50,973 research outputs found

    Collision-Dependent Atom Tunnelling Rate in Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We show that the interaction (cross-collision) between atoms trapped in distinct sites of a double-well potential can significantly increase the atom tunneling rate for special trap configurations leading to an effective linear Rabi regime of population oscillation between the trap wells. The inclusion of cross-collisional effects significantly extends the validity of the two-mode model approach allowing it to be alternatively employed to explain the recently observed increase of tunneling rates due to nonlinear interactions.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Replaced with improved versio

    Noncommutativity and Duality through the Symplectic Embedding Formalism

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    This work is devoted to review the gauge embedding of either commutative and noncommutative (NC) theories using the symplectic formalism framework. To sum up the main features of the method, during the process of embedding, the infinitesimal gauge generators of the gauge embedded theory are easily and directly chosen. Among other advantages, this enables a greater control over the final Lagrangian and brings some light on the so-called "arbitrariness problem". This alternative embedding formalism also presents a way to obtain a set of dynamically dual equivalent embedded Lagrangian densities which is obtained after a finite number of steps in the iterative symplectic process, oppositely to the result proposed using the BFFT formalism. On the other hand, we will see precisely that the symplectic embedding formalism can be seen as an alternative and an efficient procedure to the standard introduction of the Moyal product in order to produce in a natural way a NC theory. In order to construct a pedagogical explanation of the method to the nonspecialist we exemplify the formalism showing that the massive NC U(1) theory is embedded in a gauge theory using this alternative systematic path based on the symplectic framework. Further, as other applications of the method, we describe exactly how to obtain a Lagrangian description for the NC version of some systems reproducing well known theories. Naming some of them, we use the procedure in the Proca model, the irrotational fluid model and the noncommutative self-dual model in order to obtain dual equivalent actions for these theories. To illustrate the process of noncommutativity introduction we use the chiral oscillator and the nondegenerate mechanics

    Near-infrared study of new embedded clusters in the Carina complex

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    We analyse the nature of a sample of stellar overdensities that we found projected on the Carina complex. This study is based on 2MASS photometry and involves the photometry decontamination of field stars, elaboration of intrinsic colour-magnitude diagrams J×\times(J-Ks), colour-colour diagrams (J-H)×\times(H-Ks) and radial density profiles, in order to determine the structure and the main astrophysical parameters of the best candidates. The verification of an overdensity as an embedded cluster requires a CMD consistent with a PMS content and MS stars, if any. From these results, we are able to verify if they are, in fact, embedded clusters. The results were, in general, rewarding: in a sample of 101 overdensities, the analysis provided 15 candidates, of which three were previously catalogued as clusters (CCCP-Cl\,16, Treasure Chest and FSR\,1555), and the 12 remaining are discoveries that provided significant results, with ages not above 4.5\,Myr and distances compatible with the studied complex. The resulting values for the differential reddening of most candidates were relatively high, confirming that these clusters are still (partially or fully) embedded in the surrounding gas and dust, as a rule within a shell. Histograms with the distribution of the masses, ages and distances were also produced, to give an overview of the results. We conclude that all the 12 newly found embedded clusters are related to the Carina complex.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA