22 research outputs found

    Study of water's physico-chemical characteristics in the southern Caspian Sea

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    This study was conducted to determine the physico-chemical characteristics of water during four season and 8 transects (Astara, Anzali, Sefidroud, Tonekabon, Nowhshar, Babolsar, Amirabad, Bandar Tourkman) in the Southern of Caspian Sea in 2009-2010. 480 samples were collected at different water layers and then physicochemical parameters were measured based on standard methods. Result of this study showed that surface water temperature was varied from 7.2 to 29.8◦C in winter and summer, respectively. Minimum fluctuation of water temperature was observed at 100 m depth (6.8-10.3◦C). Mean value of water transparency was obtained 4.91±0.24 m. This value increased from inshore to offshore. pH value was fluctuated from 7.15 to 8.83 unit with variance of 1.54. Maximum DO concentration was observed at surface layer (8.40±0.08 mg/l) with 137±18 saturation and minimum was at 100 m depth (6.46±0.18) with 86.1±2.8 saturation. The nitrite, nitrate and ammonium concentration were ranged 0.0-0.2, 0.0-4.6 and 0.05-7.12 µM, respectively. Maximum value of TN was observed at inshore and minimum at offshore (100m). Nitrite concentration decreased from inshore to offshore but increased from surface to the bottom (100 m). The inorganic phosphorous increased at surface water and also at the bottom. Trend of inorganic and TP was similar. Minimum of N/P ratio were observed at summer (5.48±0.38) and maximum value at winter (9.13±0.46). This value of N/P ratio showed that the growth of phytoplankton was limited by nitrogen. The dissolved silicate was decreased from spring (230.7±6.65 µg/l) to winter

    Survey on environmental pollutants (heavy metals, hydrocarbons, surfactant and chlorinated pesticides) in southern part of the Caspian Sea

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    Recently, the ecology of the Caspian Sea coastal has undergone with increasing development of human activities and industrial wastewater discharge. Therefore, considering the current situation, evaluate of pollutants issue in the Caspian Sea is very important. Results of this study showed that levels of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, and Zn) of water had lower than standard and also acceptable for aquatic life. Significant accumulation of metals such as Co, Cu and Cr in the sediment was observed at transect Sefidrood and Anzali in comparison with six other transects (Turkmen, Amirabad, Babolsar, Noshar, Tonekabon and Astara) and for Ni at transects Sefidrood and Astara compared with six other transects (Turkmen, Amirabad, Babolsar, Noshahr, Tonekabon and Anzali) (P<0.05). The amount of Zn in fish muscle Liza saliens was maximum and then metals such as Fe, Cu, Pb, Cd, Ni, Hg and Co were recorded (P<0.05). In the north of Iran, two kind of bony fish, such as R..frisii kutum and Liza.s have maximum catchments as compared with other bony fish in the Caspian Sea. Based on calculation of risk of Target Hazard Quotient (THQ), we obtained THQ was less than one for all metals in young and adults human. Thus, consumption of R..frisii kutum and Liza.s per capita with 6 kg will not be at the risk for young and adults. Among of oil derivatives, polyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) is hazardous compounds in the environment. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was announced 16 compositions of PAHs as an index. The results of this project showed that concentration of two and three rings of PAHs was lower than 4, 5 and 6 rings of water, sediment and fish at most stations and seasons. Among of 16 PAHs, only Benz(α)anthracene, chrysene, Benzo(α)pyrene and Dibenz (α, h)anthracene compounds were contained with ecological risks (HQ) more than one in the water and sediment. In addition, three compounds such as Chrysene, Benz(α)anthracene and Benzo(α)pyrene were observed in the edible fish tissues (Liza.s and R..frisii kutum) which have high ecological risks in the water and sediment. During four seasons (spring, summer, fall and winter), maximum concentration of organochlorine residue in the surface water (5m depth) were belong to β-Endosulfan (Turkmen), Dieldrin (Babolsar, Tonekabon) and endosulfan sulfate (Astara) and at 10m depth were γ-BHC, Dieldrin compounds (Tonekabon), DDT (Turkmen) and Aldrin (Babolsar). This values at 50m depth were belong to γ-BHC (Anzali), δ-BHC (Tonekabon), Dieldrin (Amirabad), and heptachlor (Amirabad). Maximum percentage of organochlorine pesticides residue in the sediments was belonging to only Aldrin compound at stations Turkmen, Babolsar and Tonekabon. In addition, maximum concentration organochlorine pesticides residue in fish tissue (Liza.s and R..frisii kutum) was DDT and Endrin aldehyde compounds. Mean surfactant concentration (LAS) of surface water (5, 10 and 50 m depths) at eight transects was 0.017±0.049 mg/l. The maximum concentration of LAS were 0.084 mg/l and 0.082 mg/l in spring and summer (Anzali transect), respectively. This value was 0.035 mg/l and 0.060 mg/l in autumn and winter (Sefidrood transect), respectively. As a conclusion, the concentration of surfactant in the Caspian Sea basin is not critical as compared with standard level

    Study of physico-chemical Characteristics of water in the southern of Caspian Sea

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    This study was conducted to physico-chemical characteristics of water in the Iranian coastal of southern Caspian Sea during four seasons at 8 transects (Astra, Anzali, Sefidrud, Tonekabon, Nowshahr, Babolsar, Amirabad and Bandar Turkman) during 2009-2010. 480 samples were collected at different layers of water and then analyzed based on standard methods. Results showed that the mean of water temperature were 18.67±0.32 and 17.82±0.43 ◦C at the surface and euphotic layer, respectively. Minimum and maximum of water temperature were recorded in winter (6.40) and summertime (27.60). In addition, temperature gradient was ranged between 12 to 15 ◦C at 20 to 50 layers in 50 and 100m depths. Mean of salinity was 11.04±0.17 g/l at euphotic layer. Pearson correlation between temperature and salinity was positively significant. Therefore, maximum salinity was recorded in summer and minimum in winter. Mean of transparency (SD) in the present study was 4.35±0.21 m which compared to the pervious sampling period (2008) showed small decrease, but the mean of pH was observed 8.43±0.01 which was higher than the previous sampling period (2008). The mean of DO and DO% were observed 5.72±0.06 ml/l and 130±1 percent at euphotic layer during sampling period. The mean of DO% was recorded 104±5 at euphotic layer in 1996 (before introduction of Mnemeiopsis leidyi), but the study in the years 2004, 2008 and present (one decade after introduction of Mnemeiopsis leidyi) this value was registered higher than 120% at euphotic layer. This shows that trophic status of Caspian ecosystem shifted from oligotrophy (before introduction of Mnemeiopsis leidyi) to meso-eutrophy (after introduction of Mnemiopsis leidyi). Annual concentration of inorganic nitrogen (DIN= NH^4 +, NO^2-, NO^3-) has a fairly wide variation. Percentage of nitrogen components out of DIN were varied 9-98, 0.2-28.2 and 0.0-90.0 respectively. In this study, percentage of DIN was lower than 15% and organic nitrogen (DON) was higher than 80%. Overall, results showed that water temperature, salinity, transparency and DON were recorded lower than the previous study (2008), but DO, DO%, pH, NH^4+, NO^3- and DSi were higher than the previous sampling period. Inorganic phosphorous (DIP) and NO^2- have not changed substantially. N/P ratio of Caspian Sea has a narrow range which order of magnificent lower than other seas. The results of the present study showed that Caspian ecosystem was nitrogen limitation before introduction of Mnemiopsis leidyi, while it seems that after introduction of Mnemiopsis leidyi the system has been shifted to the phosphorous limitation

    A study on environmental pollutants (Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), heavy metals, hydrocarbons and surfactants) in the southern part of Caspian Sea

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    At the present study, the environmental pollutants such as organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), heavy metals, hydrocarbons and surfactants were done during 22 months (Sept. 2009 through May 2011) located in southern part of Caspian Sea with longitude and latitude 48°-54° N and 36°-39° E, respectively. The aims of this study were to determine the seasonal pollutants matters in water layers and bed sediments of eight transect (24 stations) and the results are as follow: The maximum seasonal percentage range of OCPs were detected in spring water samples from 10, 50, and 50m depths such as (DDD, δ-BHC, heptachlor epoxide, endrin aldehyde),(DDD) and (aldrin, β-endosulfan) compounds about 62.5, 75 and 100%, respectively. The maximum seasonal residues fluctuation of OCPs were determined in spring water samples from 10, 50, and 50m depths such as aldrin (Babolsar station), aldrin (Tonekabon station) and heptachlor epoxide (Astara station) compounds about 5.03, 3.08 and 31.43 µg/l, respectively. The maximum percentage range of OCPs were detected in sediments samples from 10, 50, and 50m depths such as aldrin and α-BHC (winter), α-BHC (summer and winter) and aldrin (summer) compounds about 100, 75 and 87.5%, respectively. The maximum residues fluctuation of OCPs were determined in sediments samples from 10, 50, and 50m depths such as α-BHC (summer in Nushahr station), α-BHC (summer in Sefidroud station) and α-BHC (winter in Tonekabon station) and compounds about 5.96, 3.77 and 3.07 µg/l, respectively. The fluctuation and distribution of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPHs) concentration in different water layers samples were reduced from summer>spring> fall > winter, respectively. Also this trend occurred for bed sediments and reduced from winter > summer, respectively. The mean concentrations of TPHs in water samples of all seasons, regions, depths and transects were less than maximum permissible concentration (MPC). In this research, a comparison of TPHs with EPA standards shown that the desile range organic (DRO) was close to EPA standards such as TPHs and also 95 percent of water data were less than MPC. But gasoline range organic (GRO) concentrations in all stations were less than the amount of EPA standard. A comparison of TPHs concentration in sediments shown that the concentration of all stations were less than of national research council (NRC) range except west part. The maximum annual mean concentrations of Hg and Pb elements were detected in surface station (50m) at Nushahr and Amirabad transects. The most water data of Cd, Pb and Hg elements in comparison with critical concentrations with Europe, the USA and Japan standards were less than amounts of those standards. The distribution and abundance of Cd, Pb, Hg and Ni elements in water samples were detected 98, 96, 77 and 6%, respectively less than the ISQGs (Interim marine sediment quality guidelines) standards. In sediments samples, the mean and maximum concentration of Hg element detected in winter in comparison with ISQGs standards was more. But the concentrations of Cd and Pb in sediments samples of all stations were low and less than of ISQGs standards. The maximum concentration of linear alkyl benzene sulfonate (LAS) from spring through winter in Anzali (spring), Tonekabon (summer), Anzali (fall) and Nushahr (winter) were 0.07, 0.45, 0.145 and 0.087 mg/l, respectively. The maximum concentrations of LSA were detected in spring and fall in west part and summer and winter in middle part. But the lower concentration was occurred in west of southern part of Caspian Sea. According to standards of surfactants and comparison with LAS concentration of this study were less than the critical points

    Study on environmental of Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) ponds culture with brackish water of Caspian Sea

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    Different studies on Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) has performed in Iran, but less noted in water quality conditions. Water quality, in addition to creating optimal environment for the growth of vannamei shrimp, as well as cause the live food production and improve economic performance are produced. This study was conducted to evaluate the water quality environment vannamei shrimp in the south of Caspian Sea (Mazandaran province) and in the Caspian Ecology Research Center. The results showed that the enrichment of water out of the ponds, can provide favorable conditions for water quality in the culture of vannamei shrimp with different densities. As a result, Mazandaran province environmental conditions (particularly temperature and salinity of the Caspian Sea) has perfectly suited for optimal growth vannamei shrimp. Therefore, vannamei shrimp (PL12) achieved a final individual weight of 21.1gr in a period culture of 85-day with a density of 35 ind/m^2. Also, The nutrients and water quality parameters (Temperature: 27.4±1.79 ° C, Transparency: 10.7±1.2 cm, Salinity: 10.57±0.78 psu, pH: 8.42±0.38, Dissolved Oxygen 8.04±1.35 mg per liter) were within normal limits during the culture period

    The study of physico-chemical characteristics, heavy metals and plankton of water in the warm water fish ponds using organic (cow dung) and chemical fertilizer

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    Currently, different kinds of chemical fertilizer such as urea, nitrate, sulphate and ammonium phosphate–potash are using in fish ponds of carp (Hypophthalmychthysmolitrix, Hypophthalmychthysnobilis). Chemical fertilizers, especially phosphate fertilizers can cause environmental pollution. Therefore, the use of alternative one, particularly organic fertilizer (manure) can reduce environmental issues. This study is conducted to effects of liquid cow manure on abundance, biomass and community structure of phytoplankton, zooplankton, physico-chemical chractrestics and heavy metal of water in the warm water fish ponds. For this purpose, the effects of three different types' fertilizers have been searched on fish ponds water. The ponds number 1 and 3 treated by chemical fertilizer and liquid cow manure respectively. Both of the two fertilizers (liquid cow manure and chemical fertilizer) were used in the pond number 2. Results showed that acidity of liquied cow manure was low (pH=7-8), however the total hardness and alkalinity were high. Meanwhile, percent of nitrogen were more than percent of calsium and phosphorus liquid cow manure. The concentrations of Pb, Fe and Zn elements were higer than critical level but some of them such as Cd, Cr, and Hg were lower than detection limit. As a conclusion, biomass of phytoplankton, zooplankton and physico-chemical parameters in fertilized pond treated by liquid cow manure were more convinence than pond treated by chemical fertilizers

    Biological control of bloom algae in the southern of Caspian Sea

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    In recent years the incidence of algal blooms caused by Nodularia to become one of the serious problems and is threated life of aquatic organisms in the southern Caspian Sea. Nodularia is a Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria group) and due to production of nodularin toxin is importance. In this study, the first, three species of Pseudomonas including aeruginosa, putida and fluorescens were isolated from Tajan river estuary and identified using biochemical tests and compared to standard species. The trend of Nodularia spumigena biomass (log 5) and pseudomonas species (log 7 and 8) were examined in 30 treatments for 10 days in aquarium scale. Parameters such as chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen, phosphate and nitrate were tested at different time the same time. The results showed that the decline trend of nodularia in aeruginosa and mixed species treatments were better than other treatments and log 8 of bacterium was also more inhibitory effect than to log 7. Similar results were observed in double layer on agar medium and latter treatments had algaecide effect on nodularia. However, putida and fluorescens treatments had algaestatic properties. Concentration of chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen and nitrate in all treatments, especially aeruginosa and mixed bacteria have been often decreased (p<0.05). Changes of latter factors in control treatment have been relatively consistent. Although the phosphate changes at different time of relative decline, but nevertheless significant differences were observed. The parameters examined in this study were in direct contact with the algae population and decrease or increase of these factors cause significant change in algae biomass. The conclusion showed that different strains of pseudomonas are able to reduce the population of algae N. spumigena in aquarium scale and the results observed in combination treatment were better than other treatments. The challenge examination of pseudomonas and nodularia in mesocosm scale, evaluation of bacterial metabolites, and also quality and quantity analysis of chemical and biological factors involved in the process is recommended and with achieve reasonable results can be made from this indicator bacteria during algal bloom in the larger ecosystem

    Study on some physico-chemical parameters in the southern of Caspian Sea- Mazandarn Province

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    This study was conducted to determine physico-chemical characteristics of water and their spatial and temporal fluctuations in the Mazandaran coastal of Caspian Sea in 6 months, four seasons at 4 transects (Tonekabon, Nowshahr, Babolsar, Amirabad) during 2012-2013. 72 samples were collected at surface layer of water in 5, 15 and 30m depths. Then the sampls analyzed based on standard methods. Results showed that the mean of water and air temperature were 19.46±0.85 and 20.25±0.78◦C, respectively. Minimum and maximum of water temperature were recorded in winter (7.00) and summer time (28.10). Mean of salinity was 12.35±0.13 ppt. The maximum salinity was recorded in summer and minimum in winter in all transects. Mean of transparency (SD) in the present study was 2.63±0.18m. The mean of pH was observed 8.51±0.02 which was higher than the previous sampling periods. The mean of DO was observed 6.00±0.07 ml/l during sampling period. Annual concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN= NH4 +, NO2-, NO3-) has a fairly wide variation in different months and transects. Percentage of nitrogen components out of DIN were varied 6-53, 0.14-26.0 and 37.0-94.0 respectively. In this study, percentage of DIN was lower than 15% and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) was higher than 80%. Mean of annual dissolved inorganic phosphorous (DIP) and organic phosphorous were 0.58± 0.04 and 0.48± 0.02 µM, respectively. DIP and DOP percentages recorded 54 and 46 respectively. Mean annual of dissolved silicon (DSi) obtained 9.5± 0.2 µM. Based on the results, the system was in phosphorus limitation during spring and summer but it shifted to nitrogen limitation in autumn and winter. Phytoplankton development was not limited by DSi at any seasons

    Study on physico-chemical characteristics of water in the southern of Caspian Sea

