13 research outputs found

    Occurrence of Surface Active Agents in the Environment

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    Due to the specific structure of surfactants molecules they are applied in different areas of human activity (industry, household). After using and discharging from wastewater treatment plants as effluent stream, surface active agents (SAAs) are emitted to various elements of the environment (atmosphere, waters, and solid phases), where they can undergo numerous physic-chemical processes (e.g., sorption, degradation) and freely migrate. Additionally, SAAs present in the environment can be accumulated in living organisms (bioaccumulation), what can have a negative effect on biotic elements of ecosystems (e.g., toxicity, disturbance of endocrine equilibrium). They also cause increaseing solubility of organic pollutants in aqueous phase, their migration, and accumulation in different environmental compartments. Moreover, surfactants found in aerosols can affect formation and development of clouds, which is associated with cooling effect in the atmosphere and climate changes. The environmental fate of SAAs is still unknown and recognition of this problem will contribute to protection of living organisms as well as preservation of quality and balance of various ecosystems. This work contains basic information about surfactants and overview of pollution of different ecosystems caused by them (their classification and properties, areas of use, their presence, and behavior in the environment)

    Obecność związków powierzchniowo czynnych w rzece Kłodnicy (Katowice; Polska) Część II. Czwartorzędowe związki amoniowe

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    The paper presents methods of determination of analytes of the cation group (alkyl benzyl dimethyl ammonium (BDDA-C12-C16), alkyl trimethyl ammonium (TMA), hexadecyl piridinium (HP)) in surface water and bottom sediment samples. In the sample preparation phase the solid phase extraction (SPE) or accelerated solvent extraction/ultrasound assisted extraction (ASE/UAE)-SPE technique was used and in the identification phase and quantitative determination of analytes phase - ion chromatography technique (combined with a conductivity detector (CD)). The determined concentrations were in the range below the determined method detection limit (MDL) or method quantification limit (MQL) figures up to 0.142 ±0.023 mg/dm3 or 2014 ±10 μg/kg (liquid and solid samples, respectively). Comparing concentrations of individual analytes found in liquid and solid environmental samples we may notice that surfactants containing a shorter alkyl chain in their molecules were found in higher concentrations in liquid samples (hydrophobicity increasing with the chain length)

    Selected anionic and cationic surface active agents : case study on the Kłodnica sediments

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    Surface active agents (surfactants) are a group of chemical compounds, which are used as ingredients of detergents, cleaningproducts, cosmetics and functional products. After use, wastes containing surfactants or their degradation products are discharged to wastewater treatment plants or directly into surface waters. Due to their specific properties of SAAs, compounds are able to migrate between different environmental compartments such as soil, sediment, water or even living organisms and accumulate there. Surfactants can have a harmful effect on living organisms. They can connect with bioactive molecules and modify their function. Additionally, they have the ability to migrate into cells and cause their damage or death. For these reasons investigation of individual surfactants should be conducted. The presented research has been undertaken to obtain information about SAA contamination of sediment from the River Kłodnica catchment caused by selected anionic (linear alkylbenzene sulfonates (LAS C10-C13)) and cationic (alkylbenzyldimethylammonium (BDMA-C12-16), alkyl trimethyl ammonium (DTMA), hexadecyl piridinium chloride (HP) chlorides) surfactants. This river flows through an area of the Upper Silesia Industrial Region where various companies and other institutions (e.g. coal mining, power plants, metallurgy, hospitals) are located. To determine their concentration the following analytical tools have been applied: accelerated solvent extraction- solid phase extraction - high performance liquid chromatography – UV-Vis (anionic SAAs) and conductivity (cationic SAAs) detectors. In all sediments anionic SAAs have been detected. The concentrations of HTMA and BDMA-C16 in tested samples were higher than other cationic analytes

    Obecność związków powierzchniowo czynnych w rzece Kłodnica (Katowice, Polska). Część 1. Liniowe alkilobenzenosulfoniany

