35 research outputs found

    Shelf-life study of osmodehydrated white cabbage packaged in modified atmosphere: A mathematical approach

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    Osmotic treatment (OT) is a process applied for drying of fruits and vegetables where the hypertonic solution is osmotic medium. White cabbage (cultivar ā€žFutoÅ”kiā€œ) shelf-life analysis was conducted after OT in three different hypertonic solutions: a mixture of commercial sucrose and NaCl (S1), a mixture of S1 and molasses in the ratio 1:1 (S2) and. pure sugar beet molasses (85.4% dry matter) (S3). After the OT, cabbage samples were packed in high barrier bags in the modified atmosphere packaging (MAP). The composition of two mix-tures of used gas (40:60/CO2:N2 and 80:20/CO2:N2) was imported into bags. The samples were analysed for L-ascorbic acid content, pH, acidity and a total number of microorganisms and sensorial attributes during 90 days of storage in a refrigerator at 4-8 Ā°C in defined time intervals. During the 90-day storage in the MAP, microbiological analysis showed that the number of microorganisms decreased during the storage in the MAP. The highest retention of ascorbic acid (27.35%) was observed in OT cabbage dehydrated in pure molasses solution and 80:20/CO2:N2 gas mixture after 90 days of storage. Sensory analysis showed that osmodehydrated cabbage for 20 days in S1, and 45 days for OT cabbage in solutions S2 and S3 had acceptable consumable characteristics

    Trading quality and breadmaking performance of wheat treated with natural zeolite and diatomaceous earth

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    The aim of study was to investigate the influence of naturally occurring zeolite and diatomaceous earth, as inert dusts approved for insect pest control in certified organic crop production, on trading and breadmaking quality of treated wheat. The treatments significantly reduced the trading quality of wheat which was reflected through lowering of test weight. This effect was more marked in the case of low-vitreous wheat rather than in high-vitreous one. Investigation of rheological properties of flours made from the treated wheat demonstrated that treatments with natural zeolite and diatomaceous earth at all applied doses significantly increased the water absorption, which consequently increased the bread yield. However, these changes in the flour properties were not high enough to modify the quality attributes of bread as was shown by instrumentally measuring crumb hardness and springiness as well as sensory evaluation

    Fate of Fusarium mycotoxins during the production process of bakery products

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    Producing safe food is a goal and an obligation for each producer. Mycotoxins by representing the most significant contaminants of grain are considered to be the main risk in the production of safe bakery products. Conditions during the production process defined by temperature regime, duration of the temperature regime, moisture content, pH value, as well as the type and level of mycotoxin concentration in the matrix are the most important factors influencing the reduction of mycotoxin content. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of production process of different types of bread, rusk, bread crumbs and biscuits on the content of deoxynivalenol, zearalenone and total fumonisins in bakery products. Samples of naturally contaminated whole grain wheat flour (DON 700 Ī¼g/kg), wheat flour type T-1100 (DON 500 Ī¼g/kg) and whole kernel corn flour (DON 2420 Ī¼g/kg, ZON 292 Ī¼g/kg and Total FUMO 554 Ī¼g/kg) were used to examine the influence of the production process on the content of Fusarium mycotoxins in bakery products. Experimental production of different types of bread, rusk, bread crumbs and biscuits was conducted in a bakery pilot plant. RidascreenĀ® ELISA-assay was used to analyze the content of deoxynivalenol, zearalenone and total fumonisins. Based on the results it was concluded that the process of production of bread, rusk, bread crumbs and biscuits significantly reduces the content of deoxynivalenol, zearalenone and total fumonisins in final products (p<0,05). However, in some cases (rusk and bread crumbs) results raised a question if the % of reduction is high enough to make the final product compliant to European legislation (Reg. 1881/2006). Although European Food Safety Authority and the European Commission had frequently expressed opinions on Fusarium toxins, setting limits, regulations and guidelines in order to reduce their levels in raw materials and food commodities: maximum limits for mycotoxins set by European legislation (Reg. 1881/2006) apply to content in 'product as is' regardless the huge difference in moisture content in various products grouped in same category

