11 research outputs found

    T cells isolated from G-CSF-treated multiple myeloma patients are suitable for the generation of BCMA-directed CAR-T cells

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    Autologous cell immunotherapy using B cell maturation antigen (BCMA)-targeted chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cells is an effective novel treatment for multiple myeloma (MM). This therapy has only been used for relapsed and refractory patients, at which stage the endogenous T cells used to produce the CAR-T cells are affected by the immunosuppressive nature of advanced MM and/or side effects of previous therapies. An alternative pool of fitter T cells is found in leukocytoapheresis products that are routinely collected to obtain hematopoietic progenitor cells for autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) early in the treatment of MM. However, to mobilize the progenitor cells, patients are dosed with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), which is reported to adversely affect T cell proliferation, function, and differentiation. Here, we aimed to first establish whether G-CSF treatment negatively influences T cell phenotype and to ascertain whether previous exposure of T cells to G-CSF is deleterious for anti-BCMA CAR-T cells. We observed that G-CSF had a minimal impact on T cell phenotype when added in vitro or administered to patients. Moreover, we found that CAR-T cell fitness and anti-tumor activity were unaffected when generated from G-CSF-exposed T cells. Overall, we showed that ASCT apheresis products are a suitable source of T cells for anti-BCMA CAR-T cell manufacture

    Long-term Responders after autologous stem cell transplantation in multiple myeloma

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    Introduction: Multiple myeloma (MM) is considered an incurable hematological neoplasm. For transplant-eligible patients, initial treatment includes an induction phase followed by an autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT). Despite the introduction of several drugs in the past years, relapses still occur. Nevertheless, some patients achieve sustained responses after successful induction treatment and ASCT. Methods: We retrospectively evaluated all patients diagnosed with MM in our institution who underwent induction treatment and ASCT between 1990 and 2015. The subset of patients who achieved a sustained response (any degree) for 5 or more years after ASCT without further treatment or signs of progression were distinguished as 'long-term responders' (LTRs). In the non-LTR group, a cohort referred to as 'prolonged responders' (PLRs) showed sustained response of at least 5 years after ASCT but eventually relapsed. We collected and analyzed clinical and laboratory data. Results: Two hundred and fifty patients were diagnosed with MM and received induction treatment and ASCT at our institution in the study period. Among them, 54 (21.6%) patients met the criteria for LTR. Some diagnostic features such as a younger age, female gender, ECOG performance status of 0, lower International Staging System (ISS) stage, lower bone marrow plasma cell infiltration, and lower serum levels of calcium, C-reactive protein, and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were found to be more prevalent in LTR. Female gender, an ECOG performance status of 0, a localized Durie-Salmon stage, an ISS of I-II, the absence of bone disease, and an LDH within normal range were also predictive of longer progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) in the whole cohort. The depth of the response achieved after induction and ASCT as well as the administration of an IMID-based maintenance regimen may play a role in the differences observed on PFS between cohorts. A detectable M-protein with a monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)-like behavior was detected in one-third of LTR after ASCT. Although relapses continue to occur in patients who achieve a 5-year treatment-free period after ASCT, a plateau is observed in the survival curves at approximately 21 years of follow-up

    European LeukemiaNet 2017 risk stratification for acute myeloid leukemia: validation in a risk-adapted protocol

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    The 2017 European LeukemiaNet (ELN 2017) guidelines for the diagnosis and management of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) have become fundamental guidelines to assess the prognosis and postremission therapy of patients. However, they have been retrospectively validated in few studies with patients included in different treatment protocols. We analyzed 861 patients included in the Cooperativo Para el Estudio y Tratamiento de las Leucemias Agudas y Mielodisplasias-12 risk-adapted protocol, which indicates cytarabine-based consolidation for patients allocated to the ELN 2017 favorable-risk group, whereas it recommends allogeneic stem cell transplantation (alloSCT) as a postremission strategy for the ELN 2017 intermediateand adverse-risk groups. We retrospectively classified patients according to the ELN 2017, with 327 (48%), 109 (16%), and 245 (36%) patients allocated to the favorable-, intermediate-, and adverse-risk group, respectively. The 2- and 5-year overall survival (OS) rates were 77% and 70% for favorable-risk patients, 52% and 46% for intermediate-risk patients, and 33% and 23% for adverse-risk patients, respectively. Furthermore, we identified a subgroup of patients within the adverse group (inv(3)/t(3;3), complex karyotype, and/or TP53 mutation/17p abnormality) with a particularly poor outcome, with a 2-year OS of 15%. Our study validates the ELN 2017 risk stratification in a large cohort of patients treated with an ELN-2017 risk-adapted protocol based on alloSCT after remission for nonfavorable ELN subgroups and identifies a genetic subset with a very poor outcome that warrants investigation of novel strategies

    CAR density influences antitumoral efficacy of BCMA CAR T cells and correlates with clinical outcome

