13 research outputs found

    Developments in Education and International Migrations in New Member States of the EU

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    The paper examines the development of education systems and international migrations in selected new Member States. The countries are Estonia, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The paper focuses on various elements in the development of education systems making people able to cope with competition on global labour markets. The outcomes of these developments largely regulate the supply of labour and consequently its international demand. Some statistics on international migration and integration of migrants in global labour markets are presented. The aim of this paper is to raise questions about relevant issues to be paid attention to in studies focusing on education and international migrations rather than to try to give any straightforward solutions

    Internal migration and specialising labour markets in Finland

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    A short description on phases of intemal migration and industrial changes in Finland isgiven from a historical perspective. The main part of the article concentrates on specialfeatures of intemal migration that are related to the specialisation of the labour marketsin the l 990s. Three interconnected developments are anal ysed - intemal migration andgrowth of urban centres with well-developed high-tech industries, unemployment, andthe relationship of intemal and intemational migration. Urban centres with developedhigh-tech industries have strengthened their edge over others in developing a neweconomy of network societies. The l 990s are also characterised by increased migrationof the unemployed. The trend started during the depression in the l 990s, and seems tohave continued ever since. Intemal and intemational migration are related to each other.The largest urban centres play an important role as linking points of these two forms ofmigration. Intemal migration can be seen as a step-wise approach to unfamiliar conditions.Almost three out of ten emigrants made intemal moves before emigrating in the1990s

    Maassamuuton ja kansainvälisen muuton viimeaikaisia trendejä

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    Muuttoliike on herkkä yhteiskunnallisten muutosten mittari. Hyvät ajat houkuttelevat ihmisiä etsimään entistä parempia asuntoja ja työpaikkoja. Huonot ajat pakottavat liikkeelle. Tällöinkin voidaan etsiä parempaa, mutta usein kysymys on elämisen mahdollisuuksien turvaamisesta

    Tutkimusta maahanmuuttopolitiikasta

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    Migration and Periods of Rapid Industrial Development in Finland

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    Migration and Periods of Rapid Industrial Development in Finlan

    Yrjö Paloheimon tapaaminen, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1984

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    Syksy 1984 oli minulle ja perheelleni erityisen mielenkiintoinen, sillä kiersimme Amerikkaa vuokra-autolla. Tavoitteena oli yliopistoluentojen ja seminaarien lisäksi haastatella suomalaisia siirtolaisia

    Internationalization and Migration Pressure

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    The integration of Europe is speeding up the internationalization of Finland. Finnish companies considerably extended their operations to foreign countries as early as the 1970s and 1980s. At the state level the single Nordic market was established in 1954 and the singlee market in the EC in 1968

    Finns in the USA: Patterns of Immigration and Settlement since 1900

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    Finnish immigration to and settlement in the US can be divided into three phases: 1) the period of mass immigration since the latter half of the nineteenth century until the US immigrations laws of 1921 and 1924, 2) the period of the 30s, 40s and 50s when the Finnish ethnic froup was shifting from a foreign born ethnic group to that of born and bred in US group, and 3) the period of real barefoot generation with a small minority of people born in Finlan

    From Heavy Industries to a High-Tech Centre: Mobility of Educated Labour in Tampere

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    The paper concentrates on the changes of the industrial structure and mobility of labour force in Tampere. The city of Tampere with a population of 195.000 is the second largest urban agglomeration in Finland. The Tampere urban area has a population of about 300.000. Tampere has been a forerunner especially in the heavy processing industries, such as large textile and clothing industries, leather industries, paper mills, cardboard factories and metal works. Along with a general industrial change in the country, Tampere lost a great part of its heavy industries in the 1970s and 1980s. The volume of labour force in the sector plummeted to less than a half causing a high unemployment rate, which was worsened by a severe depression in the country in 1991-1994. After the depression the city experienced an unexpected rapid development to become one of the major high-tech centres. These developments have created new demands for skilled workers. The paper analyses industrial changes and labour migration and their interconnections in the Tampere urban area..De l'industrie lourde au centre de haute technologie : la mobilité de la main-d'œuvre diplômée à Tampere. Cet article est consacré aux changements de la structure industrielle et à la mobilité de la main-d'œuvre à Tampere. Avec une population de 195 000 habitants, Tampere est la seconde agglomération finlandaise. La zone urbaine de Tampere comprend quant à elle environ 300 000 personnes. Tampere a joué un rôle de précurseur dans les différents secteurs de l'industrie lourde de transformation, tels que l'industrie textile et du vêtement, l'industrie du cuir, la papeterie et la cartonnerie ainsi que le traitement du métal. Dans un contexte général de transformation industrielle, Tampere a perdu une grande partie de ses industries lourdes durant les décennies 1970 et 1980. Le volume de la main-d'œuvre s'est réduit de plus de 50 % provoquant un taux de chômage élevé, lui- même aggravé par la grave crise nationale des années 1991-1994. Après la récession, la ville a expérimenté un développement rapide et inattendu pour devenir l'un des principaux centre de haute technologie. Cette transformation a favorisé une nouvelle demande de main-d'œuvre spécialisée. Cet article analyse ces changements industriels et la migration de main-d'œuvre ainsi que leurs interrelations dans le contexte de la zone urbaine de Tampere.Kultalahti Olli. From Heavy Industries to a High-Tech Centre: Mobility of Educated Labour in Tampere. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 2001-3. Les populations des bassins d'industries lourdes. pp. 297-309