145 research outputs found

    Randomized benchmarking of atomic qubits in an optical lattice

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    We perform randomized benchmarking on neutral atomic quantum bits (qubits) confined in an optical lattice. Single qubit gates are implemented using microwaves, resulting in a measured error per randomized computational gate of 1.4(1) x 10^-4 that is dominated by the system T2 relaxation time. The results demonstrate the robustness of the system, and its viability for more advanced quantum information protocols.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Scaling and Suppression of Anomalous Heating in Ion Traps

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    We measure and characterize anomalous motional heating of an atomic ion confined in the lowest quantum levels of a novel rf ion trap that features moveable electrodes. The scaling of heating with electrode proximity is measured, and when the electrodes are cooled from 300 to 150 K, the heating rate is suppressed by an order of magnitude. This provides direct evidence that anomalous motional heating of trapped ions stems from microscopic noisy potentials on the electrodes that are thermally driven. These observations are relevant to decoherence in quantum information processing schemes based on trapped ions and perhaps other charge-based quantum systems

    Bell inequality violation with two remote atomic qubits

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    We observe violation of a Bell inequality between the quantum states of two remote Yb ions separated by a distance of about one meter with the detection loophole closed. The heralded entanglement of two ions is established via interference and joint detection of two emitted photons, whose polarization is entangled with each ion. The entanglement of remote qubits is also characterized by full quantum state tomography.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Differential Light Shift Cancellation in a Magnetic-Field-Insensitive Transition of 87^{87}Rb

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    We demonstrate near-complete cancellation of the differential light shift of a two-photon magnetic-field-insensitive microwave hyperfine (clock) transition in 87^{87}Rb atoms trapped in an optical lattice. Up to 95(2)95(2)% of the differential light shift is canceled while maintaining magnetic-field insensitivity. This technique should have applications in quantum information and frequency metrology.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    A heralded quantum gate between remote quantum memories

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    We demonstrate a probabilistic entangling quantum gate between two distant trapped ytterbium ions. The gate is implemented between the hyperfine "clock" state atomic qubits and mediated by the interference of two emitted photons carrying frequency encoded qubits. Heralded by the coincidence detection of these two photons, the gate has an average fidelity of 90+-2%. This entangling gate together with single qubit operations is sufficient to generate large entangled cluster states for scalable quantum computing

    Entanglement of Atomic Qubits using an Optical Frequency Comb

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    We demonstrate the use of an optical frequency comb to coherently control and entangle atomic qubits. A train of off-resonant ultrafast laser pulses is used to efficiently and coherently transfer population between electronic and vibrational states of trapped atomic ions and implement an entangling quantum logic gate with high fidelity. This technique can be extended to the high field regime where operations can be performed faster than the trap frequency. This general approach can be applied to more complex quantum systems, such as large collections of interacting atoms or molecules.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    T-junction ion trap array for two-dimensional ion shuttling, storage and manipulation

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    We demonstrate a two-dimensional 11-zone ion trap array, where individual laser-cooled atomic ions are stored, separated, shuttled, and swapped. The trap geometry consists of two linear rf ion trap sections that are joined at a 90 degree angle to form a T-shaped structure. We shuttle a single ion around the corners of the T-junction and swap the positions of two crystallized ions using voltage sequences designed to accommodate the nontrivial electrical potential near the junction. Full two-dimensional control of multiple ions demonstrated in this system may be crucial for the realization of scalable ion trap quantum computation and the implementation of quantum networks.Comment: 3 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum Teleportation Between Distant Matter Qubits

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    Quantum teleportation is the faithful transfer of quantum states between systems, relying on the prior establishment of entanglement and using only classical communication during the transmission. We report teleportation of quantum information between atomic quantum memories separated by about 1 meter. A quantum bit stored in a single trapped ytterbium ion (Yb+) is teleported to a second Yb+ atom with an average fidelity of 90% over a replete set of states. The teleportation protocol is based on the heralded entanglement of the atoms through interference and detection of photons emitted from each atom and guided through optical fibers. This scheme may be used for scalable quantum computation and quantum communication.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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