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    Identification of new markers associated with long-term efficacy in patients treated with CAR T cells is a current medical need, particularly in diseases such as multiple myeloma. In this study, we address the impact of CAR density on the functionality of BCMA CAR T cells. Functional and transcriptional studies demonstrate that CAR T cells with high expression of the CAR construct show an increased tonic signaling with up-regulation of exhaustion markers and increased in vitro cytotoxicity but a decrease in in vivo BM infiltration. Characterization of gene regulatory networks using scRNA-seq identified regulons associated to activation and exhaustion up-regulated in CARHigh T cells, providing mechanistic insights behind differential functionality of these cells. Last, we demonstrate that patients treated with CAR T cell products enriched in CARHigh T cells show a significantly worse clinical response in several hematological malignancies. In summary, our work demonstrates that CAR density plays an important role in CAR T activity with notable impact on clinical response

    Factors associated with the clinical outcome of patients with relapsed/refractory CD19+acute lymphoblastic leukemia treated with ARI-0001 CART19-cell therapy

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    The prognosis of patients with relapsed/refractory (R/R) acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) remains poor, particularly for those relapsing after allogeneic hema-topoietic cell transplantation (alloHCT). Novel agents such as inotuzumab ozogamicin or blinatumomab achieve increased response rates, but these are generally transient unless followed by alloHCT. Chimeric antigen receptors (CAR) targeting CD19 have shown promising results in R/R ALL, and one of these products (tisagenlecleucel) has been approved for the treatment of patients with R/R ALL up to 25 years of age

    Nectin-2 Expression on Malignant Plasma Cells Is Associated With Better Response to TIGIT Blockade in Multiple Myeloma

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    Purpose: T-cell immunoreceptor with Ig and ITIM domain (TIGIT) blockade could represent an alternative therapeutic option to release the immune response in patients with multiple myeloma. Here we analyzed the expression of TIGIT and its ligands poliovirus receptor (PVR) and nectin-2 in the bone marrow (BM) of patients with monoclonal gammopathies and the efficacy of TIGIT blockade activating antimyeloma immunity. Experimental design: Expression levels of TIGIT and its ligands were characterized by flow cytometry and ELISA. TIGIT blockade was analyzed in in vitro functional assays with peripheral T cells. BM cells were studied with NanoString technology, real-time PCR, and ex vivo patient BM cell models. Results: TIGIT and its ligands are highly expressed in the BM of patients with multiple myeloma, suggesting that may play a role in restraining immune activation. TIGIT blockade depleted FoxP3+ Tregs while increasing proliferation of IFNγ-producing CD4+ T cells from patients with multiple myeloma. PVR ligation inhibited CD8+ T-cell signaling and cell proliferation which could be overcome with anti-TIGIT mAb. However, BM cells showed a remarkable heterogeneity in immune signature. Accordingly, functional ex vivo BM assays revealed that only some patients respond to checkpoint blockade. Thus, response to TIGIT blockade correlated with low frequency of TIGIT+ cells and high nectin-2 expression on malignant plasma cells. Conclusions: TIGIT blockade efficiently reinvigorated peripheral T cells from patients with multiple myeloma. However, in the BM, the efficacy of blocking anti-TIGIT mAb to achieve tumor cell death may depend on the expression of TIGIT and nectin-2, becoming potential predictive biomarkers for identifying patients who may benefit from TIGIT blockade

    Paraskeletal and extramedullary plasmacytomas in multiple myeloma at diagnosis and at first relapse: 50-years of experience from an academic institution

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    From January 1970 to December 2018, 1304 patients were diagnosed with multiple myeloma (MM) at our institution and 256 (19.6%) had plasmacytomas (Ps) (paraskeletal -PPs- 17.6%, extramedullary -EMPs-1.9%). Patients with Ps had lower serum M-protein and less advanced ISS stage than those without. At first relapse, 192 out of 967 patients (19.8%) developed Ps (PPs 14.6%, EMPs 5.1%). The only factor associated with Ps at relapse was the presence of Ps at diagnosis (46% vs 13%, p < 0.00001) with no impact with exposure to novel drugs or previous autologous stem-cell transplantation (ASCT). The median overall survival (OS) was 45, 44 and 20 months for patients without Ps, PPs and EMPs, respectively (p = 0.013). Patients with PPs who underwent ASCT had similar OS than those without Ps (98 vs. 113 months) and significantly longer than those with EMPs (98 vs 47 months, p = 0.006). In patients non-eligible for ASCT the presence of PPs or EMPs was associated with shorter OS compared with patients without Ps (32 vs. 24 vs. 6 months, p = 0.009). In the relapsed setting, a significant survival benefit was observed beyond the year 2000, but still with significant differences among patients without Ps, PPs and EMPs (37 vs 22 vs 16 months, p = 0.003). Importantly, rescue therapy with combinations of proteasome-inhibitors plus immunomodulatory drugs was associated with prolonged OS from first relapse (over 6 years), even in patients with EMPs