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    Surfactants are a group of compounds with specific physico-chemical properties and therefore they are used in many spheres of human activity. Surface-active substances undergo various physico-chemical transformations, what enables their migration between different elements of the environment and may lead to its pollution. Selected anionic surfactants were determined in samples of water from the Klodnica river (25 samples) and bottom sediments (25 samples). In most samples the presence of anionic analytes was confirmed. The determined concentration levels were in the range of up to 0.2105±0.0023 mg/dm3 or 0.207±0.010 μg/kg (surface water and bottom sediment samples, respectively). Comparing the concentrations of certain analytes found in liquid and solid environmental samples, it can be noticed that the surfactants containing a shorter alkyl chain in a molecule were present in higher concentrations in liquid samples (hydrophobicity increasing with the increasing length of the chain) and the other way round

    Oznaczanie surfaktantów w próbkach środowiskowych. Część 1. Związki kationowe

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    Compounds from the group of cationic surfactants are widely applied in household, industrial, cleaning, disinfectant, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products as their specific properties (antimicrobial, emulsifying, anticorrosion, softening). After use, cationic surfactants are disposed to wastewater-treatment plants and finally with effluent water to surface waters due to their incomplete degradation. Moreover, they can freely circulate in different environmental compartments including living organisms. It becomes indispensable to recognize in more detail behavior, fate and biological effects of cationic surfactants. This analytical problem can be solved with use sensitive and reliable analytical techniques at sample preparation step and final determination step. In recent years, during isolation analytes from environmental samples mainly were used liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) - liquid matrices or solid-liquid extraction (SLE) - solid matrices. This technique involves application of toxic solvents (chloroform), is time-consuming and interferences are co-extracted. Nowadays, in scientific centers are carried out research to replace this traditional technique. So far, the following techniques were applied: solid-phase extraction (SPE) or it modification (HF-LPME) - liquid samples; accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) and supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) - solid samples. During the determination of total content of cationic surface active agents in environmental samples were used a traditional spectrophotometry technique and potentiometric titration technique. But those techniques are susceptible of interferences on analysis results (anionic and non-ionic compounds). The chromatographic technique (liquid chromatography) applied at the final determination step gives possibility to determine individual cationic surfactants in solvent extracts of environmental samples. The LC systems coupled with mass spectrometers are most powerful tools during such analysis

    Cardiotocography in fetal heart arrhythmia – analysis of cases

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    Summary Cardiotocography (CTG) is routinely used in obstetric units to monitor fetal well-being during pregnancy and labor. Nevertheless the use of CTG is limited in cases of fetal arrhythmia, because it truncates the FHR if faster than 210 bpm and slower than 50 bpm. In fetal arrhythmias, with the heart rate between 50 bpm and 210 bpm, CTG may be nonconclusive, difficult to interpret and should not be taken into consideration when making the decision to end the pregnancy, especially when it is premature. Until now the usefulness of CTG in the fetal arrhythmia has not been sufficiently described. The following study evaluates typical cases of fetal arrhythmia diagnosed by fetal echocardiography with corresponding cardiotocography and reviews the decision that had been made in each case

    The palaces and mansions in the area of former East Prussia as an opportunity for the tourist developement of Warmia and Masuria region

