17 research outputs found

    Dizajn, klasifikacija, perspektiva i moguća aplikacija dronova u poljoprivredu Srbije

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    The paper analyzes the possibility and the needs for the use of specific types of robots (mini unmanned aircraft with different designs and the designation of UAVs) and the possibility of using in agriculture (agrodrone). The year 2015 was proclaimed (Fortune Magazine, 2016) as the year of increasing and widespread use of UAVs in various areas of human activity, especially in agriculture and forestry (75% of use). This is important for large farm areas, where UAV has many useful functions and a very cost-effective commercial application. Today, the needs for UAVs have increased sharply with various opportunities for both civilian and military needs. There is also a significant interest in the development of new drones that can autonomously fly in different environments and locations and can perform various missions and tasks. Over the past decade, a wide range of applications for drones has gained the significance that led to the discovery of various types of unmanned UAVs of different sizes and weights. In this review, the classification of UAVs ranging based on a detailed overview of the development of the drone industry in recent years, this paper demonstrates the evolution of drones and differents application technologies. Of course, this development is very advanced and revolutionary, as well as the development of mobile and smart phones and the Internet, which will open the way for many users to participate in defining the future of UAV implementation. LIVONA Company, Belgrade, Serbia (and Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade, in tehnical cooperation) has a study and plans on the implementation of the model micro drone EBee SQ Livona RTK in the future general plans for inspection of protection Soils of territory Minicipality of Stara Pazova (351 km2), and agricultural company Napredak , and exspecially plans for soils of agriculture of R. Serbia. VEKOM GeoCompany from Belgrade, (in cooperation with Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade), has a study and plans on the implementation of the model of the drone Aibot KX6 model, in the future of application of agricultural soils of region Open pit Kolubara for area from app. 600 km2 and the other soils of Region). Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade, in cooperation with Municipality of Ub, has a study and plans on the implementation of the model micro drone Hubsan H109S X4 PRO in the future plans general inspection of protection Soils and Waters of territory of Municipality Ub (456 km2).U radu su analizirane mogućnosti i potrebe upotrebe specifičnih vrsta robota (mini bespilotnih letelica sa različitim dizajnom, označane kao UAV) i način korištenja u poljoprivredi (agrodron). Časopis Fortune je 2015.godinu proglasio kao godinu sve većeg i široko rasprostranjene upotrbe UAV letelica, u različitim oblastima ljudske delatnosti, posebno u poljoprivredi i šumarstvu (75% upotrebe). Ovo je naročito važno za velike farme i oblasti pod šumama, gde UAV ima mnogo korisnih funkcija i veoma isplative komercijalne aplikacije. Danas, potrebe za UAV imaju nagli porast sa različitim mogućnostima kako za civilne tako i za vojne potrebe. Takođe postoji značajan interes za razvoj novih bespilotnih letelica koji mogu autonomno leteti u različitim okruženjima i lokacijama i obaviti različite misije i zadatke. Tokom protekle decenije XXI veka, širok spektar aplikacija za bespilotne letelice je dobio značaj koji je doveo do konstrukcija različitih tipova bespilotnih UAV, različitih veličina i težina i svakako namene. Naravno, tehnološki razvoj kod dron sistema je veoma tehničko-tehnološki napredan i revolucionaran, uz razvoj mobilnih i pametnih (android) telefona i interneta, brzo otvora puteve i mogućnosti za mnoge korisnike u definisanju nove budućnosti implementacije UAV u različitim oblastima primene . Kompanija Livona d.o.o., Beograd i Institut za poljoprivrednu tehniku, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Beogradu, u tehničkoj saradnji imaju planove o implementaciji modela mikro drona EBee SK Livona RTK u narednim generalnim planovima za inspekciju, zaštitu i korišćenje poljoprivrednih zemljišta Republike Srbije, i posebno teritorije Opštine Stara Pazova (351 km2), gde je posebno mesto poljoprivrednog preduzeća Napredak a.d. VekomGeo d.o.o, Beograd u saradnji sa Institutom za poljoprivrednu tehniku Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Beogradu ima planove o budućoj upotrebi drona model Aibot X6, za nadzor na površinama od 600 km2 (i poljoprivredna zemljišta) otvorenog kopa R.B. Kolubara ili drugih objekata. Institut za poljoprivrednu tehniku, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Beogradu, ima planove o saradnji sa opštinom Ub, zbog upotrebe modela mikro drona Hubsan H109S Ks4 PRO u inspekciji oko zaštite i načina korišćenja zemljišta i voda na ovoj teritoriji (456 km2)

    Physical and technical aspects of quality assurance in mammography in the Republic of Srpska

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    Breast cancer is the most frequent malignant neoplasm affecting the female population. In order to reduce its morbidity and mortality rate, a mammography screening campaign has been established in both entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this paper, a brief survey is given on the mammography screening practice in the Republic of Srpska. As an illustration, results of measurements of technical parameters, including mean glandular dose, for 31 mammography units are presented. Large fluctuations in dose among different measuring sites were found, unacceptable not only from the standpoint of mammography screening, but in clinical mammography as a whole. Subsequently, a series of quality control tests and corrective measures throughout the mammography imaging chain are proposed, in line with international guidelines and newly promulgated national legislation. Dose optimisation and image quality improvement are the first and foremost goals to be achieved in order to setup a successful mammography screening program

    The effect of bilberries on diabetes-related alterations of interstitial cells of Cajal in the lower oesophageal sphincter in rats