    T cells isolated from G-CSF-treated multiple myeloma patients are suitable for the generation of BCMA-directed CAR-T cells

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    We are extremely grateful to the patients for participating in this study and to the nurses from the Department of Haematology and the Apheresis Unit at Hospital Clínic, particularly Maria Teresa Solano Moliner, for their invaluable work in obtaining patient samples. In addition, we acknowledge the Multiple Myeloma Research Center (Little Rock, AK) for providing the ARP-1 cell line and Amer Najjar for providing the plasmid coding for GFP-ffLuc. Finally, we thank the "la Caixa" Foundation (CP042702), the Spanish Institute of Health Carlos III (projects: PI19/00669 and ICI19/00025 ; co-funded by the European Union), and the AECC (LABAE21971FERN) for providing funding for this study.We are extremely grateful to the patients for participating in this study and to the nurses from the Department of Haematology and the Apheresis Unit at Hospital Clínic, particularly Maria Teresa Solano Moliner, for their invaluable work in obtaining patient samples. In addition, we acknowledge the Multiple Myeloma Research Center (Little Rock, AK) for providing the ARP-1 cell line and Amer Najjar for providing the plasmid coding for GFP-ffLuc. Finally, we thank the "la Caixa" Foundation (CP042702), the Spanish Institute of Health Carlos III (projects: PI19/00669 and ICI19/00025; co-funded by the European Union), and the AECC (LABAE21971FERN) for providing funding for this study. Conceptualization, A.M.B. A.U.-I. and C.F.d.L.; data curation, A.M.B.; formal analysis, A.M.B.; funding acquisition, A.U.-I. and C.F.d.L.; investigation, A.M.B. A.O.-C. M.B.i.C. and D.F.M.; methodology, A.M.B.; project administration, A.M.B. A.U.-I. and C.F.d.L.; resources, M.S.-L. M.L. N.M.-C. J.C. A.U.-I. and C.F.d.L.; supervision, C.F.d.L.; visualization, A.M.B.; writing - original draft, A.M.B.; writing - review & editing, A.M.B. L.G.R.-L. A.U.-I. and C.F.d.L. All authors have reviewed and approved the final version of this manuscript. The authors declare no competing interests.Autologous cell immunotherapy using B cell maturation antigen (BCMA)-targeted chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cells is an effective novel treatment for multiple myeloma (MM). This therapy has only been used for relapsed and refractory patients, at which stage the endogenous T cells used to produce the CAR-T cells are affected by the immunosuppressive nature of advanced MM and/or side effects of previous therapies. An alternative pool of "fitter" T cells is found in leukocytoapheresis products that are routinely collected to obtain hematopoietic progenitor cells for autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) early in the treatment of MM. However, to mobilize the progenitor cells, patients are dosed with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), which is reported to adversely affect T cell proliferation, function, and differentiation. Here, we aimed to first establish whether G-CSF treatment negatively influences T cell phenotype and to ascertain whether previous exposure of T cells to G-CSF is deleterious for anti-BCMA CAR-T cells. We observed that G-CSF had a minimal impact on T cell phenotype when added in vitro or administered to patients. Moreover, we found that CAR-T cell fitness and anti-tumor activity were unaffected when generated from G-CSF-exposed T cells. Overall, we showed that ASCT apheresis products are a suitable source of T cells for anti-BCMA CAR-T cell manufacture

    Defining an Ultra-Low Risk Group in Asymptomatic IgM Monoclonal Gammopathy

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    We analyzed 171 patients with asymptomatic IgM monoclonal gammopathies (64 with IgM monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance—MGUS and 107 with smoldering Waldenström macroglobulinemia - SWM) who had a bone marrow (BM) evaluation performed at diagnosis. Abnormal free-light chain ratio (53% vs. 31%) and MYD88 mutation prevalence (66% vs. 30%) were higher in patients with SWM. No other differences were found among groups. With a median follow-up of 4.3 years, 14 patients progressed to Waldenström macroglobulinemia, 1 to amyloidosis, and 28 died without progression. The MYD88 mutation was found in 53% of patients (available in 160 patients). Multivariate analysis showed that immunoparesis (subhazard ratio—SHR 10.2, 95% confidence interval—CI: 4.2–24.8; p &lt; 0.001) and BM lymphoplasmacytic infiltration ≥ 20% (SHR: 6, 95% CI: 1.6–22.1; p = 0.007) were associated with higher risk of progression. We developed a risk model based on these two risk factors. In the absence of both variables, an ultra-low risk group was identified (SHR 0.1, 95% CI 0.02–0.5; p = 0.004), with 3% and 6% of cumulative incidence of progression at 10 and 20 years, respectively. Bootstrap analysis confirmed the reproducibility of these results. This study finds immunoparesis and BM infiltration as biomarkers of progression as well as a low-risk group of progression in asymptomatic IgM monoclonal gammopathies