5,777 research outputs found

    Males and females evolve riskier traits in populations with eavesdropping parasitoids

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    Predation and/or parasitism often limits the evolution of conspicuous male traits and female preferences because conspicuous traits can attract predators or parasites and it is costly for females to associate with males that attract predators or parasites. As a result, males and females in high-risk populations are expected to evolve safer mating behaviors compared to individuals from low-risk populations. We tested this antagonistic selection hypothesis in the field cricket Gryllus lineaticeps. Males produce chirped songs, and both female crickets and the eavesdropping parasitoid fly Ormia ochracea prefer faster chirp rates. The flies attack the field crickets late in the breeding season and parasitized crickets die. We used a common garden rearing design to test for evolved differences in songs and preferences between high- and low-risk populations. In contrast to predictions of the antagonistic selection hypothesis, males from high-risk populations produced faster (riskier) chirp rates and females preferred faster chirps. We suggest that late-season parasitism selects for increased investment in reproductive traits to maximize reproduction before the advent of parasitoid activity (“late-season parasitism hypothesis”), which would at least explain riskier female preferences and potentially riskier male songs in the high-risk populations. Predation and parasitism may thus have diverse and unexpected effects on the evolution of reproductive behavior, depending upon the temporal pattern of predator- or parasite-induced mortality. Significance statement Mating signals are typically conspicuous and not only attract partners but also predators and parasites. Even the silent mating partner may experience predation or parasitism by associating with the signaler. Under these circumstances, it is commonly assumed that natural and sexual selection act in opposite directions, effectively limiting the evolution of conspicuous signals and preferences. We demonstrate that an eavesdropping parasitic fly caused the evolution of preferences, and potentially songs, in a field cricket in the opposite, more conspicuous, direction than predicted by antagonistic selection. We argue that the temporal pattern of parasitism in relation to the reproductive season likely causes this unexpected evolutionary pattern. We propose the late-season parasitism hypothesis as an alternative to the antagonistic selection hypothesis, which might better explain more conspicuous mating trait values in other species that experience seasonal predation or parasitism

    Males and females evolve riskier traits in populations with eavesdropping parasitoids

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    Predation and/or parasitism often limits the evolution of conspicuous male traits and female preferences because conspicuous traits can attract predators or parasites and it is costly for females to associate with males that attract predators or parasites. As a result, males and females in high-risk populations are expected to evolve safer mating behaviors compared to individuals from low-risk populations. We tested this antagonistic selection hypothesis in the field cricket Gryllus lineaticeps. Males produce chirped songs, and both female crickets and the eavesdropping parasitoid fly Ormia ochracea prefer faster chirp rates. The flies attack the field crickets late in the breeding season and parasitized crickets die. We used a common garden rearing design to test for evolved differences in songs and preferences between high- and low-risk populations. In contrast to predictions of the antagonistic selection hypothesis, males from high-risk populations produced faster (riskier) chirp rates and females preferred faster chirps. We suggest that late-season parasitism selects for increased investment in reproductive traits to maximize reproduction before the advent of parasitoid activity (“late-season parasitism hypothesis”), which would at least explain riskier female preferences and potentially riskier male songs in the high-risk populations. Predation and parasitism may thus have diverse and unexpected effects on the evolution of reproductive behavior, depending upon the temporal pattern of predator- or parasite-induced mortality. Significance statement Mating signals are typically conspicuous and not only attract partners but also predators and parasites. Even the silent mating partner may experience predation or parasitism by associating with the signaler. Under these circumstances, it is commonly assumed that natural and sexual selection act in opposite directions, effectively limiting the evolution of conspicuous signals and preferences. We demonstrate that an eavesdropping parasitic fly caused the evolution of preferences, and potentially songs, in a field cricket in the opposite, more conspicuous, direction than predicted by antagonistic selection. We argue that the temporal pattern of parasitism in relation to the reproductive season likely causes this unexpected evolutionary pattern. We propose the late-season parasitism hypothesis as an alternative to the antagonistic selection hypothesis, which might better explain more conspicuous mating trait values in other species that experience seasonal predation or parasitism