    Termo-mehanička i senzorna svojstva pŔeničnog i ražanog hleba pripremljenih sa različitim koncentracijama aditiva

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    The effects of different concentrations of complex additive containing emulsifiers, oxido-reductive substances and enzymes, on the rheological conditions of dough and sensory properties of three groups of bread were investigated. The dough obtained from mixed wheat and rye flours had the best initial quality and the lowest degree of protein network weakening. The best expected baking properties were shown by the white wheat flour due to the least damage of its starch. The use of the additive had an effect on the absorption of water and on the majority of S-values of all sorts of flour. The amount of additive had a significant effect on the sensory properties of wheat bread crumb texture. Also, storage duration significantly affected (p lt 0.01) the sensory properties of integral wheat bread aroma-taste and the weighted mean score. The interaction of these two factors had no significant effect on any of sensory properties of the investigated groups of bread.Primenom klasičnih reoloÅ”kih metoda moguće je ispitati kvalitet braÅ”na i njegovu pogodnost za specifične namene, uglavnom na bazi osobina proteina i skorba. Upotrebom savremenih uređaja simuliraju se procesi koji se odvijaju tokom proizvodnje hleba i dobija se niz informacija o fizičkim parametrima testa (apsorpcija vode, razvoj i stabilnost testa, mehanička i termička razgradnja proteinske mreže), stanju skroba u testu (nivo želatinizacije, amilolitička aktivnost, stabilnost pri kuvanju) uz značajno skraćen postupka ispitivanja. U ovom radu, ispitivani su efekti različitih koncentracija kombinovanog aditiva na reoloÅ”ka svojstva testa i senzorne osobine tri grupe hleba. Najbolji početni kvalitet i najniži stepen slabljenja proteinske mreže je uočen kod testa dobijenog iz meÅ”avine pÅ”eničnog i ražanog braÅ”na. Najbolja očekivana pecivna svojstva imalo je belo pÅ”enično braÅ”no, zbog najmanjeg oÅ”tećenja skroba. Upotreba aditiva uticala je na apsorpciju vode i na većinu C-vrednosti svih vrsta braÅ”na. Koncentracija aditiva imala je značajan uticaj na senzorno svojstvo teksture, tj, mrvljivost pÅ”eničnog hleba. Vreme skladiÅ”tenja je veoma značajno (p lt 0,01) uticalo na senzorna svojstava arome tj. ukusa integralnog pÅ”eničnog hleba i statistički značajno na ponderisanu srednju vrednost ocene ovog hleba. Interakcija ova dva faktora nema statistički značajan uticaj na bilo koje od senzornih svojstava ispitivanih grupa hleba

    Quality characteristics of tortilla chips based on dark red corn

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    Tortilla chips belong to the snack product group, which are popular foods in the diet of the widest population. However, they are characterized by an increased content of fat and salt, while the dietary fibers content is decreased. Snack products with such a nutritional composition can cause metabolic disorders cardiovascular and oncological diseases. The main goal of this research was to formulate nutritionally improved tortilla chips, with reduced fat and salt content and increased fiber content. This can be achieved by applying a basic raw material with functional properties such as dark red corn, as well as by modification in the final stage of processing tortilla chips. Dark red corn is a highly nutritional raw material with health effect derived from anthocyanins and other phenolic compounds. Flour from dark red corn was utilized for the production of tortilla chips. The proportions at the final mix were 80:20 mass percents (corn: wheat). Tortilla chips were moulded and baked in a preheated oven at 200Ā°C for 10 min

    Potential and advantages of colored maize hybrids application in bakery products

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    Apart from its significant influence on the technological properties of bread, pigmented maize has gained newfound attention from a nutraceutical perspective due to its potential health benefits. The present study was carried out to demonstrate the effects of different maize flour on the physical, textural and sensory properties of composite breads. Chemical characterization of composite flours made with four different types of color maize was assessed. Furthermore, the content of total phenolics, flavonoids, anthocyanins, in composite flours was determined. Composite flour with blue maize had a higher total phenolic content (1380.07 mg GAE/kg d.m.) than those with yellow and red maize (1037.28 and 1129.45 mg GAE/kg d.m., respectively) as well as with light blue maize (976.45 mg GAE/kg d.m.). The total flavonoid content did not vary greatly among composite flour samples. Results demonstrated a maximum anthocyanin level in the blue maize composite flour (286.79 mg CGE/kg d.m.), which was higher by approximately 70% and 38% than the level measured in the light blue and red maize composite flours, respectively. In the yellow maize composite flour anthocyanins were not detected. The data for the physical and textural analysis of composite bread reveal that the loaf volume of the colored maize composite bread samples ranged from 182.50ml to 188.01ml. Red maize composite bread showed the lowest crumb hardness, the highest loaf volume and specific volume as well as the highest springiness value. Maize composite bread loaves had a typical and pleasant odor and taste, and the aroma was very intensive. Results obtained might be beneficial to further study how ingredient proportion, improvers or processing conditions affect the textural and sensory attributes of the final product from composite maize flour

    Uticaj askorbinske kiseline i Å”ećera na fizička, teksturna i senzorna svojstva meÅ”anih pÅ”enično-kukuruznih hlebova

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    The present study was carried out to demonstrate the combined effects of different maize flour, ascorbic acid and sugar on the physical, textural and sensory properties of composite breads. The composite flour was prepared using 70% of wheat flour and 30% of flour obtained from grain of differently colored maize-light blue, blue, red and yellow maize flour. Chemical characterization of composite flours made with four different types of maize was also assessed. Furthermore, the content of total phenolics, flavonoids, anthocyanins, phenolic acids and antioxidant capacity in composite flours was determined. A total of 12 breads were prepared, four of which were control composite breads, four breads with ascorbic acid, and four were breads with ascorbic acid and sugar. The content of total phenolic compounds showed clear differences among all composite flours. The anthocyanins content determined in composite flours was in the following descending order: blue>red>light blue, while in the yellow maize composite flour anthocyanins were not detected. The results showed that the addition of AsA (0.025%) and sugar (5%) negatively affected the volume as well as the specific volume of composite wheat-maize breads. The texture analysis showed that the addition of AsA in the amount of 0.025% had no impact on springiness, cohesiveness and resilience of bread crumb, while it increased crumb hardness. However, composite breads made with AsA and AsA/sugar showed a more compact structure, with a larger number of cells and smaller mean cell areas. AsA/sugar bread samples within the tested doses had the lowest springiness, which is indicative of brittleness and reflects the tendency of the bread to crumble when slicing. Results of the sensory evaluation revealed that the AsA and sugar addition had a generally positive effect on the investigated sensory attributes.U ovom radu, ispitivan je zajednički uticaj braÅ”na kukuruza različite boje zrna, askorbinske kiseline i Å”ećera na fizička, teksturna i senzorna svojstva meÅ”anog pÅ”enično- kukuruznog hleba. SmeÅ”a braÅ”na je pripremljena od 70% pÅ”eničnog braÅ”na i 30% braÅ”na dobijenog od različito obojenog kukuruznog zrna ā€“ svetloplavog, plavog, crvenog i žutog. IzvrÅ”ena je i hemijska karakterizacija pÅ”enično-kukuruznih smeÅ”a braÅ”na. U pÅ”enično- kukuruznim smeÅ”ama braÅ”na određen je sadržaj ukupnih fenola, flavonoida, antocijana, fenolnih kiselina i antioksidativni kapacitet. Ukupno je pripremljeno 12 hlebova, od kojih su četiri bila kontrolna, četiri sa askorbinskom kiselinom i četiri hleba sa askorbinskom kiselinom i Å”ećerom. Sadržaj ukupnih fenolnih jedinjenja pokazao je jasne razlike između svih pÅ”enično-kukuruznih smeÅ”a braÅ”na. Sadržaj antocijana je u smeÅ”ama pÅ”enično- kukuruznog braÅ”na imao sledeći opadajući redosled: smeÅ”a sa plavim kukuruzom>crvenim kukuruzom>svetlo plavim kukuruzom, dok u smeÅ”i pÅ”eničnog braÅ”na i braÅ”na žutog kukuruza antocijani nisu detektovani. Rezultati su pokazali da je dodatak askorbinske kiseline (0,025%) i Å”ećera (5%) negativno uticao na zapreminu kao i na specifičnu zapreminu meÅ”anih pÅ”enično-kukuruznih hlebova. Analiza teksture je pokazala da dodatak askorbinske kiseline u količini od 0,025% nije uticao na elastičnost, kohezivnost i elastičnost sredine hleba, ali je povećao tvrdoću sredine. Međutim, meÅ”ani pÅ”enično-kukuruzni hlebovi sa dodatkom askorbinske kiseline i askorbinske kiseline i Å”ećera, su pokazali kompaktniju strukturu sa većim brojem pora. Uzorci hleba sa askorbinskom kiselinom i Å”ećerom u ispitivanim dozama imali su najmanju elastičnost, Å”to ukazuje na krtost i odražava se na mrvljenje hleba prilikom sečenja. Rezultati senzorne analize pokazali su da je dodatak askorbinske kiseline i Å”ećera generalno imao pozitivan uticaj na ispitivana senzorna svojstva

    Comparative study on the physico-chemical, textural and thermal properties of instant porridges based on spelt and oats

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    Changing of food habits and increased preference for healthy meals, along with the growth of breakfast industry has increased the size of 'ready-made' and instant porridge market in Serbia. Porridges dominantly marketed are those based on oats. However, there is a growing interest of local producers to use other cereals for porridge production. Therefore, this work was aimed to estimate the porridge-making ability of spelt wheat (Triticum aestivum spp. spelta) in comparison to that of oats. The studied porridges are instant products, based on extruded spelt or oat flour. The proximate composition, hydration properties (water absorption index-WAI and water solubility index-WSI), consistency and thermal properties were determined with the aim to compare the characteristics of the porridges. In general, the spelt-based porridge had more total and insoluble fibres, proteins, minerals and less available carbohydrates in comparison to the oat porridge. The spelt porridge may be eligible to bear the nutritional claim 'high-fibre' which is advantageous for the market viability of the product. Both porridges had >20% of damaged starch due to high initial content in the flours and extrusion processing of flours, though spelt-based extrudate and porridge were significantly higher in this parameter. Oat-based extrudate and porridge were higher in resistant starch content. The consistency was similar between the porridges, although spelt tended to form slightly firmer and cohesive porridge. Spelt porridge had better hydration properties (higher WAI) which are a featured attribute for this kind of product, similarly to higher consistency values. Spelt wheat, in its extruded form, is a suitable ingredient for porridge production

    The effect of thermal processing on the content and antioxidant capacity of free and bound phenolics of cookies enriched by nettle (Urtica dioica L.) seed flour and extract

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    The content of free and bound phenolics and their antioxidant capacity in cookies enriched by nettle seed flour and a nettle seed phenolic extract, before, during and after thermal processing (baking at 180Ā°C for 25 min) were examined. The results compare these properties to a cookie obtained only from wheat flour, as the control. Better results were obtained by incorporating nettle seed flour than nettle seed extract. During thermal processing, different changes of phenolic content and antioxidant capacity (increase, decrease or retention) occurred, depending on the form of the phenolics (free or bound), thermal processing time, the cookie and applied antioxidant assays. The free and bound phenolics in the cookie with seed flour were more stable than in the other cookies. At the end of the thermal processing, the cookie with nettle seed flour had a higher content of free and bound phenolics (2.1 and 2.5 times, respectively), and greater antioxidant capacity (the DPPH RSC of free and bound phenolics 9.2 and 4.6 times, and of reducing power 1.6 and 3.4 times, respectively) than the control. There are great possibilities of using nettle seeds in the food industry with the aim of obtaining a functional product with powerful health benefits