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    Przedmiotem pracy są pałace i dwory z terenu dawnych Prus Wschodnich. Praca skupia się na sytuacji tych obiektów, oraz szansach na wykorzystanie niektórych z nich w turystyce, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem pałacu w Sztynorcie.Celem pracy jest przedstawienie roli i znaczenia pałaców i dworów dawnych Prus Wschodnich oraz próba analizy ich wykorzystania w rozwoju turystyki regionu Warmii i Mazur na przykładzie Pałacu w Sztynorcie i jego otoczenia. Badanymi obiektami są Polsko-Niemiecka Fundacja Ochrony Zabytków oraz spółka akcyjna Alterco. Przedsięwzięcie to jest projektem nowatorskim ze względu na próbę połączenia planów dwóch różnych organizacji, dotyczących tej samej miejscowości, z czego jedna jest organizacją non – profit. Metodologia użyta w pracy używana jest najczęściej do organizacji, których celem nadrzędnym jest zysk, a przełożenie schematów na fundacje było ciekawym wyzwaniem. Zasadniczą tezą którą zamierzam poddać weryfikacji w pracy jest: „Plany Niemiecko – Polskiej Fundacji Ochrony Zabytków Kultury dotyczące użytkowania Pałacu w Sztynorcie Wielkim są uzasadnione, ze względu na zewnętrzne uwarunkowania, oraz realne do zrealizowania”. Wyniki wszystkich badań przeprowadzonych w pracy wskazują na duże szanse na powodzenie obu projektów, a także połączenia planów tych dwóch organizacji w jeden. Wśród źródeł użytych w pracy dużą część stanowią źródła elektroniczne ze względu na małą liczbę dostępnych pozycji książkowych dotyczących tematu pracy.The dissertation deals with the subject of palaces and mansions in the area of former East Prussia. Work focuses on the situation of these objects, as well as opportunities to use some of them in tourism, with particular emphasis on the palace in Sztynort.The purpose of this study is to present the topic to a wider audience and to check the plans of Polsko- Niemiecka Fundacja Ochrony Zabytków of Sztynort palace renovations, as well as the plans of Alterco company, which referes to the area around the palace. This project is an innovative study because of the attempt to connect the two different plans of these organizations, one of which is a non - profit organization. The methodology used in the work is used most often to organizations whose primary goal is profit, and translation patterns on the foundation was an interesting challenge.The main hypothesis of the research work are put at the "Plans of the Polsko- Niemieckiej Fundacji Ochrony Zabytków about the use of the Grand Palais in Sztynort are realistic to implement." Additional hypotheses are "Alterco company plans to invest in Sztynort have a great chance of success" and "Matching Alterco plans and Polsko – Niemieckiej Fundacji Ochrony Zabytków for using the Sztynort palace and its surroundings is feasible."The results of the tests carried out in the work indicates a high chance of success of the two projects as well as putting together the plans of these two organizations into one.Within the sources used in the work, are a lot of electronic sources due to the small number of available books on the subject of the work

    Occurrence of Surface Active Agents in the Environment

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    Due to the specific structure of surfactants molecules they are applied in different areas of human activity (industry, household). After using and discharging from wastewater treatment plants as effluent stream, surface active agents (SAAs) are emitted to various elements of the environment (atmosphere, waters, and solid phases), where they can undergo numerous physic-chemical processes (e.g., sorption, degradation) and freely migrate. Additionally, SAAs present in the environment can be accumulated in living organisms (bioaccumulation), what can have a negative effect on biotic elements of ecosystems (e.g., toxicity, disturbance of endocrine equilibrium). They also cause increaseing solubility of organic pollutants in aqueous phase, their migration, and accumulation in different environmental compartments. Moreover, surfactants found in aerosols can affect formation and development of clouds, which is associated with cooling effect in the atmosphere and climate changes. The environmental fate of SAAs is still unknown and recognition of this problem will contribute to protection of living organisms as well as preservation of quality and balance of various ecosystems. This work contains basic information about surfactants and overview of pollution of different ecosystems caused by them (their classification and properties, areas of use, their presence, and behavior in the environment)

    Selected anionic and cationic surface active agents: case study on the Kłodnica sediments

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    Surface active agents (surfactants) are a group of chemical compounds, which are used as ingredients of detergents, cleaning products, cosmetics and functional products. After use, wastes containing surfactants or their degradation products are discharged to wastewater treatment plants or directly into surface waters. Due to their specific properties of SAAs, compounds are able to migrate between different environmental compartments such as soil, sediment, water or even living organisms and accumulate there. Surfactants can have a harmful effect on living organisms. They can connect with bioactive molecules and modify their function. Additionally, they have the ability to migrate into cells and cause their damage or death. For these reasons investigation of individual surfactants should be conducted. The presented research has been undertaken to obtain information about SAA contamination of sediment from the River Kłodnica catchment caused by selected anionic (linear alkylbenzene sulfonates (LAS C10-C13)) and cationic (alkylbenzyldimethylammonium (BDMA-C12-16), alkyl trimethyl ammonium (DTMA), hexadecyl piridinium chloride (HP) chlorides) surfactants. This river flows through an area of the Upper Silesia Industrial Region where various companies and other institutions (e.g. coal mining, power plants, metallurgy, hospitals) are located. To determine their concentration the following analytical tools have been applied: accelerated solvent extraction– solid phase extraction – high performance liquid chromatography – UV-Vis (anionic SAAs) and conductivity (cationic SAAs) detectors. In all sediments anionic SAAs have been detected. The concentrations of HTMA and BDMA-C16 in tested samples were higher than other cationic analytes. Generally, levels of surfactants with longer alkyl chains were higher and this observation can confirm their higher susceptibility to sorption on solid surfaces