156 research outputs found

    Mapping multivariate measures of brain response onto stimulus information during emotional face classification

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    The relationship between feature processing and visual classification in the brain has been explored through a combination of reverse correlation methods (i.e.“Bubbles” [22]) and electrophysiological measurements (EEG) taken during a facial emotion categorization task [63]. However, in the absence of any specific model of the brain response measurements, this and other [60] attempts to parametrically relate stimulus properties to measurements of brain activation are difficult to interpret. In this thesis I consider a blind data–driven model of brain response. Statistically independent model parameters are found to minimize the expectation of an objective likelihood function over time [55], and a novel combination of methods is proposed for separating the signal from the noise. The model’s estimated signal parameters are then objectively rated by their ability to explain the subject’s performance during a facial emotion classification task, and also by their ability to explain the stimulus features, as revealed in a Bubbles experiment

    Four not six: revealing culturally common facial expressions of emotion

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    As a highly social species, humans generate complex facial expressions to communicate a diverse range of emotions. Since Darwin’s work, identifying amongst these complex patterns which are common across cultures and which are culture-specific has remained a central question in psychology, anthropology, philosophy, and more recently machine vision and social robotics. Classic approaches to addressing this question typically tested the cross-cultural recognition of theoretically motivated facial expressions representing six emotions, and reported universality. Yet, variable recognition accuracy across cultures suggests a narrower cross-cultural communication, supported by sets of simpler expressive patterns embedded in more complex facial expressions. We explore this hypothesis by modelling the facial expressions of over 60 emotions across two cultures, and segregating out the latent expressive patterns. Using a multi-disciplinary approach, we first map the conceptual organization of a broad spectrum of emotion words by building semantic networks in two cultures. For each emotion word in each culture, we then model and validate its corresponding dynamic facial expression, producing over 60 culturally valid facial expression models. We then apply to the pooled models a multivariate data reduction technique, revealing four latent and culturally common facial expression patterns that each communicates specific combinations of valence, arousal and dominance. We then reveal the face movements that accentuate each latent expressive pattern to create complex facial expressions. Our data questions the widely held view that six facial expression patterns are universal, instead suggesting four latent expressive patterns with direct implications for emotion communication, social psychology, cognitive neuroscience, and social robotics

    Reverse Engineering Psychologically Valid Facial Expressions of Emotion into Social Robots

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    Social robots are now part of human society, destined for schools, hospitals, and homes to perform a variety of tasks. To engage their human users, social robots must be equipped with the essential social skill of facial expression communication. Yet, even state-of-the-art social robots are limited in this ability because they often rely on a restricted set of facial expressions derived from theory with well-known limitations such as lacking naturalistic dynamics. With no agreed methodology to objectively engineer a broader variance of more psychologically impactful facial expressions into the social robots' repertoire, human-robot interactions remain restricted. Here, we address this generic challenge with new methodologies that can reverse-engineer dynamic facial expressions into a social robot head. Our data-driven, user-centered approach, which combines human perception with psychophysical methods, produced highly recognizable and human-like dynamic facial expressions of the six classic emotions that generally outperformed state-of-art social robot facial expressions. Our data demonstrates the feasibility of our method applied to social robotics and highlights the benefits of using a data-driven approach that puts human users as central to deriving facial expressions for social robots. We also discuss future work to reverse-engineer a wider range of socially relevant facial expressions including conversational messages (e.g., interest, confusion) and personality traits (e.g., trustworthiness, attractiveness). Together, our results highlight the key role that psychology must continue to play in the design of social robots

    A framework for automatic and perceptually valid facial expression generation

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    Facial expressions are facial movements reflecting the internal emotional states of a character or in response to social communications. Realistic facial animation should consider at least two factors: believable visual effect and valid facial movements. However, most research tends to separate these two issues. In this paper, we present a framework for generating 3D facial expressions considering both the visual the dynamics effect. A facial expression mapping approach based on local geometry encoding is proposed, which encodes deformation in the 1-ring vector. This method is capable of mapping subtle facial movements without considering those shape and topological constraints. Facial expression mapping is achieved through three steps: correspondence establishment, deviation transfer and movement mapping. Deviation is transferred to the conformal face space through minimizing the error function. This function is formed by the source neutral and the deformed face model related by those transformation matrices in 1-ring neighborhood. The transformation matrix in 1-ring neighborhood is independent of the face shape and the mesh topology. After the facial expression mapping, dynamic parameters are then integrated with facial expressions for generating valid facial expressions. The dynamic parameters were generated based on psychophysical methods. The efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed methods have been tested using various face models with different shapes and topological representations

