418 research outputs found

    An examination of college student wellness: A research and liberal arts perspective

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    Promoting wellness within academia reduces disease frequency and enhances overall health. This study examined wellness factors among undergraduate students attending a research university (n = 85) or a small liberal arts college (n = 126). Participants were administered surveys which measured physical, emotional, social, intellectual, and occupational wellness. Significant institutional differences emerged on measures of physical and social wellness. When collapsed across academic institutions, students who were gainfully employed reported greater self-efficacy compared with unemployed students. Gender differences emerged on measures of physical and social well-being. Our findings support the need for targeted interventions that facilitate enhanced college student development and well-being

    Too poor or too far? Partitioning the variability of hospital-based childbirth by poverty and travel time in Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria and Tanzania

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    Background: In sub-Saharan Africa, women are most likely to receive skilled and adequate childbirth care in hospital settings, yet the use of hospital for childbirth is low and inequitable. The poorest and those living furthest away from a hospital are most affected. But the relative contribution of poverty and travel time is convoluted, since hospitals are often located in wealthier urban places and are scarcer in poorer remote area. This study aims to partition the variability in hospital-based childbirth by poverty and travel time in four sub-Saharan African countries. Methods: We used data from the most recent Demographic and Health Survey in Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria and Tanzania. For each country, geographic coordinates of survey clusters, the master list of hospital locations and a high-resolution map of land surface friction were used to estimate travel time from each DHS cluster to the nearest hospital with a shortest-path algorithm. We quantified and compared the predicted probabilities of hospital-based childbirth resulting from one standard deviation (SD) change around the mean for different model predictors. Results: The mean travel time to the nearest hospital, in minutes, was 27 (Kenya), 31 (Malawi), 25 (Nigeria) and 62 (Tanzania). In Kenya, a change of 1SD in wealth led to a 33.2 percentage points change in the probability of hospital birth, whereas a 1SD change in travel time led to a change of 16.6 percentage points. The marginal effect of 1SD change in wealth was weaker than that of travel time in Malawi (13.1 vs. 34.0 percentage points) and Tanzania (20.4 vs. 33.7 percentage points). In Nigeria, the two were similar (22.3 vs. 24.8 percentage points) but their additive effect was twice stronger (44.6 percentage points) than the separate effects. Random effects from survey clusters also explained substantial variability in hospital-based childbirth in all countries, indicating other unobserved local factors at play. Conclusions: Both poverty and long travel time are important determinants of hospital birth, although they vary in the extent to which they influence whether women give birth in a hospital within and across countries. This suggests that different strategies are needed to effectively enable poor women and women living in remote areas to gain access to skilled and adequate care for childbirth

    Parasitic wasp responses to symbiont-based defense in aphids

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    BACKGROUND: Recent findings indicate that several insect lineages receive protection against particular natural enemies through infection with heritable symbionts, but little is yet known about whether enemies are able to discriminate and respond to symbiont-based defense. The pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, receives protection against the parasitic wasp, Aphidius ervi, when infected with the bacterial symbiont Hamiltonella defensa and its associated bacteriophage APSE (Acyrthosiphon pisum secondary endosymbiont). Internally developing parasitoid wasps, such as A. ervi, use maternal and embryonic factors to create an environment suitable for developing wasps. If more than one parasitoid egg is deposited into a single aphid host (superparasitism), then additional complements of these factors may contribute to the successful development of the single parasitoid that emerges. RESULTS: We performed experiments to determine if superparasitism is a tactic allowing wasps to overcome symbiont-mediated defense. We found that the deposition of two eggs into symbiont-protected aphids significantly increased rates of successful parasitism relative to singly parasitized aphids. We then conducted behavioral assays to determine whether A. ervi selectively superparasitizes H. defensa-infected aphids. In choice tests, we found that A. ervi tends to deposit a single egg in uninfected aphids, but two or more eggs in H. defensa-infected aphids, indicating that oviposition choices may be largely determined by infection status. Finally, we identified differences in the quantity of the trans-β-farnesene, the major component of aphid alarm pheromone, between H. defensa-infected and uninfected aphids, which may form the basis for discrimination. CONCLUSIONS: Here we show that the parasitic wasp A. ervi discriminates among symbiont-infected and uninfected aphids, and changes its oviposition behavior in a way that increases the likelihood of overcoming symbiont-based defense. More generally, our results indicate that natural enemies are not passive victims of defensive symbionts, and that an evolutionary arms race between A. pisum and the parasitoid A. ervi may be mediated by a bacterial symbiosis

    Realities and experiences of community health volunteers as agents for behaviour change: evidence from an informal urban settlement in Kisumu, Kenya.

