21 research outputs found

    A Targeted Approach by High Resolution Mass Spectrometry to Reveal New Compounds in Raisins

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    Raisins are dried grapes mostly obtained from cultivars of Vitis vinifera L. and are extensively consumed worldwide. They are rich in bioactive compounds such as polyphenols, which are associated with a broad range of health benefits. The aim of the present study was to compare the phenolic profiles of three di erent raisin varieties (Thompson seedless, Muscat, and sultanas). Total polyphenols (TPs) were evaluated by the Folin-Ciocalteu (F-C) assay and significant differences were observed among all raisin varieties. Furthermore, liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization hybrid linear ion trap quadrupole-Orbitrap-mass spectrometry (LC/ESI-LTQ-Orbitrap-MS) was employed for the comprehensive identification of phenolic constituents. A total of 45 compounds were identified, including hydroxybenzoic and hydroxycinnamic acids, flavanoids, flavonoids, flavonols, flavones,and stilbenoids. The three varieties of raisins showed a similar phenolic profile, although the highest number of phenolic compounds was identified in Muscat raisins owing to the roanthocyanidins extracted from their seeds, while stilbenoids were not detected in the Thompson variety

    NMR Spectroscopy: A powerful tool for the analysis of polyphenols in extra virgin olive oil

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    Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), a key component of the Mediterranean Diet, has aroused interest in recent years due to its health properties. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is an appropriate tool for the accurate quantification of minor compounds in complex food matrices, such as polyphenols in olive oil. Flavonoids, lignans, secoiridoids and phenolic acids and alcohols in EVOO have been identified and quantified by NMR. This review provides an overview of the major developments in the structural elucidation of polyphenol compounds in EVOO

    Is eating raisins healthy?

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    Raisins are dried grapes consumed worldwide that contain beneficial components for human health. They are rich in fiber and phytochemicals such as phenolic compounds. Despite a 60% sugar content, several studies have reported health-promoting properties for raisins and this review compiles the intervention studies, as well as the cell line and animal model studies carried out to date. It has been demonstrated that raisins possess a low-to-moderate glycemic index, which makes them a healthy snack. They seem to contribute to a better diet quality and may reduce appetite. Their antioxidant capacity has been correlated to the phenolic content and this may be involved in the improvement of cardiovascular health. In addition, raisins maintain a good oral health due to their antibacterial activity, low adherence to teeth and an optimum oral pH. Raisin consumption also seems to be favorable for colon function, although more studies should be done to conclude this benefit. Moreover, gut microbiota could be affected by the prebiotic content of raisins. Cell line and animal model studies show other potential benefits in specific diseases, such as cancer and Alzheimer's disease. However, deeper research is required and future intervention studies with humans are needed. Overall, incorporating an 80-90 g portion of raisins (half a cup) into the daily diet may be favorable for human health

    Total Analysis of the Major Secoiridoids in Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Validation of an UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS Method

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    Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), one of the key foods of the Mediterranean diet, is distinguished by its high content of nutritional and antioxidant compounds compared to other vegetable oils. During EVOO production, the major secoiridoids of EVOO, oleacein, oleocanthal, ligstroside, and oleuropein aglycones, undergo a series of transformations to open- and closed-structure forms. The resulting mixture of compounds can become more complex during the analytical procedure, due to the keto-enol tautomerism of the open forms and their interaction with polar solvents, and therefore more challenging to analyze. Employing the same extraction method used to analyze the other EVOO phenolic compounds, we report here a simple UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS procedure for the quantification of those secoiridoids that is able to co-elute the different isomers of each compound. The method was validated following AOAC guidelines, and the matrix effect and recoveries were within satisfactory limit

    Targeted metabolic profiling of the revived ancient ‘Corbella’ olive cultivar during early maturation

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    ‘Corbella’ is an ancient olive cultivar whose cultivation has recently been revived and hence little is known about its composition. This is the first work studying the metabolic profile of ‘Corbella’ olives during early maturation. Olives with a ripening index (RI) < 1 yielded considerably less oil content (<40%) but had more concentration of phenolic compounds (148.41–219.70 mg/kg), carotenoids (9.61–14.94 mg/kg) and squalene (521.41–624.40 mg/kg). Contrarily, the levels of α-tocopherol were higher at the RI of 1.08 and 1.96 (64.57 and 57.75 mg/kg, respectively). The most abundant phenolic compound was oleuropein aglycone (>50% of the phenolic composition), suggesting a high hydrolytic activity of β-glucosidase in the fruit. The antioxidant capacity was barely affected, while oleic/linoleic ratio reached its highest at RI of 1.96. Therefore, olives with an RI below 2 could be good candidates to produce high-quality olive oils with good level of stability.This work was supported by CDTI [IDI-20210929] and Fundació Bosch-Gimpera [311463].We acknowledge PID2020-114022RB-I00 and CIBEROBN from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, ISCIII from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, (AEI/FEDER, UE), Generalitat de Catalunya (GC) [2021-SGR-00334]. INSA-UB is Maria de Maeztu Unit of Excellence (grant CEX2021-001234-M funded by MICIN/AEI/FEDER, UE). Alexandra Olmo-Cunillera thanks the Ministry of Science Innovation and Universities for the FPU contract (FPU2018/03119). Mohamed M. Abuhabib is grateful for the predoctoral scholarship FI-SDUR (REU/551/2022) from the Agency of Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR), Generalitat de Catalunya. Antònia Ninot and Agustí Romero-Aroca acknowledge financial support from the CERCA Program of the Generalitat of Catalonia. Anna Vallverdu-Queralt thanks the Ministry of Science Innovation and Universities for the Ramón y Cajal contract [RYC-2016-19355]. We would also like to thank Oli Migjorn for their collaboration and supplying the ‘Corbella’ olives, and the Scientific and Technological services of the University of Barcelona (CCiT-UB) for the UPLC-MS/MS equipment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impact of Novel Technologies on Virgin Olive Oil Processing, Consumer Acceptance, and the Valorization of Olive Mill Wastes

