617 research outputs found

    Il GIS come strumento di stima delle aree suscettibili alla coltura di Hedysarum coronarium, per la produzione di biodiesel in Sicilia

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    zonizzazione del territorio siciliano suscettibile di rifornire una filiera bioenergetica che utilizza la sulla, Hedysarum coronarium, per la produzione di biodiesel

    La filiera cerealicola siciliana

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 200

    On the General Analytical Solution of the Kinematic Cosserat Equations

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    Based on a Lie symmetry analysis, we construct a closed form solution to the kinematic part of the (partial differential) Cosserat equations describing the mechanical behavior of elastic rods. The solution depends on two arbitrary analytical vector functions and is analytical everywhere except a certain domain of the independent variables in which one of the arbitrary vector functions satisfies a simple explicitly given algebraic relation. As our main theoretical result, in addition to the construction of the solution, we proof its generality. Based on this observation, a hybrid semi-analytical solver for highly viscous two-way coupled fluid-rod problems is developed which allows for the interactive high-fidelity simulations of flagellated microswimmers as a result of a substantial reduction of the numerical stiffness.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Fundamental aspects of arm repair phase in two echinoderm models

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    Regeneration is a post-embryonic developmental process that ensures complete morphological and functional restoration of lost body parts. The repair phase is a key step for the effectiveness of the subsequent regenerative process: in vertebrates, efficient re-epithelialisation, rapid inflammatory/immune response and post-injury tissue remodelling are fundamental aspects for the success of this phase, their impairment leading to an inhibition or total prevention of regeneration. Among deuterostomes, echinoderms display a unique combination of striking regenerative abilities and diversity of useful experimental models, although still largely unexplored. Therefore, the brittle star Amphiura filiformis and the starfish Echinaster sepositus were here used to comparatively investigate the main repair phase events after injury as well as the presence and expression of immune system and extracellular matrix (i.e. collagen) molecules using both microscopy and molecular tools. Our results showed that emergency reaction and re-epithelialisation are similar in both echinoderm models, being faster and more effective than in mammals. Moreover, in comparison to the latter, both echinoderms showed delayed and less abundant collagen deposition at the wound site (absence of fibrosis). The gene expression patterns of molecules related to the immune response, such as Ese-fib-like (starfishes) and Afi-ficolin (brittle stars), were described for the first time during echinoderm regeneration providing promising starting points to investigate the immune system role in these regeneration models. Overall, the similarities in repair events and timing within the echinoderms and the differences with what has been reported in mammals suggest that effective repair processes in echinoderms play an important role for their subsequent ability to regenerate. Targeted molecular and functional analyses will shed light on the evolution of these abilities in the deuterostomian lineage

    Rapporto tecnico sulle attività di campionamento della “Campagna Oceanografica CISAS_2” Crotone 07-12 dicembre 2017

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    Le attività di campionamento ed acquisizione dati svolte durante la campagna CISAS_2 si inseriscono in seno al progetto “Centro internazionale di studi avanzati su ambiente ed impatti su ecosistema e salute umana (CISAS)” del CNR. L’obiettivo principale del progetto CISAS è la comprensione dei processi e dei meccanismi di trasferimento di alcuni contaminanti convenzionali (metalli pesanti, POPs, radionuclidi, ecc.) e di alcuni contaminanti emergenti (PDBE, composti farmaceutici di nuova generazione, ecc.) dall’ambiente inteso come l’insieme di atmosfera-suoli-acque sotterranee-matrici marine (acque e sedimento) all’ecosistema e all’uomo. Le aree di indagine del progetto sono i Siti di Interesse Nazionale (SIN) di Priolo, Milazzo-Pace del Mela e Crotone che, per specificità e modalità di impatto antropogenico sull’ambiente, l’ecosistema e la salute umana, coprono un ampio spettro di tipologie di interesse. La campagna oceanografica CISAS_ 2 è stata dedicata alla caratterizzazione ambientale del SIN di Crotone, nonché all’identificazione delle sorgenti dei contaminanti la cui distribuzione si ritiene di interesse (per i valori di concentrazione riscontrati nelle diverse matrici ambientali e per livello di tossicità associata agli effetti degli stessi sulla salute dell’ecosistema e dell’uomo) e i pathways di deposizione nelle aree di interesse

    Construction and Performance of Large-Area Triple-GEM Prototypes for Future Upgrades of the CMS Forward Muon System

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    At present, part of the forward RPC muon system of the CMS detector at the CERN LHC remains uninstrumented in the high-\eta region. An international collaboration is investigating the possibility of covering the 1.6 < |\eta| < 2.4 region of the muon endcaps with large-area triple-GEM detectors. Given their good spatial resolution, high rate capability, and radiation hardness, these micro-pattern gas detectors are an appealing option for simultaneously enhancing muon tracking and triggering capabilities in a future upgrade of the CMS detector. A general overview of this feasibility study will be presented. The design and construction of small (10\times10 cm2) and full-size trapezoidal (1\times0.5 m2) triple-GEM prototypes will be described. During detector assembly, different techniques for stretching the GEM foils were tested. Results from measurements with x-rays and from test beam campaigns at the CERN SPS will be shown for the small and large prototypes. Preliminary simulation studies on the expected muon reconstruction and trigger performances of this proposed upgraded muon system will be reported.Comment: 7 pages, 25 figures, submitted for publication in conference record of the 2011 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Valencia, Spai

    An overview of the design, construction and performance of large area triple-GEM prototypes for future upgrades of the CMS forward muon system

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    GEM detectors are used in high energy physics experiments given their good spatial resolution, high rate capability and radiation hardness. An international collaboration is investigating the possibility of covering the 1.6 < vertical bar eta vertical bar < 2.4 region of the CMS muon endcaps with large-area triple-GEM detectors. The CMS high-eta area is actually not fully instrumented, only Cathode Strip Chamber (CSC) are installed. The vacant area presents an opportunity for a detector technology able to to cope with the harsh radiation environment; these micropattern gas detectors are an appealing option to simultaneously enhance muon tracking and triggering capabilities in a future upgrade of the CMS detector. A general overview of this feasibility study is presented. Design and construction of small (10cm x 10cm) and full-size trapezoidal (1m x 0.5m) triple-GEM prototypes is described. Results from measurements with x-rays and from test beam campaigns at the CERN SPS is shown for the small and large prototypes. Preliminary simulation studies on the expected muon reconstruction and trigger performances of this proposed upgraded muon system are reported