    Study of loss in superconducting coplanar waveguide resonators

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    Superconducting coplanar waveguide (SCPW) resonators have a wide range of applications due to the combination of their planar geometry and high quality factors relative to normal metals. However, their performance is sensitive to both the details of their geometry and the materials and processes that are used in their fabrication. In this paper, we study the dependence of SCPW resonator performance on materials and geometry as a function of temperature and excitation power. We measure quality factors greater than 2×1062\times10^6 at high excitation power and 6×1056\times10^5 at a power comparable to that generated by a single microwave photon circulating in the resonator. We examine the limits to the high excitation power performance of the resonators and find it to be consistent with a model of radiation loss. We further observe that while in all cases the quality factors are degraded as the temperature and power are reduced due to dielectric loss, the size of this effect is dependent on resonator materials and geometry. Finally, we demonstrate that the dielectric loss can be controlled in principle using a separate excitation near the resonance frequencies of the resonator.Comment: Replacing original version. Changes made based on referee comments. Fixed typo in equation (3) and added appendi

    Electromagnetically induced transparency in superconducting quantum circuits : Effects of decoherence, tunneling and multi-level cross-talk

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    We explore theoretically electromagnetically-induced transparency (EIT) in a superconducting quantum circuit (SQC). The system is a persistent-current flux qubit biased in a Λ\Lambda configuration. Previously [Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 087003 (2004)], we showed that an ideally-prepared EIT system provides a sensitive means to probe decoherence. Here, we extend this work by exploring the effects of imperfect dark-state preparation and specific decoherence mechanisms (population loss via tunneling, pure dephasing, and incoherent population exchange). We find an initial, rapid population loss from the Λ\Lambda system for an imperfectly prepared dark state. This is followed by a slower population loss due to both the detuning of the microwave fields from the EIT resonance and the existing decoherence mechanisms. We find analytic expressions for the slow loss rate, with coefficients that depend on the particular decoherence mechanisms, thereby providing a means to probe, identify, and quantify various sources of decoherence with EIT. We go beyond the rotating wave approximation to consider how strong microwave fields can induce additional off-resonant transitions in the SQC, and we show how these effects can be mitigated by compensation of the resulting AC Stark shifts

    Tradeoffs limit the evolution of male traits that are attractive to females

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    Tradeoffs occur between a variety of traits in a diversity of organisms, and these tradeoffs can have major effects on ecological and evolutionary processes. Far less is known, however, about tradeoffs between male traits that affect mate attraction than about tradeoffs between other types of traits. Previous results indicate that females of the variable field cricket, Gryllus lineaticeps, prefer male songs with higher chirp rates and longer chirp durations. In the current study, we tested the hypothesis that a tradeoff between these traits affects the evolution of male song. The two traits were negatively correlated among full-sibling families, consistent with a genetically based tradeoff, and the tradeoff was stronger when nutrients were limiting. In addition, for males from 12 populations reared in a common environment, the traits were negatively correlated within populations, the strength of the tradeoff was largely invariant across populations, and the within-population tradeoff predicted how the traits have evolved among populations. A widespread tradeoff thus affects male trait evolution. Finally, for males from four populations assayed in the field, the traits were negatively correlated within and among populations. The tradeoff is thus robust to the presence of environmental factors that might mask its effects. Together, our results indicate there is a fundamental tradeoff between male traits that: (i) limits the ability of males to produce multiple attractive traits; (ii) limits how male traits evolve; and (iii) might favor plasticity in female mating preferences. Includes Supplementary Materials

    High-fidelity quantum operations on superconducting qubits in the presence of noise

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    We present a scheme for implementing quantum operations with superconducting qubits. Our approach uses a "coupler" qubit to mediate a controllable, secular interaction between "data" qubits, pulse sequences which strongly mitigate the effects of 1/f flux noise, and a high-Q resonator-based local memory. We develop a Monte-Carlo simulation technique capable of describing arbitrary noise-induced dephasing and decay, and demonstrate in this system a set of universal gate operations with O(10^-5) error probabilities in the presence of experimentally measured levels of 1/f noise. We then add relaxation and quantify the decay times required to maintain this error level

    The Influence of Military Service Experiences on Current and Daily Drinking

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    Traumatic military service experience can lead to increased alcohol consumption among veterans, who may use alcohol as a form of self-medication. Veterans with a psychiatric disorder or traumatic brain injury are more likely than nonveterans to be daily drinkers. Non-combat and combat veterans without a PD or TBI are less likely than nonveterans to be daily drinkers