635 research outputs found
OECD imports : diversification of suppliers and quality search
This paper explores the evolution of OECD imports over time, measuring their concentration across origin countries at the product level. The authors find evidence of diversification followed, in the very last years of the sample period (post-2000), by a slight re-concentration. This re-concentration is entirely explained by the growing importance of Chinese products in OECD imports. They also find evidence of relatively more volatile concentration levels for goods with high quality heterogeneity, with temporary phases of re-concentration on goods with higher unit values. Both findings are consistent with a simple model of adverse selection and quality screening by OECD buyers predicting that diversification happens by"bouts"rather than continuously, with temporary re-concentration on higher-quality suppliers.Markets and Market Access,Microfinance,Labor Policies,E-Business,Agribusiness&Markets
OECD imports : diversification and quality search
This paper explores the evolution of OECD imports over time and as a function of income levels, measuring the concentration of those imports across origin countries at the product level. The authors find evidence of diversification followed, in the last years of the sample period (post-2000), by a slight re-concentration. This re-concentration is entirely explained by the growing importance of Chinese products in OECD imports. They also find evidence of relatively more volatile concentration levels for differentiated goods, consistent with a simple model of adverse selection and screening of suppliers by OECD buyers. Finally, they find that"accession"to OECD markets occurs directly (rather than after acquiring prior export experience on other markets) for more than half of the (extra-OECD) exporter/product pairs, but that one to eight years of experience enhances subsequent survival on OECD markets. Exports that reach OECD markets after more than eight years of experience elsewhere tend to survive less.Markets and Market Access,Economic Theory&Research,Labor Policies,Debt Markets,Microfinance
CĂ©cile Yapaudjian-Labat (dir.), Les trajets de la lecture. Autour de Claude Simon
Faisant suite Ă la JournĂ©e dâĂ©tude « Lectures de Claude Simon aujourdâhui » organisĂ©e par CĂ©cile Yapaudjian-Labat le 8 juin 2013 Ă Chartres (ĂSPĂ Centre-Val de Loire â UniversitĂ© dâOrlĂ©ans), le numĂ©ro 112 de la revue Tangence publiĂ© en 2016, prĂ©sente lâensemble des contributions Ă cette journĂ©e, auquel sâajoute lâarticle de Christine Genin, « Lire Claude Simon lisant Proust ». Cette journĂ©e avait Ă©tĂ© introduite par le seiziĂ©miste Denis BjaĂŻ, professeur Ă lâuniversitĂ© dâOrlĂ©ans, qui soulignait..
Les Ă©nonciateurs simoniens dans Le Jardin des Plantes. La femme-Ă©nigme
Lâarticle sâintĂ©resse en premier lieu Ă la polyphonie Ă©nonciative dans Le Jardin des Plantes, plus particuliĂšrement aux Ă©nonciateurs que sont DostoĂŻevski, Proust et Stendhal. Partant de lâavant-texte, on revisite lâimportance et le rĂŽle de chacun dâentre eux pour inviter Ă une relecture du texte avec une curiositĂ© revivifiĂ©e. Quelques indices trouvĂ©s dans le manuscrit ont permis de dĂ©couvrir derriĂšre un personnage simonien, celui de la « vieille femme Ă©lĂ©phant », un personnage dostoĂŻevskien insoupçonnĂ©, demeurĂ© Ă lâĂ©tat dâĂ©nigme dans la version imprimĂ©e. Lâapproche gĂ©nĂ©tique permet dâen rĂ©vĂ©ler lâorigine.The article primarily concerns the enunciative polyphony of Le Jardin des Plantes, more particularly the enunciators Dostoevsky, Proust, and Stendhal. Starting from work preceding the published version we revisit the importance and role of each of these, thus leading to read the text afresh with renewed curiosity. Several hints in the manuscript have made it possible to discover behind one of Simonâs characters, the âold elephant womanâ, an unsuspected Dostoevsky figure who remained an enigma in the printed version. The genetic approach has allowed discovery of this origin
Efficient Code Generation from SHIM Models
Programming concurrent systems is substantially more difficult than programming sequential systems, yet most embedded systems need concurrency. We believe this should be addressed through higher-level models of concurrency that eliminate many of the usual challenges, such as nondeterminism arising from races. The shim model of computation provides deterministic concurrency, and there already exist ways of implementing it in hardware and software. In this work, we describe how to produce more efficient C code from shim systems. We propose two techniques: a largely mechanical one that produces tail-recursive code for simulating concurrency, and a more clever one that statically analyzes the communication pattern of multiple processes to produce code with far less overhead. Experimentally, we find our tail-recursive technique produces code that runs roughly twice as fast as a baseline; our statically-scheduled code can run up to twelve times faster
The Quest for Stability: the macro view
On September 3-4, 2009 SUERF and Utrecht University School of Economicsorganized the Colloquium "The Quest for Stability" in Utrecht, the Netherlands. The papers included in this SUERF Study are based on contributions to the Colloquium.asset prices, bubbles, financial institutions, global recession, interest rates, liquidity, monetary policy, regulation, stability, supervision.
Structured Named Entities in two distinct press corpora: Contemporary Broadcast News and Old Newspapers
International audienceThis paper compares the reference annotation of structured named entities in two corpora with different origins and properties. It ad- dresses two questions linked to such a comparison. On the one hand, what specific issues were raised by reusing the same annotation scheme on a corpus that differs from the first in terms of media and that predates it by more than a century? On the other hand, what contrasts were observed in the resulting annotations across the two corpora
Multimodal Machine Learning in Image-Based and Clinical Biomedicine: Survey and Prospects
Machine learning (ML) applications in medical artificial intelligence (AI)
systems have shifted from traditional and statistical methods to increasing
application of deep learning models. This survey navigates the current
landscape of multimodal ML, focusing on its profound impact on medical image
analysis and clinical decision support systems. Emphasizing challenges and
innovations in addressing multimodal representation, fusion, translation,
alignment, and co-learning, the paper explores the transformative potential of
multimodal models for clinical predictions. It also highlights the need for
principled assessments and practical implementation of such models, bringing
attention to the dynamics between decision support systems and healthcare
providers and personnel. Despite advancements, challenges such as data biases
and the scarcity of "big data" in many biomedical domains persist. We conclude
with a discussion on principled innovation and collaborative efforts to further
the mission of seamless integration of multimodal ML models into biomedical
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Multimodal Machine Learning in Image-Based and Clinical Biomedicine: Survey and Prospects.
Machine learning (ML) applications in medical artificial intelligence (AI) systems have shifted from traditional and statistical methods to increasing application of deep learning models. This survey navigates the current landscape of multimodal ML, focusing on its profound impact on medical image analysis and clinical decision support systems. Emphasizing challenges and innovations in addressing multimodal representation, fusion, translation, alignment, and co-learning, the paper explores the transformative potential of multimodal models for clinical predictions. It also highlights the need for principled assessments and practical implementation of such models, bringing attention to the dynamics between decision support systems and healthcare providers and personnel. Despite advancements, challenges such as data biases and the scarcity of big data in many biomedical domains persist. We conclude with a discussion on principled innovation and collaborative efforts to further the mission of seamless integration of multimodal ML models into biomedical practice
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