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    There is a growing consumer preference for high quality extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) with health‐promoting and sensory properties that are associated with a higher content of phenolic and volatile compounds. To meet this demand, several novel and emerging technologies are being under study to be applied in EVOO production. This review provides an update of the effect of emerging technologies (pulsed electric fields, high pressure, ultrasound, and microwave treatment), compared to traditional EVOO extraction, on yield, quality, and/or content of some minor compounds and bioactive components, including phenolic compounds, tocopherols, chlorophyll, and carotenoids. In addition, the consumer acceptability of EVOO is discussed. Finally, the application of these emerging technologies in the valorization of olive mill wastes, whose generation is of concern due to its environmental impact, is also addressed

    Effects of Organic and Conventional Growing Systems on the Phenolic Profile of Extra-Virgin Olive Oil

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    Extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) is largely appreciated for its proven nutritional properties. Additionally, organic foods are perceived as healthier by consumers. In this context, the aim of the present study was to compare the phenolic profiles of EVOO from olives of the Hojiblanca variety, cultivated under organic and conventional systems. The quantification and identification of individual polyphenols was carried out by liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry in tandem mode (LC-MS/MS). Significantly higher levels (p < 0.05) of phenolic compounds were found in organic EVOOs. The methodology used was able to detect previously unreported differences in bioactive components between organic and conventional EVOOs

    High hydrostatic pressure enhances the formation of oleocanthal and oleacein in 'Arbequina' olive fruit

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    During olive oil production, the activity of endogenous enzymes plays a crucial role in determining the oil's phenolic composition. β-Glucosidase contributes to the formation of secoiridoids, while polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (POX) are involved in their oxidation. This study investigated whether high hydrostatic pressure (HHP), known to cause cell disruption and modify enzymatic activity and food texture, could reduce PPO and POX activity. HHP was applied to ‘Arbequina’ olives at different settings (300 and 600 MPa, 3 and 6 min) before olive oil extraction. The tested HHP conditions were not effective in reducing the activity of PPO and POX in olives, resulting in oils with a lower phenolic content. However, HHP increased the secoiridoid content of olives, particularly oleocanthal and oleacein (>50%). The pigments in oils produced from HHP-treated olives were higher compared to the control, whereas squalene and α-tocopherol levels and the fatty acid profile remained the same. © 2023 The Authors</p

    Optimizing the Malaxation Conditions to Produce an Arbequina EVOO with High Content of Bioactive Compounds

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    To meet the growing demand for high-quality extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) with healthpromoting properties and pleasant sensory properties, studies are needed to establish optimal production parameters. Bioactive components of EVOO, including phenolic compounds, carotenoids, chlorophylls, tocopherols, and squalene, contribute to its organoleptic properties and beneficial health effects. The aim of this study was to develop an Arbequina EVOO with high phenol content, particularly oleocanthal and oleacein, on a laboratory scale by analyzing the effects of different temperatures (20, 25, and 30 ◦C) and times (30 and 45 min) of malaxation. Higher temperatures decreased the levels of the phenolic compounds, secoiridoids, tocopherols, and squalene, but increased the pigments. EVOO with the highest quality was produced using malaxation parameters of 20 ◦C and 30 min, although oleocanthal and oleacein were higher at 30 and 25 ◦C, respectively. Overall, 20 ◦C and 30 min were the processing conditions that most favored the physiological and chemical processes that contribute to higher levels of bioactive compounds in the oil and diminished their degradation and oxidation processes

    A targeted foodomic approach to assess differences in extra virgin olive oils: Effects of storage, agronomic and technological factors

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    Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) quality and composition are mainly affected by genetics, agronomic and technological parameters, undergoing further modifications during storage. In this work, a chemometric approach was applied to study the impact of olive maturity, malaxation time/temperature, and oil storage on the quality and compositional parameters of Arbequina EVOO (basic quality indices, volatile and sensory profiles, contents in phenolic compounds, squalene, vitamin E and fatty acids). Storage emerged as the most influential factor, followed by olive maturity and malaxation temperature, while malaxation time had almost no effect. Storage at room temperature had a significant impact on the phenolic profile and quality parameters, mainly the peroxide value and K270. The determination of K270, an indicator of secondary oxidation products, was relevant to analyze the effect of storage conditions. Volatile compounds and fatty acids were good markers of ripeness, and the volatile profile was highly affected by malaxation temperature.This research was funded by PID2020-114022RB-I00 and CIBEROBN from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, ISCIII from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, (AEI/FEDER, UE), Generalitat de Catalunya (GC) [2021-SGR-00334]. INSA-UB is Maria de Maeztu Unit of Excellence (grant CEX2021-001234-M funded by MICIN/AEI/FEDER, UE)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio