4 research outputs found

    Analisis Semiotika Pada Film Laskar Pelangi

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    Lidya Ivana Rawung, 090815029, student (S1) Communication Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Science, University of Sam Ratulangi. The study is titled ā€œSemiotics Analysis On Film Laskar Pelangiā€. Under the guidance of Drs. Desie M. D. Warouw, M.Si as lecturer first and Drs. Anthony M. Golung, S.IP., M.Si as second supervisor.Laskar Pelangi movie is inspired by the true story of the struggleof the pacific island children to school, a strong determination to learn and dedication of teachers in the middle of limitations. Portrait of education in Indonesia at this time, in contrast to what is in the film Laskar Pelangi. Many studenta are fighting and skipping school. So it is very important to know the sign (meaning) of the film Laskar Pelangi that people can know the films that educate and through this film, could provide inspiration for the next generation the importance of passion and determination to learn as well as to educators, can have a character that would serve. Semiotics is trying to find signs that have meaning and to know the sign systems such as language, movement, music, pictures, and so forth. The film is a motion picture alsa often xalled movie. Films are collectively often called cinema. Cinema it self derived from the word kinematics or motion.This study used qualitative research methods. Where researchers will explain the semiotic analysis by using the theory of Ferdinand De Saussure and analyze data based Dictionaary, Ideology, Frame Work Culture, and Interpretant Group. After analyzing and conducting interviews with informants (Interpretant Group) then it could be that the film Laskar Pelangi has a positive meaning of the message to educate and educate the nation\u27s children. In this film, there is a sense of enthusiasm and a strong determination and aducated by teachers who really want to serve the Muhamadiah elementary school students can achieve theirdreams. Throught message in the film Laskar Pelangi we can see that as the next generation we must continue to learn, never give up and lose with difficulty and as character who will serve for the nation of Indonesia. Do not devotion is measured by material. And for the people of Indonesia should be able to choose which movie to watch and that is not appropriate. For the producers, directors and film production house make film that intellectual life of the nation, so that our nation has a tremendous future generations

    Visualization 2: Subsampled phase retrieval for temporal resolution enhancement in lensless on-chip holographic video

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    2x2 subsampled phase retrieval, 13.6FPS Originally published in Biomedical Optics Express on 01 March 2017 (boe-8-3-1981