work highlights environmental signals and consequences for individual performance due to thermal melanism in a common invasive species, where capacity to respond to changing environments is likely contributing to its spread

    Functional Heterologous Expression of an Engineered Full Length Cipa from Clostridium Thermocellum in Thermoanaerobacterium Saccharolyticum

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    Background: Cellulose is highly recalcitrant and thus requires a specialized suite of enzymes to solubilize it into fermentable sugars. In C. thermocellum, these extracellular enzymes are present as a highly active multi-component system known as the cellulosome. This study explores the expression of a critical C. thermocellum cellulosomal component in T. saccharolyticum as a step toward creating a thermophilic bacterium capable of consolidated bioprocessing by employing heterologously expressed cellulosomes. Results:We developed an inducible promoter system based on the native T. saccharolyticum xynA promoter, which was shown to be induced by xylan and xylose. The promoter was used to express the cellulosomal component cipA*, an engineered form of the wild-type cipAfrom C. thermocellum. Expression and localization to the supernatant were both verified for CipA*. When a ΔcipA mutant C. thermocellum strain was cultured with a CipA*-expressing T. saccharolyticum strain, hydrolysis and fermentation of 10 grams per liter SigmaCell 101, a highly crystalline cellulose, were observed. This trans-species complementation of a cipA deletion demonstrated the ability for CipA* to assemble a functional cellulosome. Conclusion: This study is the first example of an engineered thermophile heterologously expressing a structural component of a cellulosome. To achieve this goal we developed and tested an inducible promoter for controlled expression in T. saccharolyticum as well as a synthetic cipA . In addition, we demonstrate a high degree of hydrolysis (up to 93%) on microcrystalline cellulose