656 research outputs found

    KS3 and KS4 learners' use of Web 2.0 technologies in and out of school - summary

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    This is a summary of the second report from research commissioned by Becta into Web 2.0 technologies for learning at Key Stages 3 and 4. This report describes findings from data collected using a guided survey of 2,611 Year 8 and Year 10 pupils and 60 focus groups held with approximately 300 learners. The analysis explores learner use of Web 2.0 technologies and their motivations for using social networking sites and the implications of these findings for teachers and providers

    Measuring the electrical impedance of mouse brain tissue

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    We report on an experimental method to measure conductivity of cortical tissue. We use a pair of 5mm diameter Ag/AgCl electrodes in a Perspex sandwich device that can be brought to a distance of 400 microns apart. The apparatus is brought to uniform temperature before use. Electrical impedance of a sample is measured across the frequency range 20 Hz-2.0 MHz with an Agilent 4980A four-point impedance monitor in a shielded room. The equipment has been used to measure the conductivity of mature mouse brain cortex in vitro. Slices 400 microns in thickness are prepared on a vibratome. Slices are bathed in artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF) to keep them alive. Slices are removed from the ACSF and sections of cortical tissue approximately 2 mm times 2 mm are cut with a razor blade. The sections are photographed through a calibrated microscope to allow identification of their cross-sectional areas. Excess ACSF is removed from the sample and the sections places between the electrodes. The impedance is measured across the frequency range and electrical conductivity calculated. Results show two regions of dispersion. A low frequency region is evident below approximately 10 kHz, and a high frequency dispersion above this. Results at the higher frequencies show a good fit to the Cole-Cole model of impedance of biological tissue; this model consists of resistive and non-linear capacitive elements. Physically, these elements are likely to arise due to membrane polarization and migration of ions both intra- and extra-cellularly.http://www.iupab2014.org/assets/IUPAB/NewFolder/iupab-abstracts.pd

    Implementing Web 2.0 in secondary schools: impacts, barriers and issues

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    One of the reports from the Web 2.0 technologies for learning at KS3 and KS4 project. This report explored Impact of Web 2.0 technologies on learning and teaching and drew upon evidence from multiple sources: field studies of 27 schools across the country; guided surveys of 2,600 school students; 100 interviews and 206 online surveys conducted with managers, teachers and technical staff in these schools; online surveys of the views of 96 parents; interviews held with 18 individual innovators in the field of Web 2.0 in education; and interviews with nine regional managers responsible for implementation of ICT at national level

    Performance Development of European Swimmers Across the Olympic Cycle.

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    The aims of the study were to (1) quantify the performance development of race times and key performance indicators of European swimmers across the last Olympic cycle (from 2016 to 2021) and (2) provide reference values for long-course swimming pool events for both sexes from 50 m to 1,500 m including butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle, and individual medley. Individual events from the 2016 and 2021 European swimming championships were included. Specifically, 246 men (age: 24.2 ± 3.4 years, FINA points: 890 ± 40) and 256 women races (age: 24.2 ± 4, FINA points: 879 ± 38) of the finalists were recorded and key performance indicators and split times analyzed. Performance differences in finalists of the 2016 and 2021 European championships were determined by an independent t-test and Cohen's d effect size. Reference values were retrieved from 2021 European championship finalists and are provided for all key performance indicators. Race times improved significantly (P 1) in 14 (men) and 6 (women) out of 16 events. Improvements were primarily evident in 100 m and 200 m events for males, as well as BR and sprint events for female swimmers. While start times improved in 15 (men) and 14 (women) events, turn times remained inconclusive in both sexes. Generally, breakout distances increased. Clean swimming velocities were faster in 12 (men) and 5 (women) events. In particular, for alternating swimming strokes, i.e., backstroke and freestyle, effect sizes indicated improved swimming efficiency with an inverse relationship between reduced stroke rate and increased distance per stroke. Coaches and performance analysts may use the present reference values as comparative data for race analyses and to specifically prepare swimmers for the various race sections. Data on the performance development should be used to analyze swimmers' potential and set goals for the various events and the next Olympic cycle

    Variation in Coral Thermotolerance Across a Pollution Gradient Erodes as Coral Symbionts Shift to More Heat-Tolerant Genera