    Functional smiles: tools for love, sympathy, and war

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    The smile is the most frequent facial expression, but not all smiles are equal. A social functional account holds that smiles of reward, affiliation, and dominance resolve basic social tasks, including rewarding behavior, social bonding, and hierarchy negotiation. Here we explore facial expression patterns associated with the three smiles. We modeled the expressions using a data-driven approach and showed that reward smiles are symmetrical and accompanied by eyebrow raising, affiliative smiles involve lip pressing, and asymmetrical dominance smiles contain nose wrinkling and upper lip raising. A Bayesian classifier analysis and a detection task revealed that the three smile types are highly distinct facial expressions. Finally, social judgments made by a separate participant group showed that the different smile type models convey different social messages. Our results provide the first detailed description of the physical form and social messages conveyed by the three functional smiles, documenting the versatility of these facial expressions

    Modelling Face Memory Reveals Task-generalizable Representations

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    Current cognitive theories are cast in terms of information-processing mechanisms that use mental representations. For example, people use their mental representations to identify familiar faces under various conditions of pose, illumination and ageing, or to draw resemblance between family members. Yet, the actual information contents of these representations are rarely characterized, which hinders knowledge of the mechanisms that use them. Here, we modelled the three-dimensional representational contents of 4 faces that were familiar to 14 participants as work colleagues. The representational contents were created by reverse-correlating identity information generated on each trial with judgements of the face’s similarity to the individual participant’s memory of this face. In a second study, testing new participants, we demonstrated the validity of the modelled contents using everyday face tasks that generalize identity judgements to new viewpoints, age and sex. Our work highlights that such models of mental representations are critical to understanding generalization behaviour and its underlying information-processing mechanisms

    Using Psychophysical Methods to Understand Mechanisms of Face Identification in a Deep Neural Network

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    Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been one of the most influential recent developments in computer vision, particularly for categorization [20]. The promise of CNNs is at least two-fold. First, they represent the best engineering solution to successfully tackle the foundational task of visual categorization with a performance level that even exceeds that of humans [19, 27]. Second, for computational neuroscience, CNNs provide a testable modelling platform for visual categorizations inspired by the multi-layered organization of visual cortex [7]. Here, we used a 3D generative model to control the variance of information learned to identify 2,000 face identities in one CNN architecture (10-layer ResNet [9]). We generated 25M face images to train the network by randomly sampling intrinsic (i.e. face morphology, gender, age, expression and ethnicity) and extrinsic factors of face variance (i.e. 3D pose, illumination, scale and 2D translation). At testing, the network performed with 99% generalization accuracy for face identity across variations of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. State-of-the-art information mapping techniques from psychophysics (i.e. Representational Similarity Analysis [18] and Bubbles [8]) revealed respectively the network layer at which factors of variance are resolved and the face features that are used for identity. By explicitly controlling the generative factors of face information, we provide an alternative framework based on human psychophysics to understand information processing in CNNs

    Are LLMs Useful in the Poorest Schools? TheTeacher.AI in Sierra Leone

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    Education systems in developing countries have few resources to serve large, poor populations. How might generative AI integrate into classrooms? This paper introduces an AI chatbot designed to assist teachers in Sierra Leone with professional development to improve their instruction. We describe initial findings from early implementation across 122 schools and 193 teachers, and analyze its use with qualitative observations and by analyzing queries. Teachers use the system for lesson planning, classroom management, and subject matter. Usage is sustained over the school year, and a subset of teachers use the system more regularly. We draw conclusions from these findings about how generative AI systems can be integrated into school systems in low income countries

    Equipping Social Robots with Culturally-Sensitive Facial Expressions of Emotion Using Data-Driven Methods

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    Social robots must be able to generate realistic and recognizable facial expressions to engage their human users. Many social robots are equipped with standardized facial expressions of emotion that are widely considered to be universally recognized across all cultures. However, mounting evidence shows that these facial expressions are not universally recognized - for example, they elicit significantly lower recognition accuracy in East Asian cultures than they do in Western cultures. Therefore, without culturally sensitive facial expressions, state-of-the-art social robots are restricted in their ability to engage a culturally diverse range of human users, which in turn limits their global marketability. To develop culturally sensitive facial expressions, novel data-driven methods are used to model the dynamic face movement patterns that convey basic emotions (e.g., happy, sad, anger) in a given culture using cultural perception. Here, we tested whether such dynamic facial expression models, derived in an East Asian culture and transferred to a popular social robot, improved the social signalling generation capabilities of the social robot with East Asian participants. Results showed that, compared to the social robot's existing set of facial `universal' expressions, the culturally-sensitive facial expression models are recognized with generally higher accuracy and judged as more human-like by East Asian participants. We also detail the specific dynamic face movements (Action Units) that are associated with high recognition accuracy and judgments of human-likeness, including those that further boost performance. Our results therefore demonstrate the utility of using data-driven methods that employ human cultural perception to derive culturally-sensitive facial expressions that improve the social face signal generation capabilities of social robots. We anticipate that these methods will continue to inform the design of social robots and broaden their usability and global marketability
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