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    BACKGROUND: Community health workers play an important role in health service delivery and are increasingly involved in behaviour change interventions, including for hygiene-related behaviour change. However, their role and capacity to deliver behaviour change interventions, particularly in high-density urban settlements, remain under-researched. This study examines the behaviour change-related activities of community health volunteers (CHVs)-community health workers affiliated with the Kenyan Ministry of Health-in a peri-urban settlement in Kenya, in order to assess their capabilities, opportunities to work effectively, and sources of motivation. METHODS: This mixed-methods study included a census of 16 CHVs who work in the study area. All CHVs participated in structured observations of their daily duties, structured questionnaires, in-depth interviews, and two focus group discussions. Structured data were analysed descriptively. Thematic content analysis was followed for qualitative data. Results were synthesized and interpreted using the capability, opportunity, motivation for behaviour change framework, COM-B. RESULTS: In addition to their responsibilities with the Ministry of Health, CHVs partnered with a range of non-governmental organizations engaged in health and development programming, often receiving small stipends from these organizations. CHVs reported employing a limited number of behaviour change techniques when interacting with community members at the household level. Capability: While supervision and support from the MOH was robust, CHV training was inconsistent and inadequate with regard to behaviour change and CHVs often lacked material resources necessary for their work. Opportunity: CHVs spent very little time with the households in their allocated catchment area. The number of households contacted per day was insufficient to reach all assigned households within a given month as required and the brief time spent with households limited the quality of engagement. MOTIVATION: Lack of compensation was noted as a demotivating factor for CHVs. This was compounded by the challenging social environment and CHVs' low motivation to encourage behaviour change in local communities. CONCLUSIONS: In a complex urban environment, CHVs faced challenges that limited their capacity to be involved in behaviour change interventions. More resources, better coordination, and additional training in modern behaviour change approaches are needed to ensure their optimal performance in implementing health programmes

    Why not? Understanding the spatial clustering of private facility-based delivery and financial reasons for homebirths in Nigeria.

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    BACKGROUND: In Nigeria, the provision of public and private healthcare vary geographically, contributing to variations in one's healthcare surroundings across space. Facility-based delivery (FBD) is also spatially heterogeneous. Levels of FBD and private FBD are significantly lower for women in certain south-eastern and northern regions. The potential influence of childbirth services frequented by the community on individual's barriers to healthcare utilization is under-studied, possibly due to the lack of suitable data. Using individual-level data, we present a novel analytical approach to examine the relationship between women's reasons for homebirth and community-level, health-seeking surroundings. We aim to assess the extent to which cost or finance acts as a barrier for FBD across geographic areas with varying levels of private FBD in Nigeria. METHOD: The most recent live births of 20,467 women were georeferenced to 889 locations in the 2013 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey. Using these locations as the analytical unit, spatial clusters of high/low private FBD were detected with Kulldorff statistics in the SatScan software package. We then obtained the predicted percentages of women who self-reported financial reasons for homebirth from an adjusted generalized linear model for these clusters. RESULTS: Overall private FBD was 13.6% (95%CI = 11.9,15.5). We found ten clusters of low private FBD (average level: 0.8, 95%CI = 0.8,0.8) and seven clusters of high private FBD (average level: 37.9, 95%CI = 37.6,38.2). Clusters of low private FBD were primarily located in the north, and the Bayelsa and Cross River States. Financial barrier was associated with high private FBD at the cluster level - 10% increase in private FBD was associated with + 1.94% (95%CI = 1.69,2.18) in nonusers citing cost as a reason for homebirth. CONCLUSIONS: In communities where private FBD is common, women who stay home for childbirth might have mild increased difficulties in gaining effective access to public care, or face an overriding preference to use private services, among other potential factors. The analytical approach presented in this study enables further research of the differentials in individuals' reasons for service non-uptake across varying contexts of healthcare surroundings. This will help better devise context-specific strategies to improve health service utilization in resource-scarce settings

    The Effect of an Acute Bout of Exercise on Circulating Vitamin D Metabolite Concentrations:A Randomised Crossover Study in Healthy Adults

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    The effect of acute exercise on circulating concentrations of vitamin D metabolites is unclear. To address this knowledge gap, we examined the effect of a bout of treadmill-based exercise versus rest on circulating concentrations of 25(OH)D3, 25(OH)D2, 3-epi-25(OH)D3, 24,25(OH)2D3, 1,25(OH)2D3, and vitamin D2 and D3 in healthy men and women. Thirty-three healthy adults (14 females, 41 (15) y, body mass index 26.2 (3.7) kg/m2, V̇ O2 MAX 36.2 (9.2) mL/kg/min; mean (SD)) completed two laboratory visits involving 60 minutes of moderate intensity treadmill exercise (60% V̇ O2 MAX) versus 60 minutes of seated rest, both in an overnight fasted-state, as part of a randomised crossover design. Venous blood samples were drawn at baseline, immediately (0-hour), 1-hour and 24 hours after the exercise- or restperiod. There was a significant time x trial interaction effects for total circulating 25(OH)D (p=0.0148), 25(OH)D3 (p=0.0127) and 1,25(OH)2D3 (p=0.0226). Immediately post-exercise, 25(OH)D, 25(OH)D3, and 1,25(OH)2D3 concentrations were significantly elevated compared to the control resting condition, and 1,25(OH)2D3 remained significantly elevated one hour later. Circulating albumin, DBP, calcium and PTH were elevated immediately post-exercise. Thus, an acute bout of moderate intensity exercise transiently increases concentrations of circulating 25(OH)D and 1,25(OH)2D3 compared to resting conditions.<br/