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    Diabetic gastroenteropathy involves not only the parasympathetic and sympathetic autonomic nerves, but also enteric neurons, smooth muscle cells and interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC). ICC are the cells of mesenchymal origin that occur within and around the muscle layers in the gastrointestinal tract. The objective of the present study was to investigate the alterations of ICC in the lower oesophageal sphincter (LOS) of streptozotocin-nicotinamide non-insulin-dependent diabetes rats. Moreover, we investigated possible ICC in rats with the same type of diabetes, treated with bilberry fruit extract, bearing in mind that its hypoglycemic effect had been already proven. Male Wistar rats (10 weeks old) were used, and diabetes was induced by an intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin, immediately after intraperitoneal application of nicotinamide. The specimens were exposed to anti-c-kit antibodies to investigate the distribution of ICC, and the smooth muscle cells were immunohistochemically labelled using anti-desmin antibodies. Intramuscular ICC were very abundant in the LOS of rats. They were spindle-shaped, with two long processes connecting them into long linear sequences. In the LOS of diabetic rats, intramuscular ICC were rarely present and linear cell-cell connections between these cells were completely missing. In groups treated with bilberry, the number and distribution of ICC were exactly the same as in the above described rats with induced diabetes. In summary, a decrease of intramuscular ICC, discontinuities and breakdown of contacts between ICC were observed in streptozotocin-nicotinamide induced diabetes rats and in groups treated with bilberry. Bilberry fruit extract was shown to have hypoglycemic activity, but without any protective effects on ICC in the LOS of diabetic rats

    Factors associated with patient and health system delays in diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis in Montenegro, 2015–2016

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>Fundamental measures of control of tuberculosis are early detection and timely treatment of the affected. The aim of this study was to identify factors associated with patient-related and health system-related delays among patients with tuberculosis in the Republic of Montenegro.</p><p>Methods</p><p>A cross-sectional study included 130 tuberculosis patients older than 15 years of age. The inclusion criteria were diagnosis of tuberculosis based on clinical, pathohistological and microbiological findings. Patient delay referred to the number of days between the onset of symptoms and the first consultation with general practitioner (GP). Health system delay represented the number of days between the first consultation with GP and the initiation of tuberculosis treatment.We classified delays longer than median delay length as 'prolonged delays'. Delays greater than 75<sup>th</sup> percentile of the maximum length of delay were classified as 'extreme delays'.</p><p>Results</p><p>Distribution of patient and health system delay in the overall delay was apprioximately equal (49% vs. 51%). Being married (OR = 2.54, p = 0.026) and having more negative attitudes towards tuberculosis (OR = 4.00, p = 0.045) were associated with extreme patient delay. Greater knowledge on tuberculosis was associated with lower likelihood of prolonged (OR = 0.24, p = 0.031) and extreme (OR = 0.30, p = 0.012) patient delay. Persons with negative sputum smear were more likely to experience prolonged (OR = 7.01, p<0.001) and extreme (OR = 4.40, p = 0.032) health system delay. Persons older than 47 years of age were more likely to experience prolonged health system delay (OR = 2.61, p = 0.042). Specialist consultation delay was associated with prolonged (OR = 1.08, p = 0.001) and extreme (OR = 1.05, p<0.001) health system delay.</p><p>Conclusion</p><p>Contribution to overall delay is equally distributed between the patients and the health care system. Improvement of knowledge in the general population and continuing medical education of the health care workers on tuberculosis could lead to reduction in patient and health system delays in treatment of tuberculosis.</p></div

    Sidorenkite (Na3MnPO4CO3): A New Intercalation Cathode Material for Na-Ion Batteries

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    Na-ion batteries represent an effective energy storage technology with slightly lower energy and power densities but potentially lower material costs than Li-ion batteries. Here, we report a new polyanionic intercalation cathode material of an unusual chemical class: sidorenkite (Na3MnPO4CO3). This carbonophosphate compound shows a high discharge capacity (∼125 mAh/g) and specific energy (374 Wh/kg). In situ X-ray diffraction measurement suggests that sidorenkite undergoes a solid solution type reversible topotactic structural evolution upon electrochemical cycling. Ex situ solid state NMR investigation reveals that more than one Na per formula unit can be deintercalated from the structure, indicating a rarely observed two-electron intercalation reaction in which both Mn2+/Mn3+ and Mn3+/Mn4+ redox couples are electrochemically active


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    Introduction/aim: The aims of this study were to develop a population pharmacokinetic (PPK) model for the clearance of 25-hydroxy vitamin D in non-elderly postmenopausal women and to identify the factors which have a significant influence on its clearance. Methods: The study population consisted of postmenopausal women who had been referred for evaluation of bone mineral density (BMD) by DEXA (dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry) scanner. The population pharmacokinetics modelling was conducted using the ADVAN 1 subroutine from a non-linear mixed effects (NONMEM) program, and thirty-two covariates were assessed. Results: A total of 75 serum concentrations were obtained from the same number of postmenopausal women and used for PPK analysis. The mean values of the participants’ age was 57.92±3.93 years and their body weight was 69.76±11.49kg. A wide range of 25-hydroxy vitamin D concentrations was observed (from 3.41 to 61.92ng/mL) with a mean value of 26.19±10.95ng/mL. A total of 32 covariates were examined and preliminary results suggested the influence of six covariates on 25-hydroxy vitamin D clearance. In the final PPK model however, only one covariate was shown to have a significant impact on the clearance value – the mean daily dietary intake dose of vitamin D (DD). Conclusions: These findings offer a preliminary basis on which to determine the level of vitamin D supplementation required by individual postmenopausal women. It could prove particularly important in achieving optimal serum levels of vitamin D in this vulnerable population