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    In this study, the characteristics of physico-chemical parameters of water done in coastal part of the southern Caspian Sea during 2010-2011 (four seasons) in 8 transects (Astara, Anzali, Sefidrour, Tonkabon, Noshahr, Babolsar, Amirabad and Torkman). For measurement of water quality parameters, 480 samples were collected in different water layers by using of APHA standards methods. According to modeling and statistical methods was used multivariate for evaluation of factor analysis (MFA) in general groups and discriminant analysis (MDA) for spatial and temporal with water quality parameters. The statistical procedure of MFA was used for data reduction and finally six factors selected with about 80.48 percent of total variances related to them. The statistical procedures of MDA were used for the role of spatial and temporal of water quality parameters in different water layer. The function one gave eight parameters (pH, salinity, EC, DO, NO^3-, water temperature, NH^4+ and N^-total) affording more than 80, 67, 80, 77 and 71 % correct assignations (return to the same transects) in spatial analysis. In all transects during four seasons, function one gave five parameters (water temperature, salinity, EC, NO^2- and NH^4+) to afford 100, 100, 100, 97 and 97 % correct assignations in temporal analysis. The results showed that, the average amounts in light penetration layers during four seasons were for EC(15.04±0.18ms/cm), pH(8.38±0.01unit), salinity (10.31±0.16g/l), DO(5.67±0.09ml/l) and water temperature (18.28 ±0.72°C). The average amount of nutrients for parameters such as organic and inorganic phosphorus, total phosphorus, NO^2-, NO^3-, NH^4+, N^-Total and SiO_2 were 0.50±0.02, 0.32±0.01, 0.82±0.02, 1.76±0.10, 0.10±0.01, 1.51±0.10, 46.82±1.80 and 8.60±0.29µM, respectively. The average amounts in dark layers during four seasons were for EC (15.46±0.38ms/cm), pH (8.34±0.03unit), salinity (10.70±0.35g/l), DO (4.55±0.13ml/l) and water temperature (9.62 ±0.16°C). The average amount of nutrients for parameters such as organic and inorganic phosphorus, total phosphorus, NO^2-, NO^3-, NH^4+, N^-Total and SiO_2 were 0.54 ±0.05, 0.33 ±0.02, 0.87±0.06, 1.92±0.21 , 0.08± 0.01, 1.55±0.25, 45.10±3.25 and 10.05±0.62 µM, respectively. The average amounts of light penetration in all transects during four seasons 4.49±0.38 meters. The maximum light penetrations during spring, summer, fall and winter seasons were 9, 8, 8.20 and 7 meters, respectively. The maximum water temperatures in light and dark layers were 32.36 and 11.50°C. Also, the maximum differences about thermocline temperature during summer and fall seasons were 19.6°C and 10°C, respectively in southern part of Caspian Sea. Data in spatial analysis were not significant (p>0.05), it means if add or removed any transect did not change occurred. But in temporal analysis were significant (p<0.01), and it means no way remove any seasons for a research work on Caspian Sea in southern part. In those transects with 100m depth. Water temperature is only highly effective parameter between other parameters. In function 1 between 3 functions in transects with 100m depth water temperature with 60% variance was the main role and effective between different seasons in depth part were very high

    Determination of sediment nutrients in the cage fish culture area (before breeding) of the southern Caspian Sea (Mazandaran coast-Kelarabad)

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    This study was conducted to determine phosphorous and nitrogen species at the surface sediment in the southern Caspian Sea (Mazandaran Coast, Kelarabad). Surface sediments samples were collected at three stations from autumn of 2011 to winter of 2012. All samples were prepared by digesting and extracting processes and then phosphorous and nitrogen species concentrations determined using spectroscopy instrument. Results of this study showed that annual mean of Loosely-P, Fe-P, Al-P, Bioava.-P, Ca-P, TIP, Rese.-P and TP was obtained as 5.06±0.33, 55.11±2.52, 42.38±3.74, 102.52±5.68, 172.91±7.12, 275±9.12, 333.30±28.52 and 608±52 µg/g.dw, respectively. The results also showed that inorganic phophorous was less than organic phophorous during different seasons, however, mean percentage of residue-P containing organic compounds and non-degradable compounds was more than 50 percent. Percentage of Ca-P was higher than 60, whereas Bioava.-P was less than 40 percent. In addition, Fe-P and Loosely-P attained the maximum and minimum values, respectively, among the bioavailable phophorous. The order of different forms of phosphorous were recorded as Org-P>Ca-P>FeP>Al-P>Loosely-P. Annual mean of NH4/N, NO2/N, NO3/N, TIN, TON and TN were observed as 4.23±0.50, 0.06±0.01, 0.74±0.12, 5.02±0.53, 2.48±0.63 and 7.53±0.51 µg/g.dw, respectively. Annual percentage of TIN was two folds than TON and concentration of NH4/N was also four times than NO3/N. As a conclusion, the results revealed that main causes of Bioava.-P adsorption and desorption were temperature, Eh and pH. Also, the form of NH4+/N was of a high percentage because of anaerobic condition in the sediments. According to the high ratios of nitrogen/phosphorous of sediments to nitrogen and phosphorous of bottom water, it finds that released of those from the sediments to water will be happened with high rates. Therefore, it is expected that the establishment of fish farming cages should be carried out with more precautionary approaches which not leads to increased algae bloom