119 research outputs found


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    Bridging ROS for Heterogeneous Integration in Mobile Robot Systems

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    We investigate the difficulty of integrating disparate, heterogeneous systems which have not been designed to work together. Such difficulties may arise from differences in communication protocols or data formats, making an in- tegration effort largely manual and labor intensive. The investigation is done in the context of integrating two different robot systems, one mobile platform running ROS (Robot Operating System) and one stationary two-armed ABB robot. The thesis consists of two parts. First, existing solutions to this problem (or parts of it) are examined and evaluated for their applicability. After no suitable solution is found, a tool is then created which solves the problem of integrating non-ROS compatible devices with a ROS system. The presented tool is a program that generates modular bridging nodes between ROS and other systems. Finally, the tool proves its value in the integration of two different robots, where one system also receives some additional changes for practical reasons

    Meeting Challenges in Forestry: Improving Performance and Competitiveness

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    Improving the efficiency of the forestry sector will have an important impact on our possibility to attain long-term sustainability and mitigate climate change. In this study, attainable, and sustainable, efficiency improvements in the harvesting of forest products are analyzed using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The price impacts of the efficient harvesting volumes are evaluated in a second step using a spatial forest sector model. The results indicate that the harvested volumes of forest products, both for the industry and energy sectors, can be significantly increased if a more efficient forest management is adopted. This supply-side effect will also result in general price decreases for sawlogs, pulpwood, fuelwood and harvesting residues. However, in certain counties, and for specific forest products, the estimated decreasing price effect from a more efficient forest management cannot fully offset the increasing price effect of the energy sector expanding its use of forest products. More forest biomass enters the market, which is needed in the transition towards a bioeconomy, and the increased availability of forest biomass will restrict the price effect making investments in the bioeconomy more likely to be profitable

    PÄ försök : 8 essÀer och 3 inledningar

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    FrÄn Ikaros till gossen GrÄsten

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    Artikeln visar hur Werner Aspenström i sitt uppbrott frÄn 40-talismens estetik lÄter sig inspireras av Harry Martinson och i kraft av lÀrdomar hÀmtade frÄn denne blir en diktare som bejakar tillvaron, men att han sÄ smÄningom avviker Àven frÄn sin lÀromÀstare och dÀrefter lyckas etablera ett eget och unikt tonfall i 1900-talets svenska lyrik

    Ett andra 100-Ă„rsjubileum

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    Artikeln tar sin utgÄngspunkt i att James Joyces Ulysses publicerades för hundra Är sedan och försöker förklara hur det kommer sig att denna roman har fÄtt en sÀrstÀllning i 1900-talets litteratur

    SjÀlvutnÀmnt geni

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    Presentation av den första biografin över John Ashbery, Karin Roffmans The Songs We Know Best. John Ashbery's Early Life (Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, 2017)

    Korpral Tranströmer, signalist

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    FramstĂ€llningen tar sin utgĂ„ngspunkt i Tomas Tranströmers militĂ€ra utbildning till signalist och vĂ€rnpliktigt underbefĂ€l inom Kustartilleriet för att sedan söka de spĂ„r som denna och de dĂ€rpĂ„ följande repövningarna har lĂ€mnat i hans poesi och i hans brev. I synnerhet uppmĂ€rksammas ett tidigare opublicerat utkast till ett parti i diktsviten Östersjöar (1974), som bygger pĂ„ minnen frĂ„n vĂ€rnplikten och av CatalinaaffĂ€ren 1952, och en dikt med titeln "Posteringen" (ingĂ„r i Stigar, 1973) med motiv frĂ„n en repövning som poeten deltog i 1971

    Den jordnÀra diktens mÀstare ur tiden

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    Dödsruna över den polske diktaren Tadeusz RĂłżewicz (1921–2014), med ett försök att beskriva hans stĂ€llning i polsk 1900-talslitteratur och hans betydelse inom den europeiska efterkrigslitteraturen