    Factors Limiting the Spread of the Protective Symbiont \u3cem\u3eHamiltonella defensa\u3c/em\u3e in \u3cem\u3eAphis craccivora\u3c/em\u3e Aphids

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    Many insects are associated with heritable symbionts that mediate ecological interactions, including host protection against natural enemies. The cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora, is a polyphagous pest that harbors Hamiltonella defensa, which defends against parasitic wasps. Despite this protective benefit, this symbiont occurs only at intermediate frequencies in field populations. To identify factors constraining H. defensa invasion in Ap. craccivora, we estimated symbiont transmission rates, performed fitness assays, and measured infection dynamics in population cages to evaluate effects of infection. Similar to results with the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, we found no consistent costs to infection using component fitness assays, but we did identify clear costs to infection in population cages when no enemies were present. Maternal transmission rates of H. defensa in Ap. craccivora were high (ca. 99%) but not perfect. Transmission failures and infection costs likely limit the spread of protective H. defensa in Ap. craccivora. We also characterized several parameters of H. defensa infection potentially relevant to the protective phenotype. We confirmed the presence of H. defensa in aphid hemolymph, where it potentially interacts with endoparasites, and performed real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) to estimate symbiont and phage abundance during aphid development. We also examined strain variation of H. defensa and its bacteriophage at multiple loci, and despite our lines being collected in different regions of North America, they were infected with a nearly identical strains of H. defensa and APSE4 phage. The limited strain diversity observed for these defensive elements may result in relatively static protection profile for this defensive symbiosis

    Assessment of Dietary Intake, Energy Status, and Factors Associated With RED-S in Vocational Female Ballet Students

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    Elite ballet dancers are at risk of health issues associated with Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S). This study determined the nutritional status, estimated energy status, and assessed factors related to RED-S in vocational female ballet students. Using a cross-sectional study design, we measured dietary intake (n=20; food diaries and 24hr dietary-recall) and energy expenditure (n=18; accelerometry) in vocational female ballet students (age: 18.1±1.1 years; body mass index: 19.0±1.6 kg·m2; body fat: 22.8±3.4 %) over 7 days, including 5 weekdays (with dance training) and 2 weekend days (without scheduled dance training). Furthermore, we assessed eating behaviours, menstrual function, risk of RED-S (questionnaires), and body composition (dual x-ray absorptiometry). Energy and macronutrient intakes of vocational ballet students were similar during weekdays and weekend days (P > 0.050), whereas total energy expenditure was greater on weekdays than weekend days (P < 0.010; 95% CI: 212, 379). Energy balance was lower on weekdays (-425±465 kcal·day-1) than weekend days (-6±506 kcal·day-1, P=0.015; 95% CI: -748, -92). Exercise energy expenditure was greater on weekdays (393±103 kcal·day-1) than weekend days (213±129 kcal·day-1;

    Design of a Microsphere-Based High-Throughput Gene Expression Assay to Determine Estrogenic Potential

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    Recently gene expression studies have been multiplied at an accelerated rate by the use of high-density microarrays. By assaying thousands of transcripts at a time, microarrays have led to the discovery of dozens of genes involved in particular biochemical processes, for example, the response of a tissue/organ to a given chemical with therapeutic or toxic properties. The next step in these studies is to focus on the response of a subset of relevant genes to verify or refine potential therapeutic or toxic properties. We have developed a sensitive, high-throughput gene expression assay for this purpose. In this assay, based on the Luminex xMAP system, carefully selected oligonucleotides were covalently linked to fluorescently coded microspheres that are hybridized to biotinylated cRNA followed by amplification of the signal, which results in a rapid, sensitive, multiplexed assay platform. Using this system, we have developed an RNA expression profiling assay specific for 17 estrogen-responsive transcripts and three controls. This assay can evaluate up to 100 distinct analytes simultaneously in a single sample, in a 96-well plate format. This system has improved sensitivity versus existing microsphere-based assays and has sensitivity and precision comparable with or better than microarray technology. We have achieved detection levels down to 1 amol, detecting rare messages in complex cRNA samples, using as little as 2.5 μg starting cRNA. This assay offers increased throughput with decreased costs compared with existing microarray technologies, with the trade-off being in the total number of transcripts that can be analyzed