872 research outputs found

    The setting and practice of open-air judicial assemblies in medieval Scotland: a multidisciplinary study

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    This study examines the physical settings and landscape associations of open-air judicial courts in medieval Scotland. Outdoor medieval assembly practices represent an ephemeral collective human activity crucial to the understanding of medieval society. A multidisciplinary approach which utilises place-name, historical and archaeological evidence is adopted. Representative case studies are investigated and the results of geophysical and topographical survey presented. Place-names derived from Gaelic, Scots, Old Norse and English indicative of assemblies, and drawn from established studies, are brought together and supplemented by a preliminary survey of additional material. Over 200 place-names are considered. Published historical references to open-air courts relating to the 13th - 16th centuries, are examined, with 18 examples where physical settings can be confidently identified presented in detail. A diversity of open-air court settings are identified, incorporating both natural and archaeological features. Mounds are the most common archaeological setting identified with a widespread distribution which transcends historical linguistic and cultural boundaries. However, a significant number of court settings utilised natural hills, which has implications for the archaeological scrutiny of assembly places. The re-use of prehistoric features such as cairns and megalithic remains for courts is a widespread phenomenon, not restricted to royal centres. The pre-Christian cultic qualities of early historic central places are illustrated and the close association of early church sites and judicial assembly mounds in Scotland is demonstrated. Medieval judicial assembly sites in Scotland are also found in association with territorial boundaries, emphasising their role in inter-community dynamics. The historical material demonstrates a gradual decline in the use of open-air settings for courts from the 15th century onwards. This nonetheless represents significant persistence of customary court venues in Scotland during the progressive centralisation of legal process

    Beetroot Juice Does Not Enhance Altitude Running Performance in Well-Trained Athletes

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    We hypothesized that acute dietary nitrate (NO3-) provided as concentrated beetroot juice supplement would improve endurance running performance of well-trained runners in normobaric hypoxia. Ten male runners (mean (SD): sea level V�O2max 66 (7) mL.kg<sup>-1</sup>.min<sup>-1</sup>, 10 km personal best 36 (2) min) completed incremental exercise to exhaustion at 4000 m and a 10 km treadmill time trial at 2500 m simulated altitude on separate days, after supplementation with ~7 mmol NO3- and a placebo, 2.5 h before exercise. Oxygen cost, arterial oxygen saturation, heart rate and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were determined during the incremental exercise test. Differences between treatments were determined using means [95% confidence intervals], paired sample t-tests and a probability of individual response analysis. NO3- supplementation increased plasma [nitrite] (NO3-, 473 (226) nM vs. placebo, 61 (37) nM, P < 0.001) but did not alter time to exhaustion during the incremental test (NO3-, 402 (80) s vs. placebo 393 (62) s, P = 0.5) or time to complete the 10 km time trial (NO3-, 2862 (233) s vs. placebo, 2874 (265) s, P = 0.6). Further, no practically meaningful beneficial effect on time trial performance was observed as the 11 [-60 to 38] s improvement was less than the a priori determined minimum important difference (51 s), and only three runners experienced a ´likely, probable´ performance improvement. NO3- also did not alter oxygen cost, arterial oxygen saturation, heart rate or RPE. Acute dietary NO3- supplementation did not consistently enhance running performance of well-trained athletes in normobaric hypoxia

    Distributed Response Time Analysis of GSPN Models with MapReduce

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    widely used in the performance analysis of computer and communications systems. Response time densities and quantiles are often key outputs of such analysis. These can be extracted from a GSPN’s underlying semi-Markov process using a method based on numerical Laplace transform inversion. This method typically requires the solution of thousands of systems of complex linear equations, each of rank n, where n is the number of states in the model. For large models substantial processing power is needed and the computation must therefore be distributed. This paper describes the implementation of a Response Time Analysis module for the Platform Independent Petri net Editor (PIPE2) which interfaces with Hadoop, an open source implementation of Google’s MapReduce distributed programming environment, to provide distributed calculation of response time densities in GSPN models. The software is validated with analytically calculated results as well as simulated ones for larger models. Excellent scalability is shown. I

    Physics of Solar Prominences: II - Magnetic Structure and Dynamics

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    Observations and models of solar prominences are reviewed. We focus on non-eruptive prominences, and describe recent progress in four areas of prominence research: (1) magnetic structure deduced from observations and models, (2) the dynamics of prominence plasmas (formation and flows), (3) Magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) waves in prominences and (4) the formation and large-scale patterns of the filament channels in which prominences are located. Finally, several outstanding issues in prominence research are discussed, along with observations and models required to resolve them.Comment: 75 pages, 31 pictures, review pape

    Excitation of standing kink oscillations in coronal loops

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    In this work we review the efforts that have been done to study the excitation of the standing fast kink body mode in coronal loops. We mainly focus on the time-dependent problem, which is appropriate to describe flare or CME induced kink oscillations. The analytical and numerical studies in slab and cylindrical loop geometries are reviewed. We discuss the results from very simple one-dimensional models to more realistic (but still simple) loop configurations. We emphasise how the results of the initial value problem complement the eigenmode calculations. The possible damping mechanisms of the kink oscillations are also discussed

    Reply to commentary by R Duggleby (2019)

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    Duggleby (2018) has made a numerical analysis of some aspects of the wide range of phenomena we reviewed in Steele et al. (2018) and asserted " .that panspermia as proposed by Steele et al. (2018) is extremely implausible.” It seems to us that Duggleby has based his viewpoint on a quite narrow and specific model of Panspermia which he supposes to be active in the cosmos. Here we address both his conclusions and his numerical analysis. Our response therefore will be at two levels, his specific analysis and his general conclusions. In the specific section below we show that while Duggleby's numerical analysis appears in part correct it is, in the final analysis, quite irrelevant to Cosmic Panspermia. In the general response which follows we address his unsupported conclusion throughout his critique, namely that … " none of the examples mentioned by Steele et al. (2018) is decisive enough to allow no other explanation.

    From chemical gardens to chemobrionics

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    Chemical gardens are perhaps the best example in chemistry of a self-organizing nonequilibrium process that creates complex structures. Many different chemical systems and materials can form these self-assembling structures, which span at least 8 orders of magnitude in size, from nanometers to meters. Key to this marvel is the self-propagation under fluid advection of reaction zones forming semipermeable precipitation membranes that maintain steep concentration gradients, with osmosis and buoyancy as the driving forces for fluid flow. Chemical gardens have been studied from the alchemists onward, but now in the 21st century we are beginning to understand how they can lead us to a new domain of self-organized structures of semipermeable membranes and amorphous as well as polycrystalline solids produced at the interface of chemistry, fluid dynamics, and materials science. We propose to call this emerging field chemobrionics
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