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    Phenotypic plasticity is one mechanism whereby species may cope with stressful environmental changes associated with climate change. Reef building corals present a good model for studying phenotypic plasticity because they have experienced rapid climate-driven declines in recent decades (within a single generation of many corals), often with differential survival among individuals during heat stress. Underlying differences in thermotolerance may be driven by differences in baseline levels of environmental stress, including pollution stress. To examine this possibility, acute heat stress experiments were conducted on Acropora hyacinthus from 10 sites around Tutuila, American Samoa with differing nutrient pollution impact. A threshold-based heat stress assay was conducted in 2014 and a ramp-hold based assay was conducted in 2019. Bleaching responses were measured by assessing color paling. Endosymbiont community composition was assessed at each site using quantitative PCR. RNA sequencing was used to compare differences in coral gene expression patterns prior to and during heat stress in 2019. In 2014, thermotolerance varied among sites, with polluted sites holding more thermotolerant corals. These differences in thermotolerance correlated with differences in symbiont communities, with higher proportions of heat-tolerant Durusdinium found in more polluted sites. By 2019, thermotolerance varied less among sites, with no clear trend by pollution level. This coincided with a shift toward Durusdinium across all sites, reducing symbiont community differences seen in 2014. While pollution and symbiont community no longer could explain variation in thermotolerance by 2019, gene expression patterns at baseline levels could be used to predict thermotolerance thresholds. These patterns suggest that the mechanisms underlying thermotolerance shifted between 2014 and 2019, though it is possible trends may have also been affected by methodological differences between heat stress assays. This study documents a shift in symbiont community over time and captures potential implications of that shift, including how it affects variation in thermotolerance among neighboring reefs. This work also highlights how gene expression patterns could help identify heat-tolerant corals in a future where most corals are dominated by Durusdinium and symbiont-driven thermotolerance has reached an upper limit

    Moving teaching online: cultural barriers experienced by university teachers during Covid19

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    This empirical study examines the experiences of academics and professional service staff in a large UK university during first weeks of the transition to online teaching and working from home during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method draws on the work by Gourlay and Oliver (2018) to explore engagement with the digital university in everyday practice. Using data from 412 survey responses and 32 interviews, the study traces varying ways staff characterised themselves during the first months of lockdown in the UK (from March to July, 2020). The findings highlight that university support services underwent a metamorphosis to support the transition to online teaching. However, insufficient attention was paid to the ‘identity crisis’ and threats perceived by academics who were used to teaching students on campus. Academics tended to focus on transferring traditional teaching practices to the online environment, rather than on changing teaching practice, leaving face-to-face teaching as the default point of reference. These cultural barriers are a persistent obstacle to a more productive engagement with digitalisation. Transitioning to online teaching involves continuing existing work while also learning new practices. Such efforts were challenging for teaching staff who did not have dedicated space at home to work and those with caring responsibilities. This, combined with gendered patterns around caring and the extra support needed by students during the crisis, added emotional labour to already-full workloads. We recommend that intersecting forms of disadvantage be acknowledged, supported and rewarded for universities to create sustainable and just futures


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    The purpose of this study was to compare sagittal plane lower limb kinematics of underwater fly kick measured using two and three-dimensional methods. Eight male participants (average FINA points score 801±138) completed underwater fly kick trials, recorded using a six camera Qualisys underwater system. Each trial was analysed using both two and three-dimensional methods. Lower-limb angles were significantly underestimated using two-dimensional methods, particularly at the hip where flexion and range of motion reduced by 13.73 degrees and 15.91 degrees respectively. The ankle and hip produce a large amount motion in the transverse and frontal planes. The results of two-dimensional analyses of underwater fly kick should be interpreted with caution due reductions in measured angles, and exclusion of out-of-plane kinematic information

    A service evaluation of FIT and anaemia for risk stratification in the two week wait pathway for colorectal cancer

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    Introduction: New national guidance on urgent referral for investigation for Colorectal Cancer (CRC) included faecal occult blood testing in 2015. We evaluated faecal immunochemical testing (FIT) and anaemia as risk stratification tools in symptomatic patients suspected of having CRC.Methods: Postal FIT was incorporated into the CRC two week wait (2WW) pathway for all patients without rectal bleeding in 2016. Patients were investigated in the 2WW pathway as normal and outcomes of investigations were prospectively recorded. Anaemia was defined as haemoglobin less than 120g/L in women and less than 130g/L in men.Results: FIT kits were sent to 1106 patients with an 80.9% return rate; 810 patients completed investigation with 40 CRCs diagnosed (4.9%). Median FIT results were significantly higher in patients who were anaemic (median 4.8 iqr 0.8-34.1 versus 1.2 iqr 0-6.4, Mann-Whitney p less than 0.001).Some 538 (60.4%) had a result of less than 4 ”gHb/gFaeces (limit of detectability) and 621 (69.7%) a result less than 10 ”gHb/gFaeces. Sixty per cent of CRCs had a FIT reading of >150 ”gHb/gFaeces. Five CRCs diagnosed in patients with a FIT4 ”gHb/gFaeces had 97.5% sensitivity and 64.5% specificity for CRC diagnosis. A FIT result of >4 ”gHb/gFaeces and/or anaemia had a 100% sensitivity and 45.3% specificity for CRC diagnosis.Conclusion: FIT is most useful at the extremes of detectability; strongly positive readings predict high rates of CRC and other significant pathology, whilst very low readings in the absence of anaemia or palpable rectal mass identify a group with very low risk. High return rates for FIT within this 2WW pathway indicate its acceptability
